Finance (1909-10) Act, 1910. 184, 507 NOTES AND QUERIES. Illegitimate child of testatrix-Stranger in Quarter sessions practice Death of appellant Income tax duty repayment, 494, 541 in rating appeal, 458, 495 Insolvent trader-Death-Decd of assignment by Settlement estate duty, 92 executor, 563 Intestacy, 306 Jurisdiction of City coroner, 426 Lease to a trade union, 458 Letters of administration to creditor, 393, 409 Life interests and reversions, 494, 507 Mortgagee-Sale-Exchange, 351 Solicitor-Costs-Case wanted, 24, 46 Summary Jurisdiction Acts-Conviction for drunkenness Right of appeal to quarter 332 Tenancy-Notice to quit, 374, 393 Finance (1909-10) Act, 1910- Increment value Petty sessions-Relieving officer-Appearing for Tenants in common-Conveyance, 442 Golf club- Inland revenue licences, 46 guardians, 24 Promissory note, 351, 393, 409, 426 Trustee Act 1893. 442, 495 Urban council - Clerk's fee, 184, 231 Amys t. Barton, 577 NOTES OF RECENT DECISIONS. Andrew Handyside and Co. Limited, Re, 125 Arnold . Ind, Coope, and Co. Limited, 105 Attorney-General v. Bradford Corporation, 342 Attorney General r. East Barnet Valley Urban Barclay, Perkins, and Co. Limited and Baron Nunburnholme, Re; Wilson r. Nunburn- Batt r. Metropolitan Water Board, 318 Billericay Rural District Council . Guardians Bladon, Re; Dando v. Porter, 245 Brinson v. Davies, 34 Broad, Re; Er parte Official Receiver, 579 Bulawayo and General Exploration Company Caledonian Railway Company ". Union Fireclay Company, 7 Calver r. Collett. 9 Debtor. A, Re; Ex parte The Debtor (No. 305 Deddington Steamship Company Limited t. De la Rue (Thomas) and Co. Limited ard De La Warr's (Earl) Settled Estates, Re; Earl Du Cros' (W. and G.) Applications, In the General Electric Company Limited r. Evans, 12 Gillow and others v. Durham County Council, Gilmour . Dorman, Leng, and Co. L.mited, Harris and others v. Lord Chesterfield and Nisbet's Settlement, Re; Nisbet v. Nisbet, 57 another, 268 Hatzfeldt . Alexander, 293 Helliwell v. Haskins, 80 Henderson's Nigel Company Limited, Re, 218 Hewitt v. Jeans, 10 Hewitt v. Owners of Ship Duchess, 173 Hodson r. Blanchards (London) Limited, 9 Howarth v. Sir B. Samuelson and Co. Limited, 194 Hutchins Brothers v. Royal Exchange Assurance, 104 Ind, Coope, and Co. Limited, Re; Fisher . . South-Eastern Railway Company, Jobson v. W. Cory and Sons Limited, 147 . Lewis Merthyr Consolidated Collieries, 268 Kent v. Fittall, 291 Kitchenham v. Owners of Steamship Johannesburg, 125 Knight (M. B.), dec., Re; Wadey v. Parrott, 578 Knill v. Dumergue, 9, 217 Knox v. Ind, Coope, and Co. Limited, 105 Koffyfontein Mines Limited . Moseley, 103 Kynoch Limited . Rowlands, 148 Lacon's Settlement, Re; Lacon v. Lacon, 104 Lanston Monotype Corporation Limited Anderson, 291 Lawford v. Pryce, 104 Leeds Corporation r. Sugden, 317 Leventhorpe r. Palmer, 244 Lodge's Patent, Re, 9 Logan (Thomas) Limited v. Davis, 33, 243 London County Council r. Houndle, 107 London County Council r. Shoreditch Borough Council, 12 London County Council r. Turner, 320 Maass 1'. Gas Light and Coke Company McCarthy v. Capital and Counties Bank, 268 Marquess of Townshend, Re, 577 Merryfield, Ziegler, and Co. v. Liverpool 317 Murphy v. Attorney-General for Ireland, 56 Neath v. Beale, 293 New Monckton Collieries Limited v. Keeling, 267 Noden v. Galloways Limited, 553 Nunburnholme, Baron, Re; Wilson v. Nun- Owners of Steamship Raphael v. Brandy, 125 Parker . Pout, 552 Parrish . Hackney Borough Council, 245 Plasycoed Collieries Company Limited 2. Pope's Electric Lamp Company Limited, Appli cation of, 318 Powell v. Dale and Hood, 194 Raphael, Owners of Steamship v. Brandy, 125 Rayner v. Mayor, &c., of the Borough of Rex v. Commissioner of Metropolitan Police; Rex r. Godstone Rural District Council, 11 Rex v. Martin and another; Ex parte Smythe, 81 Robson v. Paterson, 106 Sheffield (Earl of), Re; Ryan v. Bristow, 105 Sir R. W. H. Palmer, Re; Leventhorpe v. Palmer, 244 Sir S. M. Maryon-Wilson's Will, Re, and Re Settled Land Acts 1882 to 1890, 9. Sly, Spink, and Co. Limited, Re, 194 Smith r. Newman and others, 579 Smith Brothers (Whitehaven) Limited v. Redfearn. 