taken, and carried away from thence; aud that he hath juft caufe to fufpect, and doth fufpect that E. F. late of in the county of labourer, the faid felony and burglary did commit: Thefe are therefore in the name of the people of the state of &c. to command you, that immediately, upon fight hereof, you do apprehend the faid E. F. and bring him before me to answer in the premises, and to be further dealt with according to law-Herein fail you not. Given under my hand and feal, the day of &c. Form of an information against a perfon for felony. 1 County of BE IT REMEMBERED, that this year of &c. A. B. of in the county of day of &c. in the farmer, in his proper perfon, comes day of &c. divers goods that is to fay (here in before me E. M. Efquire, one of the juftices of the peace in and for the said county, and upon oath makes complaint that on the and chattels of him the faid A. B. of the value of fert the articles) were feloniously ftolen, taken and carried away from and out of the dwelling houfe of the faid A. B. fituate at aforefaid in the faid county, and that he hath juft and reasonable cause to suspect, and doth suspect that C. D. late of labourer, feloniously did fteal, take and carry away the fame; for that the faid A. B. upon his oath aforefaid, doth depofe and fay, that (here fet forth the circumftances of the theft and the cause of fufpicion that it may appear to be reasonable) and thereupon ke the faid A. B. prayeth that juftice may be done in the premises. Before me, E. M. Form of a warrant for felony. DUTCHESS COUNTY fs. WHEREAS A. B. of complaint upon oath before the faid county that on the faid A. B. of the value of farmer, hath this day made me E. M. one of the juftices of the peace in and for day of &c. divers goods and chattels of him the that is to fay (name the articles) were felonioufly ftolen, taken and carried away from and out of the dwelling houfe of him the faid A. B. fituate at aforefaid in the faid county, and that he hath just and reafonable caufe to fufpect, and doth fufpect, that C. D. late of &c. labourer, feloniously did fteal, take and carry away the fame: Thefe are therefore in the name of the people of the state of New York, to command you forthwith to apprehend him the faid C. D. and to bring him before me, to anfwer unto the matters contained in the faid complaint and information, and to be further dealt with according to law-Herein fail not. Given under my hand and feal the day of &c. Oath of a perfon demanding furety of the peace. You do fwear that you are in, fear of your life, or fome bodily hurt to be done or procured to be done you, by C. D. of for that he the faid C. D. hath threatened to do fome bodily hurt unto you [or to wound, maim or kill" &c. "to burn your houfe" &c. as the cafe is] and that you do not require the furety of the peace [or" of the good behaviour"] from him for any private malice, vexation or revenge, but for the necessary safety of your perfon. Warrant Warrant for the peace or good behaviour. WHEREAS A. B. of &c. in the faid county, farmer, hath made oath before me I. F. Efquire, one of the juftices of the peace in and for the faid county, that he is afraid that C, D. of &c. in the faid county, labourer, will beat [or "wound" &c.] him [or "burn his houfe" &c.] and hath prayed furety of the peace [or "of the good behaviour"] againft the faid C. D.: Thefe are there, fore in the name of the people of the ftate of New-York, to command you that immediately upon the receipt hereof, you bring the faid C. D. before me or fome other juftice of the peace of the fame county, to find fufficient furety, as well for his perfonal appearance at the next general feffions of the peace, to be holden in and for the faid county; as alfo for his keeping the peace [or "for his good behaviour"] in the mean time towards the good peopic of this ftate, and more efpecially towards the faid A. B. Given under my hand and feal at &c. General form of a Recognizance with fureties. County of fs. BE IT REMEMBERED that on the day of &c. in the year of &c. C. D. of in the faid county, labourer, N. K. of &c. carpenter, and S. T. of the fame place, faddler, perfonally came before me I. F. Efquire, one of the juftices affigned to keep the peace in and for the faid county and severally acknowledged themselves to owe to the people of the ftate of New-York, to wit, the faid C. D. the fum of 50 dollars, and the faid N. K. and S.T. each the fum of 25 dollars feperately, of good and lawful money of the faid ftate, to be refpec. tively made and levied of their several goods and chattels, lands and tenements to the ufe of the faid people, if he the faid C. D. fhall fail in performing the condition hereon endorsed [ar "underwritten" if it be fo.] Acknowledged before me I. F. Form of the condition of a recognizance for the peace or good behaviour. The condition of this recognizance is fuch, that if the within [or "above"] bounden C. D. fhall perfonally appear at the next general feffions of the peace, to be holden in and for the county aforefaid, to do and receive what shall then and there be enjoined him by the court, and in the mean time fhall keep the peace [or "be