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[blocks in formation]

Arthroleptis, ii. 421

Artiodactyla, European Eocene, i. 126

N. American Tertiary, i. 137
S. American Pliocene, i. 146
Artomyias, ii. 270
Arundinicola, ii. 100
Arvicola, European Pliocene, i. 113

in Brazilian caves, i. 145

S. American Pliocene, i. 147
S. American Eocene, i. 148

Arvicola, ii. 230, 231
Asio, ii. 350

Aspergillum, ii. 537
Aspidoparia, ii. '452

Aspidorhinus, ii. 391

Aspidura, ii. 374
Aspius, ii. 453

Aspredo, ii. 444

Aspro, ii. 425

Astarte, ii. 535

Astathes, ii. 501

Asterophys, ii. 421

Asterophysus, ii. 443

Asthenodipsas, ii. 381

Astrapi, ii. 274

Astroblepus, ii. 444

Astur, ii. 348

Asturina, ii. 348

Asturinula, ii. 348


Ateles, ii. 174

Atelopus, ii. 416

Atelornis, ii. 312

Aterica, ii. 474

Athene, ii. 350

Atherina, ii. 434

Atherinichthys, ii. 434


Atheris, ii. 386

Atherura, ii. 240

Athylax, ii. 195

Athyma, ii. 474

ATLANTIDE, ii. 531

Atlapetes, ii. 284


Atractaspis, ii. 383

Atretium, ii. 375


Atrichia, 299

Atropos, ii. 385

Attagis, ii. 354

ATTALINE, ii. 293

Atthis, ii. 108

Atticora, ii. 281

Attila, ií. 102

Auchenaspis, ii. 443

Auchenia, N. American Post-Pliocene, i. 130

ii. 217

Auchenipterus, ii. 443

Auckland Islands, birds of, i. 455

Augastes, ii. 108

Auks, ii. 367

Aulia, ii. 102

Aulacodes, ii, 239

Aulacodon, ii. 239

Aulacorhamphus, ii. 307

Aulopoma, ii. 520

Aulopyge, ii. 452

Auricula, ii. 519, 527


Auriparus, ii. 266

Australia, physical features of. i. 387

Australia and S. America, supposed land con-

nection between, i. 398

Australian region, description of, i. 387

zoological characteristics of, i. 390

[blocks in formation]

Baly, Mr., on Phytophaga of Japan, i. 230

Banca, its peculiar species and solution of a

problem in distribution, i. 356

Band-fish, ii. 435

Bandicoots, ii. 250

Barangia, ii. 199

Barbatula, ii. 306

Barbets, ii. 305

Barbichthys, ii, 452
Barbus, ii. 451
Barilius, ii. 452

Barissia, ii. 392

Barriers, as affecting distribution, i. 6

permanence of, as affecting distribution,i. 7
to the dispersal of birds, i. 17

Baryphthengus, ii. 313

Barypus, ii, 492

Basileuterus, ii 279
Basilornis, ii. 287
Bassaris, ii. 200
Batara, ii. 104

Bates, Mr., on Carabidæ of Japan, i. 228
on Longicorns of Japan, i. 230
Bathmodon, N. American Tertiary, i. 136
Bathrodon, N. American Tertiary, i. 133
Bathyerges, ii. 231
BATOIDEI, ii. 462

Batrachocephalus, ii. 443
Batrachoseps, ii. 413

Batrachostomus, ii. 318

Bats, powers of flight of, i. 15
classification of, i. 87

of New Zealand, i. 450

Baucis, ii. 108

Baza, ii. 349

Bdeogale, ii. 195

Bearded Reedling, ii. 262

Bears, probable cause of absence of, from

tropical Africa, i. 291

[blocks in formation]

Birds, extinct of North America, i. 163
recently extinct in New Zealand, i. 164
Cretaceous of N. America, i. 164
remains of in Brazilian caves, i. 164
recently extinct in Madagascar and the
Mascarene Islands, i. 164
cosmopolitan groups of, i. 176
numerous Palearctic genera, i. 183
of the European sub-region, i. 193
northern range of in Europe, i. 193
of the zone of pine forests, i. 194
of Iceland, i. 198

of the Mediterranean sub-region, i. 203
of Malta, i. 206 (note)

of the Azores, i. 207

of the Cape Verd Islands, i. 215

of the Siberian sub-region, i: 219
Oriental found in Siberia, i. 219
extreme northern Asiatic, i. 219
of northern Asiatic forests, i. 220
of the Manchurian sub-region, i. 223
Palearctic genera of, in the Manchurian
sub-region, i. 224

Oriental genera of, in the Manchurian
sub-region, i. 224

characteristic of N.W. China and Mon-
golia, i. 226

table of Palearctic families of, i. 235
of West Africa, i. 243

list of Palæaretic genera of, i. 243

of the Ethiopian region, i. 253

of the East African sub-region, i. 260

8. African, i. 267

genera of, peculiar to Madagascar, i. 275
common to Madagascar and Oriental or
Ethiopian regions, i. 276

species common to Madagascar and Africa
or Asia, i. 277

table of Ethiopian families of, i. 295

table of Ethiopian genera of, i. 306

of the Oriental region, i. 316

of the Indian sub-region, i. 323

Oriental genera of in Central India, i. 324
Palearctic and Ethiopian

Central India, i. 325

of Ceylon, i. 327

genera in

of the Indo-Chinese sub region, i. 330
of the Indo-Malayan sub-region, i. 337
illustration of peculiar Malayan, i. 339
of the Philippine Islands, i. 346
table of Oriental families of, i. 366
table of Oriental genera of, i. 375

