AT the fuggeftion of the ingenious Dr. John Hoadly, Mr. Hawkins Brown wrote fix little poems, entitled, a Pipe of Tobacco, in imitation of fix late English Poets, Cibber, Philips, Thomson, Young, Pope, Swift. The fecond was written by Dr. Hoadly himself. The two best of these imitations are that of Young and Pope, whofe manner is exactly characterized. Mr. Hawkins Brown, by his admirable Latin Poem on the Immortality of the Soul, fhewed he had a genius far above thefe pleasantries. Dr. Hoadly once fhewed me a new Rehearsal, being a comedy written by himself and his brother, the Author of the Sufpicious Husband, to ridicule feveral modern tragedies. I remember they were particularly fevere on the Saguntum of Frowde and the Sophonisba of Thomfon. WARTON. IMITATIONS OF ENGLISH POETS. I. CHAUCER. WOMEN ben full of Ragerie, Yet fwinken nat fans fecrefie. Thilke moral fhall ye understond, But, as he glozeth with Speeches foote, Te-he, cry'd Ladies; Clerke not spake : 25 DR. WARTON juftly obferves, "That this is a gross and dull caricature of the Father of English Poetry." He might have added, it is as difgufting as it is dull, and no more like Chaucer, than a 66 Billingfgate" is like “ an OBEREA." II. SPENSE R. HE that was unacquainted with Spenfer, and was to form his ideas of the turn and manner of his genius from this piece, would undoubtedly fuppofe that he abounded in filthy images, and ex. celled in describing the lower scenes of life. But the characteristics of this sweet and allegorical poet are not only strong and circumftantial imagery, but tender and pathetic feeling, a most melodious flow of verfification, and a certain pleafing melancholy in his ⚫fentiments, the conftant companion of an elegant tafte, that cafts a delicacy and grace over all his compofitions. To imitate Spenfer on a subject that does not partake of the pathos, is not giving a true representation of him; for he seems to be more awake and alive to all the foftneffes of nature than almost any writer I can recollect. There is an affemblage of disgusting and disagreeable sounds in the following ftanza of Pope, which one is almoft tempted to think, if it were poffible, had been contrived as a contrast, or rather as a burlesque, of a moft exquifite ftanza in the Fairy Queen : "The snappish cur (the paffengers annoy) Close at my heel with yelping treble flies; The very turn of these numbers bears the closeft refemblance with the following, which are of themselves a complete concert of the most delicious mufic: "The joyous birds shrouded in cheerful fhade, Their notes unto the voice attempred sweet; |