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Municipal Corporations Act.-1923.


83. The election of Mayor, Councillors, and Auditors shall be Proceedings on the conducted in manner following, that is to say :—

(a) Every elector entitled to vote, and who votes in the election, shall vote at the polling-place in the Municipality or ward in which he is entitled to vote:

(b) He shall present himself to the returning officer or deputy returning officer at such polling-place, and state his Christian and surname, abode, profession, or occupation, and the nature of his qualification, and the place where the property or qualification is situated :

(c) The returning officer or deputy returning officer shall thereupon place a mark against the voter's name on the voters' roll, or copy, and hand to such voter a voting paper :

(d) Such voting-paper shall

I. be in the form of the Fifth Schedule;

day of election.
Ballot Act, 1862,

s. 7 (part).
606, 1894, s. 6,

Fifth Schedule.

8. 47.

II. bear the initials of the returning officer, or deputy M.C. Act, 1890,
returning officer, written or lithographed by or

under the authority of such returning officer or
deputy returning officer;

III. contain the Christian and surname of each candidate
arranged in alphabetical order, according to such
surnames, and if there are two candidates of the
same surname, then according to the Christian
name or names of such candidates, and if there
are two candidates of the same Christian and
surname, then according to the residence of such
candidates arranged in like order; and

IV. have a square printed opposite to the name of each

(e) No matter or thing other than the matters and things men-
tioned in paragraph (d) hereof shall be inserted in or on
such voting-paper :

(f) Separate apartments, or places forming part of the pollingbooth, shall be provided, into which the voter shall immediately retire, and there, alone and in private, without interruption, indicate the name of each candidate for whom he intends to vote by making a cross within the square opposite the name of such candidate, and shall then fold the same paper, and immediately deliver it, so folded, to the returning officer or to the deputy returning officer, who shall forthwith publicly, and without opening the same, deposit it in a box to be provided for that purpose:

(g) No voting paper so deposited in any box shall, on any account, be taken therefrom, unless in the presence of scrutineers after the close of the election:

(h) No


Voting by blind or afflicted persons.

M.C. Act, 1890, 8. 48.

833, 1903, s. 4.

Adjournment of voting in case of riot.

Ballot Act, 1862, s. 6.

Who are to remain in polling-booth.

Ibid., s. 8.

Inquiries allowed at elections.

Ibid., s. 9.

Municipal Corporations Act.-1923.

(h) No voting paper shall be received unless it is so folded as to render it impossible for the returning officer, or any other person, to see for what candidate or candidates the vote is given :

(2) Any voter wilfully infringing any of the provisions of this section, or obstructing the voting by any unnecessary delay in performing any act within the polling booth or room, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor.

84. (1) Any voter at any election may signify to the presiding officer that, by reason of being afflicted with blindness or defective eyesight, or other affliction, he is unable to vote without assistance.

(2) The presiding officer if satisfied that such voter is so afflicted, shall thereupon permit any agent named by such voter to accompany him into the compartment set apart for the purpose, to mark the voting-paper on such voter's behalf, and hand the same to the presiding officer, who shall deposit the same in the ballot box.

85. (1) Where the proceedings at any election are interrupted or obstructed by any riot or open violence, the returning officer, or the deputy returning officer shall not for such cause terminate the business, but shall adjourn the taking of the votes at the particular polling-place at which such interruption or obstruction has happened until the following day, not being Sunday or a public holiday, and, if necessary, shall further adjourn such voting, as the case may be, until such interruption or obstruction has ceased, when the returning officer or his deputy shall again proceed with the business of the taking of the votes at the place at which the same has been interrupted or obstructed, and the commencement of the voting shall be regulated accordingly.

(2) Any day whereon the voting has been so adjourned, shall not as to such place be reckoned the day of taking of votes at such election, within the meaning of this Act.

(3) Whenever the voting has been so adjourned by any deputy returning officer, such deputy shall forthwith give notice of such adjournment to the returning officer, who shall not finally declare the state of the voting, or make proclamation of the member chosen, until the voting so adjourned at such place has been finally closed, and the boxes containing the votes delivered or transmitted to such returning officer.

86. The only persons who shall be allowed to remain within any polling-booth or room shall be the electors about to vote, the returning officer and deputy returning officers, and the scrutineers, not exceeding two for each candidate.

87. (1) No inquiry shall be permitted at any election as to the right of any person to vote, except only as follows, that is to saythe returning officer or deputy returning officer may, or, if required


Municipal Corporations Act.-1923.

by any two electors entitled to vote in the Municipality or ward in
respect of which the election is being held, shall, put to any voter at
the time of his tendering his vote, and not afterwards, the following
questions, or any of them, and no other :-

1. Are you the person whose name appears as A.B. in the roll
of voters now in force for this Municipality (or ward,
as the case may be) [being registered therein for property
described to be situated in (here specify the street or place
described in the roll of voters)]?

II. Have you already voted at the present election for this
Municipality (or ward, as the case may be) ?

III. Had you, at the time of being placed upon the roll of voters,
the qualification for which your name now stands therein
for the (Municipality, or ward of, as the case may be,
specifying in each case the particulars of the qualification,
as described in the roll of voters), and are you still
possessed of the same qualification? Are you of the
age of twenty-one years?

(2) No person required to answer any of the said questions shall be permitted or qualified to vote until he has answered the same, nor if he has answered the same in such a manner as to show that he is not qualified to vote.