318 Solomon . George Attenborough and Son, 80 Spencer r. Willis, 149 Spurge, Re; Calver v. Collett, 9 Stevenson v. Stevenson, 268 Stuart and Simpson v. Halstead, 148 Surfleet's (Richard) Estate, Re; Rawlings v. Smith, 578 Swansea Vale, The, Owners of v. Price, 31 Tamworth Coliery Company v. Hall, 147 Taylor Plinston Brothers and Co. Limited v. Plinston, 292, 578 Tewkesbury Gas Company Limited, Re; Tyso r. The Company, 194 Thames and Mersey Marine Insurance Company . Gunford Ship Company, 193 Thomas v. Marsh 269 Thomas and Co. v. Portsca Steamship Company, 173 Thomas Cooper, Re, 147 Thomas De la Rue and Co. Limited and Reduced, Re, and Re Companies (Consolidated) Act 1908, 318 Thomas Limited . Houghton, 319 Townshend, Marques of, Re, 577 Trade Marks Act 1905, Re; Application of Pope's Electric Lamp Company Limited, 318 Ademption Specific legacy-Testator becoming lunatic-Sale of legacy by the court-Testator's partial recovery-Lunacy Act 1890 (53 Vict. c. 5). s. 123. (Re Palmer; Thomas v. Marsh), 269 Administration-Intestacy-Distribution of personal estate-Children of marriage-Children of deceased wife's sister-Deceased Wife's Sister's Marriage Act 1907 (7 Edw. 7, c. 47), 65. 1, 2. (Re Green; Green v. Meinall), 105 Adulteration of food- Milk - Purchase of sample-Sample procured “in course of delivery "-Offence-Sale of Food and Drugs Act Amendment. Act 1879 (42 & 43 Vict. c. 30), s. 3. (Helliwell (app.) v. Haskins (resp.), 80 Milk-Warranty-Information for giving false warranty-Limited company-Liability of company for offence-Sale of Food and Drugs Act 1875, s. 25-Sale of Food and Drugs Act 1893, s. 20 (6). (Chuter v. Freeth and Pocock Limited), 80 Agreement in restraint of trade-Covenant not to carry on or be concerned in carrying on a businessActing as servant-Question of liability. (Ramoneur Company Limited v. Brixley), 10 Annuity-Charge on easements and chattels Deed of grant-Construction-Whether real or personal estate-No rentcharge createdSpecial Act-Statutory undertaking. (Re Baxter's Trusts; Malling r. Addison), 8 SUBJECTS OF CASES. Annuity-Sequestration-Indian Civil Service annuity Assignability (Indian) Pensions Act (No. XXIII. of) 1871, ss. 11. 12-East India Annuity Funds Act 1874 (37 Vict. c. 12). (Knill r. Dumergue), 9, 217 Bailment-Furniture deposited with warehouseman-Claim to furniture by person other than bailor-Magistrate's order for delivery up of goods to claimant-Liability of bailee to true owner-Metropolitan Police Act 1839 (2 & 3 Vict. c. 71), s. 40. (Ransom v. Platt), 8 Bankruptcy Bankruptcy notice- Validity -Notice directing payment of judgment debt either to the creditors or their solicitorPayment not required in accordance with terms of the judgment--Bankruptcy Act 1883 (46 & 47 Vict. c. 52), s. 4 (g). (Re A Debtor; Er parte The Debtor (No. 305 of 1911). 147 Executor-Retainer--Bankruptev Act 1883 (45 & 47 Vict. c. 52), s. 125. (Re Broad; Ex parte Official Receiver), 579 Petition" Sufficient cause why receiving order should not be made Knowledge by creditor that debtor in difficulties-Right of creditor to commence action to recover debtClaim which cannot be supported in lawExtortion Bankruptcy Act 1883 (46 & 47 Vict. c. 52), s. 7, sub-s. 3. (Re A Debtor), 36 Receiving order-Bankruptcy noticeValidity-Judgment debt-Income tax- Deduction-Income Tax Act 1842 (5 & 6 Vict. c. 35), s. 102-Income Tax Act 1853 (16 & 17 Vict. c. 34), s. 40. (Re Thomas Cooper), 147 Bankruptcy-Unregistered moneylender-Loan -Judgment for amount-Arrangement as to payment of judgment debt-Bankruptcy of debtor-Proof based on arrangement-Jurisdiction of court to go behind judgmentin Illegality-" Arrangement respect of advance and repayment of money "-) -Moneylenders Act 1900 (63 & 64 Vict. c. 51), s. 2. sub-s. 1 (c). (Re Campbell; Ex parte Seal), 317 on Bread-Weights-Proper and sufficient-Bread Act 