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premifes, & of, in & to every part & parcel thereof, with the appurtenances: T bave and to hold all and fingular the faid meffuage unto the faid C. D. his executors, adminiftrators and affigns, for and during all the reft, refidue and remainder of the faid term of 500 years, yet to come and unexpired; freely and clearly acquitted and difcharged of and from all benefit and equity of redemption whatsoever. And the said A. B. for himself, his heirs, executors and adminiftrators, doth covenant, promife, grant and agree, to and with the faid C. D. his executors, adminiftrators and affligns, that he the said C. D. his executors, adminiftrators and affigns, fhall and may from time to time, and at all times hereaf ter, during the refidue and remainder of the said term of 500 years, in and by the faid in part recited indenture of leafe granted, which is yet to come & unexpir ed, peaceably and quietly have, hold, ufe, occupy and enjoy all and fingular the faid meffuage and every part and parcel thereof, with the appurtenances, without the let, fuit, trouble, hindrance, moleftation or interruption of me, the faid A. B. my heirs or affigns, and of all and every other perfon or perfons whomfoever, claiming or to claim, by, from or under me, them, or any of them. In witness, &c.

A Releafe of Dower.

KNOW all men by these presents that I A. B. widow and relict of B. B.

deceased, for and in confideration of the fum of


late of of lawful money of the United States, to me the said A. B. by C. B. of fon of the faid B. B. deceased, well and truly paid, the receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge, have remised, released, and forever quit claimed, and by these prefents do remife, release and forever quit claim unto the faid C. B. all and all manner of dower and right and title of dower whatsoever, which I the said A. B. now have, may, might, should, or of right ought to have, or claim of, in or out of all and every the manors, meffuages, lands tenements and hereditaments which were belonging to the faid B. B. my late husband, at any time during the coverture between him and me the faid A. B. fituated or elsewhere:

And also all manner of action or actions, writ and writs of dower whatsoever fo as neither I the faid A. B. nor any other perfon for me, or in my name, any manner of dower, or writ, or action of dower, or any right or title of dower, of or in the faid manors, lands, tenemenss and hereditaments, or of or in any part or parcel thereof, at any time hereafter fhall or may have, claim or profecute against the faid C. B. his heirs or affigns. In witness, &c.

A Releafe of Errors.

KNOW all men by these presents, that I A. B. of

have remifed, re

leafed and forever quit claimed, and by thefe prefents do remife, release, and forever quit claim unto C. D. of all & all manner of error & errors, caufe & caufes of error, mifprifions, mifentries, defects and wrongful pleading and proceedings whatsoever made, committed, omitted or done, in, about or concerning one judgment for the fum of together with cofts of fuit, by the faid C. D. obtained againft me in the court of at in term laft paft; and allo all writs of error or errors whatsoever concerning the fame.

In witness, &e...


Releafe between two Traders on fettling accounts.

WHEREAS been fubfifting and depending for many years last pafi,

HEREAS fundry accounts current, and otherwife, and divers dealings

between B. P. of, &c. and H. I. of, &c. which faid accounts and dealings they the faid B. P. and H. I. have balanced and adjusted, by which balance it appears that nothing remains due from the one to the other; therefore, to prevent any future difputes touching or concerning fuch accounts and dealings, and to afcertain and confirm fuch balance and adjustment, they the faid B. P. and H. I. have mutually agreed to give and execute reciprocal releafes to each other. NOW KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that he the faid B. P. for the confiderations aforefaid, and to prevent all future difputes, for himself, his executors and adminiftrators, HATH remifed, released and forever quit-claimed, and by thefe prefents DOTH remife, releafe and forever quit-claim unto the faid H. I. his heirs, executors and adminiftrators, ALL, and all manner of action and actions, cause and causes of action, fuits, debts, dues, fum and fums of money, accounts, reckonings, bonds, fpecialties, covenants, contracts, controverfies, agreements, promiles, damages, judgments, executions, claims and demands whatfoever, both at law and in equity, which against the faid H. I. his heirs, executors and adminiftrators, he the faid B. P. now hath or ever had on account of their faid mutual dealings, or for, or by reafon of any other caufe, matter or thing whatsoever, from the beginning of the world to the day of the date of thefe prefents. In witness, &c.

