The Faith and Moral Nature gave before; If not God's image, yet his shadow drew: 290 That touching one must strike the other too; 'Till jarring int'rests, of themselves create Th' according music of a well-mix'd State1. Such is the World's great harmony, that springs 295 From Order, Union, full Consent of things: Where small and great, where weak and mighty, made To serve, not suffer, strengthen, not invade; More pow'rful each as needful to the rest, зсо 305 All must be false that thwart this One great End; 310 The strength he gains is from th' embrace he gives. 315 1Quæ harmonia a musicis dicitur in cantu, ca est in civitate concordia.' Cicero, de Republ. Warton. 2['His faith perhaps, in some nice tenets might Be wrong; his life, I'm sure, was in the right.' Cowley, on the Death of Mr Crashaw. Warton thinks that Cowley may have himself taken the hint from a Latin distich by Lord Herbert of Cherbury.] 3 [at once, i.e. at one and the same time.] 4 [act, See above, Ep. 11. line 59.] ARGUMENT OF EPISTLE IV. Of the Nature and State of Man with respect to HAPPINESS. I. FALSE Notions of Happiness, Philosophical and Popular, answered from v. 19 to 77. II. It is the End of all Men, and attainable by all, v. 30. God intends Happiness to be equal; and to be so, it must be social, since all particular happiness depends on general, and since he governs by general, not particular Laws, v. 37. As it is necessary for Order, and the peace and welfare of Society, that external goods should be unequal, Happiness is not made to consist in these, v. 51. But, notwithstanding that inequality, the balance of Happiness among Mankind is kept even by Providence, by the two Passions of Hope and Fear, v. 70. III. What the Happiness of Individuals is, as far as is consistent with the constitution of this world; and that the good Man has here the advantage, v. 77. The error of imputing to Virtue what are only the calamities of Nature, or of Fortune, v. 94. IV. The folly of expecting that God should alter his general Laws in favour of particulars, v. 121. V. That we are not judges who are good; but that, whoever they are, they must be happiest, v. 133, &c. VI. That external goods are not the proper rewards, but often inconsistent with, or destructive of Virtue, v. 165. That even these can make no Man happy without Virtue: Instanced in Riches, v. 183. Honours, v. 191. Nobility, v. 203. Greatness, v. 215. Fame, v. 235. Superior Talents, v. 257. &c. With pictures of human Infelicity in Men possessed of them all, v. 267, &c. VII. That Virtue only constitutes a Happiness, whose object is universal, and whose prospect eternal, v. 307, &c. That the perfection of Virtue and Happiness consists in a conformity to the ORDER of PROVIDENCE here, and a Resignation to it here and hereafter, v. 326, &c. EPISTLE IV. H HAPPINESS! our being's end and aim1! thy name: That something still which prompts th' eternal sigh, Say, in what mortal soil thou deign'st to grow? Where grows?-where grows it not? If vain our toil, 1 Oh Happiness! &c.] in the MS. thus, 'Oh happiness! to which we all aspire, Wing'd with strong hope, and borne by full desire; That ease, for which in want, in wealth we sigh; That ease, for which we labour and we die.' Warburton. [The same editor points out how the lines afterwards substituted for these successfully imitate the classical mode of invoking a Deity by his several names and places of abode, as in the Homeric Hymns (or in several Odes of Horace). Eudaimonia, Harmonia, Hygieia, Paidia, Pandaisia and others were often repre 5 IO sented by the Greeks as daughters, or as handmaids, of Aphrodite.] 2 O'erlook'd, seen double,] O'erlook'd by those who place Happiness in any thing exclusive of Virtue; seen double by those who admit any thing else to have a share with Virtue in procuring Happiness; these being the two general mistakes that this epistle is employed in confuting. Warburton. 3 [shine, a substantive; so used in Spenser F. O. Bk. 1. Canto x. st. 67; and in the Prayerbook Psalms, xcvii. 