of Australian region, i. 391

specially organized Australian families of,
i. 392

of the Papuan Islands, i. 410
peculiarities of, i. 413

brilliant colours of, i. 413
remarkable forms of, i. 414
of the Moluccas, i. 418
peculiarities of, i. 421

of the Timor group, i. 423
of Celebes, i. 428

of Australia, i. 440

of New Zealand, i. 451

peculiar to New Zealand, i. 452
of Norfolk Island, i. 453

of Lord Howe's Island, i. 453

of the Chatham Islands, i. 454

of the Auckland Islands, i. 455

table of families of Australian, i. 471
table of genera of Australian, i. 478

of the Neotropical region, ii. 6
distinctive characters of Neotropical, fi. 7
of the Mexican sub-region, ii. 52
of the Antilles, ii. 64

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

BUCCINIDE, ii. 507

Buccinum, ii. 507

Bucco, ii. 310

BUCCONIDÆ, ii. 310

Bucephala, ii. 364

Bucephalus, ii. 379

Buceros, ii. 317


Bucorvus, ii. 317

Budorcas, ii. 224

BUDORCINE, ii. 224

Budytes, ii. 290

Buffaloes, ii. 221

Bufo, ii. 415

BUFONIDÆ, ii. 415
Bulbuls, ii. 267
BULLIDÆ, ii. 530

Buliminus, ii. 514

Bulimulus, ii. 514

Bulimus, Eocene, i. 169

ii. 514, 523

Bunalurus, N. American Tertiary, 1. 134
Bungarus, ii. 383

Bungia, ii. 452

Bunocephalichthys, ii. 444

Bunocephalus, ii. 444

[blocks in formation]

Butastur, ii. 348

Buteo, ii. 348

Buteogallus, ii. 348

BUTEONINÆ, ii. 348

Buteola, ii. 348

Buthraupis, ii. 98

Butterflies, arrangement of, i. 103
Palæarctic, i 187

of Central Europe, i. 196

of the Mediterranean sub-region, i. 205
of Azores, i. 207

peculiar to Siberian sub-region, i. 220
of Japan and North China, i. 227
of the Ethiopian region, i. 255
number of Ethiopian species, i. 256
of Indo-Malay sub-region, i. 342
of the Australian region, i. 404

of the Austro-Malay sub-region, i. 404
of the Moluccas, i. 419

of Celebes, peculiarities of, i. 434

of New Zealand, i. 457

[blocks in formation]

Calendula, ii. 289
Calicalicus, ii. 271

Calictis, ii. 195

Calidris, ii. 353

Caliecthrus, ii. 309

California, illustration of zoology of, ii. 128
Californian sub-region, ii. 127

mammalia of, ii. 127

birds of, ii. 127

reptiles of, ii. 128

amphibia of, ii. 128

fresh-water fishes of, ii. 128

Caligo, ii. 472

Calinaga, ii. 479

Calisto, ii. 471

Callæas, ii. 287

Callia, ii. 521
Callichroma, ii. 501
Callichrous, ii. 442
Callichthys, ii. 444
Callida, ii. 490
Callidryas, ii. 478
Callionymus, ii. 430
Calliope, ii. 259
Callipepla, ii. 339-
Calliperidia, ii. 108
Calliphlox, ii. 198
Callirhynus, ii. 375

Callisaurus, ii. 401

Calliste, ii. 98

Callisthenus, ii. 489

Callithea, ii. 474

Callithrix, in Brazilian caves, i. 184

ii. 175

ii. 178

Callocephalus, ii. 204

Callochen, ii. 363

Callomystax, ii. 443

Callophis, ii. 383

Callophysus, ii. 443

Callopistes, ii. 390

Callorhinus, ii. 202

Calloselasma, ii. 385

Callosune, ii. 478.
Callula, ii. 416

Calobates, ii. 290

Calocitta, ii. 273

Cacopitta, ii. 261

Cacopus, ii. 416

Calodromas, ii. 344

Cacotus, ii. 417

Calanas, ii, 333

Cactornis, ii. 284

Caloperdix, ii. 339

Cadurcotherium, European Eocene, i. 125

Calophena, ii. 490

Cæcilia, ii. 411

Calopsitta, ii. 325

CECILIADÆ, ii. 411

Caloragia, ii. 375

Carcum, ii. 509

Calorhamphus, ii. 303

Calornis, ii. 288

Calodon, in Brazilian caves, i. 145

Calogenys, in Brazilian caves, i. 144

ii. 241

[blocks in formation]

Calosoma, ii. 489
Calostethus, ii 419
Calotes, ii. 402
Calothorax, ii. 108
Calydna, ii. 476
Calypte, ii. 108

Calyptocephalus, if. 421

Calyptomena, ií. 295

Calyptorhynchus, ii. 325


Calyptura, ii. 102

Camarhynchus, ii. 284

Camaroptera, ii. 258

Camel, fossil in Indian Miocene, i. 122

birth-place and migrations of, i. 155
Palearctic, i. 182

Camelido, essentially extra-tropical, i. 112

N. American Tertiary, i. 138

CAMELIDE, ii. 216


Camelopardalis, Miocene of Greece, i. 116

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