Releafe from a Mortgagor to the Mortgagee in fee, in confideration of the money due on the mortgage, before the day of payment.

day of

in the year

THIS Indenture made &c. between O. W. of &c. of the first part, and 1. D. of &c. of the fecond part. WHEREAS by a certain indenture of mortgage bearing date the made, and mentioned to be made between the said O. W. of the first part and the said I. D. of the fecond part, RECITING as in the faid indenture of mortgage is recited, and for the confideration in the fame indenture mentioned, ALL that certain piece, parcel or lot of land & premises herein after mentioned, are and were conveyed and affured unto, and TO THE USE AND BEHOOF of the faid I. D. his heirs and affigns by way of mortgage, fubject to a provifo in the faid indenture of mortgage con tained, for redemption of the said land and premifes, on payment of the fum of dollars with the intereft thereof, lawful money of, &c. by the faid O. W his heirs,executors or administrators, unto the said I. D. his executors, adminiftra. tors or affigns, on or before the day of which will be in the year

as by the faid in part recited indenture, relation being thereunto had may more at large appear. AND WHEREAS it hath become probable, and is believ ed that it will not be in the power of the faid O. W. to pay the fauid fum of

dollars with the intereft thereof, to the faid I. D. his executors, adminißra. tors or affigns, at the day, and in the manner in the faid recited provifo, for that purpose limited, and declared. AND WHEREAS the faid I. D. hath contracted and agreed with the faid O. W. for the abfolute purchase of the faid mortgaged lands and premises with the appurtenances, and all his the faid O. W's. right, title, claim, intereft and equity of redemption of, in and to the said land and pre. mifes for the said sum of dollars, which is the fum now due and owing on the aforefaid mortgage; AND IT HATH thereupon been agreed by and between the faid O. W. and I. D. that in confideration of the faid fum of

dollars, due

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due and owing on the aforefaid mortgage, he the faid O. W. fhould grant, releafe,and abfolutely convey ALL AND SINGULAR the faid lot of land and premifes, AND all his eftate, right, title and equity of redemption of, in, and to the fame, and of any and every part thereof, unto, and to the ufe and behoof of the faid I. D. his heirs and affigns forever, in manner hereafter mentioned; and that thereupon the faid I. D. fhould releafe, acquit and discharge the faid O. W. his executors and adminiftrators of, and from the payment of all and every part of the faid fum of dollars & the intereft thereof, due & owing on the faid mortgage as aforefaid. NOW THIS INDENTURE witneffeth, that in purfuance and per formance of the laid recited agreements, on the part of the faid O. W. to be done and performed, and for, and in confideration of the faid fum of dollars fo due and owing to the faid I. D. or the faid in part recited mortgage, and fecurity as aforefaid, and in full discharge and fatisfaction of the fame, and for the further confideration of five dollars, lawful money as aforefaid, to the faid O. W. in hand paid by the faid I. D. at or before the enfealing and delivery of thefe prefents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, and the faid I. D. thereof and therefrom released and discharged, HE the faid O. W. HATH granted, bargained, fold, aliened, releafed, conveyed and confirmed, and by thefe prefents DOTH abfolutely grant, bargain, fell, alien, releafe, convey and confirm unto the faid I. D. in his actual poffeffion now being, and to his heirs and affigns, ALL that, &c. TOGETHER with all and fingular the appurtenances, privileges, advantages and hereditaments whatsoever unto the faid above mentioned and defcribed premifes in any wife appertaining or belonging; and the reverfion and reverfions, remainder and remainders, rents, ifflues and profits thereof, AND ALSO all the eftate, right, title, intereft, dower, & right of dower, equity of redemption,claim & demand whatfoever, as well in law as in equity, of him the faid O. W. of, in or to the faid premifes, hereby granted and released, or mentioned and intended fo to be, and every part and parcel thereof, with the appurtenances; AND ALSO all deeds, writings, evidences and muniments whatsoever touching or in any wife concerning the fame premises or any part thereof, which the faid O. W. now hath in his cuftody or can obtain without fuit in law. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the faid premifes in and by thefe prefents granted and released, or mentioned or intended fo to be, with their and every of their appurtenances unto the faid I. D. his heirs and affigns, To AND FOR the only proper ufe and behoof of him the faid I. D. his heirs and affigns forever. FREED, and abfolutely difcharged of, and from all right and equity of redemp tion: And the faid O. W. for himfelf, his heirs, executors and adminiftrators, DOTH COVENANT, grant, promise and agree, to and with the faid I. D. his heirs and affigns, THAT he the faid O. W. now at the time of the fealing and delivery of thefe prefents, hath, in himself, good right, full power and lawful and abfolute authority to grant, releafe and convey the faid premifes herein before granted and releafed, or mentioned, or intended fo to be, with their appur tenances, unto the faid I. D. his heirs and affigns, to his and their use in manner aforefaid, and according to the purport, true intent and meaning of these prefents; AND that the faid I. D. his heirs and affigns fhall and may, at all times hereafter, peaceably and quietly, enter into, have, hold, occupy and enjoy the above granted and releafed premifes, and every part thereof, with the appurtenances, without any let, fuit, trouble, moleftation, eviction or difturbance of the faid O. W. his heirs or affigns, or of any other perfon lawfully claining or to claim any eftate, right, title or intereft at law or in equity of, in or to the faid premifes, by, from, or under him, or them, or any of them; And

