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executors or administrators, nor any other perfon or perfons, on his or their account, fhall or will, at any time during the faid term hereby granted, fell or rétail any beer, ale or other liquors whatsoever, nor keep any victualling or other fuch public houfe of entertainment, within the faid building or tenement so 10 be erected as aforefaid, nor use, permit or fuffer the trade of a tallow chandler, or other fuch like offenfive trade to be carried on therein, without the licence of the faid A. B. his heirs or affigns [or executors, &c. as above] first had and obtained in writing. Provided alfo nevertheless, and it is further covenanted and agreed by and between the faid parties to these presents that if the faid C. D. his, &c. do not before the day of aforefaid, at his and their own cofts and charges, make, erect, fet up and finish the faid house, building or tenement, in all things as the faid C. D. hath before covenanted & agreed to do, that then and from thenceforth this prefent lease or demife, and every thing therein contained, fhall ceafe, be void and of no effect; & the eftate hereby granted to the faid C. D. his executors, adminiftrators and aligns, fhall ceafe and determine to all ́intents, conftructions and purposes whatsoever; any thing herein contained to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithstanding. And the faid A. B. doth for himself, his heirs, executors and administrators covenant, grant and agree to and with the faid C. D. his executors, adminiftrators and affigns, that he the faid C. D. his executors, administrators and affings, paying the rent and performing all and fingular the covenants and agreement before, in and by thefe prefents comprifed, referved and contained, on his or their part and behalf, to be paid, done, performed and kept, fhall and may lawfully peaceably and quietly have, hold, occupy, poffefs and enjoy the faid piece or parcel of ground herein before granted and demifed, together with the faid houfe, building or tenement, to be thereon erected and built, as aforefaid, with the appurtenances, for and during the faid term of herein before granted, without any lawful det, fuit trouble, moleftation, eviction, expulfion or interruption of or by him the faid A. B. his heirs or affigns [or executors, &c. as before] or by any other perfon or perfons whomfoever, lawfully claiming or to claim, by, from, or under him, them or any of them, or by or with any of their privity, affent, confent or procurement. In cafe the leffor holds the premifes on leafe, then add the followng claufe viz. And that well and fufficiently fived harmless and kept indemni fied of and from the rent and covenants referved and contained in the original indenture of leafe, under which the faid A. B. holds the faid demifed premifes for a longer term than is hereby letten.

In witness, &c.

A Leafe of a Houfe with Goods therein.

HIS indenture made this

day of

between A. B. of


THIS one part and C. D. of of the other part, witneeth, that the faid A. B. for and in confideration of the rent, covenants and agreements hereafter in and by thefe prefents mentioned, referved and contained, on the part and behalf of the faid C. D. his executors, administrators and affigns, to be paid, obferved, done and performed, hath granted, densifed, leafed, fet and to farm let, and by thefe prefents, doth grant leafe, fet and to farm let anth the faid C. D. his executors, adminiftrators and affigns, all that brick houfe, meffuage or tenement, with all and fingular its appurtenances, fituate, ftanding and being in a certain street or place, called or commonly known by the name of in the city of [or, in the county of I containing in depth on the north fide &c. (Here defcribe the bounds according to the


meafure thereof) butting eaft upon

freet aforefaid, weft upon a meffuage. north upon and

or tenement now. or late in the tenure or occupation of

fouth upon together with all and fingular the appurtenances whatsoever to the faid brick house, meffuage or tenement, and premifes belonging or in any wife appertaining, and therewith heretofore held, ufed occupied and enjoyed by

late eccapier thereof (If furniture be let with the boufe, then proceed thus viz. together alfo with the goods, household. ftuff and furniture, in the schedule or inventory hereto annexed, if it be tacked to the back part of the leafe; but if to the fore part thereof, which is moft ufual, then jay prefixed) To have and to hold the faid brick houfe, meffuage or tenement, and all and fingular other the premifes herein before granted and demifed, or mentioned or intended fo to be, with the appurtenances, unto the faid C. D. his executors, administrators and affigns, from the day of next enfuing the day of the date of thefe prefents, for and during, and until the full end and term of from thence next enfuing and fully to be complete and ended; yielding and paying therefor, yearly and every year, during the faid term unto the faid A. B. his executors, adminiftrators or affigns [In cafe the leffor hath not an inheritance in the premises, then instead of executors, &c. write his heirs or affigns] the yearly rent of of lawful money of on the day of

