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Information, against a petfon for fclo.
ny, 234-Information or complaint
to obtain a fearch warrant, 236.-
The like of a felony committed, 237.
Inqueft, of a forcible entry and detain
er, 225.-Forms. of, by Coroners,

Inquiry,writ of,by bill, 166...The like
on a bond &c. for performance of co-
venants, where inqueft is taken by a
judge at the circuit, ib.-The like
when taken before the Supreme
court, 167.

Infolvent debtors, fee debtors.

Felony, fee Warrant, Information, Ex- Interrogatories, for plaintiff, 181.-For
amination, &c.

Fieri facias, fee Executions.

defendant, 182,-To cross-examine
a witness, ib.

Forcible entry and detainer, proceed. Invalids, military, directions for, 116

ings in, 221...8.


Gift, deed of, of perfonal eftate, 65.--
Of lands by indenture, 66.... Of goods
and chattels, conditionally, 67...See

Grant, of an annuity by indenture,.67.
...Of an executorship and all fuch
goods &c. as the executor is thereby
entitled to, with a letter of attorney
and divers covenants, 68.
Guardian, appointment of, by devife,
120... Petition to defend by, 124...
General, admiffion to profecute and
defend by, ib...fee Partition.


Habeas corpus, cum caufa, præcipe for,
137.-Writ of, ib.-Ad refponden-
dum, ib.-Bail on, ib.-General
habeas corpus to remove a caufe from
the common pleas or Mayor's court,
138...Return to,ib.-Rule on return
of, 139.-Procedendo on, ib.
Haberi facias poffeffionem, fee execu-
I. J.
Indemnity, bonds of, fee bonds.
Indentures, obfervations on, 70.-For
putting out a poor boy an apprentice,
ib.-Common indenture of appren.
ticeship, 7.-Indenture of partner-
Chip, 48.

Infants, fee Guardian, Prochienami,
Declarations, Partition, &c,

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...17.--Warrants of attorney to re-
ceive penfions for, 117.-Acknow-
ledgment of, ib.

Iffue roll, of the fame term with the
declaration, 172.-The like when
iffue is joined of a term fubfequent
to the declaration, 173. Conclufion
of iffue, on a replication to a plea of
nal tiel record of a judgment in a dif.
ferent court, 175.-Notes of iffue,

Joint tenants, fee Partition.
Judgment, by cognovit actionem, in
affumpát by bill, of the fame term
with the declaration, 186.-The like
as to part, of a different term, with a
remittitur as to the refidue, 187.
By nil dicit in affumpfit, by bill of
the fame or a different term with the
declaration, ib.-The like for the
plaintiff in affumpfit by default, and
damages affeffed by the court 188.—
The like and inqueft with a fuggef
tion of the death of one of the plain-
tiffs at the return of the inquiry, ib.
-The like for the plaintiff on a ver.
dict in affumpfit, 189.-The like in
debt, 190.Suggeftion on the Roll,
of the death of one of the defendants,
after verdict and before judgment,
ib.-The like on a verdict in af
fumpfit againft an executor or admi.
inftrator,.-The like where the ju.


ry find affets to the amount of part
of the debt, and of affets in futuro as
10 the refidue, 19.--The like against
an heir, ib. The like in detinue,ib.

The like in ejectment, 192.
Judgment as in cafe of a nonfuit, ib.
-Judgment for the defendant where
the plaintiff fuffers a nonfuit on the
trial, 193.The like on demurrer
to a plea, ib.The like on a plea
of nul tiel record, ib.-The like on a
verdict at nifi prius, ib.-The like
for a furviving defendant, 194
Judgment on report of referees who
find nothing due plaintiff, ib... Judg-
anent record in partition, 209.
Juftices' courts, forms of proceedings in,
229...33....Fees, 233.
Juftification, of bail, atidavit of 131...
Notice of, by same bail, 133......Of
adding and juftifying, ib.


Label, form of, to a nifi prius record,

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Leafes, a leafe of ground for building a
houfe upon, 72...Leafe of a house
with goods therein, 74...Form of
Ichedule to be annexed, 76.... Leafe
of lands from two to one, ib...Com-
mon form of a leafe for houses and
lots, 77... Form of, for term of years,
78...For three lives, Bo...In perpe-
tuity, 82... By a perfen authorized by
letter of attorney, 84.
Letters of attorney, fee Attorney,
Warrants of attorney.
Licence, letter of, to a debtor, 54.
Livery and feifin, form of indorfing on
a bill of fale of goods, 36...Method
of giving, 46...Memorandum of, by
an attorney, how endorsed, 47.

