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at Erie, Pennsylvania, a fleet intended to attack the British naval force on Lake Erie. Leaving Erie on the 5th of August, the fleet reached Put-in-Bay on the 15th, and established communication with Harrison. Captain Barclay, the British naval commander, gathered his fleet at Malden, whence Perry made futile attempts to draw him. Tired of this maneuvering, he finally determined to attack at Malden, but on the 10th of September the British fleet was discovered on its way to Long Point for provisions, and Perry sailed out to meet it. After an engagement of the closest character, lasting more than three hours, the entire British fleet surrendered, the first case of the kind in England's history,

At this time Harrison was on the lake shore about thirty miles. west of Sandusky, and as soon as he had received Perry's celebrated dispatch announcing the result of the battle, began preparations for crossing the lake to Canada. Proctor recognized the necessity for abandoning Malden, and evacuated that place on the 18th. Having completed his preparations, and leaving the horses behind because of impossibility of transporting them on the fleet, Harrison occupied Malden on the 27th of September. He immediately moved against Proctor at Sandwich, drove him to the eastward, and occupied that place on the 28th. From Sandwich, General McArthur crossed to Detroit and took possession of the fort so ignominiously surrendered more than a year before. The fleet arrived the same day. Colonel Johnson's riflemen, marching by land, reached Detroit on the 30th, and the next day crossed into Canada.

It is said that the American flag was raised in Detroit before McArthur crossed. "But it never floated from the old flag-staff. That was left bare and uncared-for as a memorial and warning, until a few years afterwards, in June, 1820, it was blown over by a severe wind and ceased to be visible over the walls. What ignominious uses its ruins may have served, it is not recorded. It was not in demand for relics."- Campbell.

"McArthur's command was left to hold Detroit; Cass's brigade was left at Sandwich; and Harrison, with a force of about 3,500, on the 2nd of October, pushed on by land after Proctor-the smaller vessels of the fleet sailing up the Thames. Proctor was at last overtaken at the Moravian towns and compelled to give battle on the 5th. The mounted riflemen dashed through the British line and turned it, and in less than ten minutes the whole

force was captured, except General Proctor and seventeen officers and two hundred and thirty-nine men. The official reports nent show that he was

of his own gover been guilty of gro: cu.. seh, met a soldi havi.. been shot by

regarded as having y disgraceful conduct. His brave ally, Te's death by the hands of a very brave enemy, Colonel Richard M. Johnson, while the latter was w、 'nded and 1..ld down by his own horse, which had fallen on him." Campbell.

The Indians began to desert Proctor before the battle. The tribes were left by the result of the campaign on the verge of starvation. Harrison treated them kindly, and the hostile forces came in, gave hostages, and were supplied with food.. The victories on Lake Erie and the Thames ended the Indian troubles, except sporadic outrages from small bands.

"Several expeditions were sent out from me to time into Canada before the war closed. General McArthur, in 1814, penetrated nearly to Lake Ontario, and swept back along Lake Erie, doing much mischief to the enemy."- Campbell.

An attempt was also made in 1814 to retake Mackinaw, but failed.

On the 22d of July, 1814, Generals Harrison and Cass made a treaty at Greenville, Ohio, with several of the Indian tribes, and on the Sth of September, 1815, peace was made with nearly all the remainder.

The treaty of peace with Great Britain did not immediately end the bad feeling. The British officers, near Detroit, even undertook to assert jurisdiction within certain American territory. It was not until July, 1815, that Malden was turned over to the British, and Mackinaw to the Americans. The intrigues with the Indians were kept up. The trading companies paid no heed to law or international obligations. It was not until two Indians were hung for murder at Detroit that a check was put to their outrages in that neighborhood.

Gradually the country filled up with settlers, and all possibility of its again passing under the British dominion disappeared.

It is doubtful whether the fruits of the war in the Northwest are fully appreciated. The evident intention of the representatives of the British government in Canada was to render nugatory the transfer of territory north of the Maumee and west of the great lakes, provided for by the definitive treaty of peace, and for

this purpose they hoped to use the Indians occupying the vast area in question. The fur trade was the principal interest, and the agents representing it were able and aggressive men, whose anxiety for gain incited them to the greatest activity.

