A Revocation of a Letter of Attorney. in and did make, constitute and KNOW all men by thefe prefents, "That Whereas 1. A. B. of by my letter of attorney, bearing date appoint C. D. of my attorney, for recovery of all debts and fums of mo ney whatsoever due to me the faid A. B. from E. F. of as by faid letter of Attorney may appear: Now know ye, that I the faid A. B. for that the faid C. D. hath abufed the authority by me in him repofed, [Or thus, for divers good caufes and confiderations me hereunto moving] have revoked, countermanded, annulled and made void, and by these prefents do revoke, countermand, annul and make void, the faid letter of attorney, and all power and authority thereby given or intended to be given to the faid C. D. In witness &c. Thefe A Warrant of Attorney to appear and plead to an Action commenced. O Mr. A. B. of one of the attornies of the Court of are to defire and authorise you to appear court, at the fuit of in an action of To for me C. D. of in the faid and to plead to the said action of and for your fo doing, this shall be to you a sufficient warrant. In. witness, &c. A Warrant of Attorney to confefs Judgment. 'O Mr. Á. B. and Mr. C. D. attornies of the Court of other attorney of the fame court. T% or to any These are to authorize you, either or any of you to appear for me E. F. of in the faid court, this prefent term, or any other fubfequent term, at the fuit of G. H. of and confefs a judgement against me unto him, in an action of debt for befides cofts of fuit, by Non fum informatus, nil dicit, or otherwise ; and for your, either or any of your fo doing, this shall be your In witness, &c. warrant. Warrant of Attorney to confefs Judgment on a Bond. To A. B. C. D. &c. gentlemen, attornies of the fupreme court of judica ture of the ftate of New-York, (or, of the court of common pleas of as the cafe may be.) HESE are to authorize you, the attornies above named or any one of you, to appear for New-York, (or of the court of common pleas of the county me E. F. of in the faid fupreme court (or court of common pleas of Jas of the term of now laft paft, or in, or as of, any fubfequent term, and to receive a declaration for me, in an action of debt on a bond, bearing even date herewith, or as for fo much money borrowed, at the fuit of G. H. and therupon to confefs the fame action; or elfe to fuffer a judgment by nil dicit, non fum informatus, or otherwife, to pafs against me, of record, for the faid debt, together with cofts: and to release the errors of fuch judgment: And for your fo doing this fhall be to you, or any one of you, or any other attorney as aforefaid, a fufficient warrant. In witnefs whereof I have hereunto fet my hand and feal, the day of in the year of our Lord, one thoufand eight hundred. Sealed and delivered In the prefence of M A A Warrant of Attorney to acknowledge Satisfaction on a Judgment. Tor to any other attorney of the fame court. did in attornies of the term laft, obtain and recover one again E. F. of for debt and Whereas I, G. H. of judgment in the said court of for damages and cofts of fuit, as by the records thereof remaining in the faid court may appear: And for which faid judgment, and debt and damages thereupon recovered, I the faid G. H. am, and do hereby acknowledge to be fatisfied contented and paid. These are therefore to defire and authorise you, either or any of you, and I do hereby give you, each and every of you full power and authority, for me, and in my name, to acknowledge fatisfaction upon record in the faid court, of and for the faid judgment, and the debt and damages thereupon recovered. And for your, either, or any of your fo doing, this fhall be your fufficient warrant. In whitness, &c. A Warrant of Attorney, to confess a Judgment in Ejectment, Το HESE are to defire and authorise you, the attornies above named, or either of you, or any other attorney of the court of ΤΗ at aforefaid, to appear for me J. K. of in the faid court, as of this prefent term, or any other fubfequent term, and then and there to receive a declaration or declara. tions for me in an action of trespass in ejectment, at the fuit of &c. (the leffee of the plaintiff) for with the appurtenances, in in the county of which J. K. of Efq. (that is, the mortgagee) the day of this inftant, at aforefaid, did demife to the faid (leffee of the plantiff) and his affigns, to hold from the of laft part, before the date hereof, for the term of from thence next enfuing, fully to be complete and ended; and thereupon to confefs a judgment in the faid action for the faid meffuages, lands, and premises, with their appurtenances, or elfe to fuffer the fame to pafs by Non fum informatus, or otherwife, against me, in the fame action, and to be thereupon forthwith entered up against me of record; and for your fo doing &c. I HEREBY authorife you to appear for me C. D. to an action brought against me in the court of at the fait of E. F. and plead thereto, and further to do fuch things therein as you fhall think neceffary for my defence in the faid I day of Mr. J. N. ·Another in Ejectment. C. D. HEREBY authorife you to appear for me in this declaration, and procure me to be made defendant in the room of the cafual ejector, and enter into the common rule for confeffing leafe, entry and oufter, and thereupon plead not guilty. Warrant Warrant from the Plaintiff to the Sheriff and Gaoler, to discharge the at Defendant. is