And that free, clear, discharged and unincumbered, of, and from all former and other titles, charges, eftates, and incumbrances, of what nature or kind foever, had, made, done, committed, occafioned, or fuffered, or to be had, made, done, committed, occafioned, or fuffered by the faid O. W. his heirs & affigns, or by any other perfon or perfons whomfoever, any thing having or claiming in the faid premifes (EXCEPT the faid herein before mentioned indenture of mort. gage.) AND alfo the faid O. W. and his heirs, and all and every other perfon or perfons whomfoever, lawfully or equitably deriving any eftate, right, title or intereft, cf, in, or to the herein before granted and released premifes, or any part thereof, from, by, under or in truft for him, them, or any of them, shall and will, from time to time, and at all times hereafter, upon the reasonable request, and at the proper cofts and charges, in the law, of the faid I. D. his heirs and affigns, make, do, and execute, or caufe, or procure to be made, done and executed, all and every fuch further and other lawful and reasonable acts, deeds, conveyances and affurances in the law, for the further, better, more abfolutely, and effectually vefting and confirming the premises hereby intended to be granted and released, with the appurtenances, in and to the said I. D. his heirs and affigns forever, as by the faid I. D. his heirs or affigns, or his, or their counfel, learned in the law, fhall be reasonably defired, advised or required; So as fuch further affurances contain in the no further or other warranty or covenants than against the perfon or perfons, his or their heirs, who thall make or do the fame, and fo as the party or parties, who fhall be requested to make fuch further affurances, be not compelled, or compellable for making or doing thereof, to go, or travel from his or their respective dwellings or places of abode. AND ALSO that the faid O. W. and his heirs the above defcribed and hereby granted and releafed premifes, and every part thereof, with the appurtenances unto the faid I. D. his heirs and affigns, against the faid O. W. and his heirs, and against all perfons whomsoever fhall and will WARRANT and by these presents forever DEFEND. IN WITNESS, &C.

Release from a renouncing, to an acting Executor and Trustee, to enable the latter to fell the real estate devifed:

