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Governor may add
Crown lands to
Municipality without

Ibid., s. 16.

Governor may, without petition, annex road to Municipality or District.

1183, 1914, s. 7.

Governor may


Municipal Corporations Act.-1923..

(2) The Proclamation shall describe the boundaries of such wards, and may assign a name to each of such wards.

(3) The Municipality shall thenceforth be divided and formed into wards as described in such Proclamation.

16. The Governor may, without petition, exercise the powers conferred upon him by section 5 of this Act, of adding land to a Municipality in any case where the land so added belongs to the Crown, and has not been granted or lawfully contracted to be granted to any person in fee simple, or for an estate of freehold.

17. (1) Where any road, street, or highway, or any portion thereof, forms the boundary or part of the boundary of, or adjoins, any Municipality or Municipalities or District or Districts, or any part thereof, the Governor may, by Proclamation, without any petition, annex such road, street, highway, or portion to any such Municipality or District as aforesaid, or in separate portions to such Municipalities or Districts, or any two or more of them, and the same shall thereupon be included in such Municipality or Municipalities, District or Districts accordingly.

(2) In this section "District " means a District as defined in the District Councils Act, 1914.

18. The Governor may, from time to time, by any order or orders, apportion property, apportion, settle, or adjust any property, rights, liabilities, or matters which he considers ought to be apportioned, settled, or adjusted in consequence of the exercise by him of any of the foregoing powers.

M. C. Act, 1890, s. 17.


Petition for union of Municipalities. 660, 1896, s. 2.

Poll of ratepayers to be taken before petition presented.

Ibid., s. 3.


19. Any two or more Corporations may, subject to the provisions hereinafter contained, present a petition to the Governor for the union of their respective Municipalities.

20. No such petition shall be presented unless

(a) the Councils of such respective Municipalities have given or caused to be given one month's previous public notice of the intention to submit to a poll of the ratepayers of their respective Municipalities a proposition for the union of such Municipalities;

(b) such proposition has been carried by a poll of the ratepayers in each of such Municipalities; and

(c) such petition is accompanied by a certificate under the hands of the Mayor and Town Clerk of each of such Municipalities stating the result of such poll in their respective Municipalities.

21. Every

Municipal Corporations Act.-1923.

21. Every such petition shall state

(a) the proposed name of the Municipality to be formed by the union of the Municipalities mentioned in the petition;

(b) the proposed name of the Corporation of such Municipality; and

(c) the boundaries of the wards into which it is proposed to be divided.



Contents of petition.

Ibid., s. 4.

22. The provisions of sections 10, 11, and 12 shall apply to every Provisions of such petition.

23. The Governor may, by Proclamation—

(a) unite the Municipalities mentioned in the petition into one Municipality:

(b) assign a name to the Municipality formed by such union, and to the Corporation of such Municipality :

(c) define the boundaries of, and give a name to, each of the wards of such Municipality:

(d) declare without any further petition that the provisions of Part XXXVI. respecting Aldermen shall be applicable to such Municipality:

sections 10, 11, and 12 to apply.

Ibid., s. 5.

Union of Munici-
Ibid., s. 6.

(e) from time to time apportion, settle, or adjust any property Ibid., s. 7.
rights, liabilities, or matters which he considers ought

to be apportioned, settled, or adjusted in consequence
of the exercise by him of any of the powers conferred
upon him by this Division.

24. The following provisions shall apply upon the union of Effect of union of Municipalities:—

1. The Municipality formed by such union shall include an
area being the aggregate of the areas of the Municipalities
united :

II. The Corporation of the Municipality so formed shall be
deemed to be one and the same Corporation as the
Corporation of each of the Municipalities by the union
of which it was formed:

III. All rights and duties of the Corporations of such Munici-
palities against or owing to each other shall be ex-

Iv. All property rights and liabilities vested, possessed, or
incurred, and all matters and things not otherwise
provided for, made, or done in, by, or on behalf of the
Corporation of any of the Municipalities so united shall
vest in and attach to and be deemed to have been made
or done by or on behalf of the Corporation of the
Municipality formed by such union.
v. All


Ibid., ss. 8, 9, 10.




Governor may


Municipal Corporations Act.-1923.

v. All by-laws and regulations in force in any of the Municipalities united at the time of the union, whether made under this Act or any Act hereby repealed, or any other Act, which are applicable to the altered circumstances, shall become by-laws and regulations respectively of the Municipality formed by such union, and may be repealed or altered by the Council of such Municipality. VI. Until so repealed or altered, every such by-law and regulation shall remain in force in the territorial area only in which it was in force previous to such union : VII. Every by-law and regulation which cannot be restricted to any particular territorial area shall be deemed inapplicable, and all by-laws and regulations which are inapplicable to the altered circumstances shall be by such union repealed:

VIII. The Mayor and Council of the Municipality formed by such union shall, until the conclusion of the next annual election, consist of the Mayors of the Municipalities united, and all the Councillors of such Municipalities, or any councillors elected in their places to fill any extraordinary vacancies:

IX. The Mayors of the Municipalities united shall decide by lot which of them shall be Mayor of the Municipality formed by such union:

x. At the conclusion of the next annual election the Mayor and all the Councillors shall go out of office.