1835 (6 & 7 Will. 4, c. 37), s. 7. (Turner, app. r. Holder, resp.), 80 Borrowing-Carrying Building societybanking business-Ultra vires-Winding upPriorities of outside creditors, shareholders. and depositors. (Re Birkbeck Permanent Benefit Building Society), 269 Commission-House agent -Commission note on sale of licensed premises-Person prepared to purchase found by agent Sale by ownerRight of agent to commission. (Brinson r. Davies), 34 Company-Action by--Company unable to par costs of defendant if unsuccessful-Security for costs-Remission of case to County CourtCompanies (Consolidation) Act 1908 (8 Edw. 7), s. 278-County Courts Act 1888 (51 & 52 Vict. c. 43), s. 66. (Plasycoed Collieries Company Limited 1'. Partridge, Jones, and Cò. Limited), 10 Debentures-Future calls-Charges Debentures and debenture stock-Assign- (Re Re Memorandum of association-Reorganisa- Private company-Payment of commission 173 Reduction of capital-Confirmation of shareholder. Reduction of capital-Publication of Reduction of capital-Rights of minority Voluntary winding-up-Assets after dis- Winding-up-Debenture-Floating charge Lease Option in writing-Alleged to be Trade association-Trade union-Agree- Education (elementary)-Non-provided school Fishery Public Non-tidal river-Profit à prendre in alieno Food and drugs-False warranty-Company- in Highway Extraordinary traffic Excessive Husband and wife - Divorce - Variation of Petition by wife for judicial separation- Marine Infant-Legacy-To be paid on attaining Education-Provided school-Injury to child-Landlord and tenant-Fixtures-Trade fixtures Alleged negligence of teacher-Liability of Covenant. right of removal of trade fixtures provided Compensation-Lord of manor-Licensed Dwelling-house unfit for human habita- Electric lighting--Statutory undertakers Private street expenses-Disused chapel-- Public park--Conditional sale of land-- Rates-Raising money by rate for Coro- V. Rural district council-Parochial elector Marriage settlement-Construction-Covenant to widow out of annual income-If income ing income tax. (Re Sir Daniel Cooper, Omission to leave defence to the jury- registered name of moneylender-Moneylenders Act 1900 (63 & 64 Vict. c. 51), es. 2, sub-s. 1 (c), 6. (Re Robinson; Clarkson r. Robinson (No. 2), 32 Mortgage-Sale-Admission by mortgagee of balance in hand-Action by mortgagor claim ing larger sum-Order under Order XV.. r. 1, for an account-Certificate finding increased sum due from mortgagee-Costs. (Williams r. Jones), 33 Mortgagor and mortgagee-Demand for payinent off-Execution of reconveyance-Tender -Additional interest in lieu of notice-Keeping money idle after tender. (Edmondson r. Copland). 57 Motor-car-Excise duty payable thereon Horse-power-Mode of calculating-Treasury regulations-Horse-power as ascertained by regulations Finance (1909-10) Act 1910 (10 Edw. 7, c. 8), s. 86, sub-s. 2. (London County Council, apps. r. Turner, resp.). 320 - Heavy motor-car and trailer-Combined weight 9 tons-Registration as motor-carReregistration-Validity of-Locomotives Act 1898 (61 & 62 Vict. c. 29). s. 9-Heavy Motor Car Order 1904, arts. 3, 4 (5). (Pilgrim and others, apps. v. Simmons, resp.), 107 Municipal corporation-councillor-Disqualification Contract with council - Councillor having held office for more than twelve months-No objection taken within that time -"Councillor or qualified to be a councillor "-Municipal Corporations Act 1882. ss. 12, 14, 15, 73. (Forrester v. Norton), 270 Negligence-Agent-Disposal by contractor of sewage removed under contract from cesspools-No provision as to disposal in contract-"Casual or collateral negligence' Respondeat superior. (Robinson v. Beacons. field Urban District Council), 104 Cattle on highway-Open gate-No evidence as to by whom opened-Prima facic evidence of negligence Burden of proof. (Ellis. Banyard), 11 Railway company-Level crossing-User without interruption by railway companyDuty on railway company to take precautions. (Jenner ť. South-Eastern Railway Company), 