T O ALL TO WHOM, &c. E. of, &c. fends greeting: HEREAS B. late of, &c. duly made his laft will and teftament in writing, bearing date, &c. and thereby devised unto the faid E. and A. of, &c. and to their heirs, feveral meffuages, &c. upon the trufts therein men tioned, and conftituted and appointed the faid E. and A. executors of his faid will: AND WHEREAS the faid B. foon after the making of the faid will, died, and the faid E. hath renounced the faid executorship, and does difclaim all right to any of the meffuages, &c. mentioned in the faid will to be devifed to the faid A. and E. AND WHEREAS the faid A. hath agreed to fell the meffuage, &c. herein after mentioned, being, as the faid A. affirme, parcel of the premises mentioned to be devised as aforefaid. NOW the said E. for the fatisfaction of a purchaser, and to enable the faid A. more effectually to perform the trufts mentioned in the faid will, he the faid E. for himself, and his heirs, HATH, at the requeft of the faid A. teftified by his figning and feal ing of thefe prefents, releafed and forever quit-claimed and by thefe prefents DOTH, at fuch request, teftified as aforefaid, release and forever quit-claim unto the faid A. and his heirs, all the eftate, right, title, intereft, benefit, claim, advantage and demand whatsoever of him the faid E. of, in, unto and out of all that, &c. [defcribe the meuage, c.] IN WITNESS, &c.



Release of Dower by Indorsement on a Deed containing a Covenant by the deceafed husband for this purpose.

KNOW ALL MEN by which pointed


widow and relict of the within named C. B. lately deceased, in purfuance of the covenant on the part of the faid C. B. contained in the within deed or indenture, for further affurance of the premifes within granted, releafed and conveyed, or mentioned fo to be, and in confideration of the fum of ten dollars, lawful money of, &c. to her in hand paid by the within named E. F. of, &c. at or before the execution of thefe prefents, the receipt whereof, &c. and for divers other good caufes and confiderations, her thereunto moving, HATH remifed, released, and forever quit claimed, and by thefe prefents DOTH, for herself, her heirs, executors and adminiftrators, remife, releafe, and forever quit claim unto the faid E, F. his heirs and affigns, all the dower, and right, and title of dower, and all other the eftate, right, title, intereft, claim and demand whatfoe. ver, both at law and in equity, of her the faid A. B. which he now hath, or which the, her heirs, executors or adminiftrators, can or may at any time hereafrer have, claim or demand of, in, to, or out of all and fingular the faid premifes, by the within deed or indenture granted, released and conveyed, or mentioned, or intended fo to be, or their appurtenances, or any part thereof, fo that the the aid A. B. her heirs, executors and adminiftrators, or any of them fhall not, nor will, at any time hereafter, have, claim or pretend to any fuch dower, or right or title of dower, or other eftate, right, title, intereft, pretence, claim or demand, as aforefaid, of, in, to, or out of the faid premises, or any part thereof, with their appurtenances, but of, and from the fame, and every part thereof, hall and will be from henceforth utterly debarred and excluded forever, by these prefents. IN WITNESS, &c.


Form of a Releafe or deed of conveyance to trustees in trust.

"HIS INDENTURE, made, &c. BETWEEN R. M. of, &c. of the one part, and I. W. of, &c. and C. D. of, &c. of the other part, WIT. NESSETH, That the faid R. M. for and in confideration of the fum of ten dol. Iars, lawful money of, &c. to him in hand paid by the faid I. W. and C. D. at or before the execution of thefe prefents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, HATH granted, bargained, fold, released and confirmed; and by. thefe prefents DOтH grant, bargain, fell, release and confirm unto the faid 1. W. and C. D. in their actual poffeffion now being, and to their heirs and affigns for ever, All that, &c. TOGETHER with all and fingular the appurtenances, privileges, advantages and hereditaments whatsoever unto the fame belonging, or in any wife appertaining; and the reverfion and reverfions, remainder and remain. ders, rents, iffces and profits thereof; and alfo, all the eftate, right, title, inte. reft, and demand, both at law and in equity of the faid R. M. of, in or to the fame, or any part thereof. "To HAVE AND TO HOLD, the above granted pre. mifes with their appurtenances unto the faid I. W. and C. D. and their heirs, TO THE USE of the faid I. W. and C. D. their heirs and affigns, UPON SUCH TRUSTS, and to and for fuch intents and purposes, and under, and fubject to fuch provifoes and agreements as are herein after mentioned, expreffed and de. clared of and concerning the fame, that is to fay, UPON TRUST, that they the fd I. W. and C. D. or the furvivor of them, or the heirs, or affigns of fuch firvivor, fhall and do, forthwith, or as foon as conveniently may be, with the confent of the faid R. M. in his life time, or after his deceafe, abfolutely fell


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