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A Receipt or Acquittance for Rent paid.


B, sum

RECEIVED, thith ten dolly more di of Mr. A. B. the fum of twenty dol. reparation of the meffuage, &c. he now occupies, fituated, &c. makes in the whole the fum of thirty dollars, and is in full of half a year's fent due to me out of the faid premises at

D. 30.


in full for
D. 5


A General Receipt, day of

C. D.

of Mr. A. B. the fum of five dollars

and of all demands.

C. D.

N. B. A general receipt will discharge all debts, except fuch as are on speci ality, i. e. bonds, bills and other inftruments that may properly bé called acts or deeds, viz. Those that require to be executed in a folemn manner, where the fealing and delivery are the most effential parts of the act; and on that account can only be destroyed by fomething of equal force, viz. fome other fpecialty, fach as a general releafe. This receipt will not difcharge indorfeable promifloty notes or inland bills. [See promifory Notes.]

An Acquittance for Debt received of a third Hand. REG five dollars, in full for certain goods, &c. bought by the faid A. B. of

of Mr. A. B. by the hand of the fum

me. Or [in full of all demands.]

D. 5

E. F.

An Acquittance for Money received by a third Perfon for the Use of



of Mr. A. B. the fum of ten dollars, in full for work done by Mr. C. D. for the faid A. B.-Said money being received

by the order and for the use of the faid Mr. C. D.

D. 10

G. H.

An Acquittance for Money received in part of a Debt due on Bond. RECEIVED this

ment of a greater
D. 60


the faid A. B.

of Mr. A. B. the fum of fixty dollars in part payfum due to me on bond from the faid Mr. A. B.

A Receipt for Intereft due on Bond.

intereff of

E. D,

of Mr. A. B. the fum of seven dollars, in full for

G. D.

D. 7 Note; Befides thefe receipts to be taken on payment of money due on bonds, it is proper to have each payment endorsed on the back of the obligation.



C. D. late of

D. 80

An Acquittance for a Legacy.

of A. B. executor of the laft will and teftament of deceased, the fum of eighty dollars, in full of a lega

cy bequeathed to me in and by the laft will and teftament of the faid C. D.

E. F.

An Acquittance to an Adminiflrator on Payment of a Debt due from the



RECEIVED the credits of Mr. A. B. ad

of Mr. A. B. adminiftrator of the goods and chatdeceased, the fum of one hundred dollars, in full of a debt [or in full of all debts and demands] due to me by the faid C. D. in his life time, for household goods by me fold him.

D. 100

E. F.

A Receipt proper to be taken upon a Perfons giving a Promiffory Note for a


Book Debt.

of Mr. A. B. a promiffory note for the fum of months after date; which

fifteen dollars, payable to me or order

fum, when paid, is in full of all demands,

D. 15

E. F.

An Acquittance for the Purchase Money on the executing of a Conveyance, to be indorfed on the back of the Deed..

RECEIVED the day and year within written, of the within named K. L.

the fum of one thousand dollars, being the full confideration money within mentioned to be paid to me.

[blocks in formation]

A Receipt for Writings intrufted in a Perfon's Hands.


[blocks in formation]

ces; one of them purporting to be a leafe of

and made between

another of them to be an affignment of the faid leafe, and made between and the other two to be a lease and releafe, and made between

For which

feveral deeds or writings I hereby promife to be accountable, and to re-deliver the fame to the faid L. M. on demand. In witness, &c.


A RELEASE is the giving or discharging of the right or action one perfon has or claims against another: By it, is likewife meant a conveyance of a Weft. Symb's. Par. 1. lib. 2.

man's intereft or right in lands.

All actions or fuits may be difcharged by releafe; as likewife debts, legacies, &c. before or after they become due. Judgments and executions may, by proper words, be alfo difcharged by it. A releafe in general of all actions, bars, all


actions, suits, bonds, &c. provided the cause of action fubfifts at the time of executing the release; but this release will not bar executions or writs of error. Lit. 504. Co. Lit. 289. 4 Rep. 63 8 Rep. 152, 159, Cro. Eliz. 897.

A release of all demands is the most extenfive and effectual discharge of any, including in it most of all the others. Lit. 508. Co. Lit. 291 5 Rep. 71. 8

Rep. 853. Dy. 56.

A releafe to one obliger, where feveral are bound in a bond, is a discharge to the others. Lit. Rep. 191. 2 Sid. 41. Co. Lit. 232. Cro. Eliz. 648 A release from a landlord to one joint-tenant fhall extend to both Hob. 66. Co. Lit. 232.

