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No. 1548.-An Act to increase the Salary payable to the Governor. -

[Reserved, October 4th, 1922. Royal Assent Proclaimed, January 17th, 1923.]

No. 1549.-An Act to Repeal the Electoral Code Amendment Act, 1921.

[Reserved, November 15th, 1922. Royal Assent Proclaimed, March 14th, 1923.]

No. 1550.-An Act to apply, out of the General Revenue, the sum of Nine Hundred Thousand Pounds to
the Public Service for the Year ending the Thirtieth day of June, nineteen hundred and
[Assented to, August 1st, 1923.]

No. 1551.-An Act to apply, out of the General Revenue, a further sum of Nine Hundred Thousand Pounds
to the Public Service for the Year ending the Thirtieth day of June, nineteen hundred
and twenty-four.
[Assented to, September 12th, 1923.]

No. 1552.-An Act to amend the Second-hand Dealers Act, 1919, and for other purposes.

[Assented to, October 3rd, 1923.]

No. 1553.—An Act to amend the Public Charities Funds Acts, 1912 to 1921, and for other purposes.

[Assented to, October 3rd, 1923.]

No. 1554.-An Act to amend the Education Act, 1915, and for other purposes.

[Assented to, October 11th, 1923.]

No. 1555.-An Act to Provide for an Increased Annual Grant to the University of Adelaide, and to
Exempt the said University from Payment of Land Tax.

[Assented to, October 11th, 1923.]

No. 1556.-An Act to amend the Adelaide Sewers Acts, 1878 to 1919, and for other purposes.

[Assented to, October 11th, 1923.]

No. 1557.-An Act to enable the Government to assist Farmers affected by Drought in certain parts of
the State by Supplying them with Seed Wheat and other Commodities, and for other
[Assented to, October 11th, 1923.]

No. 1558.-An Act to consolidate certain Acts relating to Municipal Corporations.

[Assented to, October 11th, 1923.]

No. 1559.-An Act to Facilitate the Proof of the Times of Sunrise and Sunset, and for purposes incidental
[Assented to, October 31st, 1923.]

No. 1560.-An Act to further amend the District Councils Act, 1914.

[Assented to, October 31st, 1923.]

No. 1561.-An Act to amend the Water Conservation Acts, 1886 to 1915, and for other purposes.

[Assented to, October 31st, 1923.]

No. 1562.-An Act to amend the Renmark Irrigation Trusts Act Further Amendment Act, 1914.

[Assented to, October 31st, 1923.]

No. 1563.-An Act to amend the Law relating to Interest on certain Debentures or Inscribed Stock
purchased or sold by Trustees.
[Assented to, November 14th, 1923.]

No. 1564. An Act to amend the Acts Interpretation Act, 1915.

[Assented to, November 14th, 1923.]

No. 1565.-An Act to make Better Provision for the Care, Control, and Training of Aboriginal Children,
for placing Aboriginal Children under the control of the State Children's Council, to amend
the Aborigines Act, 1911, and for other purposes. [Assented to, November 14th, 1923.]


No. 1566.-An Act to amend the Advances for Homes Acts, 1910 to 1922.

[Assented to, November 14th, 1923.]

No. 1567.-An Act to amend the Vermin Acts, 1914 to 1922, and for other purposes.

[Assented to, November 14th, 1923.]

No. 1568.-An Act to ratify an Agreement for the further Variation of the Agreement entered into between the Prime Minister of the Commonwealth and the Premiers of the States of New South Wales, Victoria, and South Australia, respecting the River Murray and Lake Victoria and other Waters, and to amend the River Murray Waters Acts, 1915 to 1920. [Assented to, November 14th, 1923.]

No. 1569.-An Act to consolidate certain Acts relating to Stamp Duties.

[Assented to, November 21st, 1923.]

No. 1570.-An Act to enable the Governor to extend the Term of Office of the present Agent-General. [Assented to, November 21st, 1923.]

No. 1571.-An Act to Authorise the Corporation of the Town of Gladstone to Transfer certain lands to the Trustees of the Gladstone Institute, and for other purposes.

[Assented to, November 21st, 1923.]

No. 1572.-An Act to amend the Early Closing Acts, 1911 and 1912, and for other purposes.

[Assented to, November 21st, 1923.]

No. 1573.-An Act to amend the Justices Act, 1921, and for other purposes.

[Assented to, November 21st, 1923.]

[Assented to, November 28th, 1923.]

No. 1574.-An Act to amend the Impounding Act, 1920.

No. 1575.-An Act for the General Appropriation of the Revenue for the Year ending June Thirtieth, Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-four.

No. 1576.-An Act to amend the Succession Duties Acts, 1893 to 1919, and for other purposes.

[Assented to, November 28th, 1923.]

[Assented to, November 28th, 1923.]

No. 1577.-An Act to further amend the Police Act, 1916.