Marriage fettlement, 55.
Mifnomer, plea of, in abatement, 168.
Mittimus, for a forcible detainer, 222.
For felony, 238...For not obeying
an order of battardy, 245.
Mortgage, affignment of, 27...Form of,
for lands, in fee, 91...Ot a meffunge
&c. for term of years, 92...Of goods,
94...Mortgage by indorsement, ib...

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Nifi prius record, 177. The like with
a fecond placita, ib...Form of label
to, 178.

Nolle profequi, entry of, as to a parti-
cular count, 192.
Non eft factum, plea of, 171.
Nonfuit, judgment as in cafe of, 192.
Notes, promiffory, forms of, 15...Ob.

fervations on, ib....Notes of iffue,
177...See, allo, bills.

Notice, of motion to fet afide bail
bond, and proceedings thereon, 130
...For leave to file common bail,
131...Of bail being put in, 132...Of
exception to bail, ib...Of juftification
by fame bail, 33... Of adding and
juftifying bail, ib... To tenant in e-
jectment, 162....Of rule to appear in
ejectment, ib... Of rule to plead, 164
...Of motion to fet afide proceedings
for irregularity, ib...To ftay pro
ceedings till fecurity be given for
cofts, ib...Of motion to fet afide in-
terlocutory judgment for irregulari.
ty, 165...Of executing a writ of en
quiry, ib... Of continuance of enqui
sy, ib...Of countermand, ik...OF fet
off, 169...Of trial, 175...Of trial
and affeffment of damages, where
there are two defendants, one of
whom has fuffered judgment to go
by default, ib...Of countermand, ib
.... Of motion to put off a trial for the
absence of a material witnefs, 176.
Nul tiel record, plea of, 170.

Oath, of a perfon demanding furety of
the peace, 234...To obtain a warrant
to enter a dwelling houfe, where
goods are concealed, to diftrain them
for rent, 254.

Order, of a judge to fhew caufe why
fuperfedeas fhould not iffue for dif
charge of a prifoner, for want of be-
ing charged in execution, 143...Of
baftardy, fee Baftardy...Of removal,
fee Poor.

Original writ,praecipe for,in cafe, 127.
..Form ot,ib...Preacipe for, in cove
nant, 128...Original whit thereon,

in trefpafs, ib...Ofenul tiel record,
170... Of payment in debt on a bond,
ib...Of non eft factum, 171... Puis

ib... Præcipe for,in debt,ib...Originalidatien continuance, ib...Of title in.

writ thereon, ib..Original writ in
detinue, ib.

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Overfeers of the poor, fee Poor use.
Oyer, demand of, by defendant, 168...
By plaintiff, iba nedry abpbud
Partition, deed of, between three co-
- parceners, 95...Between three joint
fenants, 97.
Partition of lands-Petition for the ap-
pointment of a guardian for infant
tenants in partition, 201...Affidavit
of the truth thereof, ib...Rule for
the appointment of guardian in par-
tition, 202...Order of clerk, rela-
tive to the bond of guardian, ib....
Bond of guardian, 203... Petition for
the appointment of commiflioners to
make partition, ib... Notice of inten.
tion to petition, to be ferved on the
parties, or published, &c. 204...Rule
to plead on filing petition and affi.
davit of notice, ib...Plea of confeffi-
on, ib...Rule for partition and ap."
pointment of commiffioners, 205....
Commiffioner's oath, ib...Report of
commiffioners that partition cannot
be made, &c. ib... Rule for fale, 206
...Form of advertisement,ib...Report
of fale, ib...Rule for confirming fale,
207...Commiffioners deed of convey.
ance, ib... Judgment record in parti.
tion, 209.
Partnership, indenture of, 48,

Payment, plea of, in debt on a bond, 170.
Penfion, fee Invalids.'