in every year, by even and equal portions. The first paymen: thereof to begin and to be made, &c. next enfuing the date of these prefents. Provided always nevertheless, and it is the true intent and meaning of thefe prefents, and of the faid parties hereunto, that if it thall happen. that the faid yearly rent of

[ocr errors]

referved, or any part thereof, be behind and unpaid by the space of

hereby next

over or after any of the faid days, whereon the fame ought to be paid as afore. faid (the fame being first lawfully demanded) that then and from thenceforth, it hall and may be lawful to and for the faid A. R. his, &c. into and upon the faid demifed premifes, and every or any part or parcel thereof, with their appur. tenances, in the name of the whole, to re-enter, and the fame to have again, repoffefs and enjoy, as in his or their first or former eftate or eftates; and him, the faid C. D. his executors, adminiftrators and affigns, and all and every other the occupier or occupiers of the faid denifed. premifes, from thence utterly to expel, remove and put out; any thing in thefe prefents contained to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithstanding. And the faid C. D. &c. [Here infert a vegant for payment of rent, as in the preceding leafe,] And that the faid C. D. his executors, administrators and aligns, hall and will from time to time, and at all times hereafter, during the faid term of herein before granid, at his and their own proper coffs and charges, well and fufficiently keep in repair. the faid demifed premifes, with their and every of their appurtenances, and alfo the glass windows, pavements, privies, finks, and gutters, belonging to the fane, in, by, and with all manner of needful and neceffary reparations and amend ments whatsoever, when and as often as the fame thall require (damages by fire only excepted) and the fame premifes with all, and fingular their appurtenances, being in and by all things fo well and fufficiently repaired and kept, (except as before excepted) at the end, expiration or other fooner determination of the faid term of hereby granted, hall and will quietly and peaceably leave, fur render and yield up unto the faid A. B. his &c, together with the faid good;,, houshold ftuff and furniture, the ufe whereof is herein before granted, as alore. faid [If any fuch there be particularly comprized, expreffad and mentioned in the faid fchedule or inventory hereunto prefixed [but annexed, if the schedule be to be fixed to the back part of the leafe] in good and fufficient repair and condition


(reasonable use and wearing thereof, and damage by fire as aforefaid, only except. ed :) that he the faid C. D. his executors, administrators and affigns, fhall and will from time to time, and at all times hereafter, during the faid term hereby granted, pay and difcharge all taxes, charges and impofitions which shall be laxed, charged, impofed or affeffed upon the faid meffuage or tenement or premifes, or any part thereof. And the faid A. B. for himself, &c. [Here infert covenant for a quiet enjoyment, as penned in the former leafe.]

In witness, &c.

The Form of a Schedule to be prefixed to the laft Leafe.

THE Schedule or inventory to which the indenture of demife hereto annexed

refers :

First, In the parlor, one table, &c.

In the dining room, up one flight of ftairs, &c.

In the beft chamber, up two flights of ftairs, &c.

In, &c. [Thus go on particularly through all the rest of the premises】

A Leafe of Lands from two to one


between B. of

and C. D. of

THIS indenture, and E. F. of the other part, witne/eth, that the faid A.

