An Act to vest a portion of the Park Lands at Port Pirie and certain Crown Lands in the Hundred of Pirie in the South Australian Harbors Board, and for other purposes. BE [Assented to, December 6th, 1923.] E it Enacted by the Governor of the State of South Australia, with the advice and consent of the Parliament thereof, as follows: 1. This Act may be cited as the "Port Pirie Park Lands Short title. Resumption Act, 1923." 2. (1) All that portion of the Park Lands at Port Pirie described Resumption of in the First Schedule and delineated in the plan in the Third Lands at Port Pirie. portion of Park Schedule, and therein hatched in red and marked "Park Lands," is hereby resumed unto the Crown. (2) Any dedication or dedications of the said Park Lands or any part thereof are hereby cancelled. 3. (1) The said portion of the Park Lands at Port Pirie and all that piece of Crown Land in the Hundred of Pirie described in the Second Schedule and delineated in the plan in the Third Schedule and therein colored red are hereby vested in fee simple in the South Australian Harbors Board. (2) The Governor may issue to the South Australian Harbors Board a land grant of the land vested in it by this Act. 1584 (3) In Port Pirie Park Lands Resumption Act.-1923. (3) In the event of the channel for the discharge of surface and storm waters which is, at the time of the passing of this Act, in and upon the land vested by this Act in the South Australian Harbors Board being filled in, obstructed, or otherwise rendered incapable of being used for the purpose of the discharge of surface or storm waters, the South Australian Harbors Board shall construct and maintain or shall cause to be constructed and maintained in, over, or under the said land, or in, over, or under land adjacent to the said land, a pipe, drain, or channel, of the same capacity as the outlet pipe of the channel first mentioned, for the discharge of surface and storm waters. In the name and on behalf of His Majesty, I hereby assent to this Bill. TOM BRIDGES, Governor. SCHEDULES. Port Pirie Park Lands Resumption Act.-1923. SCHEDULES. THE FIRST SCHEDULE. All that portion of the Park Lands at Port Pirie bounded as follows:Commencing at the north-western corner of the Customs House Reserve, reserved by the Governor in Council by notice published in the Government Gazette on the 12th day of October, 1876, thence west-north-westerly by a line being the production of the northern boundary of the said Customs House Reserve to its intersection with a line being the production southerly of the western boundary of section 587, Hundred of Pirie; thence southerly to a point on the northern side of George Street, Town of Port Pirie, being the intersection of the said side of George Street with the production northerly of the eastern side of Gertrude Street, Town of Port Pirie; thence easterly along the northern side of George Street to the south-western corner of the said Customs House Reserve; thence northerly along the western boundary of the said Customs House Reserve to the point of commencement:-exclusive of Water Conservation Reserve dedicated by Proclamation made on the 25th day of May, 1898. THE SECOND SCHEDULE. All that piece of Crown Land being portion of section 928, Hundred of Pirie. bounded as follows: Commencing at the north-western corner of the Customs House Reserve, referred to in the First Schedule, thence north-north-easterly by a line making a north-eastern angle of 91° 50′ with the north-eastern boundary of the said Customs House Reserve to a bend in the southern side of the two-chain road opened on the 3rd day of June, 1920; thence west-north-westerly along the southern side of the said road to its intersection with a line being the production southerly of the western boundary of section 587, Hundred of Pirie; thence southerly by a line being the production of the said boundary to its intersection with a line being the production west-north-westerly of the north-eastern boundary of the said Customs House Reserve; thence east-south-easterly by a straight line to the point of commencement, THE THIRD SCHEDULE. Adelaide: By authority, R. E. E. ROGERS, Government Printer, North Terrace, |