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Petition, by an infant, to fue by pro-
chein ami, 123... Affidavit of figna-
ture to, ib,.Petition to admit an in-
fant to defend by guardian, 124....
To fue in forma pauperis, ib....Cer.
tificate of counsel thereon, ib...Affi.
davit in fupport of the petition, ib...
See, alfo, Partition, &c.
Plaint, form of, in common pleas or
Mayor's court, 144..In replevin,254.
Plea of mifnomer, in abatement, 168.
Of non affumpfit, 169...Of not guilty

trefpafs, before a jotice of the peace,

Poor, forms of orders, contracts and
proceedings under the poor laws,246

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Poftea, for the plaintiff on non affump-
fit, where the defendant makes de-
fault, 182...The like where the de-
› fendant appears, ib...The like on
non affumpfit by one of feveral de-
fendants, where another has let judg-
ment go by default, ib...The like on
plene adminiftravit, 183...The like
on nil debit, ib... The like on nen
eft factum, ib...The like on a penal
: ftatute, where part is found for the
defendant,ib... The like on not guilty
in cafe, ib...The like on feveral iffues
in trefpafs and affault, ib... The like
where one defendant is found guilty
and another acquitted, 184...The
like on not guilty in ejectment, ib


.The like where part is found for
the plaintiff and part for the defend
ant, 3...Poftea where a juror is
withdrawn, ib...For the defendant
on a nonfuit, ib...The like where
one defendant has let judgment go
by default, 185...The like on a plea
of, ib... The like on plene ad-
miniftravit, ib... The like on non af-
fumpfit, ib...The like on non eft fac-
tum, ib...The like on not guilty in
trefpaís, ib... The like in ejectment,

Praecipe, for a capias, bailable, 124....
For an alias or pluries capias, 125...
For an attachment of privilege, 127
...For an original writ in cafe, ib....
In covenant, 128... In debt, i.
Procedendo, on habeas corpus, 139...
On certiorari, 140.....
Prochein ami, petition to fae by, 123.
Confent of, ib.

Puis darrien continuance, plea at the
cireait, 171.
Quit-claim, deed of, 42.

Qui tam, capias in, 1445.Form of de-
claration, 148. ⠀⠀


Receipt, for rent paid, 99...General, ib.
For a debt received by a third hand,
ib...For money received by a third
perfon for the ufe of another, it..!
For money received in part on a
bond, ib... For intereft due on a bond,
ib...For a legacy, 100... To an admi-
nistrator for a debt due from the in-
teftate, i... Receipt to be taken by
a perfon giving a promiffory note for
a book debt,ib...Form of a receipt to
be endorsed on the back of a deed or
conveyance, ... For writings en.
trufted with a perfon, ib.
Recognizance, Record, 133...General
form of a recognizance with fureties,
235...Condition of a recognizance
for the peace or good behaviour, ib.
The like to answer to an indictment
for an affault and battery, ib... Gene-
ral form of a recognizance to profe.
cute and give evidence, 237... Con-
dition of, to give evidence, 238.
Record, of nifi prius, 177.
Releases, 100...Form of general re-
leafe, 101... Release of a trust, ib..
Of a legacy, 102...From a legatee
upon his coming of age, ib...Of the
equity of redemption to a houfe
mortgaged by deed poll, 103...Of
dower, 104...Oferrors, ib... Between
two traders on settling accounts, 105.
From a mortgagor to a mortgagee,
in fee, in confideration of the money
due on the mortgage, ib...From a
renouncing, to an acting executor and
trustee, to enable the latter to fell
the estate devifed, 107... Releafe of
dower by endorfment on a deed con.
taining a covenant of the deceased
husband for that purpofe, 108...Re.
leafe or deed of conveyance to truf.
tees in truft, ib...Deed of release of
lands, 40...See, alfo,. Conveyances.
Relicta verificatione, form cf, 165.
Remittitur, of damages,fee Judgments.
Rent, fee Ditress.

Renunciation, of adminiftration, 110,

Of executorship, ib...The like by
two executors and the widow, ið..
Replevin, plaint in, 254.
Replication, to a plea of nul tiel record,
that there is fuch record, 170...To
a plea of payment, ib.
Return to a certiorari, 140... The like
by a justice of the peace, 141...To a
diftringas when a view is had, 180.
Manner of making return to a certi-i
orari, 252 Form of a schedule or re-
turn, by a court of feffions, to a cer-
tiorari, ib... The like by a juftice of
of the peace, ib. Return of non eft
inventus, 129... Of cepi corpus, ib...
Of refcue, ib..,Of difcharge by fuper-
fedeas, 130... Languidus, in prifona,
ib... To habeas corpus, 138.
Revocation, of a letter of attorney, 89.
Right, writ of, 129.