day of

B. and C. D. for and in confideration of the rent, covenants and agreements herein after mentioned, reserved and contained on the part and behalf of the faid C. D. his executors, administrators and affigns, to be paid, done and per. formed, have, and each of them hath granted, demifed, leafed, fet and to farm let, and by thefe prefents do, and each of them doth grant, demife, lease, fet and to farm let unto the faid E. F. his executors, adminiftrators and affigns, all that piece or parcel of land fituate, lying and being in (Here particularly defcribe the premijes) with all and fingular the appurtenances thereunto belonging (except and always excepted out of this prefent demnife, or lease, all timber trees ftanding or growing in or upon the faid demifed premifes, or any part thereof, and alfo the ways through the fame to the other lands, at prelent belonging or appertaining to the faid A. B. and C. D. or either of them :) To bave and to hold all and fingular the faid demifed premises, with their and every of their appurtenances (excep: as is before excepted) unto the faid E. F. his executors, administrators and affigns, from the for and during, and unto the full end and term of one and twenty years from thence next enfuing, and fully to be complete and ended; yielding, &c. (Here infert the rent referved, and the days of payment, according to the method prescribed in the two former leafes.) Provided always, nevertheless, &c. (Here infert as in the other "leafes, the provifo for re-entry on non-payment of rent, and likerwife the covenant for payment.) And alfo, that the faid E. F. his executors, &c. fhall and will from time to time, and at all times during the faid term hereby granted, at his and their own proper costs and charges, the faid demifed premifes well and fufficiently repair, maintain and keep; and at the end, or other fooner determination of this prefent demife or leafe unto the faid A. B, and C, D. or the one of them, their or the one of their heirs or affigns (If the lefors have only a temporary eftate in the premises, than fay, executors &c. as directed in the first leafe) the faid demifed premifes and every part and parcel thereof, fhall and will leave, furrender and yield up: And that he the faid E. F. his executors, adminiftrators, and affigns, fhall and will permit and fuffer the faid A. B. and C. D. or the one of


them, or the one of their agents, heirs or affigns (Or executors, &c. as above obferved) from time to time, and at all times during the faid term hereby granted, to enter upon and view the ftate and condition of the faid demised premifes. And the faid A. B. and C. D. for themselves, and either of them, their, and either of their heirs, executors and administrators, &c. [Here infert the covenant for quiet enjoyment as in the preceding leafe.]

A Leafe in common Ufe for Houfes and Lots in Towns and Cities. in the year our one

HIS Indenture, made

Thofadd eight hundred, between X. B. of the firth part of C. Lord the

fecond part, witneffeth, That the faid party of the first part, for and in confideration of the yearly rent, covenants and conditions, herein after contained, on the part of the faid party of the fecond part, his executors, adminiftrators and affigns, to be paid, kept and performed, hath granted, bargained, leafed and to farm, let, and by these prefents, doth grant, bargain, lease and to farm let unto the faid party of the fecond part, and to his executors, adminiftrators and affigns, all that' certain dwelling house and lot of ground, fituate, lying and being in the village of Troy, in the county of Renffelaer, and ftate of New-York, bounded as follows: on the caft by Ferry-ftreet, on the fouth by the dwelling houfe and lot of ground of E. F. on the weft by Mill-ftreet, and on the north by the house and lot of ground of G. H. To have and to hold the faid premifes with all and fingular the privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging, unto the faid party of the fecond part, his executors, adminiftrators and affigns, for and during and until the full end and term of ten years, from the day of the date of these prefents, fully to be complete and ended; yielding and paying therefor, quarter yearly, during the continuance of this leafe, unto the faid party of the first part his heirs and affigns, the rent of fifteen dollars, on the twenty-firft day of July, a like fum of fifteen dollars on the twenty-firft day of October, a like fum of fif. teen dollars on the twenty-first day of January, and a like fum of fifteen dollars on the twenty-first day of April, and a like fum of fifteen dollars on each and every of the faid days in each and every year during the continuance of this leafe. And the faid party of the fecond part, for himself, his executors, admin. iftrators and affigns, doth covenant, grant and agree, to and with the faid party of the first part, his heirs and affigns, that he the faid party of the second part, his executors, adminiftrators and affigns, will from time to time, well and truly pay, or caufe to be paid, unto the faid party of the first part, his heirs or affigns, the rent above referved, at the days and times and in manner aforefaid [Here infert a claufe of payment of taxes and affeffments if the tenant is to pay the fame; and alfo, fuch other special matters as the parties may agree on, to wit, keeping the premises in good repair, erecting dwelling boufes, outhouses, &c.] And the faid party of the first part, for himffelf, his heirs and affigns, doth hereby covenant and agree, to and with the faid party of the fecond part, his executors, adminiftrators and affigns, that they and each of them, paying the rent aforesaid, and performing, fulfilling and keeping, all and fingular the covenants, condi. tions and agreements herein contained, on his and their and each of their parts, to be performed, fulfilled and kept, fhall and may lawfully, peaceably and quietly have, hold, poflefs, occupy and enjoy the premifes hereby conveyed, and every part thereof, with the appurtenances unto the faid party of the fecond part, his executors, adminiftrators and affigns, without any fuit, trouble, eviction, hindrance, interruption or difturbance, of, by or from the faid party of the


