Religio MediciJ. Vincent, 1831 - 150 pages |
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actions Adam affection affirm amongst angels Antichrist Apuleius Aristotle atheist author saith beasts behold believe body cause charity Christ Christian church church of Rome common conceive condemn confess contemplate corruption creatures death Delphos deny desire devil devotion discourse dispute divinity doth dream earth endeavours essence eternity eyes faith fire flames forget friends hand happiness hath heaven hell heresy hold honest honour Jews judgement judicial astrology Justin Martyr Lactantius learned library of Alexandria live Lucan memet mercies methinks miracle misery Moses mysteries nature never nihil noble opinion oracle ourselves outlive passion perfect perish philosophy piece Plato Plutarch power from hell prayers Pythagoras quod RELIGIO MEDICI religion salvation Saviour scripture sense singular sleep soul speak spirits surely temper thereof things tion true truly truth understand vice virtue vulgar whatsoever whereby wherein whilst whole world wisdom wonder
Popular passages
Page 26 - The world was made to be inhabited by beasts, but studied and contemplated by man: it is the debt of our reason we owe unto God, and the homage we pay for not being beasts...
Page 138 - I am no way facetious, nor disposed for the mirth and galliardize of company; yet in one dream I can compose a whole comedy, behold the action, apprehend the jests, and laugh myself awake at the conceits thereof. Were my memory as faithful as my reason is then fruitful, I would never study but in my dreams; and this time also would I choose for my devotions...
Page 75 - I am not so much afraid of Death, as ashamed thereof. Tis the very disgrace and ignominy of our natures, that in a moment can so disfigure us, that our nearest friends, Wife, and Children, stand afraid and start at us...
Page 32 - ... line, that settled and constant course the wisdom of God hath ordained the actions of his creatures, according to their several kinds. To make a revolution every day is the nature of the sun, because of that necessary course which God hath ordained it, from which it cannot swerve but by a faculty from that voice which first did give it motion.
Page 21 - I remember I am not alone, and therefore forget not to contemplate Him and His attributes who is ever with me, especially those two mighty ones. His wisdom and eternity.
Page 140 - ... and feel, though indeed the organs are destitute of sense, and their natures of those faculties that should inform them. Thus it is observed, that men sometimes upon the hour of their departure do speak and reason above themselves, for then the soul beginning to be freed from the ligaments of the body begins to reason like herself, and to discourse in a strain above mortality.
Page 62 - I hold that the devil doth really possess some men, the spirit of melancholy others, the spirit of delusion others...
Page 130 - World was made for man, but the twelfth part of man for woman: Man is the whole World, and the Breath of GOD; Woman the Rib and crooked piece of man.
Page 140 - Morpheus ; and that those abstracted and ecstatic souls do walk about in their own corps, as spirits with the bodies they assume, wherein they seem to hear, see, and feel, though indeed the organs are destitute of sense, and their natures of those faculties that should inform them.
Page 84 - The Author of nature has not given laws to the universe, which, like the institutions of men, carry in themselves the elements of their own destruction. He has not permitted, in his works, any symptom of infancy or of old age, or any sign by which we may estimate either their future or their past duration.