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Raamatud Books
" Whose buzz the witty and the fair annoys, Yet wit ne'er tastes, and beauty ne'er enjoys : So well-bred spaniels civilly delight In mumbling of the game they dare not bite. Eternal smiles his emptiness betray, As shallow streams run dimpling all the way.... "
The works of Alexander Pope. With his last corrections, additions, and ... - Page 20
by Alexander Pope - 1754
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Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Alexander Pope, Esq, 2. köide

William Ayre, Edmund Curll - 1745 - 426 lehte
...Afs's Milk ? " Satire or Senfe alas ! can Sftrrus feel ? " Who breaks a Butterfly upon a Whe«! .?M Yet let me flap this Bug with gilded Wings, This painted Child of Dirt, that ftinks and ftings, Whoie Buzz tlie Witty and the Fair annoys, Yet Wit ne'er taftes, .nor peauty n^er enjoys :...
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Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Alexander Pope, Esq ..., 2. köide

William Ayre, Edmund Curll - 1745 - 432 lehte
...of Afs's Milk ? " Satire or Senfe alas ! can Spams feel ? " Who breaks a Butterfly upon a Wheel ?" Yet let me flap this Bug with gilded Wings, This painted Child of Dirt, that (links and ftings, Whofe Buzz the Witty and the Fair annoys, Yet Wit ne'er taftes, nor Beauty ne'er...
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The Works of Alexander Pope: Satires, &c

Alexander Pope - 1751 - 278 lehte
...lafh like mine no honeft man fhall dread, But all fuch babling blockheads in his ftead. Let Spur its tremble — A. What ? that thing of filk, Sporus,...buzz the witty and the fair annoys, Yet wit ne'er tafles, and beauty ne'er enjoys : So well-bred fpaniels civilly delight In mumbling of the game they...
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The Works of Alexander Pope, Esq. ...: Satires, &c

Alexander Pope - 1751 - 286 lehte
...lafh Jike mine no honeft man fhall dread, But all fuch babling blockheads in his ftead. Let Sporus tremble — A. What ? that thing of filk, Sporus,...buzz the witty and the fair annoys, Yet wit ne'er tafles, and beauty ne'er enjoys : So well-bred fpaniels civilly delight In mumbling of the game they...
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The Works of Alexander Pope Esq, 4. köide

Alexander Pope - 1751 - 288 lehte
...fuch babling blockheads in his ftead. Let Sporus tremble— A. What ? that thing of filk, Spar us, that mere white curd of Afs's milk ? 306 Satire or...with gilded wings, This painted child of dirt, that (links and flings ; 310 Whofe buzz the witty and the fair annoys, Yet wit ne'er taftes, and beauty...
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The Works of Alexander Pope, Esq: Satires, &c

Alexander Pope - 1752 - 434 lehte
...again, to the fame purpofe, in the Epijile to Dr. Arbuthnot^ Who breaks a butterfly upon a wheel ? Yet let me flap this bug with gilded wings, This painted child of Dirt, \hatjlinks undoings. Thefe, it is objected, are Infe&s not of Nature's creating, but the Poet's, and...
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The Works of Alexander Pope, Esq: In Nine Volumes Complete, with ..., 4. köide

Alexander Pope - 1760 - 360 lehte
...tremble— A. What ? that thing of filk, 305 Sporus, that mere white curd of Afs's milk ? Satire or Senfe, alas ! can Sporus feel ? Who breaks a butterfly upon...with gilded wings, This painted child of dirt, that flinks and flings ; Whofe buzz the witty and the fair annoys, 3 1 1 Yet wit ne'er taftes, and beauty...
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Poems on Several Subjects: In Two Volumes, 1. köide

John Ogilvie - 1769 - 342 lehte
...paflage in the moft correS Englijh Poet that ever wrote. — Let me (fays Pope, fpeaking of Iporus) — Flap this bug with gilded wings, This painted child of dirt, that ftinks and flings ; Whofe bux. the witty and the fair annoys, Yet tuit ne'er taftes, and beauty ne'er enjoys. " What...
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Moral essays, satires, &c

Alexander Pope - 1777 - 262 lehte
...that thing of filk, Spnrus, that mere white curd of Afs's milk : S-'.tire or fenfe, alas ! can Sforus feel ? Who breaks a butterfly upon a wheel ? P. Yet...wings, This painted child of dirt, that ftinks and ftingsf Whofe buzz the witty and the fair annoys, Yet wit ne'er taftes, and beauty ne'er enjoys : So...
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The Works of the English Poets: With Prefaces, Biographical ..., 32–34. köide

Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 1154 lehte
...Odes. On themes like thefe, fuperior far to thine, Let lanrel'd Gibber and great Arnal mine. Why TP. Yet let me flap this bug with gilded wings, This painted child of dirt, that ftinks and ftings ; 3 70 Whofe bu22 the witty and the fair annoys, Yet wit ne'er taftes, and beauty ne'er enjoys...
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