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vestigations of Lockyer on the absorptive powers of metallic and metalloidal vapours at different temperatures. From the vapour of calcium the latter has obtained two wholly distinct spectra, one belonging to a low, and the other to a high temperature. Mr. Lockyer is also engaged on a new and greatly extended map of the solar spectrum.

Spectrum analysis has lately led to the discovery of a new metal-gallium -the fifth whose presence has been first indicated by that powerful agent. This discovery is due to M. Lecoq de Boisbaudran, already favourably known by a work on the application of the spectroscope to chemical analysis.

Our knowledge of acrolites has of late years been greatly increased; and I cannot occupy a few moments of your time more usefully than by briefly referring to the subject. So recently as 1860 the most remarkable meteoric fall on record, not even excepting that of L'Aigle, occurred near the village of New Concord in Ohio. On a day when no thunder-clouds were visible, loud sounds were heard resembling claps of thunder, followed by a large fall of meteoric stones, some of which were distinctly seen to strike the earth. One stone, above 50 pounds in weight, buried itself to the depth of two fect in the ground, and when dug out was found to be still warm. In 1872 another remarkable meteorite, at first seen as a brilliant star with a luminous train, burst near Crvinio in Italy, and six fragments of it were afterwards collected. Isolated masses of metallic iron, or rather of an alloy of iron and nickel, similar in composition and properties to the iron usually diffused in meteoric stones, have been found here and there on the surface of the earth, some of large size, as one described by Pallas, which weighed about two thirds of a ton. Of the meteoric origin of these masses of iron there is little room for doubt, although no record exists of their fall. Sir Edward Sabine, whose life has been devoted with rare fidelity to the pursuit of science, and to whose untiring efforts this Association largely owes the position it now occupies, was the pioneer of the newer discoveries in meteoric science. Eight and fifty years ago he visited with Captain Ross the northern shores of Baffin's Bay, and made the interesting discovery that the knifeblades used by the Esquimaux in the vicinity of the Arctic highlands were formed of meteoric iron. This observation was afterwards fully confirmed; and scattered blocks of meteoric iron have been found from time to time around Baffin's Bay. But it was not till 1870 that the meteoric treasures of Baffin's Bay were truly discovered. In that year Nordenskiöld found, at a part of the shore difficult of approach even in moderate weather, enormous blocks of meteoric iron, the largest weighing nearly twenty tons, imbedded in a ridge of basaltic rock. The interest of this observation is greatly enhanced by the circumstance that these masses of meteoric iron, like the basalt with which they are associated, do not belong to the present geological epoch, but must have fallen long before the actual arrangement of land and sea existed, during, in short, the middle Tertiary, or Miocene period of


The meteoric origin of these iron masses from Ovifak has been called in question by Lawrence Smith; and it is no doubt possible that they may have been raised by upheaval from the interior of the earth. I have indeed myself shown by a magneto-chemical process that metallic iron, in particles so fine that they have never yet been actually seen, is everywhere diffused through the Miocene basalt of Slieve Mish in Antrim, and may likewise be discovered by careful search in almost all igneous and in many metamorphic rocks. These observations have since been verified by Reuss in the case of the Bohemian basalts. But, as regards the native iron of Ovifak, the weight of evidence appears to be in favour of the conclusion, at which M. Daubrée, after a careful discussion of the subject, has arrived that it is really of meteoric origin. This Ovifak iron is also remarkable from containing a considerabe amount of carbon, partly combined with the iron, partly diffused through the metallic mass in a form resembling coke. In connexion with this subject, I must refer to the able and exhaustive memoirs of Maskelyne on the Busti and other aerolites, to the discovery of vanadium by R. Apjohn in a meteoric iron, to the interesting observations of Sorby, and to the researches of Daubrée, Wöhler, Lawrence Smith, Tschermak, and others.

