A Letter of Licence to a Debtorki G. H. of O all to whom these presents shall come, we E. F. of [Here name the several other creditors) whose names are under written, and seals affixed, creditors of A. B. now or late of fend gree. ting. Whereas the faid A. B. on the day of the date hereof, is indebted unto us the faid creditors in divers sums of money, which by reason of great loffes and misfortunes he is not at present able to pay and fatisfy without refpite of time to be given him for that purpose: Know ye therefore, that we the faid creditors, and every of us, do by these presents severally give and grant unto the said A. B. free licence, liberty and leave, and our sure and safe conduct, to come, go, and refort unto us and every of us, his faid creditors, to compound and take order with us, and every one of us, for our and every of our faid debts; and also go about his other business and affairs at his free will and pleasure, from the day of the date hereof, unto the full end and term of next ensuing, without any let, fuit, trouble, arreft, attachment or other disturbance whatsoever, to be offered or done unto him the faid A. B. his wares, goods, money or merchandizes whatfoever, by us, or any of us, or by the executors, administrators, partners or affigns of us or any of us, or by our or any of our means or procurement. And we the faid creditors severally and respectively, each for himself, his execu. tors and adminiftrators doth severally and apart, and not jointly, covenant, grant and agree, to and with the faid A. B. his executors and administrators, and every of them by these presents, that if any trouble, vexation, wrong, damage or hindrance, shall be done unto him the faid A. B. either in his body, goods or chattels, within the faid term of from the date of these presents, by us, or any of us, contrary to the tenor and effect of this our licence, that then he the faid A. B. his executors and administrators, shall be acquitted and difcharged tow. ards and against him and them, of us, his and their executors, administrators, partners and affigns, and every of them, by whom and by whose means he shall be vexed, arrested, troubled, imprisoned, attached, grieved or damnified, of all manner of actions, suits, quarrels, debts, dues and demands, either in law or equity whatsoever, from the beginning of the world to the day of the date of these presents: Provided always nevertheless, and it is the true intent and meaning of of these presents, and of the faid parties hereunto, that if all the faid parties shall not subscribe and feal these presents, then and in fuch cafe, the liberty and licence hereby given and granted, and every clause, covenant, matter and thing therein contained, shall cease and be utterly void to all intents and purpofes; any thing herein before contained to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding. In witness, S. T A Composition with Creditors. O all to whom these presents shall come, we whose names are here under written, and feals affixed, creditors of A. B. of send greeting. Whereas the faid A. B. doth juftly owe, and is indebted unto us, his faid feveral creditors, in divers sums of money; but by reason of many losses, great hindrances and other damages happened unto the said A. B. he is become utterly unable to pay and fatisfy us our full debts, with such goods, wares and merchan. dizes which he hath, which we the faid creditors are unwilling to accept of, or any wife to intermeddle with the fame; and therefore we the faid creditors have refolved and agreed to undergo a certain loss, and to accept of five shillings for every pound owing by the fald A. B. to us the several and respective creditors aforefaid aforefase. to be paid in full fatisfaction and discharge of our several and respective debts: Now know ye, that we the said creditors of the faid A. B. do for ourselves fever ily and respectively, and for our several and respective heirs, executors and administrators, covenant, promife, compound and agree, to and with the faid A. Bois executors and administrators, and to and with every of them by these presents, hat we the faid several and respective creditors, our several and respective heirs, wecutors, adminiftrators and assigns, shall and will accept, receive, and take of ma com the faid A. B. his executors and adminif trators, for each and every pound at the faid A. B doth owe and is indebted to us the faid several and respective editors, the sum of five shillings, in full discharge and fatisfaction of the several bts and fums of money that the faid A. B. doth owe and stand indebted unto us the faid creditors respectively; fo that the faid fum of five shillings, to be paid for each and every pound that the faid A. B. doth owe and standeth indebted unto us the faid several and respective creditors, be paid unto us the faid several and