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Provision substituted for s. 65 of principal Act.

Power to inspect assessment-books. Cf. 1473, 1921, s. 7.

Provision substituted for s. 70 of principal Act.

Scale of seweragerate.

Amendment of s. 72 of principal Act.

No. 1366 of 1919.

Adelaide Sewers Act Further Amendment Act.-1923.

four-fifths of the gross annual rental at which the whole would let for a term of seven years, or at five per centum on the capital value of the fee simple.

6. Section 65 of the principal Act is repealed, and the following provision is enacted and substituted therefor :-

65. The Commissioner, or any person having an order for that purpose under the Commissioner's hand, shall be entitled as of right, at all reasonable times, free of charge

(a) to have access to and inspect all rate-books and assessment-books relating to any land or premises within the drainage area, and all other books and documents relating to any assessment thereof; and all deeds, instruments of title, books, returns, accounts, and documents in the Lands Titles Registration Office or the General Registry Office for the registration of deeds, or in the office of the Registrar of Probates, or of the Commissioner of Taxes, or any other public office, relating to any such land or premises; and

(b) to make and take copies thereof, or extracts therefrom.

7. Section 70 of the principal Act is repealed, and the following provision is enacted and substituted therefor :

70. The Commissioner may make and levy on the whole or any portion of the lands and premises comprised in the said assessment such sewerage-rates as he may think expedient, and the sewerage-rates made and levied in respect of any portion of such lands and premises may be different from or greater than the sewerage-rates made and levied in respect of the remainder of or any other portion of such lands or premises. Such sewerage-rates shall be payable at the times and in the manner hereinafter provided.

8. (1) Section 72 of the principal Act is further amended-
(a) by striking out the first proviso thereto;

(b) by striking out the word "further" in the first line of the
proviso added thereto by section 5 of the Adelaide
Sewers Act Further Amendment Act, 1919;

(c) by striking out the words "thirty-first day of December" in the seventh and eighth lines of the proviso added thereto by section 5 of the Adelaide Sewers Act Further Amendment Act, 1919, and substituting therefor the words "thirtieth day of June"; and

(d) by striking out the word "January" in the penultimate line of the proviso added thereto by section 5 of the Adelaide Sewers Act Further Amendment Act, 1919, and substituting therefor the word "July”.

(2) The

Adelaide Sewers Act Further Amendment Act.-1923.

(2) The provisions of paragraphs (c) and (d) of subsection (1) hereof shall come into force on the first day of July, nineteen hundred and twenty-four.

Additional Provisions.

9. (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in the principal Act, every assessment shall be made and all sewerage-rates and other charges and fees shall be made, levied, and payable, and all annual accounts shall be prepared and published, in respect of the period of twelve months ending on the thirtieth day of June in every year, and not in respect of the period of twelve months ending on the thirty-first day of December in every year as heretofore

(a) Section 14 of the principal Act is amended by substituting
for the words "thirty-first day of December" therein
the words "thirtieth day of June":

(b) Section 60 of the principal Act is amended by substituting
for the words "first day of February" therein the words
"first day of August".

(2) The provisions of subsection (1) hereof shall come into force on the first day of July, nineteen hundred and twenty-four.

(3) With respect to the period of six months ending on the thirtieth day of June, nineteen hundred and twenty-four

(a) for the purpose of making an assessment for the purposes
of the principal Act, the said period shall be deemed to
be a year, and the Commissioner may make an assess-
ment for such year or may, by notice published in the
Government Gazette before the first day of February,
nineteen hundred and twenty-four, direct that the
assessment in force on the last day of the preceding year
shall continue and be in force as the assessment for such

(b) sewerage-rates and other charges and fees for the said period
shall be made, levied, and charged at half the scale or
rate fixed under the principal Act in respect of a period
of one year, and such rates, charges, and fees shall be
payable in advance on the first day of January, nineteen
hundred and twenty-four.

10. (1) Any person who, without the consent in writing of the Commissioner, causes, permits, or suffers any rain water, storm water, or surface water to flow into or obtain admission to any sewer, or any drain communicating with any sewer, and also the owner or occupier of any land or premises at the time when rain water, storm water, or surface water is caused, permitted, or suffered to flow into, or to obtain admission to any such sewer or drain upon, under, or about such land or premises, shall be guilty of an offence, and for

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[blocks in formation]

Adelaide Sewers Act Further Amendment Act.-1923.

every such offence shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding Five Pounds, and a further penalty not exceeding One Pound for each day on which the offence continues.

(2) For the purposes of this section a plan certified by the Hydraulic Engineer and purporting to be a true plan of the site of any drain communicating with any sewer and purporting to show such communication shall be prima facie evidence of the existence and site of such drain and of the communication of such drain with

a sewer.

