A. B. for himfelf and his heirs, the faid meffuage and premifes, and every part thereof, against him and his heirs, and against all and every other perfon and perfons whomfoever, to the faid C. D. his heirs and affigns, fhall and will warrant and forever defend by these presents. In witness, &c. THIS Another Deed of Bargains and Sale with Covenants. [This form is most generally used in this state.] day of HIS Indenture, made the in the year of our Lord one thoufand between A. B. of &c. of the first part, and C. D. of &c. of the fecond part, witneffeth, that the faid party of the firft part, for and in confideration of the fum of fix hundred dollars, lawful money of the ftate of New-York, to him in hand paid at or before the enfealing and delivery of thefe prefents, by the faid party of the fecond part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged and confeffed, hath granted, bargained, fold, releafed, conveyed, and confirmed, and by thefe prefents doth grant, bargain, fell, releafe, convey, and confirm, fully, freely and absolutely, unto the faid party of the fecond part, and to his heirs and affigns forever, all that dwelling houfe and lot of land, fit. uate, lying and being in the city of Albany, bounded as follows, &c. together with all and fingular the appurtenances, privileges and advantages whatfoever, unto the faid above mentioned and defcribed premifes in any wife appertaining or belonging; and the reverfion and reverfions, remainder and remainders, rents, iffues and profits thereof; and alfo, all the eftate, right, title, intereft, property, claim and demand whatsoever, as well in law as in equity, of the faid party of the first part, of, in and to the fame, or any part or parcel thereof, with the appurtenances. To have and to hold the above granted, bargained and defcribed premises with the appurtenances, unto the faid party of the fecond part, his heirs and affigns, for their own proper ufe, benefit and behoof forever. And the faid party of the first part, for himself, his heirs, executors and admin. iftrators, doth covenant, promife, grant and agree, to and with the faid party of the fecond part, his Heirs and affigns, that he the faid party of the first part, at the time of enfealing and delivery of thefe prefents, was lawfully feized in his own right, of, in and to the above defcribed premises, hereby granted and conveyed, with the appurtenances, as of a good, fure, perfect, abfolute and indefcafible eftate of inheritance in the law, in fee fimple, without any manner of condition to alter, change, determine or defeat the fame; and has in himself good right, full power and lawful authority, to grant, bargain, fell, convey and release the above faid defcribed lands and premifes, with the appurtenances, unto the faid party of the fecond part, his heirs and affigns in manner aforefaid And alfo, that he the faid party of the fecond part, his heirs and affigns, fhall and may, from time to time, and at all times, and for ever hereafter, peaceably and quietly have, hold, occupy, poffefs and enjoy the faid hereby granted and bargained premifes, with the appurtenances :* And alfo, that he the faid party * Without any lett, suit, trouble, molestation, eviction or disturbance of the said party of the first part, his heirs or assigns, or of any other person, lawfully claiming or to claim by, from or under him, them or any of them......And that free, clear, discharged and unincumbered, of and from all former and other titles, charges, estates, and incumbrances, of what nature or kind soever, had, made, committed, done or suffered, or to be had, made, committed, done or suffered by the said party of the firt part, his heirs and assigns, or by any other person or persons whomsoever, any thing having or claiming in the said premises, hereby conveyed. party of the first part, and his heirs, and all and every other perfon or perfons whomfoever, lawfully or equitably deriving any eftate, right, title, dower, jointure or intereft, of, in or to the herein before granted premifes, by, from, under or in truft for him and them, fhall and will, at any time or times hereaf ter, upon the reasonable request of the faid party of the fecond part, his heirs or affigns, and at the proper cofts and charges in the law of the faid party of the fecond part, his heirs or affigns, make, do and execute, or caufe or procure to be made, done and executed all and every fuch further and other lawful and reafonable conveyances and affurances, in the law, for the better and more effectually vefting