to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithstanding. In witnefs, &e. Note. It is proper to indorfe on the back of the above deed a receipt for the money lent. HIS Indenture, made ΤΗ C. D. of A Mortgage of Goods. between A. B. of of the one part, and of the other part, witnesseth, that the faid party of the first part, for and in confideration of the fum of to him in hand well and truly paid by the faid party of the fecond part at or before the fealing and delivery of thefe prefents the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, bath granted bargained and fold, and by these prefents, doth grant, bargain and fell unto the faid party of the fecond part, his executors, adminiftrators and affigns, All and fingular the goods, turniture and household ftuff herein after particularly mentioned and expreffed, that is to fay: [Here infert fully an account of all the goods mortgaged. [To have and to hold all and fingular the faid goods &c. herein before granted, bargained and fold, or mentioned, or intended fo to be, unto the faid party of the fecond part, his executors, adminiftrators and affigns, to the only proper ufe and behoof of the faid party of the fecond part, his executors, admini. ftrators and aligns for ever: Provided always, and these prefents are upon this condition, that if the faid party of the firft part, his executors or administrators fhall and do well and truly pay or cause to be paid unto the faid party of the fe. cond part, his executors, adminiftrators or affigns, the full fum of with legal intereft for the fame, on or before the then these presents, and every matter and thing herein contained fhall ceafe, determine, and be utterly void, to all intents and purposes; any thing herein contained to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithstanding. And the faid party of the first part, for himself his executors and adminiftrators, all and fingular the faid goods, &c. by these presents unto the faid party of the fecond part, his executors, administrators and affigns, against him the faid party of the first part, his executors and adminiftrators, and against all and every other perfon and perfons whomfoever, fhall and will warrant, and forever defend by these prefents. And the faid party of the second part, for himfelf, his executors and adminiftrators, doth covenant, promife, grant and agree to and with the faid party of the first part, his executors and adminiftrators, that he and they shall and will immediately, upon the receipt of the faid fum of and interest as afore money of i of lawful day of said, at the day and time above limited for payment thereof, deliver or caufe to be delivered, unto the faid party of the fecond part, his executors, administrators and affigns, all and fingular the goods, &c. above granted, which are now, and at the time of the executing of these prefents, were received by the faid party of the fecond part, of and from the faid party of the first part, in as good cafe, plight and condition as the fame and every of them now are at this prefent time. In witness, &c. W A further Mortgage by Indorfement. HEREAS the within named P. P. hath advanced and lent unto the within named W. W. the further fum of dollars, the receipt whereof the faid W. W. doth hereby acknowledge, and thereupon the faid W. W. bath entered into one bond or writing obligatory under his hand and seal, bearing even date with these presents to the faid P. P. in the penal fum of dollars of lawful money of the itate of New-York, with condition thereunder writ ten, ten, for making the fame void upon payment unto the faid P. P. his executors, adminiftrators or affigns, of the fum of dollars of like lawful money, with ⚫ on the day of intereft for the fame, after the rate of as in and by the said writing or bond or writing obligatory and the condition thereof, relation being thereunto had may more fully appear: Now know ye, that for the better fecuring and more fore payment unto the faid P. P. his executors, admini frators and affigns, of the faid further sum of dollars, and intereft, on the faid day of next enfuing, according to the true intent and meaning of the faid recited bond or obligation, he the said W. W. doth hereby for himself, his heirs executors and adminiftrators, covenant, promife and agree to and with the faid P. P. his executors, adminiftrators and affigns, that