The important services which the Kew Observatory has rendered to meteorology and to solar physics have been fully recognized; and Mr. Gassiot has had the gratification of witnessing the final success of his long and noble efforts to place this observatory upon a permanent footing. A physical observatory for somewhat similar objects, but on a larger scale, is in course of erection, under the guidance of M. Janssen, at Fontenay in France, and others are springing up or already exist in Germany and Italy. It is earnestly to be hoped that this country will not lag behind in providing physical observatories on a scale worthy of the nation and commensurate with the importance of the object. On this question I cannot do better than refer to the high authority of Dr. Balfour Stewart, and to the views he expressed in his able address last year to the Physical Section.

Weather telegraphy, or the reporting by telegraph the state of the weather at selected stations to a central office, so that notice of the probable approach of storms may be given to the seaports, has become in this country an organized system; and considering the little progress meteorology has made as a science, the results may be considered to be on the whole satisfactory. Of the warnings issued of late years, four out of five were justified by the occurrence of gales or strong winds. Few storms occurred for which no warnings had been given; but unfortunately among these were some of the heaviest gales of the period. The stations from which daily reports are sent to the meteorological office in London embrace the whole coast of Western Europe, including the Shetland Isles. It appears that atmospheric disturbances seldom cross the Atlantic without being greatly altered in character,

and that the origin of most of our storms lies eastward of the longitude of Newfoundland.

As regards the velocity of the wind, the cup-anemometer of Dr. Robinson has fully realized the expectations of its discoverer; and the venerable astronomer of Armagh has been engaged during the past summer, with all the ardour of youth, in a course of laborious experiments to determine the constants of his instrument. From seven years' observations at the Observatory of Armagh, he has found that the mean velocity of the wind is greatest in the S.S.W. octant and least in the opposite one, and that the amount of wind attains a maximum in January, after which it steadily decreases, with one slight exception, till July, augmenting again till the end of the year.

Passing to the subject of electricity, it is with pleasure that I have to announce the failure of a recent attempt to deprive Oerstedt of his great discovery. It is gratifying thus to find high reputations vindicated, and names which all men love to honour transmitted with undiminished lustre to posterity. At a former meeting of this Association, remarkable for an unusual attendance of distinguished foreigners, the central figure was Oerstedt. On that occasion Sir John Herschel in glowing language compared Oerstedt's discovery to the blessed dew of heaven which only the mastermind could draw down, but which it was for others to turn to account and use for the fertilization of the earth. To Franklin, Volta, Coulomb, Oerstedt, Ampère, Faraday, Seebeck, and Ohm are due the fundamental discoveries of modern electricity-a science whose applications in Davy's hands led to grander results than alchemist ever dreamed of, and in the hands of others (among whom Wheatstone, Morse, and Thomson occupy the foremost place) to the marvels of the electric telegraph. When we proceed from the actual phenomena of electricity to the molecular conditions upon which those phenomena depend, we are confronted with questions as recondite as any with which the physicist has had to deal, but towards the solution of which the researches of Faraday have contributed the most precious materials. The theory of electrical and magnetic action occupied formerly the powerful minds of Poisson, Green, and Gauss; and among the living it will surely not be invidious to cite the names of Weber, Helmholtz, Thomson, and Clerk Maxwell. The work of the latter on electricity is an original essay worthy in every way of the great reputation and of the clear and far-seeing intellect of its author.

Among recent investigations I must refer to Professor Tait's discovery of consecutive neutral points in certain thermo-electric junctions, for which he was lately awarded the Keith prize. This discovery has been the result of an elaborate investigation of the properties of thermo-electric currents, and is specially interesting in reference to the theory of dynamical electricity. Nor can I omit to mention the very interesting and original experiments of

Dr. Kerr on the dielectric state, from which it appears that when electricity of high tension is passed through dielectrics, a change of molecular arrangement occurs, slowly in the case of solids, quickly in the case of liquids, and that the lines of electric force are in some cases lines of compression, in other cases lines of extension.

Of the many discoveries in physical science due to Sir William Grove, the earliest and not the least important is the battery which bears his name, and is to this day the most powerful of all voltaic arrangements; but with a Grove's battery of 50 or even 100 cells in vigorous action, the spark will not pass through an appreciable distance of cold air. By using a very large number of cells, carefully insulated and charged with water, Mr. Gassiot succeeded in obtaining a short spark through air; and lately De La Rue and Müller have constructed a large chloride-of-silver battery giving freely sparks through cold air, which, when a column of pure water is interposed in the circuit, accurately resemble those of the common electrical machine. The length of the spark increasing nearly as the square of the number of cells, it has been calculated that with 100,000 elements of this battery the discharge should take place through a distance of no less than eight feet in air.