34 Old age pension-Decision of local pension committee Statutory conditions "Final and conclusive "-Old Age Pensions Act 1908 (8 Edw. 7, c. 40), s. 7. sub-s. 2. (Murphy v. Attorney-General for Ireland), 56 Parliament-Registration of voters-Occupier or lodger - Landlord resident in house Rooms let to tenant-Objection-Prima facie proof-Landlord rated for whole house Value of house over £8 a year-Representation of the People Act 1867 (30 & 31 Vict. c. 102), ss. 3, 7-Poor Rate Assessment and Collection Act 1869 (32 & 33 Vict. c. 41). Ss. 3, 4, 19-Parliamentary and Municipal Registration Act 1878 (41 & 42 Vict. c. 26). s. 14-Representation of the People Act 1884 (48 & 49 Vict. c. 3), s. 9. (Kent v. Fittall), 291 Partnership-Covenant-Charge on partner's share "Gains and profits "-ConstructionDissolution by death-Principles on which accounts ought to be taken-Practice of partners-Partnership Act 1890 (53 & 54 Vict. c. 39), ss. 31. 44. (Garwood r. Garwood), 32 Joint and several liability of partners for instalments of a debt-Payment of instalments out of partnership assets-Judgment recovered for nonpayment of later instalments Satisfaction of judgment by one partner alone-Right to contribution-Right to assignment of the judgment-Breach of statutory obligation Damages rights between the joint debtors-Suretyship -Right of surety to release-Mercantile Law Amendment Act 1856. (Dalo v. Powell; Powell v. Dale and Hood), 194 Patent-Expiration-Application to prolongJusufficient remuneration Separate claims Equitable for distinct inventions-Power of the court to prolong certain claims and reject others -Patents and Designs Act 1907, s. 18. (Re Lodge's Patent), 9 Power of appointment-Exercise of, by will of domiciled Dutchwoman-Will made in Dutch form-Attestation in manner required by English law-Grant of probate in EnglandConstruction of will Applicability of English law-Wills Act 1837 (1 Vict. c. 26), s. 27. (Re Pryce; Lawford v. Prvce). 104 Special power-Appointment equally by will among all the objects-Subsequent appointments by deed to some of the objectsAdemption-Rule against double portions"Portion." (Re Peel's Settlements; Biddulph v. Peel), 148 Practice-Action-Consent judgment-Damages to be ascertained by special referce-Defen dants to pay damages found-Subsequent report finding amount payable-InterestForm No. 7u, appendix F to Rules of Supreme Court-Judgments Act 1838 (1 & 2 Vict. c. 110), ss. 17, 18. (Ashover Fluor Spar Mines Limited v. Jackson), 244 Practice-Administration action-Order with out reservation of costs-Further consideration Liability of trustee for costs. (Re Gardner; Roberts . Fry), 218 Contempt of court-Motion to commitService of copies of affidavits-Order XLII., rr. 6. 7-Order LII, r. A. (Tavlor Plinston Brothers and Co. Limited v. Plinston), 192, 578 Costs-Debtor who has received notice that his creditor has committed an available act of bankruptcy-Refusal to pay debtAction by creditor-Payment of debt into court-Creditor's right to costs of action. (McCarthy. Capital and Counties Bank), 268 Costs Taxation - Non-contentious business-District Registrar of ManchesterJurisdiction-Solicitors Act 1843 (6 & 7 Vict. c. 73), s. 37. (Stead v. Smith), 147 Discovery Interrogatories - Action for malicious prosecution - Interrogatories by plaintiff as to information, inquiries, aud reasonable and probable cause Order XXXI., rr. 1, 2. (Maass r. Gas Light and Coko Company Limited), 79 Fund in court-Jurisdiction-Certificates in respect of foreign bonds-Inquiry as to bonds outstanding-Distribution-Exclusion of bondholders not coming in. (Wilson v Church), 578 Interpleader-Issue directed to be tried by master-Findings of master- -Right of appeal-Common Law Procedure Act 1860 (23 & 24 Vict. c. 126), s. 17-Order LVII., r. 11. (Cox v. Bown), 107 Judgment by consent-Undertaking by defendant corporation-Wilful disobedience -Writ of sequestration-Order XLII., r. 31. (Davis v. Rhayader Granite Quarries Limited), 79 Receiver Jurisdiction - Action for