the meffuages, &c. and all and fingular other the premises with the appurtenances by the within written indenture of mortgage mentioned to be granted, bargained, fold and demifed, and every part and parcel thereof fhall ftand chargeable, remain, continue, and be a fecurity unto him the faid P. P. his executors, adminiftrators and affigns, as well for the payment of the fum of dollars within mentioned and the intereft thereof, as alfo for the payment of the faid further fum of dollars now lent and advanced as aforefaid and the intereft thereof. And that the faid premises or any part thereof fhall not be redeemed or redeemable either in law or in equity, until not only the faid fum of dollars before lent and the intereft thereof, but also the faid fum of dollars now lent and the intereft thereaf fhall be paid and fatisfied unto the faid P. P. his executors, adminiftrators and affigns, according to the true intent and meaning of thefe prefents. In witness whereof, &c. The form of a Certificate from a Mortgagee on receipt of the Mortgage Money, to procure a difcharge of the Mortgage. To the Clerk of the County of A. B. of &c. do hereby certify that C. D. of &c. hath paid and fatisfied all fuch fum and fums of money as was due and owing upon a certain mortgage made by the faid C. D. to me, bearing date the day of and regif tered on the day of &c. following, in full difcharge of the fame; and I do hereby require an entry of fuch payment and fatisfaction to be made purfuant to the act in that cafe made and provided-Witnefs my hand and feal this day of, &c. Signed, fealed, &c. N. B. The execution of the above certificate must be proved, or acknowledg ed before a Judge, &c. in the fame manner as the execution of the mortgage is required to be proven. PARTITION. A Deed of Partition between three Coparceners, Cohcireffes THIS Indenture of three parts, made this B. late al, &c. decency, of the day of between one part, C. B. of &c. another of the daughters of the faid G. B. deceafed, of the fecond part, and D. B. of, &c, also another of the daughters of the said G. B. ufe B. deceased, of the third part. Whereas the faid G. B. late father of the faid A. B. C. B. and D. B. died feifed in his demife as of fee, of and in all thofe meffuages, &c. without leaving behind him any other heir or iffue of his body law. fully begotten, or making any difpofition of the faid premifes, or any part thereof, whereby and by which means, all and fingular the faid meffuages, &c. and other the real estate of the faid G. B. deceased, are defcended and come unto the faid A. B. C. B. and D. B. his faid daughters. Now this indenture witneeth, That the faid A. B. C. B. and D. B. have made partition, and by thefe prefents, do make a full, perfect and abfolute partition of the faid meffuages, &c. to and amongst them the faid A. B. C. B. and D. B. in three parts, in manner and form following, that is to say that the the faid A. B. her heirs and affigns, fhall have hold and enjoy to the only proper use and behoof of the faid A. B. her heirs and affigns for ever, all that meffuage, &c. for the full part, fhare and proportion of her the faid A. B. of, in, and to all and every the meffuages, &c. heredita ments and premifes above mentioned, fo defcended unto them the faid A. B. C. B. and D. B. as aforefaid; and that the faid C. B. her heirs and affigns, fhall have, hold and enjoy to the only proper use and behoof of the said Č. B. her heirs and affigns for ever, all that meffuage, &c. for the full part, fhare and proportion of her the faid C. B. of, in and to all and every the faid meffuages, &c. fo defcended unto them the faid A. B. C. B. and D. B. as aforefaid; and the faid D. B. her heirs and affigns, fhall have hold and enjoy, to the only proper and behoof of the faid D. B. her heirs and affigns for ever, all that meffuage, &c. for the full part, fhare and proportion of her the faid D. B. of, in and to all and every the faid meffuages, &c. fo defcended to the faid A. B. C. B. and D. B. as aforefaid. And the faid C. B. and D. B. do, and each of them doth, by these prefents, grant, affign, remife, releafe,quit-claim & confirm unto the faid A. B. her heirs & affigns, the faid meffuage, &c. fo as aforefaid, agreed to be held, as aforefaid, as her full fhare or proportion of the premises above mentioned & defcended as aforefaid, to the said