In the solar beam we have an agent of surpassing power, the investigation of whose properties by Newton forms an epoch in the history of experimental science scarcely less important than the discovery of the law of gravitation in the history of physical astronomy. Three actions characterize the solar beam, or, indeed, more or less that of any luminous body-the heating, the physiological, and the chemical. In the ordinary solar beam we can modify the relative amount of these actions by passing it through different media, and we can thus have luminous rays with little heating or little chemical action. In the case of the moon's rays it required the highest skill on the part of Lord Rosse, even with all the resources of the observatory of Parsonstown, to investigate their heating properties, and to show that the surface of our satellite facing the earth passes, during every lunation, through a greater range of temperature than the difference between the freezing- and boiling-points of water.

But if, instead of taking an ordinary ray of light, we analyze it as Newton did by the prism, and isolate a very fine line of the spectrum (theoretically a line of infinite tenuity), that is to say, if we take a ray of definite refrangibility, it will be found impossible by screens or otherwise to alter its properties. It was his clear perception of the truth of this principle that led Stokes to his great discovery of the cause of epipolic dispersion, in which he showed that many bodies had the power of absorbing dark rays of high refrangibility and of emitting them as luminous rays of lower refrangibilityof absorbing, in short, darkness and of emitting it as light. It is not, indeed, an easy matter in all cases to say whether a given effect is due to

the action of heat or light; and the question which of these forces is the efficient agent in causing the motion of the tiny disks in Crookes's radiometer has given rise to a good deal of discussion. The answer to this question involves the same principles as those by which the image traced on the daguerreotype plate, or the decomposition of carbonic acid by the leaves of plants, is referred to the action of light and not of heat; and applying these principles to the experiments made with the radiometer, the weight of evidence appears to be in favour of the view that the repulsion of the blackened surfaces of the disks is due to a thermal reaction occurring in a highly rarefied medium. I have myself had the pleasure of witnessing many of Mr. Crookes's experiments, and I cannot sufficiently express my admiration of the care and skill with which he has pursued this investigation. The remarkable repulsions he has observed in the most perfect vacua hitherto attained are interesting, not only as having led to the construction of a beautiful instrument, but as being likely, when the subject is fully investigated, to give valuable data for the theory of molecular actions.

A singular property of light, discovered a short time ago by Mr. Willoughby Smith, is its power of diminishing the electrical resistance of the clement selenium. This property has been ascertained to belong chiefly to the luminous rays on the red side of the spectrum, being nearly absent in the violet or more refrangible rays and also in heat-rays of low refrangibility. The recent experiments of Prof. W. G. Adams have fully established the accuracy of the remarkable observation, first made by Lord Rosse, that the action appeared to vary inversely as the simple distance of the illuminating source.

Switzerland sent, some years ago, as its representative to this country the celebrated De la Rive, whose scientific life formed lately the subject of an eloquent éloge from the pen of M. Dumas. On this occasion we have to welcome, in General Menabrea, a distinguished representative both of the kingdom of Italy and of Italian science. His great work on the determination of the pressures and tensions in an elastic system is of too abstruse a character to be discussed in this address; but the principle it contains may be briefly stated in the following words :--" When any elastic system places itself in equilibrium under the action of external forces, the work developed by the internal forces is a minimum." General Menabrea has, however, other and special claims upon us here, as the friend to whom Babbage entrusted the task of making known to the world the principles of his analytical machine --a gigantic conception, the effort to realize which it is known was one of the chief objects of Babbage's later life. The latest development of this conception is to be found in the mechanical integrator of Prof. J. Thomson, in which motion is transmitted, according to a new kinematic principle, from a disk or cone to a cylinder through the intervention of a loose ball, and in Sir W. Thomson's machine for the mechanical integration of differential equations of the second order. In the exquisite tidal machine of the latter

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