respective creditors, our several and respective executors, administrators or affigns, within the time or space of fix months next after the date of these presents: And we the said several and respective creditors, do severally and respectively, for ourselves, our several and respective heirs, executors, administrators and affigns, covenant, grant, promise and agree, to and with the said A. B. his executors and administrators, that he the faid A. B. his executors, administrators and affigns, shall and may from time to time, and at all times within the said term or space of fix months next enfuing the date hereof, assign, sell, or otherwise dispose of his faid goods and chattels, wares and merchandizes, at his and their own free will and pleasure, for and towards the payment and fatisfaction of the said five shillings for every pound the faid A. B. doth owe and is indebted as aforesaid, unto us the said respective creditors; and that neither we the said several and respective creditors, or any of us, nor the executors, administrators or affigns of us or any of us, shall or will, at any time or times hereafter, sue, arrest, moleft, trouble, imprifon, attach or condemn the faid A. B. his executors or administrators, or his or their goods and chattels, for any debt or other thing now due and owing to us or any of us his respective creditors aforesaid; so as the said A. B. his executors or administrators, do well and truly pay, or cause to be paid unto us his faid several and respective creditors, the faid sum of five shillings for every pound he doth owe and standeth indebted unto us respectively, within the faid time or space of fix months next ensuing the date hereof. In witness, &c. A Marriage Settlement. THIS Indenture of three parts, made between A. B. of of part, C. D. of of the first of the second part, and M. D. daughter of the said C. D. of the third part, witnesseth, that for and in confideration of a marriage intended (by God's permiffion) to be shortly had and folemnized between the faid A. B. and the faid M. D. and of the fum of of lawful money of to be had and received by the faid A. B. as a marriage portion with the faid M. D. and for that a competent jointure may be had, made and provided for the faid M. D. (in cafe the faid marriage shall take effect) and for the fettling and affuring the messuages, lands, tenements and here. ditaments herein after mentioned, to and for the several uses, intents and purposes hereafter limited and declared, pursuant to the agreement made upon the contract of the faid intended marriage, he the faid A. B. hath granted, bargained, fold, aliened, released and confirmed, and by these prefents doth grant, &c. unto the said C. D. and E. F. (in their actual poffeffion, &c.) [Here go on as in ve con veyance by release] their heirs and affigns, all those messuages, & [Here defcribe the premises, and afterwards add the usual general clares following them, which fee in the release.] To have and to hold the fa messuages, &c. hereditaments and premises above granted, released and gearmed, and every part and parcel thereof, with the appurtenances, unto faid C. D. and E. F. their heirs and affigns, to and for the feveral uses, atents and purposes herein fter mentioned, limited, expreffed and declaredhat is to say) to the use and behoof of the faid A. B. and his heirs, unti che said marriage between him and the faid M. D. his intended wife, shall se had and folemnized; and from and after the folemnization thereof to theute and behoof of the faid A. B. and his assigns, for and during the term of his natural life, without impeachment of waste; and from and after de determination of that estate, to the use and behoof of the faid C. D and E. F. and their heirs, for and during the natural life of the faid A. B. in truft to preserve and support the contingent remainders herein after limited som being defeated and destroyed; and for that purpose to make entries, and bring actions, as the case shall require: yet nevertheless in trust to permit and fuffer the faid A. B. and his affigns, to receive and take the rents, issues and profits thereof, to his and their own proper ufe and benefit, during his natural life: And from and after the decease of him the faid A. B. to the ufe and behoof of the faid M. D. his faid intended wife, and her assigns, for and during the term of her natural life, for her jointure, and in full fatisfaction of her dower or thirds which the may claim to have in any lands, tenements or hereditaments, whereof or wherein he the faid A. B. shall at any time during his life be feized of any eftate of inheritance; and from and after the decease of the faid A. B. and M. D. his faid intended wife, and the furvivor of them, to the use and behoof of the heirs male of the body of the faid M. D. by the faid A. B. her intended husband, lawfully to be begotten; and for want of such issue, to the use, and behoof of the faid C. D. and E. F. their executors, adminiftrators and assigns, for and during the term of five hundred years thence next following, and fully to be complete and ended, without impeachment of or for any manner of waste, upon the trufts, and to and for the several uses, intents and purposes herein after declared of and concerning the fame term.