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The utility of referring to proper names of perfons (whether authors or others) is very obvious, as it greatly facilitates the mode of finding out any article, and is more easily remembered than the fubjects to which these names relate. It has therefore engaged a particular share of the Compiler's attention, especially in the article CHARACTERS, so as to form an easy access to this valuable repofitory of the manners and customs of nations and of individuals, whether ancient or modern, barbarous or civilized, Pagan or Chriftian.

Such is the plan which the Compiler has purfued. He has endeavoured to execute the work with accuracy, and has omitted no article worthy the attention of the Reader.

Additions to the Preface to the Second Edition.

From the rapid fale of the First Edition, he is inclined to hope, that his labours have met with a candid reception in general. With a view to make this Second Edition more worthy of public favour, he has corrected feveral errata of the prefs, which appeared in the First Edition, and has made fome confiderable additions in various parts of the Index. At the fame time he begs leave to observe, that any hints for improving this, and rendering another edition (if neceffary) more perfect, will be thankfully received by the Publisher, who will take care that they fhall be attended to and inferted,


Advertisement to the Third Edition.

AFTER the Second Edition of the Index has been out of print for nearly seven years, the very frequent inquiries for it has induced the Editor to be at confiderable expence in making the present edition more worthy of the patronage of the Public than the former editions. In order to accomplish this, the Second Edition has been revised entirely; fome redundancy of language has been abridged; no article has been taken away, though fome have been removed to more appropriate titles and claffes, and the difficulty arifing from many that might be fearched for under various claffes is obviated, by making double entries. In the claffes of MARRIAGES and DEATHS particularly, very great additions are made: in the former, the name of the Gentleman only was given in the alphabetical arrangement; another alphabet under the name of the Lady is now added: in the latter under the fhort note, "N. B. "For a further account of the Deaths, fee the latter end of

every month, throughout every volume, as they hap "pened," on examination more than eleven hundred names had been omitted under this fhort apology. Thefe are now added. The Editor trufts, that from the various improvements in the prefent Edition, that many perfons, who may poffefs a former edition, will, on a careful comparison of their respective merits, be induced to countenance these labours, by fuperfeding its place in the library by the prefent Publication.

B. M. January 1799.





FRICA; parliamentary grants to British forts and fettlements upon the coaft of, ii. 174.—iii. [183. 188]-v. [152. 164. 167]-vi. [177. 179]-vii. [162]—viii. [240]—ix. [202, 203]- ---X. [213. 216 218. 220-xi. [261. 263]-Number of negroe flaves bartered for in 1768, xii. [114]-Parliamentary grants to, in 1769, [218, 219. 221]-in 1770, xiii. [234. 236]-in 1771, xiv. [225]-in 1772, xv. [209, 210, 211]—in 1773, xvi. [226, 227. 229] -in 1774, xvii. [250. 253]

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1775, xviii. [245]. -in 1776, xix. [249, 250]-in 1777, xx.[266. 268] -in 1778. xxi. [276.278]—in 1779, xxii. [325. 329]-in 1780, xxiii. [308, 309.]

Africa; the regulations which took place between the English and French at the general peace, in the divifion of the trade on the river Senegal, and the adjacent coaft in that country, v. [61.238.]

Agriculture; in France, greatly encouraged by focieties, iv. [160.] Aix; (the inland near to Belleifle and Quiberon Bay) a defcription of the manner in which the French fortifications were deftroyed in July 1761, by Sir Thomas Stanhope and Captain Parker, iv. [148. 150.] Aix la Chapelle; a defcription of the caufe why this imperial city was fuddenly invested by a strong body of the elector palatine's forces, attended by a confiderable train of artillery and

bombs, on February the 9th, 1769, in the midft of peace, xii. [34]-the mandate prefented by the emperor, by which the army were commanded to quit the city within a limited time, under the pain of incurring the ban of the empire, which mandate they immediately obeyed, [35. 77.] Algiers; proceedings of Spain against,

. [129, 130]-Infurrection of the Moors to the east of this city, on refuting to pay the tribute impofed by the Dey in 1761, and the methods taken to quell it, iv. [131]-Turbulent proceedings of fome Chriftian flaves in 1763, and fuppreffion of the fame, vi. [60.]-extraordinary method of punishing an infraction of treaty, [112, 113]-Rupture with the emperor, the grand duke of Tuscany, and other European powers, in 1764, vii. [101. 108]-Treaty with the republic of the United Provinces, ix. [80] Renounces the authority of the Porte in 1772, X. [11. 53]-Reduced to the power of the Porte in 1772, XV. [18, 19]-Differences with Great Britain, xv. [152]-xvii. [122]

-War with Spain, and profecution of it in 1774 and 1775, xvii. [36. 38]-xviii. [142. 147]-Proceedings against the Dey of Algiers in 1774, xvii. [122.]