ap. pointment of - Application in Chancery Division-Application for letters of adminis tration pending in Probate Division-Discretion. (Walters Non-Inflammable Cellolite Limited v. Wenge), 79 Writ-Service-Indorsement of serviceFailure to indorse date of service within three days-Default of appearance-Irregu larity which cannot be waived-Order IX., r. 15. (Hamp-Adams v. Hall), 268 Presumption of death-Remarriage of presumptive widow-Will of presumed second husband-Gifts to widow of testator during widowhood-Reappearance of first husbandEffect on gifts. (Re Hammond, deceased; Burniston v. White), 195 Public authority-Action against, in County Court-Notice of special defence-Public Authorities Protection Act 1893--Plea of Statute of Limitation without specifying Act -Sufficiency of plea-County Court Rules 1903 and 1904, Order X., rr. 14, 18. (Gregory r. Corporation of Torquay), 81 Public health-Order to do certain workNon-compliance Work done by local authority Notice of demand-Authentica tion of notice Sufficiency of notice-Public Health Act 1875, ss. 36. 266. (Willis v. Rotherham Corporation), 57 Plans-Approval-Land subject to restrictive covenants-Plan showing proposed street on land-Practicability of plan-Jurisdiction to disapprove. (Rex r. Tynemouth Corporation; Ex parte Cowper), 58 Unsound meat-Public Health Act 1875 (38 & 39 Vict. c. 55), ss. 116, 117-Public Health Acts Amendment Act 1890 (53 & 54 Vict. c. 59), 6. 28. (Salt. app. v. Tomlinson, resp.), 12 Railway Carriage of goods-Rates False account of goods with intent to avoid payment of tolls--Misdescription of goods in consignment note-Offence-Railways Clauses Cousolidation Act 1845 (8 & 9 Vict. c. 20), s. 99. (General Electric Company Limited, apps. v. Evans, resp.), 12 Mines and minerals-Fireclay-Railways Clauses Consolidation (Scotland) Act 1845 (8 & 9 Vict. c. 33), s. 70. (Caledonian Railway Company . Glenboig Union Fireclay Company), 7 Railway company Running powers over another's line - Company A., with general running powers over Company B.'s line, purchasing undertaking of Company C., which has to and from a junction connecting the B. and C. lines limited running powers over B.'s lineWhether A., having entered B.'s line over the junction, has general or limited running powers over B.'s line in connection with the C. line--Railways Clauses Act 1863 (26 & 27 Vict. c. 92), ss. 38, 39, 40, 41. (Great Central Railway Company . Midland Railway Company), 57 Rating Metropolis Reduction in value of premises Provisional valuation list New quinquennial valuation list--" List subsequently made"--Valuation (Metropolis) Act 1869 (32 & 33 Vict. c. 67), s. 47, sub-s. 8. (Parrish v. Hackney Borough Council), 245 Provisional list Appeal to quarter sessions Jurisdiction. (London County Council, apps. r. Shoreditch Borough Council, resps.), 12 Real estate--Conversion--Order by court for sale-Part of real estate unsold-Order operating as absolute-Conversion of unsold real estate into personalty. (Fauntleroy r. Beebe), 8 Registration of voters Dwelling house Occupier rated in rate-book-Agreement by landlord to pay rates-Rates paid by landlord-Right of occupier to be on register of voters-Representation of the People Act 1867, s. 3, sub-ss. 3, 4. (Smith, app. v. Newman and others, resps.), 579 Restraint of trade Agreement - Validity. Reasonableness-United Kingdom - Public Protection of covenantee Master and servant-Injunction. (Stuart and Simpson v. Halstead), 148 Revenue--Income tax-Foreign citizen living on yacht anchored in British port-Person "residing in the United Kingdom "-5 & 6 Vict. c. 35, s. 108-Income Tax Act 1853 (16 & 17 Vict. c. 34), sched. D. (Brown ". Burt), 317 policy Income tax--Lands vested in trustees for charitable purposes Rents and profits from -Occupation Allowances-Income Tax Act 1842 (5 & 6 Vict. c. 35), ss. 61 (No. VI.), 62. (Rex v. Special Commissioners of Income Tax; Ex parte Essex Hall), 79 Income tax-Royalties for user of patent ·Deduction Average of three years