O G. L. Efq. theriff of S. and to the keeper of the common gaol within the faid county, J. L. of fends greeting. Wheras J. D. of now in your cuftody, by virtue of a writ of Capias ad fatisfaciendam, iffued out of the court of at the fuit of me, the faid J. L. for certain damages in the faid writ mentioned, for which faid damages I have received fatisfaction: Now therefore these are to authorise you, and each of you, and you are hereby required immediately to difcharge and release the faid J. D. of and from the execution aforefaid, and of and from all writs and procefs whatsoever, at my fuit, and of and from all or any restraint and imprifonment, by occafion of any execution, writ or procefs heretofore charged againft him by me the faid J. L. upon your being paid your fees. And for fo doing, this fhall be your fuf ficient warrant. Given under my hand & feal the day of in the year of our Lord one thousand &c. by OF MORTGAGES of ESTATES. MORTGAGE is a pledge or pawn of lands, &c. on account of money y way of leafe for a long term of years, by affignment of fome temporary intereft, or by leafe and release in fee, that is to fay, made as an eftate of inhe ritance to the perfon it is pledged to, who is called the mortgagee, whilft on the other hand the pledger is termed the mortgagor. It is an inftrument or deed made on condition, that until failure in payment of principal and intereft due, the mortgagor is to poffefs and enjoy the lands, &c. mortgaged; and though failure be made, he and his reprefentatives have a right to redeem the mortgage, which in law is termed the equity of redemption, Lit. 332. Where there are mortgages for a term of years of eftates intended to be fold, affignments of thofe terms are to be made in truft for the purchafer, by indenture of three parts, commonly called tripartite, wherein the morgagee is to be ofthe first part, the mortgagor and his heir (if any he have of age) of the fecond part, and the purchafer and his trustees of the third part, reciting the mortgages and affigning them in truft to attend the freehold. Note-In the ftate of New-York, it is required, in order that mortgages be good & fufficient againft fubfequent bona fide purchasers, that they be registered or recorded in the office of the clerk of the county in which the lands or tenements are situated: And after a legal fale, there remains no longer any equity of redemption, THIS Indenture, made the day of A Mortgage of Houfes and Lands. [An approved form in the ftate of New-York.] in the year of our Lord one thoufand between A. B. of &c, of the first part, and C. D. of &c. of the second part, witneffeth, that the faid party of the first part, for and in con fideration of the fum of two hundred dollars, lawful money of the ftate of New York, to him in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, hath granted, bargained, fold, releafed, enfeoffed and confirmed; and by these pre fents fents doth grant bargain, fell, release, enfeoff and confirm unto the faid party of the fecond part, in his actual poffeffion now being, and to his heirs and affigns forever, all that certain farm, &c. fituate, lying and being, &c. butted and bounded as follows, &c. containing two hundred acres of land, be the fame more of lefs: To have and to hold, the above bargained premises, to the faid party of the fecond part, his heirs and affigns, to the fole and only proper ufe, benefit and behoof of the faid party of the fecond part, his heirs and affigns for ever. Provided always, and thefe prefents are upon this exprefs condition, that if the faid party of the firft part, pay to the faid party of the fecond part, the just and full fum of two hundred dollars in gold and filver, on or before the first day of July, which will be in the year of our Lord one thoufand eight hundred and ten, with lawful intereft annually until paid according to the condition of a certain bond or writing obligatory, bearing even date herewith, executed by the faid party of the first part, to the faid party of the fecond part, as a collateral fecurity, then thefe prefents, and the faid bond or writing obligatory, fhall ceafe determine & be null and void; but, in cafe of the non-payment of the faid fum of two hundred dollars, with the interest annually, or any part thereof, or any part of the intereft fo to become due, at the time or times above limited for the payment thereof, then and in fuch cafe, it shall and may be lawful for the faid party of the fecond part, his heirs, executors, adminiftrators or affigns, and the faid party of the first part, doth hereby empower and authorife the faid party of the fecond part, his heirs, executors, adminiftrators and affigns, to grant, bargain, fell, releafe and convey the faid premifes, with the appurtenances, at public auction or vendue-and on fuch fale to make and execute to the purchafer or purchafers, his, her or their heirs and affigns for ever, good, ample and fufficient deeds of conveyance in the law, pursuant to the ftatute in fuch cafe made and provided-rendering the overplus monies (if any there be) to the faid party of the firft part, his heirs, executors or adminiftrators, after deducting the coffs and charges of fuch vendue and fale as aforefaid. In witnefs whereof, the parties to these prefents have hereunto interchangeably fet their hands and feals, the day and year firft above written. Sealed &c. A Mortgage of a