of good behaviour"] towards the people of the faid ftate, and especially towards A. B. of &c. in the faid county, farmer; then the faid recognizance shall be void or else remain in full force. Condition of a Recognizance to answer to an indi&ment for an affault and battery. THE CONDITION of the above recognizance is fuch, that if the above bounden C. D. fhall perfonally appear at the next general feffions of the peace to be holden at in and for the said county, then and there to answer to an indict. ment, to be preferred against him, by A. B. of yeoman, for an affault and battery upon him the faid A. B. and to do and receive what fhall by the court, be then and there enjoined on him, and fhall not depart the court without leave, then the above recognizance to be void, otherwife to remain in full force, Warrant Warrant of commitment for want of fureties. mon gaol in the faid county, GREETING: WHEREAS C. D. of in the faid county, labourer, is now brought be fore me I. F. Efquire, one of the juftices of the peace in and for the faid county, and required to find fufficient fureties to be bound with him in a recognizance for his perfonal appearance at the next general feffions of the peace to be holden in and for the faid county, and in the mean time, to keep the peace [or "be of good behaviour"] towards the good people of the ftate of New-York, and more efpecially towards A. B. of in the faid county, farmer: And whereas the faid C. D. hath refused and doth now refufe [or "hath neglected and doth now neglect"] before me to find fuch fureties: Thefe are therefore in the name of the people of the faid ftate to command you the faid conftable forthwith to convey the faid C. D. to the common gaol of the faid county and to deliver him to the keeper thereof together with this precept; and I do hereby command you, the faid keeper, to receive the faid C. D. into your cuftody in the faid gaol, and him there fafely to keep until he fhall find fuch fureties as aforefaid. Given under my hand and feal at &c. the day of &c. If a warrant is iffued by a juftice and the offender efcapes into another county, a juftice of fuch other county, on proof of the hand writing of the juftice iffuing the warrant, muft indorfe his name on the fame, which will be an authority to arreft the party there. L. N. Y. 24th Seff. Chap. 31ft Sec. 2d. Form of the indorsement. COUNTY OF DUTCHESS IS. WHEREAS proof upon oath hath been made before me G. C. one of the juftices of the peace in and for the faid county of Dutchefs, that the name of I. F. to the within written warrant fubfcribed, is of the proper hand writing of the faid I. F. the juftice of the peace within mentioned: I do therefore, hereby authorife P. K. who brings to me this warrant, and all other perfons to whom the said warrant is directed, to execute the fame within the faid county of Dutchefs. Given under my hand &c. Form of a complaint to obtain a search warrant. } B BE IT REMEMBERED that this A. B of COUNTY fs. day of in the faid county of yeoman, in his proper perfon, comes before me J. C. Efq. one of the juftices of the peace in and for the faid county, and upon oath maketh complaint, that on the day of &c. (or as the cafe is divers gooda and chattels of him, the faid A. B. of the value of &c. that is to say, &c. (defcribe the articles) were feloniously stolen, taken and carried away from and out of the dwelling houfe of him, the faid A. B. fituate at &c. in the county afore. faid; and that he hath just and reasonable cause to suspect and doth fufpect, that the faid goods and chattels, or fome part thereof, are concealed in the dwelling houfe of P. R. of &c. in faid county, labourer; for he, the faid A. B. upon his oath aforesaid, doth depofe and fay, that (fet forth the grounds of fufpicion, that they may appear to be reasonable,) and therefore he, the faid A. B. prays that justice may be done in the premifes, Before me, &c. Starch County of Search Warrant on the above complaint. fs. To any Conftable of &c. WHEREAS A. B. of in the said county, yeoman, hath this day made complaint upon oath, before me, J. C. Efq. one of the juftices of the peace in and for the faid county, that on &c. certain goods and chattels of him, the faid A. B. to wit: have, by fome perfon or perfons unknown, been feloniously folen, taken and carried away out of the dwelling houfe of him, the faid A. B. at aforefaid, in the county aforefaid; and that he, the faid A. B. hath probable cause to fufpe&t, and doth fufpect that the faid goods and chattels, or fome part thereof, are concealed in the dwelling houfe of P. R. of in the faid county, labourer: Thefe are therefore in the name of the people of the ftate of New York, to authorize and require you, with neceffary and proper affiftance, to enter in the day time, into the said dwelling houfe of the faid P. R. at aforefaid, in the county aforefaid, and there diligently to fearch for the faid goods; and if the fame, or any part thereof, fhall be found upon fuch search, you are to bring the goods fo found, and also the body of the faid P. R. before me, or fome other of the juftices affigned to keep the peace in and for the county aforefaid, to