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Duty deemed to be paid by company on behalf of member.

Cf. ibid., s. 11.

Company to deliver

list of deceased

of whose estate administration has been notified to company.

Cf. ibid., s. 7.

Succession Duties Act Further Amendment Act.-1923.

(3) Any payment by the said company of any duty imposed by this section in respect of shares or stock in the company held by a member at the time of his death shall be deemed to be a payment on behalf of the estate of such member, and may be deducted by the company from any moneys payable by the company to the personal representative of such member in respect of such shares or stock, or recovered by action from such representative.

19. (1) Whenever after the passing of this Act a member of any members in respect foreign company carrying on business in this State dies, and probate or letters of administration of the estate of such member are notified to or lodged with such company, such company, within six months from the day when the probate or letters of administration were notified to or lodged with the company, or such further time as the Registrar may allow, shall cause to be delivered to the Registrar a return giving the name and address of such member, the date when the probate or letters of administration were notified to or lodged with such company, and the number, description, and value of the shares in the said company held by such member at the time of his death, and shall pay the duty thereon.

(2) If any such list is not delivered in accordance with the provisions of this section, the company making default, and any attorney in this State of such company, shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding Fifty Pounds.

In the name and on behalf of His Majesty, I hereby assent to

this Bill.

TOM BRIDGES, Governor.


Succession Duties Act Further Amendment Act.-1923.




1. Where the person taking the property is a widow, widower, descendant, or ancestor of the settlor or donor, and the net present value of the property is

£700, a duty of 1
£1,000, a duty of
£2,000, a duty of
£3,000, a duty of

per centum.


per centum.


per centum.


per centum.

£5,000, a duty of


per centum.


per centum.


per centum.

[blocks in formation]

£500 and under
£700 and under
£1,000 and under
£2,000 and under
£3,000 and under
£5,000 and under
£7,000, a duty of
£7,000 and under £10,000, a duty of
£10,000 and under £15,000, a duty of
£15,000 and under £30,000, a duty of
£30,000 and under £50,000, a duty of 10
£50,000 and under £75,000, a duty of 11
£75,000 and under £100,000, a duty of 12
£100,000 and under £150,000, a duty of 13
£150,000 and under £200,000, a duty of 15
£200,000 and upwards, a duty of 17 per centum.

Provided that where the person taking is the child under twenty-one years of age
or the widow of the settlor or donor, the duty shall be taken at one-half the fore-
going rates if the net present value of the whole of the property comprised in the
settlement or deed of gift is under £2,000.

2. Where the person taking the property is a brother or sister, or a descendant of a brother or sister, or a person in any other degree of collateral consanguinity to the settlor or donor, and the net present value of the property is

[blocks in formation]

per centum.

per centum.

£25,000 and under £50,000, a duty of 14
£50,000 and upwards, a duty of 17 per centum.

3. Where the net present value of the property taken by a stranger in blood to the settlor or donor is

Under £10,000, a duty of 10 per centum.

£10,000 and under £20,000, a duty of 15 per centum.

£20,000 and upwards, a duty of 20 per centum.


Succession Duties Act Further Amendment Act.-1923.


Where the net present value of the shares and stock in the company held by the deceased member at the time of his death is—

[blocks in formation]

Adelaide: By authority, R. E. E. ROGERS, Government Printer, North Terrace.

[graphic][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]


No. 1577.

An Act to further amend the Police Act, 1916.

[Assented to, November 28th, 1923.]

E it Enacted by the Governor of the State of South Australia, with the advice and consent of the Parliament thereof, as


1. (1) This Act may be cited as the "Police Act Further Short titles. Amendment Act, 1923."

(2) The Police Acts, 1916 and 1921, and this Act may be cited

together as the "Police Acts, 1916 to 1923."

(3) The Police Act, 1916, is hereinafter referred to as "the No. 1257 of 1916. principal Act."

2. Section 23 of the principal Act is amended by inserting after Amendment of s. 23 of principal Act. subsection (1) thereof the following subsection :—

(1A) Any person willing to act as a special constable under
the provisions of this Act throughout the State may be
appointed by the Commissioner, with the approval of the
Chief Secretary, and may act as such special constable.

Commissioner may appoint special con

stables for whole


3. Section 48 of the principal Act is further amended by adding Amendment of s. 48 at the end thereof the following subsection:

(4) Any person lying or loitering in any street, highway, yard, or other place, who does not give a satisfactory account of himself when requested so to do by a member of the Police Force, shall be guilty of an offence against this Act, and shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding Ten Pounds, or to imprisonment for any period not exceeding three months.

4. Section

of principal Act.

Person lying or

loitering and failing

to give a satisfactory account of himself

guilty of an offence.

Provision substituted for s. 71 of principal Act.

Persons suspected of having stolen goods.

Amendment of s. 113 of principal Act.


Police Act Further Amendment Act.-1923.

4. Section 71 of the principal Act is repealed and the following section is substituted therefor:

71. (1) Any person having in his possession or conveying in any manner any personal property whatsoever which in the opinion of the Special Magistrate or the Justices before whom he is charged may at any time prior to the making of such charge have been reasonably suspected of having been stolen or unlawfully obtained at the time of being in his possession or being conveyed by him shall, if he does not give an account to the satisfaction of such Special Magistrate or Justices as to how he came by such personal property, be deemed to be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be liable to a penalty of not more than One Hundred Pounds, or to imprisonment, with or without hard labor, for any period not exceeding two years.

(2) Any charge made under subsection (1) hereof shall be heard before a Special Magistrate or two Justices.

(3) The said personal property, if proved to be or to have been in the possession of such person, whether in a building or otherwise, and whether the possession thereof had been parted with by such person before being brought before the Special Magistrate or Justices or not, shall, for the purpose of this section, be deemed to be in the possession of such person.

(4) If the true owner of any personal property suspected of having been stolen or unlawfully obtained is not discovered within one month from the conviction under this section of any person for an offence with respect to such personal property, such personal property may be sold by public auction, and the proceeds of such sale, if not claimed by the true owner within twelve months, shall be paid to the Treasurer for the purposes of the General Revenue of the State.

5. Section 113 of the principal Act is amended by striking out subsection (2) thereof and substituting in lieu thereof the following subsection:

(2) There shall be an appeal from every conviction, order, and adjudication under this Act.

In the name and on behalf of His Majesty, I hereby assent to this Bill.

TOM BRIDGES, Governor.

Adelaide: By authority, R. E. E. ROGERS, Government Printer, North Terrace.

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