Rule, for the allowance of bail, 133...
To return writ, 136...On return of
habeas corpus, 139...To change the
venue, 168... For bringing money in-
to court, ib.

Satisfaction, warrant of attorney to ac-

knowledge fatisfaction on a judgment
90.... Form of fatisfaction piece, 200.
Seperation, articles of,between man and
wife, 57:

Seffions, tile of the court of general fef-
fions, 251,

Sett off, notice of, 169.
Sheriff, form of deed by, 45. Rule on,
to return writ, 136.
Special bail, fée Bail.
Submiffion, to arbitration, to make it a
rule of court, 14. To an award with
a covenant from each party to per
form the fame, 11.

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Subpoena, to appear on inquiry, 167...
Ticket for, i.... Form of, on a trial,
180... Ticket for, 181...Subpoena duces.
tecum, ib... To appear before referees,
251... To give evidence at a court of
feffions, ib....Ticket for, 252.
Suggeftion, of the death of one of the

plaintiffs after the writ fued out, 148.
...Of one of the defendants, after
writ fued out and Lefore declaration.


Suggestion on the roll of the death of
one of the plaintiffs, after the iffuing
of the capias and before declaration,
174..... Of the death of one of the
plaintiffs between plea and replica-
tion ib...Of the death of one of the
defendants between declaration and
plea, 175... Of the death of one of the
defendants after verdict and before
judgment, 190.

Superfedeas, writ of, to discharge prif
oner for want of being charged in ex-
ecution, 143...Supefedeas of execu-
tion, 144.

Supreme Court, ftile of, 123.
Surety, of the peace, oath of a perfon

demanding, 234.... Form of warrant
for the peace or good behaviour, 235.
...Form of recognizance for, ib.
Surrender, of principal, by bail,fee Bail.
...Deed of, to a perfon having the
reverfion, in fee, 112...Of a term of
years, ib....Surrender or declaration
of truft on a mortgaged term, 113.


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ftruck jury at a circuit,ib...In May-
or's courts, ib.

Ufe and occupation, declaration for, 158.


Warrant, of attorney, form of, from fev-
eral creditors of a perfon deceased to
bring actions &c. and appointment of
a cashier, for railing and paying mo-
ney to defray expenfes, 115...To re-
ceive dividends on, or to transfer
public ftock, 116... Acknowledgment
of, ib.... Warrant to vote by proxy,
ib...From an invalid penfioner to re-
ceive his penfion, 117.... Acknowl-
edgment of, ib...See, alfo, Attorney.
Warrant, form of, for an affault and
battery, 233....To apprehend a burg-
lar, ib....For Felony, 234.... For the
peace or good behaviour, 235....
Of commitment for want of fureties,
236....How endorsed and served in
another county, ib.... Search warrant,
237.... Form of warrant for a witnefs
238.... Warrant for the difcharge of
a prifoner who finds fureties, at-
ter being committed to prifon for
want of them, 253......To enter a
dwelling houfe to distrain goods con-
cealed, 254.

Venire, award of, when there are sev-
eral iffues, 173....The like, when
there are feveral iffues in fact and in
law, ib...The like when several de-
fendants plead feperately, 174.....
Entry and award of, when there are
feveral defendants, one of whom
pleads and another lets judgment go
by default, ib... Form of, for a jury at
bar, 178... The like when one defen.
dant pleads and another lets judgment
go by default, ib....The like when
there are feveral iffues in fact and in
law, and the jury are to affefs con-
tingent damages on the latter, ib....
De novo, 179...For a common or

Wills and teftaments....FORM of a will
with a devife of real estate, leashold
&c. 118....Codicil to a will, 119....
Claufe concerning difputes about any
gift, &c. in a will, ib.... Provifo that
fums advanced by teftator in his life
time to children fhall be taken as
part of their portions, ib....Appoint-
ment of guardianfhip by, 120....De-
vife from a husband to his wife in
lieu of dower, remainder to children
as tenants in common, ib.
Witneffes, See Subpoena, Interrogato-
ries, &c.

Writ, original, in case, 127.... In cove,
nant, 128....In debt, ib....In detinue,
ib..... Of right, 129....Rule for re-
turn of, 136.


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