be difpofed of and further dealt with according to law. Given under my hand and feal at &c. Form of an Examination of a perfon charged with felony. County, fs. The examination of O. P. late of labourer, taken before me, D. A. Efq. one of the juftices of the peace, in and for the said county, [or "before us and twe of" &c.] this day of in the year of &c. The faid O. P. being charged before me [or "us"] by A. B. of &c. yeoman, with feloniously ftealing, taking and carrying away out of the dwelling houfe of the faid A. B. at on &c. (here defcribe the articles, and ftate the walue of them) of the goods and chattels of him, the faid A, B.: He, the faid O. P. upon his examination now taken before me [or "us"] in pursuance of the act in fuch cafe made and provided, faith [or confeffeth or denieth,] That &c. faccording to the fa.) Taken before me [or “us,”] &c. Form of the Information or complaint of a felony committed, &c. County of -fs. ƒ THE INFORMATION of A. B. of &c. yeoman, taken before me &c. (as before. General form of a Recognizance to profecute and give evidence. County of fs. BE IT REMEMBERED, that on the day of in the year &c. A. B. of in the faid county, yeoman, came before me D. A. Efq. one of the jaftices affigned to keep the peace in and for the faid county, and acknowledged himself to owe to the people of this ftate, the fum of &c. of good and lawful money of the said ftate, to be made and levied of his goods and chattels, lands and tenements, to the ufe of the faid people, if the said A. B. fhall fail in the condition following: Acknowledged before me C. D. &c. WHEREAS one P. R. late of &c. labourer, was this day brought before me, the juftice above named, by the above bounden A. B. and was by him harged with feloniously ftealing, taking and carrying away at in the coun ty ty aforefaid, one &c. (bere defcribe the articles, &c.) of the value of &c. of the goods and chattels of him, the faid A. B. whereupon he, the faid P. R. was committed by me, the faid juftice, to the common gaol at &c. Now THEREFORE the condition of the above recognizance is fuch, that if he, the faid A. B. do and fhall, at the next general feffions of the peace [or "gaol delivery"] to be holden in and for the faid county, prefer, or caufe to be preferred, a bill of indictment of the faid felony, against the faid P. R. and shall then and there allo give evidence concerning the fame, as well to the jurors that fhall then inquire of the faid felony, as alfo to them that fhall pafs upon the trial of the faid P. R. then the faid recognizance fhall be void, or otherwife remain in full force and effect. Form of a warrant for a witness. County, fs. To any Conftable of &c. WHEREAS oath has been made before me, B. A. Efq. one of the juftices of the peace in and for the faid county, by A. B. of &c. that certain goods and chattels of him the faid A. B. to wit, (name the articles) of the value of &c. were lately feloniously stolen, taken and carried away from and out of the dwel. ling houfe of him, the faid A. B. at &c. (or as the cafe may be) and that he hath good caufe to believe that P. R. of is a material witnefs to prove by whom the faid felony was committed: These are therefore to require you to cause the faid P. R. forthwith to come before me, to give fuch information and evidence as he knoweth concerning the faid offence, that fuch further proceedings may be had therein as to the law doth appertain. Given under my hand and feal at in the said county, the day of &c. Condition of a recognizance to give evidence.* THE CONDITION of the above recognizance is fuch, that if the above boun den P. R. fhall perfonally appear at the next general feffions of the peace, to be holden at in and for the faid county, and then and there give fuch evidence as he knoweth, upon a bill of indictment, to be exhibited by A. B. of yeo. man, to the grand jury, against C. D. late of in the said county, labourer, for feloniously taking and carrying away (here name the goods) the property of and in cafe the faid bill be found a true bill, then if the faid P. R. fhall then and there give evidence to the jurors that shall pafs on the trial of the said C. Di upon the faid bill of indictment, and not depart thence without leave of the court, then this recognizance to be void, otherwife to remain in full force and effect. * The form of the recognizance itself may be the same as the one above. Form of a mittimus for felony. County, fs. To any conftable of &c. and to the keeper of the common gaol in the faid county: These are to charge and command you, the faid conftable, in the name of the people of the state of New-York, forthwith to carry and deliver into the custody of the faid keeper of the faid gaol, the body of C.D. this day brought before me, E. C. Efq, one of the juftices of the peace in and for the faid county, by B.W. a conftable of &c. and charged upon the oath of A. B. with (here fet forth the offence): And you, the faid keeper, are here. by required to receive the faid C. D. into your cuftody in the faid gaol, and him there fafely keep until he be thence delivered by due courfe of law. Given un der my hand &c,at &c. FORMS |