and confirming the premifes hereby intended to be granted, in and to the faid party of the fecond part, his heirs and affigns for ever, as by the faid party of the fecond part, his heirs or affigns, or his or their counfel, learned in in the law, thall be reafonably devifed, advifed or required: And the faid party of the first part, for himself, his heirs, executors and administrators, doth here. by covenant and agree to and with the faid party of the second part, his heirs and affigns, the above described and releafed premifes, in the quiet and peacea ble poffeffion of the faid party of the fecond part, his heirs and affigns, against all and every perfon or perfons, lawfully or equitably claiming or to claim, the whole or any part thereof, for ever to warrant and defend. In witnefs whereof, the faid party of the first part, hath hereunto fet his hand and feal, the day and year firit above written. Sealed, &c. BILLS OF SALE. A Bill of Sale of Goods, KNOW all men by these presents, that I, B. F. of eration of the fum of of lawful money of for and in confid. to me in hand paid by C. D. of at or before the fealing and delivery of thefe prefents, the receipt whereof I the faid B. F. do hereby acknowledge, have granted, bargained and fold, and by these prefents, do grant, bargain and fell, unto the faid C. D. his executors, administrators, and affigns, all the goods, houfhold ftuff, implements and furniture, particularly mentioned, expreffed and contained in the schedule hereunto annexed [Or thus, herein after particularly mentioned, that is to fay, one bedftead, &c.] all and fingular which faid premifes are now remaining, ftanding and being in a certain meffuage or tenement, fituated and now or late in the occupation of the faid B. F. To have and to hold all and fingular the faid goods, houshold stuff and furniture, and other, the premifes above bargained and fold, or mentioned or intended fo to be, to the faid C. D. his executors, adminiftrators and affigns for ever. And I the faid B. F. for myfelf, my heirs, executors and adminiftrators, all and fingular the faid goods unto the faid C. D. his executors, adminiftrators, and affigns, againit me the faid B. F. my executors and adminiftrators, and against all and every other perfon and perfons whomfoever, fhall and will warrant and forever defend by thefe prefents. Of all and fingular which faid goods. I the faid B. F. have put the faid C. D. in full poffeffion, by delivering to him the fard C. D. one filver fpoon, at the fealing and delivery of thefe prefents, in the name of the whole premifes hereby bargained and fold, or mentioned or intended To to be, unto him the faid C. D. as aforefaid. In witness, &c. MEN The Form of indorfing Livery and Seifin on the above Bill of Sale. EMORANDUM, the day and year first within written, livery and feifin of the goods by the within written deed, bargained and fold, was delivered by the faid B. F. to the faid C. D. by giving and delivering to the faid C. D. one filver spoon, in the name of the whole goods and premises fold, in prefence of us. Bill of Sale of Goods conditional, in nature of a Mortgage. TO ALL TO WHOM thefe prefents fhall come, 1, A. B. of, &c. fend GREETING. KNOW YE that I the faid A. B. for and in confideration, &c. (as before, to the words) and forever defend, by thefe prefents: PROVIDED ALWAYS and it is hereby agreed between the faid parties to these prefents, that if I the faid A. B. my executors, &c. or any of us, do and fhall well and truly pay or caufe to be paid unto the faid C. D. or to his certain attorney, executors, &c. the fum of on or before the at day of in the year for the redemption of the faid hereby bargained premifes, then thefe prefents, and every claufe, article, condition and thing herein contained, shall ceafe and be void, otherwife to remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS, &C. Bill of Sale of goods and flock in confideration of Maintenance, &c. HIS INDENTURE. made, &c. Between A. B. of, &c. of the one part, A. B. in confideration of the covenants herein after mentioned on the part of the faid C. D. to be performed, and for the further confideration of one dollar to him in hand paid by the faid C. D. and for divers other good caufes and confiderations, him thereunto moving, he the faid A. B. HATH granted, bargained and fold, and by thefe prefents doth grant, bargain and fell unto the faid C. D. his executors, adminiftrators and affigns, all his fix horses, two mares and one colt, his four cows, his waggon, all his corn and hay, and all and fingular his bedding, linen, brafs, pewter and other houfhold goods, and all other his goods and chattels whatfoever upon his farm in A. aforefaid, and which, together with the faid farm were this day put into the hands and pof feffion of the faid C. D. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD all and fingular the faid cattle, goods, chattels and premises hereby granted unto the faid C. D. his executors, adminiftrators and affigns forever, to his and their only proper use and behoof; AND the faid C. D. in confideration of the premises, DOTH hereby for himself, his heirs, &c. covenant and agree with the faid A. B. his executors and adminiftrators, in manner following, viz. that he the faid C. D. his executors, &c. fhall and will at his and their cofts and charges maintain and keep the faid A. B. during his life, with good and fufficient meat, drink, wathing and lodging, at his the faid C. D's own dwelling houfe, if the faid A. B. fhall think fit to live with him, and if the faid A. B. fhall be minded to live with any other perfon, that then, and in fuch cafe, he the faid C. D. his executors, &c. fhall and will pay to the faid A. B. yearly, for or on account of his maintenance at fuch other place, the fum of dollars; and after that rate for any greater or leffer time than a year, that the faid A. B. fhall be minded to dwell with any other perfon than the faid C. D. and alfo that the faid C. D. his executors, &c. fhall pay and allow unto the faid A. B. yearly, and every year during his natural life the fum of a year for spending money; the fame to be paid to the faid A. B. at four equal quarterly payments, to be computed from this day. IN WITNESS, &c. A Bill of Sale of Goods, as a collateral fecurity for Money due on a Bond of even date. THIS 'HIS INDENTURE made &C. BETWEEN A. B. of &c. of the one part, and I. C. of &c. of the other part. WHEREAS the said A. B. by his bond or obligation bearing even date with and executed immediately before these prefents, is, and stands holden unto the faid I. C. in the penal fum of dolls, with condition thereunder written for payment of the fum of dollars with the lawful interest for the fame, unto the faid A. B. in fuch manner as therein is mentioned; NOW THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH, that for the further and better fecuring payment of the said sum of dollars and intereft unto the faid I. C. his execu. tors, &e. according to the true intent of the faid bond, and in confideration of the fum of one dollar now paid by the faid I. C. to the faid A. B. the receipt, &c. and for divers other good caufes, and confiderations him thereunto moving, HE the faid A. B. HATH granted, bargained, fold, affigned and fet over and by thefe prefents DOTH hereby freely, clearly and abfolutely, grant, bargain, sell, affign, fet over and deliver in due form of law, unto the faid I. C. ALL AND SINGULAR the beds, bedding, houfhold goods and furniture, and other the goods, chattels and things in the schedule or inventory hereunder written, particularly mentioned and expreffed, and all the right, intereft, benefit, advantage, property, claim and demand whatsoever, both in law and in equity of him the faid A. B. of, in and to the faid hereby granted and fold premifes, TO HAVE, HOLD. receive, take and enjoy all and fingular the faid hereby bargained and fold premifes unto, &to, & for the only use & benefit of the faid I. C. his executors, &c. from henceforth for evermore, as and for his and their own proper goods and chattels; AND THE SAID A. B. for himself, his executors, &c. all and fingular the hereby bargained and fold goods, chattels and premifes unto the faid I. C. his executors, &c. against all and every perfon and perfons whomfoever, fhall and will warrant and forever defend, by thefe prefents; PROVIDED always and these presents are upon this condition, that if the faid A. B. his executors, &c. fhall and do well and truly pay to the faid I. C. his executors, &c. the faid fum of dollars, with lawful intereft for the fame, on or before the fuing the date hereof, according to the true intent of, and in difcharge of the herein before in part recited bond, that then, as well thefe prefents, as also the faid bond, fhall be void and of no effect; any thing to the contrary thereof, herein contained, notwith@anding; AND the faid A. B. for himself, his heirs, &c. doth hereby covenant, promife and agree to and with the faid I. C. his executors &c. in manner as follows, that is to fay, THAT he the faid A. B. now hath good right, and lawful