first part, or of, by or from any perfon or perfons whomfoever, for and curing the faidt term of ten years, fully to be complete and ended; and that he the faid party of the first part, and his heirs, fhall and will warrant and defend the faid premises to the faid party of the fecond part, his executors, adminiftrators, and aigns, against every perfon or perfons lawfully claiming the fame. Here infert a clause of re-entry, if fuch fall be the agreement of the parties.] In wit ness, &c.

A Leafe for a Term of Years.



of lawful

THIS Tthoufand HIS, Indenture, made the. day of in the year of our Lord one thoufand eight hundred between A, B, of, &c. of the first part, and C. D. of, &c. of the fecond part, witneffeth, That the faid party of the first part, for and in confideration of the yearly rents, covenants and agreements herein after referved and contained, on the part and behalf of the faid party the fecond part, his executors, adminiftrators and affigns, to be paid obferved and performed, hath demifed, granted and to farm let; and by thefe prefents, doth demife, grant and to farm let, unto the faid party of the fecond part, executors, adminiftrators and affigns, all that certain farm, piece or parcel of land, fituate, lying and being &c. Together with all and fingular the benefits, liberties, privileges and appurtenances to the faid premifes belonging: To have and to hold the faid demifed premifes with the appurtenances, unto, the faid party of the fecond part, his executors, administrators and affigns, from the day of &c. for, and during and until the full end and term of twentyone years thence next enfuing and fully to be complete and ended: Yielding and paying therefor, yearly and every year, during the faid term, unto the faid party of the first part, his heirs or affigns, the yearly rent or fum of &c. on the day, of in each & every year, free and clear of all rates, taxes,, charges, affeffments, impofitions and payments whatfoever, which may hereafter be taxed, charged, affeffed, or impofed on the premifes according to law; and the faid party of the fecond part, for himself, his heirs, executors, adminiftrators and affigns, doth covenant, promife and agree to & with the faid party of the first part, his heirs and aligns, by thefe prefents, in manner and form following, that is to fay, that the faid party of the fecond part, his executors, administrators and affigns, or fome of them, fhall and will from time to time and at all times here. after during the faid term well and truly pay to the faid party of the first part, his heirs, &c. the faid yearly rent or fum of, &c. of lawful money, &c. at the days and, times and at the place herein before appointed for payment of the fame, without making any deduction or abatement thereout, for or in refpect of any rates, taxes, charges, affeffments, and impofitions whatfoever which may here. after, during the faid term, be taxed, charged, affeffed or impofed upon the faid demifed premifes, or any part thereof by virtue of any legal authority whatfpe ver; all which rates, taxes, charges, affefiments and impofitions, the faid party of the fecond part, his heirs, &c. fhall and will pay, and difcharge and therefrom acquit, fave harmlefs and keep indemnified the faid party of the first part, his heirs, &c. and the faid premifes; and that the faid party of the fecond part, executors &c. fhall and will from time to time, and at all times hereafter during faid term, at his and their own proper costs and charges maintain, keep and pre. ferve the faid hereby demifed premifes with all and fingular, the appurtenances, in good, reafonable, and fufficient repair; AND the fame premifes with the appur, tenances, fu being well and fufficiently preferved, kept and repaired, in as good



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