Richard, Richard, dost thou think we'll hear thee poison the court? Richard, thou art an old fellow, an old knave; thou hast written books enough to load a cart, every one as full of sedition, I might say treason, as an egg is full of meat. Hadst thou... Retrospective Review - Page 73redigeeritud poolt - 1824Full view - About this book
| Edmund Calamy, Samuel Palmer - 1775 - 674 lehte
...fpeak for bimfelf, fays Jffirics to him, " Richard, Richard, doft thou think we will hear thee poifon the court ? Richard, thou art an old fellow, an old knave ; thou haft written books enow to fill a cart, every one as full of Edition, I may lay trcaibn, as an egg... | |
| John Wesley - 1785 - 718 lehte fpeak again, Jefferies fays to him, "Richard! Richard ! dull thou think we will hear thee poifon the Court? Richard ! thou art an old fellow, an old knave. Thou haft written books enough to load a cart, every one as full of :i (I might fay, treafon) as an egg... | |
| Edmund Calamy - 1803 - 588 lehte
...better than a tribunal of justice. Mr. Baxter beginning to speak for himself, Jfefferits said to him, " Richard, Richard, dost thou think we will hear thee...old fellow, an old knave ; thou hast written books enow to fill a cart, every one as full of sedition, I may say treason, as an egg is full of meat. Hadst... | |
| 1840 - 612 lehte
...again, Jeffries exploded in the following apostrophe. ' Richard ! Richard ! dost thou think here to poison the court ? Richard, thou art an old fellow...hast written books enough to load a cart, every one as full of sedition, I might say treason, as an egg is full of meat. Iladst thou been whipped out of... | |
| 1840 - 662 lehte
...again, Jeffries exploded in the following apostrophe. 'Richard! Richard! dost thon think here to ' poison the court ? Richard, thou art an old fellow — an old ' knave ; thou hast wrillen books enough to load a cart, every ' one as full of sedition, I might say treason, as an egg... | |
| Walter Wilson - 1809 - 646 lehte
...parish shall maintain a tithe' pig metropolitan.' Mr. Baxter beginning to speak again, says he to him, ' Richard, Richard, dost thou think we will ' hear thee poison the court, &c. Richard, thou art an old • fellow, an old knave ; thou liast \\ritten books enough to ' load... | |
| Thomas Bayly Howell - 1811 - 742 lehte
...beginning to speak again, saith Jeffreysto him, " Richard, Richard, dost thou think we will hear tbee poison the court ? Richard, thou art an old fellow, an old knave ; tbou hast written "books enough to load a cart ; every one is as full of sedition (T might say treason)... | |
| Alexander Chalmers - 1812 - 532 lehte
...parish shall maintain a tithe-pig Metropolitan." Mr. Baxter beginning to speak again, says he to him, " Richard, Richard, dost thou think we will hear thee poison the court, &e. Richard, thou art an old fellow, an old knave; ihou hast written books enough to load a cart, every... | |
| William Bates - 1815 - 406 lehte
...incur. Jefferies noticed it, and in his abusive, insolent manner, exclaimed, " Richard, Richard, don't thou think we will hear thee poison the court. Richard, thou art an old fellow, and an old knave ; thou hast written books enough to load a cart, every one as full of sedition, I... | |
| William Bates - 1815 - 586 lehte
...incur. Jefferies noticed it, and in his abusive, insolent manner, exclaimed, " Richard, Richard, don't thou think we will hear thee poison the court. Richard, thou art an old fellow, and an old knave; thou hast written books enough to load a cart, every one as full of sedition, I might... | |
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