power to grant, bargain and fell, all and fingular the hereby bargained and fold goods, chattels and premises, unto, and to the ufe of the faid I. Č. his heirs, &c. in manner as aforefaid; AND that the fame now are, and fhall remain, free and clear of and from all, and all manner of charges and incumbrances whatfoever by him the said A. B. or his affigns, made or created, or hereafter to be made or created by the faid A. B. his heirs, &c. AND ALSO, that the faid A. B. his executors &c. fhall and will well and truly pay the faid fum of dollars and intereft unto the faid I. C. his executors, &c. on or before the faid day of now next enfuing, without any deduction whatsoever, in difcharge of the faid bond and of the above provifo, according to the true mean. ing day of next en ing thereof. AND that in cafe default fhall be made in payment of the faid fum of dollars and intereft, at the time herein before limited for payment thereof, it fhall and may be lawful for the faid I. C. his executors, administrators and affigns, with any perfon or perfons, as he or they fhall think fit to enter and come into and upon the dwelling houfe and premifes of him the faid A. B. wherein the faid goods and chattels are, or may be held or placed, and then to fetch and carry away the faid goods and chattels, and to fell and difpofe of the fame, for the beft price which they can obtain, and out of the money to arife by fuch fale thereof, to pay and retain to him, and themfelves, the faid fum of dollars and intereit, and all charges touching the fame; he and they rendering to the said A. B. his executors, &c. the over-plus monies, (if any fuch fhall be any thing herein to the contrary notwithstanding; AND laftly, it is covenanted and agreed between the faid parties to thefe prefents, their, and each of their executors, &c. that, until default be made in the payment of the aforefaid fum of money and intereft, at the time fixed for payment thereof, as aforesaid, the faid A. B. his, &c. fhall and may remain and continue in quiet and peaceable poffeffion of the aforefaid goods and chattels, and the full and free enjoyment of the fame. IN WITNESS, &C, A Bill of Sale of part of a Ship, by Indenture. day of of the one part, and C. D. of between THB. F. of of the other part, witneeth, That the faid B. F. for and in confideration of the fum of to him the faid B. F. in hand well and truly paid, at or before the fealing and delivery of thefe prefents, the receipt whereof the faid B. F. doth hereby acknowledge, hath granted, bargained and fold, and by thefe prefents, doth grant, bargain and fell unto the faid C. D. his executors, adminiftrators and affigns, one fourth part, the whole into four parts equally to be divided, of ali that thip or veffel, called of the burthen of together with one full fourth part, the whole to be divided as aforefaid, of all the mafts, fails, failyards, anchors, cables, ropes, cords, boats, oars, guns, gunpowder, thot, tackle, apparel, ammunition, and furniture to the faid fhip belonging, or in any wife appertaining To have and to hold the faid fourth part of the faid fhip or veffel, and other the premises hereby granted, bargained and fold, or mentioned or intended fo to be, unto the faid C. D. his executors, adminiftrators and affigns for ever, as his and their own proper goods, and to and for his and their own proper ufe and uses for ever. And the faid B. F. doth hereby, for himself, his heirs, executors and adminiftrators, covenant, promife, grant and agree to and with the faid C. D. his executors, adminiftrators and aligns, that the faid B. F. at the time of the fealing and delivery of thefe prefents, is the true and lawful owner and proprietor of the faid fourth part of the faid fhip or veffel, and premises hereby granted, bargained and fold, or mentioned or intended fo to be, unto the faid C. D. his executors, adminiftrators and affigns, as aforefaid: And that he the faid B. F. at the time of the fealing and delivery hereof, hath in himself full power and good authority in law, to grant, bargain and fell the faid fourth part of the faid ihip or veffel and premifes above bargained and fold, or mentioned or intended fo to be, unto the faid C. D. his executors, administrators and affigns in manner aforefaid: And aifo that it shall and may be lawful to and for the faid C. D. his executors, administrators and affigns, from time to time, and at all times hereafter, quietly and peaceably to have, hold, poffefs and enjoy the faid fourth part of the faid fhip, and all other the premifes |