11. (1) The Commissioner may, by extension of a sewer or other work, lay down a sewer for the purpose of draining any land or premises, either within or outside the drainage area, in pursuance of an agreement by the owner of such land or premises to pay to the Commissioner interest at a rate to be specified in the agreement on such owner's proportion, as fixed by the Commissioner, of the cost of such extension or other work.

(2) The Commissioner may levy upon any land or premises which is drained pursuant to subsection (1) hereof an annual rate sufficient, in the opinion of the Commissioner, to produce the annual sum payable under the agreement entered into under the said subsection with respect to such land or premises.

(3) Where the Commissioner, either before or after the passing of this Act, has laid down any sewer in manner mentioned in subsection (1) hereof for the purpose of draining any land or premises abutting on any street, and by means of the same sewer any other land or premises abutting on such street are capable of being drained, but the owner of the last-mentioned land or premises has not entered into an agreement with the Commissioner under subsection (1) hereof, such owner shall nevertheless, if the Commissioner thinks proper, be deemed to have entered into such an agreement, and in that case his land or premises shall be ratable under subsection (2) hereof accordingly.

In the name and on behalf of His Majesty, I hereby assent to
this Bill.
TOM BRIDGES, Governor.

Adelaide: By authority, R. E. E. ROGERS, Government Printer, North Terrace.


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An Act to enable the Government to assist Farmers affected by Drought in certain parts of the State by Supplying them with Seed Wheat and other Commodities, and for other purposes.


[Assented to, October 11th, 1923.]

E it Enacted by the Governor of the State of South Australia, with the advice and consent of the Parliament thereof, as follows:

1. This Act may be cited as the "Drought Relief Act, 1923."

2. In this Act

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Applicant" means applicant for assistance under this Act:
Farmer" includes grazier :

Short title.

Interpretation of



'Minister" means the Commissioner of Crown Lands.


cf. 1397, 1919, s. 7.

3. (1) The Minister may, for the purposes of affording assistance to Minister may supply farmers in drought-affected areas, supply applicants, or cause them commodities to to be supplied, with seed wheat or other cereals, manure, hay, chaff, flour, and any other commodities, whether of the same kind as any of those herein before specified or not, which the Minister thinks necessary for the said purpose: Provided that no commodity shall be supplied under this section after the thirty-first day of December, nineteen hundred and twenty-three.

(2) The Minister is hereby authorised to purchase or otherwise procure such commodities as are required for the purposes of this section.

(3) For

When Minister may grant application. Ibid., s. S.

Persons supplied to sign an acknowledg.

Drought Relief Act.-1923.

(3) For the purposes of this section, the Minister's declaration that any area is or is not drought-affected shall be final and conclusive.

4. If the Minister is satisfied that an applicant

(a) bona fide intends forthwith to put the lands held by him, or part thereof, under crop, and is unable to do so without assistance under this Act, or has fallowed such land, or part thereof, and bona fide intends to put such land, or part, under crop; or

(b) requires the commodities applied for to feed his stock, or to maintain himself and his family (if any) on such land, he may grant to the applicant such assistance under this Act as he thinks fit.

5. Every person upon whose application any commodity is ment and contract. supplied under this Act shall sign an acknowledgment and contract in the form contained in the Schedule to this Act, or in such form. as is prescribed in that behalf.

Cf. 1165, 1914, s. 8.

Cost of commodities

supplied by the

6. (1) The cost to the Minister of any commodity or commodities Minister to be repaid supplied to any applicant under this Act shall be deemed to be an advance made by the Minister to such applicant under this Act.

by applicant.

Cf. ibid., s. 9.

(2) Any applicant to whom any such advance is made under this Act shall repay to the Minister such advance, together with interest thereon at the rate of Six Pounds per centum per annum, calculated from the date the commodity in respect of which such advance is deemed to have been made was so supplied to the date of repay


(a) on or before the first day of February, nineteen hundred and twenty-four, or within such further time as the Minister may approve; or

(b) upon the alienation (whether voluntary or otherwise) of such applicant's interest in the lands mentioned in the acknowledgment and contract signed by him under section 5, or in any of such lands,

whichever first happens: Provided that such applicant may at any time repay the whole or any part of the advance, with interest to the date of payment on the amount so paid; and when part only has been so repaid, interest as aforesaid shall be payable on the balance for the time being remaining unpaid.

(3) The Minister may, in any case which he considers to be one of special hardship, extend, and from time to time further extend, the date of repayment of the whole or any part of the advance made to an applicant, or of the interest thereon, and may fix any date later than the date provided by subsection (2) hereof, as the date from which interest on the advance shall be calculated and paid by the applicant.

7. Notwithstanding

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