Meffuage, &c. for a term of Years. "HIS Indenture, made the THIS between A. B. of day of in the year of our Lord of the one part, and C. D. of of the other part, witneffeth that the faid A. B. for and in confideration of the fum of of lawful money of e to him in hand paid by the faid C. D. at or be fore the fealing and delivery of thefe prefents, the receipt whereof he the faid A. B. doth hereby acknowledge hath granted, bargained and fold, and by thefe prefents doth grant bargain and fell unto the faid C. D. his executors, adminifrators and aligns, all that certain meffuage, &c. (Here defcribe the premifes af ter the manner before defcibed.) And alfo the reverfion & reverfions, remainder & remainders, rents, iffues & profits of all and fingular the faid premifes, and of ev ery part and parcel thereof, with their appurtenances: To have and to hold the fand messuages, &c. and premifes above mentioned and every part and parcel thereof, with the appurtenances, unto the faid C. D. his executors, adminiftra. tors and affigns, from the day before the day of the date of thefe prefents, for and during, and unto the full end and term of five hundred years from thence next enfuing and fully to be complete and ended; yielding and paying therefor yearly during the faid term, at or upon the day of one pepper-corn if demanded; demanded: Provided, and these prefents are upon this condition, and it is the true intent and meaning hereof, and of the faid parties hereunto, that if the faid A. B. his heirs or affigns, do and fhall well and truly pay, or caufe to be paid unto the faid C. D. his executors, adminiftrators or affigns, the full fum of with legal intereft for the fame, on or before the of lawful money of any day of next enfuing the day of the date hereof without any deduction, defalcation or abatement whatsoever, for or by reason of any taxes or affeffments whatsoever, either ordinary or extraordinary, already impofed or hereafter to be impofed on the faid premifes, or any part thereof, that then and from thenceforth thefe prefents and every matter and thing herein contained fhall ceafe, deter mine, and be utterly null and void to all intents and purposes; any thing herein contained to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithstanding. And the faid A. B. for himself, his heirs, executors and administrators, doth covenant, promife grant and agree to and with the faid C. D. his executors, administrators and af figns, that he the faid A. B. his heirs, executors or adminiftrators, fhall and will well and truly pay, or caufe to be paid unto the faid C. D. his executors, adminiftrators or affigns, the faid fum of with legal intereft for the fame, on or before the faid day of next, without deduction as aforesaid, according to the true intent and meaning of thefe prefents: And alfo, that he the faid C. D. his executors, adminiftrators and affigns, fhall and may at all times, after default fhall be made in payment of the faid fum of and intereft or any part thereof, at the time herein before limited for payment thereof, peacea bly and quietly have, hold, occupy, poffefs and enjoy all and fingular the faid meffuage, &c. and other the premises above granted, bargained and fold, or mentioned or intended fo to be, with the appurtenances as aforefaid, for and during all the reft, refidue and remainder of the faid term of five hundred years, which fhall be then to come and unexpired, without the let, fuit, hindrance, moleftation, interruption or eviction of him the faid A. B. his heirs and affigns, or of any other perfon or perfons whomfoever lawfully claiming or to claim by, from or under him, them, or any of them: And further, that he the faid A. B. and his heirs, and all and every other perfon and perfons having or lawfully claiming any right, title or intereft, in or to the faid premifes, or any part or parcel thereof, by, from or under him or them, thall and will after default shall be made in payment of the faid fum of and intereft, or any part thereof, as aforefaid, make do and execute, or caufe or procure to be made, done and executed all and every fuch further and other lawful and reasonable act and acts, thing and things, affurance and affurances, deyice and devices in the law whatfoever, for the further, better and more perfect granting and affuring of all and fingular the faid premises, with the appurtenances above bargained and fold, or mentioned, or intended fo to be, unto the faid C. D. his executors, adminiftrators and affigns, for and dur ing all the reft, refidue and remainder of the faid term of five hundred years above granted, as by the faid C. D. his executors, administrators or affigns, or his or their counfel learned in the law, fhall be reasonable devised, advised or requir ed. And lastly, it is covenanted, granted, concluded and agreed upon by and between the faid parties to thefe prefents, and the true intent and meaning hereof is, and it is hereby declared fo to be, that until default shall be made in payment of the faid fum of and intereft, or any part thereof as aforefaid, it fhall and may be lawful to and for the faid A. B. his heirs and affigns, to have hold and enjoy all and fingular the faid premifes, with the appurtenances, above bargained and fold, in manner aforefaid, and to receive and take the rents, iffues and profits thereof, to his and their own proper ufe and benefit; any thing herein contained . to |