Allied army, the; (confifting of English and Pruffians) their military ope rations in Germany, in 1758, i. 35, 43.45.-in 1759, ii. 8. 15. 21. 28, 29. 50.-in 1760, iii. [2. 23. 25. 34. 35]—in 1961, iv. [8. 10. 12. 24. 28. 30]-in 1752, v. [24. 28. 48. 51.]


Almeida ;

Almeida; befieged and taken by the Spa-
niards, v. [30.]

Ambergris Inland, in the Bay of Hon-
duras, defcription of, xii. 191.
America, North; parliamentary grants
to, v [153. 164]-vi. [177. 179]—
vii. [161]-viii. [236]-ix. [200]-
x.[216 218.220]xi. [z6x. 263]
-xii. [218, 219] xiii. [234. 236]
-xiv. [222. 224]--xv. [209. 211]—
xvi. [226]-xvii. [250, 251]
America, North; origin of the troubles

in it between the English and the
French in 1756, arofe from the un-
certain limits of their territories in
this country at the peace of Utrecht,
particularly Acadia (now called Nova
Scotia) and the fettlements on the
Mifliffippi and the Ohio, i. 1, 2, 3
-military operations previous to the
declaration of war in 1756, and at
the beginning of it in 1758, 3,
4. 70, 75- plan and operations
of the campaign in 1759, ii. 29. 45.

State of the military preparations
for the campaign of 1761, iv. [117]

The nature and limits of the En-
glith and French fettlements in this
country propofed and confirmed at
the general peace of 1763, v. [55,
56. 235. 237] -The great ex-
tent of the English empire in this
part of the world after the peace, and
the exertions pursued by Great Bri-
tain to render this extenfive tract of
land beneficial to the mother-coun-
try; the divifion of this newly ac-
quired empire into three feparate and
independent governments, the rea-
fons for this arrangement of the
country, and the caufe of the war be-
tween the English and the Indi-
ans, vi. [18. 23 111]-the plan,
profecution, and iffue of this war in
1763, [23. 32]-The fum of nine
thoufand fix hundred pounds fterling
collected in England, on the brief
iffued for the benefit of the colleges
of Philadelphia and New York, vii.
67.-the dreadful outrages and cru-
elties committed by the Indians in
the back fettlements of the British
colonies, and the wife methods taken
to prohibit, under fevere penalties,
any perfon whatfoever from fupply-
ing the Indians with ammunition,
arms, or warlike ftores, [102]-
the effects of the reftrictions laid on
the trade of the British fettlements to
the French and Spanish Weft India
islands, in 1764, unfavourable to the

mother-country, as appeared from the
refolution they adopted of manufac-
turing for themfelves, of laying afide
all fuperfluities of drefs with which
their own manufactures could not
fupply them, and of working their
own mines of iron and coal, which
were to be found on the coast of New
England, Cape Breton, and Nova
Scotia in particular, [107]-The first
appointment of naval officers as re-
venue officers, in this country in
1764, by the British government, and
the interruption which they gave to
the trade carried on between the Bri-
tish colonies and the colonies of the
Spanish and French in the West In-
dies, viii. [18. 21]-this injury to
the British colonies confiderably in-
creased by ill-timed laws in England,
which oblige them to manufacture
for themselves, the mifchiefs to be
apprehended from these manufactures
to the mother-country, and the tra-
ditionary report of fir Robert Wal-
pole (when prime minifter) refufing,
in 1739, to tax the British colonies
in this country, [22. 25]-unani-
moufly rejects an offer made to the
British colonies by the miniftry in
1765, fignifying their readiness to
receive propofals for any other tax
which might be an equivalent for the
ftamp tax, [33, 34]-proceedings
against the ftamp act (which received
the royal affent by commiffion, March
zzd, 1765), and the ftamped papers,
both by the populace and provincial
affemblies, which affert their inde-
pendence, and refolve on a general
congrefs; the petitions conformable
thereto, and the measures taken to
elude the act, or force a repeal of it,
in various colonies, [49, 56]-ix.
[62]-the royal order for dividing
this country into two districts, and
the boundaries appointed for them,
[75]-The plan for introducing epif-
copacy in this country, as laid down-
by bifhop Butler in 1750. viii. [108]-
The extreme licentioufnefs, anarchy,
and confufion which appeared in the
British colonies in 1766, ix. [31, 32]
-The substance of the petitions pre-
fented by the agents for Virginia and
Georgia in 1766, and the arguments
in favour of them and in oppofition
to them in the British parliament,
[36. 44]-the repeal of the stamp
act in 1766, and the bill of indem-
nity relating to those who had in-