-And from and after the expiration, or other fooner determination of the faid term of five hundred years, to the use and behoof of the faid A. B. his heirs and affigns for ever. Provided always, and it is hereby declared, covenanted and agreed, by and between the faid parties to these presents, that the said term of five hundred years, so limited to them the faid C. D. and E. F. their executors, administrators and affigns, as aforesaid, is upon this condition, that if the faid A. B. shall happen to die without issue male by him begotten on the body of the faid M. D. his faid intended wife, or shall leave issus male, and such issue male shall happen to die before he shall attain the age of twenty-one years, without issue male; and that if in either of the faid cafes there shall happen to be one or more daughter or daughters of their bodies begotten, that then and in such cafe, if he the faid A. B. his heirs and assigns, do and shall well and truly pay, or cause to be paid to fuch daughter or daughters refpectively, at her and their respective ages of twenty-one years, or days of marriage, which shall first happen, the several portions following, that is to say if it shall happen, there shall be but one daughter, then the fum of only, for the portion of such daughter, to be paid her at her faid age of twenty-one years, or day of marriage, which shall first happen, with interest therefor in the mean time, after the rate of 5 doils. faid per centum, per annum: and it any fuch daughter or daughters shall happen to die unmarried, before her or their portion or portions shall become payable, as aforefaid, then the portion or portions of her or them so dying, shall go and be paid to the furvivor or survivors of them, equally to be divided amongst them, Thare & share alike (to be paid at the fame time as the original portions thould or ought to become payable, as aforesaid, in cafe they had been living) so as no one fuch daughter shall have for her portion, by survivorship, or otherwise, by virtue of the faid term of five hundred years, above the sum of and in cafe there fhall be no fuch daughter, who shall live to be married, or attain the faid age of twenty-one years, that then and in either of the faid cafes to happening, the same term shall cease, determine, be null and void, any thing herein contained to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithstanding. And the faid A. B. for himself, his heirs, executors and administrators, doth covenant, grant, promife and agree, to and with the said C. D. and E. F. their heirs and affigns, and every of them, by these presents, that the said messuages, &c. hereditaments and premises, with the appurtenances above released and confirmed, as aforesaid, shall and may from henceforth and for ever hereafier, be, remain and continue to and for, and upon the several uses, trufts, intents and purposes, and under and subject to the several limitations and agreements aforesaid, according to the true intent and meaning of these presents: And further, that he the faid A. B. his heirs, &c. [Here infert a covenant for further assurance, as before in the conveyance by releafe.] Provided also, and it is hereby declared, covenanted and agreed upon, by and between all and every the said parties to these presents, that it shall and may be lawful to and for him the faid A. B. during his life, and after his death, for the faid M. D. his intended wife, during her life, in cafe the said intended marriage shall take effect, by any writing or writings under his or her hand and feal respectively, attested by two or more credible witnesses, and not otherwife, to make any lease or leases, demife or grant of all or any part or parts of the faid messuages, &c. to any perfon or perfons whomsoever, for the term of twenty. One years, or for any other term or numbers of years, not exceeding twenty years, so as fuch lease or leases, demise of grant for years he made to commence and take effect in poffeffion, within one year after the date thereof: and so as tipon all and every such lease or leases, demises or grants for years to be made by the faid A. B. and M. D. his faid intended wife, respectively, there be reserved payable yearly, during the continuance thereof, the best and most improved yearly rents, which at the time of making thereof can or may be gotten for the fame: and so as in every such lease there be contained a claufe of re-entry for non-payment of