If two commit a treffpafs, the release to one trefpaffor will difcharge the other. 1 Inft. 132. 2 Rol. Abr. 410. Hob. 66. Bro. Release, pl. 94.

Where a creditor is made executor by his debtor, or a creditor, being a woman marries the debtor, the debts in both these cases are released in law. Brownl., 76 Co. Char. 373. Co. Lit. 264. b. Rol. Rep. 934, 940. Plowd. 184. b. 186. a. Hob. 10. Wentw. 45. Yelv. 160. M.. 236, 855. Jo. 345. Hut. 17, 128. And in the firft of thefe, the executor may retain goods of the teftator sufficient to fatisfy him his debt. Where an obligor is adminiftrator of the goods of the obligee, this will not amount to a release in law. Sid. 79 Leon. 90, 91. Rol. rep. 934. Swinb. 300. 301, 325. Salk. 303, 327. 3 Salk. 163. 8 Rep. 136.

If a rent be behind twenty years, and a release given for the last year due, all the rent in arrear is prefumed in law to be fatisfied. Trial per pais, edit. 1739, p. 418. Law of Evidence edit. 1739, p. 196 Sid. 13. Gilbert's law of evid, edit. 1760 p. 160, 161. 12 Vin. abr. p. 129. [A. b. 60]pl, z.

A General Release.

KNOW all men by thefe prefents, That I A. B. of

[ocr errors]

have remised, re

leafed, and forever quit claimed, for me, my heirs, executors and adminiftrators, and by these presents do remife, release, and forever quit claim, unto C. D. of his heirs, executors and adminiftrators, all, and all manner of action and actions, caufe and causes of actions, fuits, bills, bonds, writings, obligations, debts, dues, duties, reckonings, accounts, fum and fums of money, judgments, executions, extents, quarrels, controverfies, trefpaffes, damages and demands whatfoever, both at law and in equity, or otherwife howfoever, which against him the faid C. D. I ever had, now have, or which I, my heirs, execu tors or adminiftrators, can, fhall or may have, claim, challenge or demand, for or by reafon or means of any act, matter, caufe or thing, from the beginning of the world to the day of the date of these presents. In witness, &c.

A Relcafe of a Trust.

KNOW all men by the prefents, That whereas in and by certain inden. tures of bearing date on or about

and made or mentioned to be made between C. D. of of the one part, and me A. B. of of the other part, the faid C. D. for the confiderations therein mentioned, did grant In which faid indenture of I the faid A. B. do hereby declare, that my name was only used in truft, for E. F. of Now know ye, that I the faid A. B. in difcharge of the truft in me repofed as aforefaid, and at the request of the faid E. F. have remifed, released, furrendered, affigned, transferred and fet over, and by thefe prefents do for me, my executors and administrators, freely and abfolutely remife, releafe, furrender, affign, transfer, and' fet over unto the


faid E. F. his executors, administrators and affigns, all the eftate, right, title, in. pereft, benefit, traft, claim, and demand whatfoever, which I the faid A. B. my executors or administrators, can, shall or may have, or claim of, in or to the faid premifes, or of, or in any fum or fums of money, or other matter or thing whatfoever, in the faid indenture of contained, mentioned and expreffed; fo that neither I the faid A. B. my executors or administrators at any time hereaf ter, fhall or will claim, challenge or demand any intereft, property, benefit or other thing, in any manner whatsoever, by reason or means of the faid indenture or any covenant therein contained; but thercot and therefrom, and of and from all actions, fuits and demands, which I, my executors or administrators, may have concerning the fame, fhall be forever debarred by thefe prefents. In twilnefs, &c.

A Releafe of a Legacy,

NOW all men by thefe prefents, That whereas A. B. of
laft will and teftament in writing, bearing date

made his


did among other legacies therein contained, give and bequeath unto me, C. D. of fum or legacy of and of his faid will made and conftituted E. F. fole exécutor, as in and by the said will may appear. Now know ye, that I the faid C. D. do hereby confefs and acknowledge, that I have had and received of and from the faid E. F. the legacy or fum of fo as aforefaid given and bequeathed unto me by the faid A. B. And therefore I do by these presents acquit, release and difcharge the faid E. F. of and from all legacies, dues, duties and demands whatfoever, which I, my executors or adminiftrators may have, claim, challenge or demand of or against the faid E. F. his executors or adminiftrators, by virtue of the said last will and teftament of, or out of the cftate of the faid A. B. deceased as aforefaid. In witness, &c.

