Th' angelical, soft trembling voices made Book ii. cant. 12. f. 71. These images, one would have thought, were peculiarly calcu lated to have struck the fancy of our young imitator with so much admiration, as not to have fuffered him to make a kind of travesty of them. The next flanza of Pope represents some allegorical figures, of which his original was fo fond: "Hard by a fty, beneath a roof of thatch, Dwelt Obloquy, who in her early days. Cod, whiting, oyfter, mackrel, fprat, or plaice; There learn'd she speech from tongues that never cease. Slander befide her, like a Magpie, chatters, With Envy, (fpitting Cat) dread foe to peace; Like a curs'd Cur, Malice before her clatters, And vexing ev'ry wight, tears cloaths and all to tatters." Eut these personages of Obloquy, Slander, Envy, and Malice, are not marked with any diftinct attributes; they are not those living figures, whose attitudes and behaviour Spenfer has minutely drawn with so much clearnefs and truth, that we behold them with our eyes as plainly as we do on the cieling or the banquetinghouse. For, in truth, the pencil of Spenfer is as powerful as that of Rubens, his brother allegorift; which two artists resembled each other in many respects: but Spenfer had more grace, and was as warm a colourist. WARTON II. SPENSER. THE ALLEY. I. IN ev'ry Town, where Thamis rolls his Tyde, There oft are heard the notes of Infant Woe, 5 The short thick Sob, loud Scream, and fhriller Squall: How can ye, Mothers, vex your Children fo? Some play, fome eat, fome cack against the wall, And as they crouchen low, for bread and butter call II. And on the broken pavement, here and there, And hens, and dogs, and hogs are feeding by ; 10 15 Now finging fhrill, and scolding eft between; hood I ween. U 2 The III. The fnappifh cur (the paffengers annoy) Clofe at my heel with yelping treble flies; 20 The whimp'ring girl, and hoarser-screaming boy, 25 IV. Hard by a Sty, beneath a roof of thatch, 30 Cod, whiting, oyster, mackrel, sprat, or plaice: With Envy, (fpitting Cat) dread foe to peace; 35 And vexing ev'ry wight, tears clothes and all to tatters. V. Her dugs were mark'd by ev'ry Collier's hand, Her mouth was black as bull-dogs at the stall: NOTES. She VER. 30. Bafkets of fifb] How different from thofe enchanting imitations of Spenfer, The Castle of Indolence and the Minstrel ! WARTON. 40 She scratched, bit, and fpar'd ne lace ne band, VI. Such place hath Deptford, navy-building town, All up the filver Thames, or all adown; 45 51 Ne Richmond's felf, from whofe tall front are ey'd Vales, fpires, meand'ring ftreams, and Windfor's tow'ry pride. III. W ALL E R. POPE has imitated Waller with elegance, especially in the verses on a Fan of his own defign; for he defigned with dexterity and taste. The application of the story of Cephalus and Procris is as ingenious as Waller's Phoebus and Daphne. Waller abounds, perhaps to excefs, in allufions to mythology and the ancient claffics. The French, as may be imagined, complain that he is too learned for the ladies. The following twelve lines contain three allufions, de. licate indeed; but fome may deem them to be too far-fetched, too much crouded, and not obvious to the lady to whom they were addreffed, on her finging a song of his compofing: "Chloris, yourself you fo excell, When you vouchfafe to breathe my thought, But of his voice, the boy had burn'd." Here is matter enough compreffed together for Voiture to have fpun out into fifty lines. Were I to name my favourite among Waller's fmaller pieces, it should be his Apology for having loved before. He begins by faying, "That they who never had been fed to the furprifing juice of the grape, render up their reason to the |