the rent or rents thereby to be reserved; and so as the leffee or leffees, to whom such lease or leases shall be made, do seal and deliver counterparts of such lease or leases; any thing herein contained to the contrary hereof notwithstanding. In witness, Et. Separation between á Man and his Wife. THIS Indenture of three parts, made between G. G. of of the first part, A. his wife, of the second part, and B. (a trustee) of the third part. [Whereas, &c. (here infert recital of the fettlement before marriage if any such marriage fettlement there be) and] whereas fome unhappy differences have lately arifen between the faid G. G. and the faid A. his wife, and they have mutually agreed to live separate & apart from each other; and previous to fuch separation, he the faid G. G. hath confented thereto, and alto proposed and agreed that he, out H of of his own proper monies, would allow and pay to the faid A. his wife, during the term of her natural life, for her better support and maintenance (over and above the provision made and settled upon her the faid A. for her separate use by the above recited indenture, (one annuity or yearly sum of 100 dolls. clear of all taxes, charges, and deductions whatsoever, payable to her in such manner as herein after is mentioned,) subject nevertheless to the provision herein after contained, touching the payment of the said annuity) And also, that in cafe the faid A. his wife should die before him the said G. G. that then the faid G. G. should pay to her executors the sum of ten dollars to wards her funeral charges; and that the faid G. G. would hereby ratify and confirm the herein before recited settlement in such manner, as hereafter is mentioned: Now this indenture witnesseth, that the said G. G. in pursuance of his aforesaid propofal and agreement, doth hereby for himself, his executors; administrators, and for every of them, covenant, promife and agree, to and with the faid B. (the trustee) his executors, administrators and assigns; and doth also agree with the faid A. his wife, in manner and form following (that is to say) that it shall and may be lawful to and for the faid A. his wife, and that he the faid G. G. shall and will permit and suffer her the said A. from time to time, and at all times from henceforth, during her natural life, to live separate and apart from him, and to refide and be in such place and places, and in such family and families, and with such relations, friends and other persons, and to follow and carry on such trade and business, as the the said A. from time to time at her will and pleasure (notwithstanding her present coverture, & as if she wete a feme fole and unmarried) shall think fit; and that he the faid G. G. shall not, nor will at any time or times hereafter sue her the said A. in the court, or any other court, for living separate and apart from him; or compel her to cohabit with him, or to fue, molest, disturb or trouble her for such living feparate and apart from him, or any other perfon or perfons whomsoever, for receiving, harbouring or enter. taining her; nor shall or will without the consent of the faid A. vifit her, or knowingly come into any house or place where she shall or may dwell, reside or be; or fend or cause to be sent any letter or message to her; nor shall or will at any time hereafter claim or demand any of the monies, rings, jewels, plate, clothes linen, woolen, household goods or Rock in trade, which the the faid A. now hath in her custody, power or poffession, or which she shall or may at any time hereafter, buy or purchase, or which shall be devised or given to her, or thall otherwise acquire and that she shall and may enjoy and absolutely difpofe of the fame, as if the were a feme fole and unmarried. And further that he the faid G. G. his executors or administrators, or some or one of them, shall and will well and truly pay, or cause to be paid unto the said A. his wife, or her affigns, dura ing the term of her natural life, for and towards her better support and maintenance, one annuity or yearly fum of of lawful money of free and clear of all taxes, charges and deductions whatsoever; the faid annuity or yearly fum of to be paid and payable to her the said A. and her affigns, during her natural life, at or upon or within ten days next after each of the faid days, by four equal parts; the first quarterly payment thereof to begin and be made on next, or within days then next following. In confideration of which faid 100 dolls. per ann. fo hereby made payable to her the faid A. in manner as aforesaid, and of the provifion fo made for her by the faid recited indenture of settlement in manner as aforesaid, the the said A. doth here.. by agree to accept and take in full fatisfaction for her support and maintenance, and all alimony whatsoever during her coverture. Provided always, and it is hereby |