(3) If any person wilfully makes a false answer to any of the questions aforesaid, he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and may be indicted and punished accordingly.


88. Immediately before taking the votes, the returning officer or Ballot-box to be deputy returning officer shall exhibit the ballot-box empty.

exhibited empty
before poll.
Ibid., s. 11 (part).

89. The provisions of this section shall apply to Municipalities Proceedings on to which section 90 does not apply, that is to say—

closing of poll. Ibid., s. 11 (part).

(1) Each deputy returning officer shall, immediately on the close and s. 12 (part). of the voting, publicly close and seal the box containing the voting papers which have been taken at the polling-place whereat he presided, and shall, with the least delay possible, deliver, or cause the same to be delivered, to the returning officer.

(2) The returning officer shall

(a) at the place of nomination and as soon as practicable after
the election has been held, in the presence of two or more
scrutineers, whereof each candidate may name one,
open all the boxes containing the voting-papers delivered
in at such election:

(b) examine the same, and reject all voting-papers which con-
tain crosses against the names of a larger number of
persons than are required to be elected, or contain any
matter or thing other than such names and crosses, or
such other descriptive matter relating to such election
as is set forth in the Fifth Schedule:

(c) openly

[blocks in formation]

Deputy returning

officer to count

votes in certain


Municipal Corporations Act.-1923.

(c) openly declare the general state of the votes at the close of the election, as the same have been made up by him from the voting-papers taken at the several polling-places or polling-place if only one:


(d) at the same time and place, declare the name of the
or persons who has or have been duly elected :
(e) if the number of votes for any two or more candidates are
found to be equal, by his casting vote decide which of

the candidates is elected.

(3) All voting-papers shall be destroyed by the returning officer forthwith after the declaration of the names of the persons duly elected.

90. The provisions of this section shall apply to the City of Adelaide, and to such other Municipalities as the Governor has by Proclamation under section 12 of the Ballot Act Amendment Act, 606, 1894, ss. 10, 11, 1894, declared that the parts of the said Act mentioned in the said and 12 (part). section 12 shall be applicable, and to every Municipality to which the Governor on the petition of the Council thereof declares by Proclamation that this section shall apply.

Fifth Schedule.

Sixth Schedule.

(1) Each deputy returning officer at the close of the poll, or as soon as practicable thereafter, in the ward where the election has been held shall

(a) open all the ballot-boxes containing the voting-papers delivered in at such election:

(b) examine the papers therein, and reject all voting-papers which contain crosses against the names of a larger number of persons than are required to be elected, or contain any matter or thing other than such names and crosses or such other descriptive matter relating to such election as set forth in the Fifth Schedule, to ascertain the result of such poll:

(c) make a declaration in the form or to the effect of the Sixth Schedule, declaring the number of votes cast for each candidate, and for which candidate or candidates, if more than one is required to be elected, the largest number of votes have been cast, and sign the same:

(d) replace all the voting papers delivered in at such election in the ballot-boxes respectively:

(e) duly lock and seal such boxes and forthwith transmit the
same to the returning officer at the place of nomination
for such election:

(f) deliver to the returning officer as soon as practicable the
said declaration, and the keys of the ballot-boxes, and a
statement in writing, signed by such deputy returning
officer, showing the number of voting-papers entrusted
to him, and accounting for them under the heads of
voting-papers in the ballot-boxes, unused, informal, and
returned voting-papers.
(2) Any

Municipal Corporations Act.-1923.

(2) Any deputy returning officer who wilfully refuses or neglects to comply with the provisions of subsection (1) shall be liable to forfeit a sum not exceeding Twenty Pounds to any person who sues for the same, together with full costs of suit.

(3) The voting-papers shall not be destroyed or mutilated within seven days after the day of election.

(4) Upon receipt of the aforesaid declaration of the deputy returning officer, and statement as aforesaid, the returning officer shall, in the presence of such scrutineers as are then present at the place of nomination, publicly declare the candidate or candidates who is or are elected, or he may appoint a day and hour, not being longer than three days thereafter, for publicly declaring the results of such election.

(5) If the number of votes for any two or more candidates are found to be equal, the returning officer shall by his casting vote decide which of the candidates is elected.


Returning officer not case of equality of

to vote except in


91. No returning officer shall vote at any election for the Municipality for which he is the returning officer, except in case of an equality of votes as aforesaid. A deputy returning officer may vote at any election in like manner as if he had not been appointed Ball or acted as such deputy.

92. The following acts shall be deemed and taken to be acts of bribery and corruption on the part of any candidate, whether committed by such candidate or by any agent authorised to act for him : (a) The giving of money or any other article whatsoever, cockades included, to any elector, with a view to influence his vote:

(b) The holding out to any elector of any promise or expectation of profit, advancement, or enrichment in any shape, in order to influence his vote:

(c) Making use of any threat to any elector, or otherwise intimidating him in any manner with a view to influence his

vote :

(d) The treating of any elector, or the supplying him with meat,
drink, lodging, or horse or carriage hire, or conveyance
by steam or otherwise, whilst at such election, or whilst
engaged in coming to or going from such election :

(e) The payment to any elector of any sum of money for acting
or joining in any procession during such election, or
before or after the same :

(f) The keeping open, or allowing to be kept open, any public-
house, shop, booth, or tent, or place of entertainment,
whether liquor or refreshments of any kind be distri-
buted at such places of entertainment or not:
(g) The

Ballot Act 1862, s.

What shall be bribery and corrup

deemed acts of


Ibid., s. 14.

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