Clerk's Assistant, IN TWO PARTS. PART I. CONTAINING THE MOST USEFUL AND NECESSARY FORMS OF WRITINGS, WHICH OCCUR IN THE ORDINARY TRANSACTIONS OF UNDER THE NAMES OF ACQUITTANCES, AGREEMENTS, ASSIGNMENTS, AWARDS, BARGAINS, BILLS, AND GRANTS, INDENTURES, LEASES, LETTERS OF AT- NOTES, RECEIPTS, RELEASES, SALES, AND OTHER INSTRUMENTS. Calculated for the use of the Citizens of the United States. PART II. CONTAINING, SELECTIONS OF VARIOUS USEFUL PRACTICAL FORMS, TO WHICH IS ADDED, AN APPENDIX, CONTAINING A VARIETY OF PRECEDENTS FOR THE USE OF CORONERS, POUGHKEEPSIE: PRINTED AND SOLD BY NICHOLAS POWER & CO. 1805. To O discuss the utility of compilations of approved precedents adapted to the various exigencies of business, is deemed, at this time, superfluous. It is these which afford the only effectual means of guarding against those errors which are liable to be incurred through the inadvertence of haste, or the ignorance of men unskilled in that technical formality which the policy of the law requires. In addition to whatever can be deemed useful in the Clerk's Magazine, for which this book is intended as a substitute, we have collected a great variety of precedents of writings, besides a selection of the most useful practical forms, proceedings in partition of lands, proceedings under the "act for the relief of debtors with respect to the imprisonment of their persons precedents for Coroners, Justices of the Peace, Overseers of the Poor, Constables and other town Officers, which are not to be found in that work. Although it is, necessarily, to be presumed that errors may have escaped our utmost vigilence, yet it is hoped that few will be found in the following pages which a liberal judge. ment will not readily excuse. The publishers have been disposed to spare no pains, either in the compilation or execution of this work, to render it as extensively useful as the nature of the undertaking would admit; and they fondly believe that they will not be adjudged to have laboured in vain. The selections have in all cases been made from such books, only, as where of acknowledged authoritySome irregularity will be found to have occured in our ar M865171 |