A. B. C. B. and D. B. & all the estate, right, title, intereft, claim, challenge & demand whatsoever of them the faid C. B. & D. B. of, in or to the faid meffuage above mentioned, and hereby released to the faid A. B. as aforefaid: To have and to hold the faid meffuage, &c. with the appurtenances hereby releafed and confirmed, or mentioned or intended fo to be unto the faid A. B. her heirs and affigns, to the only proper ufe and behoof of her the faid A. B. her heirs and affigns, in feveralty for ever. And the faid A. B, and D. B. do, &c. [Here infert the like grant from them to C. B.] And the faid A. B. and C. B. do. [The like with the former must be made to D. B.] And the faid C. B. and D. B. do feyerally and apart, and not jointly, and for their feveral and refpective heirs, executors or adminiftrators, covenant, grant and agree, to and with the faid A. B. her heirs and affigns, that the the faid A. B. her heirs and assigns, shall and may from henceforth for ever hereafter, peaceably and quietly have, hold, occupy, poffefs and enjoy the faid meffuage, &c. fo allotted and released to her the faid A. B. for her part or fhare, as aforefaid, free, &c. [Here go on with the covenant for quiet enjoyment, and likewife with that for further afurance, which two covenants must be repeated recipro cally, as before is done in the granting part. See the form of thofe covenants in a conveyance by releafe.] In witnefs, &c, THIS their An Indenture of Partition between three Joint-tenants. HIS INDENTURE of three parts, made, &c. BETWEEN M. G. of, &c. of the first part; G. C. of, &c. of the second part; and F. C. of, &c. of the third part: WHEREAS H. B. of, &c, by his deed or indenture of bargain and fale [or of release &c. as the cafe may be] under his hand and feal bearing date &c. for the confiderations therein expreffed, DID grant, bargain, fell, convey and confirm unto the faid M. G. G. C. and F. C. and their heirs and affigns forever, ALL, &c. TOGETHER with all and fingular the appurtenances, privileges, advantages and hereditaments whatfoever, unto the faid above mentioned and defcribed premises in any wife appertaining and belonging; and the reverfion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, iffues and profits thereof; AND ALSO all the estate, right, title, intereft, dower, and right of dower, property, claim and demand whatsoever, as well in law as in equity, of the faid H. B. of, in or to the fame and every part and parcel thereof, with the appurtenances: To HAVE AND TO HOLD the faid granted, bargained and defcribed premifes with the appurtenances, unto the faid M. G. G. C. and F. C. their heirs & affigns, to the only use and behoof of the faid M. G. G. C. and F. C. their heirs and affigns forever, as by the faid recited deed or indenture may more fully appear; by virtue of which faid grant or conveyance, the faid M. G. G. C. and F. C. are now jointly feized in poffeffion in their demefne, and of fee, of and in the said lands and premifes, with appurtenances, herein before mentioned to have been to them granted and conveyed: NOW THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH, that the faid M. G. G. C. and F. C. DO by these presents make a full, perfect and abfolute partition of the said lands and premifes, with their appurtenances aforefaid, to and amongst them the faid M. G. G. C. and F. C. into three parts, to be divided in manner and form following; that is to fay, THAT the faid M. G. his heirs and affigns, fhall have, hold, occupy, poffefs and enjoy to the only ufe and behoof of him the faid M. G. his heirs and affigns forever, ALL, &c. [Here defcribe the part which M. is to have] TOGETHER with all and fingular the appurtenances, privileges, advantages and hereditaments unto the fame belonging or in any wife appertaining; and the reverfion and reverfions, remainder and remainders, rents, iffues and profits thereof; for the full part, purpart and por. tion of the faid M. G. of, in, and to all and every the premifes herein before mentioned to be granted and conveyed to the faid M. G. G. C. and F. C. AND the faid G. C. his heirs and affigns, fhall have, hold, occupy, poffefs and enjoy to him the faid G. C. his heirs and affigns, to the only use and behoot of him the faid G. C. his heirs and affigns forever,. ALL, &c. [Defcribe G. C's part of the premises,] TOGETHER with all and fingular the