25. The Governor, on a petition, as hereinafter mentioned, may, dissolve a Corpora- by Proclamation, dissolve any Corporation, and may, by such Proclamation, determine all matters relating to the dissolved Corporation and to its assets, liabilities, contracts, affairs, rights, property, and obligations.

573, 1893, s. 47.

Petition, how signed.

Ibid., s. 48.

Sections 10, 11, and 12 to apply to such petition.

Ibid., s. 49.

26. A petition to dissolve a Corporation shall be signed by not less than one-half of the ratepayers of the Municipality.

27. Counter-petitions may be presented, and the provisions of sections 10, 11, and 12 shall apply to petitions and counter-petitions under this Division.


Municipal Corporations Act.—1923.





28. (1) The Mayor, Councillors, and citizens of every Municipality Incorporation. shall be a body corporate.

M. C. Act, 1890,

s. 80 (part), s. 81

(2) Every Corporation shall by its corporate name have perpetual (part), s. 82. succession and shall have and use a common seal.

Names of Corporations.

29. Every Corporation, other than that of the City of Adelaide, Name of Corporaand any other Corporation to which the Governor has heretofore tion.

assigned, or hereafter, pursuant to section 31, assigns the name of Ibid., s. 80 (part). The Corporation of the City of shall be styled


"The Corporation of the Town of

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(such blanks being filled in with the distinctive name of the Municipality concerned).

30. (1) If the Council of any Municipality have reason to believe Council may petition that the total number of inhabitants within such Municipality exceeds for a Census. twenty thousand, they may, by petition, pray the Governor to authorise the taking of a Census of such inhabitants.

886, 1905, s. 2.

(2) Upon receipt of such petition the Governor may, by Procla- Governor may


(a) authorise the taking of such Census;

(b) appoint the Town Clerk or other person to collect the information required; and

authorise the taking of a Census.

Ibid., s. 3.

notice to house

holders, &c.
Ibid., s. 4.

(c) fix the date for the taking of such Census. (3) The Town Clerk or other person appointed as aforesaid shall Town Clerk to give cause general notices to be affixed on such conspicuous places as are deemed proper, requiring every householder, employer of servants, and proprietor or occupier of land within the Municipality to be prepared on the day fixed as aforesaid, or the days immediately subsequent thereto, to give all such information as is required by any form or forms which shall be determined on and published by the Town Clerk or other person appointed as aforesaid.

(4) The Town Clerk or other person appointed as aforesaid may Town Clerk to depute other persons to collect the information required on the day collect information. appointed, and on the days immediately subsequent thereto, and Ibid., s. 5.

to take account, in writing, of the number of inhabitants at that time being within the Municipality, and ascertain the particulars specified in the form or forms.

(5) Such persons may ask such questions of the householders or inhabitants residing within the Municipality as are necessary to fill up the said form or forms.

(6) Every


Town Clerk to

Municipal Corporations Act.-1923.

(6) Every person refusing or neglecting to answer or wilfully giving a false answer to any such question shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding Twenty Shillings.

(7) The Town Clerk or other person appointed as aforesaid

ascertain and certify shall

result of Census.

Ibid., s. 6.

Municipality to pay

cost of Census.

Ibid., s. 8.

Governor may
assign name of
"City" to Munici-

Ibid., s. 7.

Mayor and Coun-
cillors to be an
executive council.
M.C. Act, 1890,
s. 20.

Constitution of
Ibid., s. 21.

Mayor must have served in Council.

833, 1903, s. 7.

(a) proceed, within one month after the collection of the information required, to ascertain therefrom the number of inhabitants within the Municipality;

(b) certify in writing as to the exact number of such inhabitants; and

(c) make a statutory declaration of the truth of such certificate. (8) Such certificate shall, together with the statutory declaration, be forwarded to the Governor.

(9) The whole of the expenses incurred in and relating to any such Census shall be paid by the Municipality in relation to which such Census is taken.

31. The Governor, on being satisfied that any Census taken as aforesaid discloses that the number of inhabitants in any Municipality exceeds twenty thousand, may, by Proclamation, assign the name of " The City of to such Municipality, and the to the corpora



name of " The Corporation of the City of
tion of such Municipality.

Councils and their Members.

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32. The Mayor and Councillors of every Municipality appointed or continued as herein before mentioned, or elected as hereinafter mentioned, shall constitute a Council for

(a) the good government of such Municipality;

(b) the management of the affairs thereof;

(c) the exercise within the limits of such Municipality of such powers and authorities as by this Act are vested in or delegated to Councils; and

(d) the exercise outside the limits of such Municipality of such powers and authorities as by this Act are permitted or directed to be exercised by Councils outside such limits.

33. (1) Every such Council shall consist of a Mayor for the Municipality and of two Councillors for each ward therein.

(2) Such Mayor and Councillors shall be elected from among and by the qualified citizens of such Municipality as hereinafter provided.

34. No person shall be qualified to serve as Mayor unless he has at the time of his election served one year as Mayor, Alderman, or Councillor, in some Municipality in the State.

35. Every

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