Royalties ceasing to be payable--Finance Act 1907 (7 Edw. 7, c. 13), s. 25 (1). (Lanston Monotype Corporation Limited v. Anderson), 291 Land tax-Railway tunnel-Liability to land tax-Redemption--Land Tax Act 1797 (38 Geo. 3, c. 5), s. 4-Land Tax Redemption Act 1802 (42 Geo. 3, c. 116), ss. 8, 38. (Central London Railway Company . Commissioners for Land Tax for City of London), 292 Licence duty-Male servant - Luncheon club-Exemption in favour of Crown servants -Revenue Act 1869 (32 & 33 Vict. c. 14), ss. 18, 19 (3). (London County Council v. Houndle), 107 Stamp duty Debenture Marketable security--Instrument for the disposition of interest in a ship-Stamp Act 1891 (54 & 55 Vict. c. 39). (Deddington Steamship Company Limited v. Commissioners of Inland Revenue), 292 Stamp duty Increase of nominal share capital Statement of amount of increase--Statutory right to convert --Caledonian Railway (Conversion of Stock) Act 1890 (53 & 54 Vict. c. cxxxv.), ss. 2, 3-Caledonian Railway Act 1898 (61 & 62 Vict. c. clxxxviii.), s. 37Caledonian Railway (General Powers) Act 1899 (62 & 63 Vict. c. cexv.), s. 65-Stamp Act 1891 (54 & 55 Vict. C. 39), s. 113. (Attorney-General v. Caledonian Railway Company), 269 Stamp duty--Settlement-Resettlement — Provision for keeping up policies-Covenants in settlement only-Stamp Act 1891 (54 & 55 Vict. c. 39), s. 104. (Duke of Northumber land v. Commissioners of Inland Revenue), 292 Royal arms-Use in connection with businessUse calculated to lead to belief of royal warrant-Admissibility of evidence--Injunction-Trade Marks Act 1905 (5 Edw. 7, c. 15), s. 68. (Royal Warrant Holders Association 2. Edward Deane and Beal Limited), 553 Sale of goods-Sale by description-Delivery of goods of a different kind-Claim by buyer for damages-Clause in contract excluding warranty Liability of seller. (Wallis and others v. Pratt and another), 32 Settled land-Capital moneys -ImprovementGolf course and clubhouse-"Open space Development of estate for building purposes -Settled Land Act 1882 (45 & 46 Vict. c. 38), s. 25, sub-ss. 17, 18. (Re Earl De La Warr's Settled Estates; Earl De La Warr . Buckley), 244 Mansion-house-Lease by tenant for lifeDilapidations-Payment by lessee of damages for breach of covenant to repair-Capital or personalty by one of two executors and --- income-Tenant for life-Settlement trustees Will-Administration-Pawnbroker-Pledge of Workmen's compensation - or income. dividend-Capital (Re Nisbet's Settlement; Nisbet r. Nisbet), 57 Trust for class on attaining twenty-one- Charter party-Bill of lading-Arbitra. Over- Marine insurance-Competency of master Solicitor--Lien-Property recovered or pre- mark Registration Surname Registration-Two letters with "&". Trustee --- Breach of trist Investment-Moneys arising under Settled Power to continuing trustees to appoint - Public Trustee Administration of small Restrictive covenant by vendor-Equitable Specific performance--Contract --Deposit-- Specific performance Default by pur Title--Sale by trustees-Consent of tenant or Bequest to chapel building fund--Execu Construction-Bequest of the amount of - Construction-Devise of freehold house Construction-Gift of residue-Intention 148 Construction-Gift to issue-" Per stirpes" " Construction Settlement estate duty- Executory bequest to members of a class Settled land Licensed premises Employer and workman-Accident-Com- Employer and workman-Accident- Com- Employer and workman Accident Com- Employer and workman-Accident- Com- Employer and Employer and workman-Accident in - Employer and workman-Compensation--- Employer and workman-Compensation- Employer and workman-Death by acci- Employer and workman-Death by acci- Employer and workman-Death by acci- Employer and workman-Death caused by Employer and workman-Death caused by Employer and workman-Death of work- Employer and workman-Injury by acci- Employer and workman-Injury by acci Employer and workman-Injury by acci com- Employer and workman-Injury by acci- Employer and workman-Injury by acci- |