A Releafe from a Legatee upon his coming to age. KNOW all men by thefe prefents, That whereas A. B. of

made his

laft will and teftament in writing, bearing date and among other legacies therein contained, did give and bequeath unto me, C. D. of his fon, the annual fum of to be paid me quarterly, until I should attain the age of one and twenty years; and of his will conftituted E. F. and G. H. joint executors, as in and by the faid will may appear: And whereas the faid E. F. and G. H. did jointly accept of the faid executorship and truft, and I, the faid C. D. have attained my said age of twenty-one years: And whereas the faid E. F. and G. H. have made up an account with me, the faid C. D. of all monies received and paid by the said E. F. and G. H. and of all transactions in purfuance of the faid executorship and truft; and have not only paid me, the faid C. D. the balance of fuch accounts, but aifo delivered unto me all the writings and papers belonging to the eftate of the faid deceafed A. B. Now know ye, that I, the faid Č. D. being fully fatisfied in the premifes, have remifed, releafed, and for ever quit claimed, and by these prefents, do remile, release and for ever quit claim unto the faid E. F. and G. H. and each of them, their and each of their executors and adminiftrators, all reckonings and accounts, fum and fums of money by them had and received, in purfuance of the faid truft, or by any means of their being executors to the faid A. B. as aforefaid; and alfo of and from all other reckonings, accounts and demands whatfoever, from the beginning of the world to the day of the date of these prefents. Ix witness, &c.


A Releafe of the Equity of redemption to a Houfe mortgaged by Deed Pall.

KNOW all men by thefe prefents. That whereas by indentures of leafe or


demife, bearing date made or mentioned to be made between me A. B. of of the one part, and C. D. of of the other part, I the faid A. B. in confideration of the fum of therein mentioned to be paid by the faid C. D. and which was accordingly paid, did demife, grant, leafe, fet and to farm let unto the faid C. D. his executors, adminiftrators and affigns, all that [Here deferike the premises particularly as fet forth in the leafe.] To hold the fame unto the faid C. D. his executors, adminiftrators and affigns, from the next before the day of the date of the faid in part recited indenture of demife, for and during and until the full end and term of 500 years from thence next enfuing, and fully to be complete and ended, without impeachment of, or for any manner of wafte, at and under the yearly rent of one pepper corn, payable at, or upon the if lawfully demanded: In which faid in part recited indenture of leafe was contained a provifo or condition, that the fame should be void on payment of the fum of at a day long fince past, as in and by the faid in part recited indenture of leafe may more fully appear. And whereas the faid fum of or any part thereof, was not paid on the day in the faid provifo or condition mentioned and limited for the payment thereof, but the fame, together with a large fum further for intereft, amounting in the whole to the fum of remains due to the faid C. D. And whereas I the faid A. B. am fully fatisfied that the faid monies fo due to the faid C. D. on the faid in part recited indenture of leafe as aforefaid, is the full value of the faid mortgaged premifes, and that I the faid A. B. am not able to redeem the fame. [Or thus, that the faid C. D. hath offered to advance further fum of to make the faid fum of

to me the faid A. B. the


the full value of } Now know ye, that I the faid A. B. in confideration thereof, [Or, in confideration of the fum of of lawful money of me the said A. B. in hand well and truly paid at or before the fealing and delivery of thefe prefents, the receipt whereof I the faid A. B. do hereby acknowledge] and for quieting the faid C. D. in the poffeffion and enjoyment of the faid meffuage and for extinguishing all right of equity of redemption of the faid mortgaged premifes, I the faid A. B. have remifed, releafed, and forever quit claimed, and by thefe prefents, do remife, releafe and forever quit claim onto the faid C. D. his executors, adminiftrators and affigns, the faid provifo or condition in the faid in part recited indenture of leafe cantained, and all benefit and equity of redemption of the faid meffuage, &c. by virtue or colour thereof, or otherwife howfoever: And also all and fingular the covenants, grants, claufes and agreements in the faid in part recited indenture of lease comprifed, which on the part and behalf of the faid C. D. his executors, adminiftrators or affigns, were to have been, or are or ought to be performed. And further the faid A. B. for the confiderations aforefaid, hath granted, bargained and fold, released, ratified and confirmed, and by thefe prefents, doth grant, bargain, fell and confirm unto the faid C. D. his executors, adminif trators and affigns, all and fingular the faid meffuage above mentioned

and recited to have been granted and demised unto the faid C. D. as aforefaid, and every part and parcel thereof, with the appurtenances; and alfo all the eftate, right, title, intereft, claim and demand whatsoever, both in law and equity, of me the said A. B. of, in and to the said meiluage of tenements and


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