If their schemes had proven successful, the result would have been more momentous than the broadest mind can now conceive of. It would have meant the permanent loss to the United States of northwestern Ohio, nearly all of Indiana and all of Michigan, Illinois and Wisconsin, comprising an entire empire, now containing a population of eight millions and incalculable wealth, with a productive capacity equal to that of any other equal area on the face of the globe.

That this imperial domain did not pass from our control is due to the military operations so rapidly and inadequately sketched, and which may be summed up in Wayne's victory at the "Fallen Timbers," Harrison's at Tippecanoe, Croghan's at Fort Stepenson, Perry's on Lake Erie, and Harrison's at the Thames. All honor then to the brave hearts of Perry's fleet and of Kentucky, Ohio and Michigan, who secured to us the advantages of the treaty of 1783.

The President:-It is now twelve o'clock. Is there any further business before the Society?

Captain Tuttle:-I move that the thanks of this Society be tendered to General Poe for his very valuable and interesting paper, and that he be requested to furnish the Society a copy to be spread upon the records and preserved in the proceedings of the Society.

Motion carried.

The President:-Colonel Calkins reports himself ready. I want him to report to me to-morrow morning. Motion for adjournment will now be in order.

Colonel Dayton:-Before we adjourn, I want to say to the members of the Society that I shall be at the hotel immediately after adjourning, and shall be glad to see all who desire to pay their dues. Our time in this place has been so limited that I will have no time here, and therefore say to you that from here I shall go back to the hotel, and you shall have every chance of paying your dues.

On motion adjourned until to-morrow morning at ten o'clock.

September 14, 1887.

The Local Committee arranged a meeting to cover the annual address and other exercises to conform to the following programme:




[blocks in formation]

8 O'CLOCK P. M.-Calling meeting to order, and introductory remarks by GENERAL O. M. POE, Chairman Local Executive Committee.

GENERAL W. T. SHERMAN takes the chair.

PRAYER by Rt. Rev. SAMUEL A. FALLOWS, D. D., of Chicago. MUSIC.-QUARTETTE,.... Song of Freedom,.....


ADDRESS OF WELCOME on behalf of the State of Michigan, HON. CYRUS G. LUCE, Governor.

ADDRESS OF WELCOME on behalf of the City of Detroit, Hox. JOHN PRIDGEON, JR., Acting Mayor.

RESPONSE by GENERAL W. T. SHERMAN, President of the Society. MUSIC.-Recollections of the War,...

[blocks in formation]



Star Spangled Banner,

Marching Through Georgia,

Glory Hallelujah,

Battle Cry of Freedom,

Kingdom Coming,



MUSIC.-QUARTETTE,.... United Band,.

REMARKS by such Gentlemen as may be called upon.




Music by Arion Quartette and Twenty-third U. S. Infantry Band.

The Princess Rink was crowded full, many distinguished people being present-officers of the Society and speakers occupying a platform at the side of the hall. At 8:15 o'clock, following the music General O. M. Poe, Chairman of the committee, called the assembly to order, speaking as follows:


As the chairman of the local executive committee organized upon the part of the citizens of Detroit, to make a suitable provision for receiving and entertaining the Society of the Army of the Tennessee, the pleasant duty devolves upon me of reporting the arrangements completed, and the Society with its revered President here present.

In introducing the Society of the Army of the Tennessee to the chief executive of the state, to the mayor of the city and to the vast assemblage of well-known citizens gathered in this hall, it may be well to recall a few facts in its history.

The preliminary meeting for its organization was held at Raleigh, North Carolina, on the 14th of April, 1865, the day of the assassination of our great and good Lincoln. It is, therefore, the oldest of the army societies, antedating the Loyal Legion by one day. Of the thirty-three officers present on that occasion, at least three of them, Colonel L. M. Dayton, General M. F. Force and Captain Wells W. Leggett, are with us to-night. From this small beginning it has grown into the magnificent organization of to-day. Its purpose is well expressed in the following quotation from its constitution.

"The object of the Society shall be to keep alive and preserve that kindly and cordial feeling which has been one of the characteristics of this Army during its career in the service, and which has given it such harmony of action, and contributed in no small degree to its glorious achievements in our country's cause." Fellow-citizens, this statement is too modest. It was the "harmony of action in the Army of the Tennessee that contributed more than all other causes combined to its wonderful successes. From Donelson to the final surrender of the opposing army at Durham station, victory ever followed its banners.

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The unconditional surrender" of Donelson; the months of patient endurance at Vicksburgh; the transcendently brilliant

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