4: 'his lightnings gave shine into the world.'] We ought to blame the culture, not the soil: 15 And fled from monarchs, ST. JOHN! dwells with thee. Ask of the Learn'd the way? The Learn'd are blind; 20 This bids to serve, and that to shun mankind; Take Nature's path, and mad Opinion's leave; But some way leans and hearkens to the kind: 25 30 35 40 No cavern'd Hermit, rests self-satisfy'd: Who most to shun or hate Mankind pretend, Seek an admirer, or would fix a friend: 45 50 [sincere, i.e. pure, unalloyed.] Some place the bliss in action,-Some sunk to Beasts, &c.] 1. Those who place Happiness, or the summum bonum, in Pleasure, such as the Cyrenaic sect. 2. Those who place it in a certain tranquillity or calmness of Mind, such as the Democritic sect. 3 The Epicurean. 4. The Stoic. 5. The Protagorean, which held that Man was the measure of all things; for that all things which appear to him are, and those things which appear not to any Man are not; so that every imagination or opinion of every man was true. 6. The Sceptic. Warburton. But mutual wants this Happiness increase; In him who is, or him who finds a friend: 55 60 65 While those are plac'd in Hope, and these in Fear: 70 Nor present good or ill, the joy or curse, But future views of better, or of worse. Oh sons of earth! attempt ye still to rise, 75 But Health consists with Temperance alone; Lie in three words, Health, Peace, and Competence 2. 80 The good or bad the gifts of Fortune gain; And Peace, oh Virtue! Peace is all thy own. But these less taste them, as they worse obtain. 85 Say, in pursuit of profit or delight, Who risk the most, that take wrong means, or right? Which meets contempt, or which compassion first? Oh blind to truth, and God's whole scheme below, virtuous and the just 5! 90 95 4 [i.e. that Bliss accompanies Vice, and Woe Virtue.] 5 [Lucius Cary Lord Falkland, who after tak ing part in the opposition against the oppressive measures of Charles I. and the policy of Strafford, seceded with Hyde and others from the popular party at the time of the Grand Remonstrance, See god-like TURENNE prostrate on the dust'! Or Change admits, or Nature lets it fall; 100 105 IIO 115 120 Think we, like some weak Prince, th' Eternal Cause Shall burning Etna, if a sage requires, was appointed Secretary of State and fell, fight- 'Ah, noble friend! with what impatience all 1 [Henry, Vicomte de Turenne, Marshal of France, after commanding the French armies in the latter part of the Thirty Years' War, raised his military fame to the highest pitch, without preserving it intact from the blot of barbarous conduct, in the Alsatian and Palatinate campaigns developed out of the peace of Westphalia. He was struck dead by a cannon-ball at Salzbach in Baden in 1675; and was buried among the Kings of France at St Denis.] 2[Sir Philip Sidney, the author of the Arcadia, who was wounded to the death in the glorious but useless cavalry charge at Zutphen in 1586.] 125 3 [The Hon. Robert Digby, third son of Lord Digby, who died in 1724. See Epitaph vii. and Note.] A Marseille's good bishop.] M. de Belsance was made bishop of Marseilles in 1709. In the plague of that city, in the year 1720, he distinguished himself by his zeal and activity, being the pastor, the physician, and the magistrate of his flock, whilst that horrid calamity prevailed. [After receiving extraordinary distinctions in recognition of his services. both from the Pope and King Louis XV.] He died in the year 1755. Warton. ['I believe your prayers will do me more good than those of all the Prelates in both kingdoms, or any Prelates in Europe except the Bishop of Marseilles.' Swift to Pope, May 12, 1735.] 5 [Warton refers to Dryden's Miscellanies, v. 6.] 6 The mother of the author, a person of great piety and charity, died the year this poem was finished, viz. 1733. Warburton. [For Pope's relations to his mother, see Introductory Memoir.] 7 After v. 116, in the MS. 'Of ev'ry evil, since the world began, 8 Shall burning Etna, &c.] Alluding to the fate of those two great Naturalists, Empedocles and Pliny, who both perished by too near an approach to Etna and Vesuvius, while they were exploring the cause of their eruptions. Warburton. |