appurtenances, privileges, advantages and hereditaments unto the fame belonging or in any wife appertaining; and the reverfion and reverfions, remainder and remainders, rents, iffues and profits thereof, for the full part, purpart and portion of the said G. C. of, in, and to all and every the premises herein before mentioned to be granted and conveyed to the faid M. G. G. C. and F. C. AND that the faid F. C. his heirs and affigns, fhall have, hold, occupy, poffefs and enjoy to him the faid F. C. his heirs and affigns, to the only use and behoof of him the faid F. his heirs and affigns forever, ALL, &c. [Defcribe F's part of the premises] TOGETHER with all and fingular the appurtenances, privileges, advantages and hereditaments, unto the faid laft defcribed premises belonging, or in any wife appertaining; & the reverfion & reverfions, remainder and remainders, rents, iffues and profits thereof, for the full part, purpart and portion of the faid F. C. N of, of, in, and to all and every the premifes herein before mentioned to have been granted to the faid M. G. G. C. and F. C. AND THE SAID G. C. and F. C. DO, and each of them doth, by thefe prefents, give, grant, affign, releafe, convey and confirm to the faid M. G. his heirs and affigns, the faid premifes, &c. fo as aforefaid, conveyed to the faid M. G. and by him agreed to be held as aforefaid, as his full fhare, part and portion of the premises herein before mentioned to have been granted to the faid M. G. G. C. and F. C. as aforefaid, and all the eftate, right, title, intereft and demand whatfoever, which the faid G. and F. HAVE, or either of them HATH or may or ought to have of, in, or to the faid premifes, &c. above mentioned, and hereby releafed and conveyed to the faid M. G. or intended fo to be: TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the faid premifes, &c. with the appurtenances hereby relealed and conveyed, or mentioned or intended fo to be, unto the faid M. G. his heirs and affigns, to the only proper ufe and behoof of him the faid M. G. his heirs and affigns, in feveralty forever. And the faid M. G. and F. C. Do by thefe prefents give, grant, affign, releafe, convey and confirm to the faid G. C. his heirs and affigns, the faid premifes, &c. fo as aforefaid conveyed to the faid G. C. and by him agreed to be held, as aforefaid, as his full fhare, part and portion of the premifes herein before mentioned to have been granted to the faid M. G. G. C. and F. C. as aforefaid, and all the estate, right, title, intereft and demand whatfoever which the faid M. and F. HAVE or either of them HATH, or may or ought to have of, in or to the faid premifes, &c. above mentioned and hereby released and conveyed to the faid G. C. or intended fo to be: TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the faid premifes, &c. with the appurtenances hereby releafed and conveyed, or mentioned or intended fo to be, unto the faid G. his heirs and affigns, to the only proper ufe and behoof of him the faid G. his heirs and affigns in feveralty forever. And the faid M. G. and G. C. DO, &c. [Here infert the like grant from them to F. C.] AND the faid G. C. and F. C. each by himfelf, for him, his heirs, &c. feverally, and refpectively, and not jointly, DOTH covenant, promife and grant, to and with the faid M. G. his heirs and affigns by thefe prefents, that he the faid M. G. his heirs and affigns, fhall and may, from henceforth forever, well and peaceably, have, hold, occupy, poffefs and enjoy the faid premifes, &c. herein before released, affigned and conveyed to the faid M. G. for the fhare, part, purpart and portion of the faid M. G. as afore. faid, tree, clear and difcharged of and from all eftates, rights, titles, interefts, charges and incumbrances whatsoever, had, made, caufed or willingly fuffered or hereafter to be had, &c. of, or by the faid G. C. & F. C. or either of them, theis, or either of their heirs or affigns, and without any let, trouble, fuit, entry, difturbance or interruption of the faid G. and F. or either of them, their, or either of their heirs or affiges, or any of them, or of any other perfon or perfons lawfully claiming, or to claim by, from or under them or any of them. [Add a covenant for further affurance-The fame covenants must, also, be inferred from M. G. and F. C. io G. C. and from M. G. and G. Ç. ta F. C.] IN WITNESS, &C. RECEIPTS |