curred penalties on account of the ftamp act, which received the royal affent, [46, 47]-the number of whites and blacks fuppofed capable of bearing arms in 1766 computed to be 590,000 men, [60]-the general and exceffive rejoicings for the repeal of the ftamp act on March 18, 1766, [114. 125, 1261-The fpirit of faction was not, however, mollified by the lenient conceffions of government in favour of the colonies, but very foon broke out in one of the colonies the very year that the ftamp act was repealed, in confequence of which rigorous meafures were again propofed and adopted against New York, x. [48]-fome wife regulations which took place in 1767, in the fouthern diftrict, for the more amicably carrying on the trade with the Indian tribes, [120]-The great diffatisfaction excited by the new laws for impofing duties on the colonies, xi. [65*. 74*]-an account of the imports from England in the five following years, and the amount of each particular year; viz. 1761, 1762, 1763, 1764, and 1765, [204]— an account of the exports to England only from this continent in the five following years, and the amount of each particular year; viz. 1761, 1762, 1763, 1764, and 1765, [204]-the total amount of Britifh fhips and feamen employed in the trade between Great Britain and her colonies in this part of the world, the value of goods imported from Great Britain to thefe colonies, and the produce of thefe colonies exported to Great Britain and elsewhere, [215]-The partial repeal of the taxes on the British colonies in this country which took place in the British parliament in 1770, the duty on tea being only continued, xiii. [73*. 77*]-the ftagnation of trade with the mothercountry in 1770, by taking down the bills for fhips trading here in March that fame year, [79]-and by giving counter orders to the manufacturing counties in England to poftpone the commiffions for American exportation, [109]-Difcontents in the colonies in 1774 increased by various caufes, particularly that of the duty on tea being continued, and the exportation of tea by the India Company to the colonies, which produced general refolutions in the colonies to

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prevent the landing of it, and to render this whole fcheme abortive, xvii. [44. 50]—the whole value of the tea fent to America in 1773, which was returned home, not being fuffered to land, was faid to be worth 300,000l. fterling, [84]-the im poris into the British colonies from England, on an average of three years, have amounted to 3,370 900l. [136] and the exports to Great Britain from the colonies, for the fame period of time, have amounted to 3,924,6061. 13 s. 4 d. [136]—an eftimate of the number of people in Maffachufet's Bay, New Hampfhire, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jerfey, Pennfylvania, including the lower counties, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina, [175]-The general temper and difpofition of the people throughout the whole continent previous to the meeting of the general Congrefs at Philadelphia, which was opened on Monday the fifth of September, 1774, xviii. [1. 22]-votes, declaration, and refolutions in the first meeting of the Congrefs, [23. 36]-the bill for reftraining the commerce of the northern colonies, and the debates, &c. which they produced, [78. 93*]-the bill for reftraining the trade of the fouthern colonies, and the bufinefs which was agitated while this bill was before the house, till the bill paffed, [102*. 111*] -the reafons which refrained thofe acts of violence which afterwards took place, till the proclamation was iffued in England to prevent the exportation of arms and ammunition to America, and the military preparations which took place immediately after this proclamation was made known in America, [120*, 121]the hoftile meafures which were purfued between the British and the provincial troops, particularly in Rhode Island, at Salem, at Lexington and Concord, and at Bunker's Hill, [122. 138*]-the ill confequences of the Quebec act, and the proclamation iffued by general Gage on June the 12th, [138*. 142*]fome account of the rapid changes of governors in the British colonies, from the commencement of his prefent majefty's reign to the year 1775, [122]-The hoftile proceedings in various colonies, particularly CanaB 2


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