[Assented to, November 28th, 1923.]

No. 1578.--An Act to vest a certain Road in the Crown, and for other purposes.

[Assented to, November 28th, 1923.]

No. 1579. An Act to authorise the Treasurer to raise moneys to the amount of One Hundred Thousand Pounds for the purpose of constructing Roads outside District Council Districts. [Assented to, November 28th, 1923.]

No. 1580.-An Act to make further and better provision for Regulating the Width of the Tires of Vehicles used on Public Roads and the Weights which may be carried on such Vehicles, and for other purposes. [Assented to, November 28th, 1923.]

No. 1581.-An Act to amend the Discharged Soldiers Settlement Acts, 1917 to 1922, and for other purposes. [Assented to, November 28th, 1923.]

No. 1582.--An Act to bar certain Claims against the Government in respect of transactions entered into under the Wheat Harvest Acts, 1915 to 1919, and the Wheat Marketing and Transportation Act, 1920, and for other purposes. [Assented to, December 6th, 1923.]

No. 1583. An Act to enable the State of South Australia to collect Income Tax for the Commonwealth, to amend the Taxation Acts, and for other purposes. [Assented to, December 6th, 1923.]

No. 1584.-An Act to vest a portion of the Park Lands at Port
Hundred of Pirie in the South Australian Harbors

Pirie and certain Crown Lands in the
Board, and for other purposes.
[Assented to, December 6th, 1923.]

No. 1585.-An Act to amend the Fire Brigades Act, 1913, and for other purposes.

[Assented to, December 6th, 1923.]


No. 1586.-An Act to provide for the construction of a Railway from Wanbi Siding to a point near Section 42, Hundred of Moorook. [Assented to, December 6th, 1923.]

No. 1587.An Act to provide for the Redemption of Public Securities, and for other purposes.

No. 1588.-An Act relating to Industrial and Provident Societies.

[Assented to, December 6th, 1923.] [Assented to, December 6th, 1923.]

No. 1589.-An Act to enable the Corporation of the Town of Glenelg to lease certain portion of the Foreshore and Sea Bed at Glenelg for bathing and other purposes, to repeal the Act No. 15 of 1873, and for other purposes. [Assented to, December 6th, 1923.]

No. 1590.-An Act to authorise the granting of a Loan of Thirty Thousand Pounds to the Royal Agricultural and Horticultural Society of South Australia, Incorporated, and for other purposes. [Assented to, December 6th, 1923.]

No. 1591.-An Act to further amend the Opticians Act, 1920.

[Assented to, December 6th, 1923.]

No. 1592.-An Act to provide for the Construction of a Railway from Kimba Siding to a point in the Hundred of Buckleboo, and for other purposes. [Assented to, December 6th, 1923.]

No. 1593.-An Act to authorise the Treasurer to raise Moneys to the amount of Three Million Three Hundred and Fifty-two Thousand Seven Hundred Pounds for various Public Works, and for other purposes. [Assented to, December 6th, 1923.]

No. 1594.-An Act to authorise the construction of certain Works for the Storage and Distribution of Water, and for other purposes. [Assented to, December 6th, 1923.]

No. 1595.-An Act to provide for the Construction of a Railway from Bumbunga in the Hundred of Cameron to Lochiel in the said Hundred. [Assented to, December 6th, 1923.]

No. 1596.-An Act to amend the Advances for Homes Acts, 1910 to 1922, and for other purposes.

[Assented to, December 6th, 1923.]

No. 1597.-An Act to provide for preferable liens on Fruit, and for other purposes.

[Assented to, December 6th, 1923.]

No. 1598.-An Act to make provision for the Abatement and Prevention of Sand Drifts, and for other purposes. [Assented to, December 6th, 1923.]

No. 1599-An Act to repeal the Immigration Acts, 1911 and 1913, to make further and better provision for encouraging Immigration into South Australia, and for other purposes.

[Assented to, December 6th, 1923.]

No. 1600.-An Act to consolidate and amend the Law relating to Buildings in the City of Adelaide and other Municipalities and Districts, and for other purposes.

[Assented to, December 6th, 1923.]

No. 1601.-An Act to further amend the Steam Boilers and Enginedrivers Act, 1911.

[Assented to, December 6th, 1923.]

No. 1602.-An Act to authorise the Corporation of the Town of Gawler to Lease a certain Portion of the Park Lands at Gawler to The Adelaide Electric Supply Company, Limited, and for purposes incidental thereto. [Assented to, December 6th, 1923.]

No. 1603.-An Act to amend the Brands Act, 1913.

[Assented to, December 6th, 1923.]

No. 1604-An Act to further amend the Licensing Act, 1917, and for other purposes.

[Assented to, December 6th, 1923.]

Private Act.-An Act to provide for the Control of Irrigation at Pyap Settlement on the River Murray. [Assented to, November 28th, 1923.]

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