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Circulation of the underground waters in
the New Red Sandstone and Permian
formations of England, and the quan-
tity and character of the water sup-
plied to various towns and districts
from these formations, second report
on the, 95.

Clifford (Prof.) on instruction in elemen-
tary geometry, and on the syllabus
drawn up by the Association for the
improvement of geometrical teach-
ing, 8.

"Close time" for the protection of indi-
genous animals, report of the com-
mittee appointed to inquire into the
possibility of establishing a, and for
watching Bills introduced into Par-
liament affecting this subject, 63.
Common measure of value in the assess-
ment of direct taxation, local and
imperial, report on the practicability
of adopting a, 27.

Corfield (Prof.) on the treatment and
utilization of sewage, 225.
Crosskey (Rev. H. W.) on the circula-
tion of underground waters, 95; on
the erratic blocks of England and
Wales, 110; on the exploration of
the Settle Caves, 115.
Crustacea, C. S. Bate on the present
state of our knowledge of the, 75.
Cyclone and rainfall periodicities in con-
nexion with the sun-spot periodicity,
C. Meldrum on, 267.

Dawkins (Prof. W. Boyd) on the explo-
ration of Kent's Cavern, 1; on the
erratic blocks of England and Wales,
110; on the exploration of the Settle
Caves, 115.

Deane (Dr.) on the erratic blocks of
England and Wales, 110.

De Rance (C. E.) on the circulation of
underground waters, 95.
Dresser (H. E.) on the possibility of
establishing a "close time" for the
protection of indigenous animals, 63.
Drummond (P.) on earthquakes in Scot-
land, 74.

Earthquakes in Scotland, seventh report
on, 74.

Electrical resistance, results of a com-
parison of the British-Association
units of, by G. Chrystal and S. A.
Saunder, 13.

Erratic blocks of England and Wales,
fourth report on the, 110.

Evans (J.) on the exploration of Kent's
Cavern, 1.

Everett (Prof.) on Ohm's law, 36; on
underground temperature, 204.

Farr (Dr.) on the practicability of adopt-
ing a common measure of value in the
assessment of direct taxation, 27; on
the work of the Anthropometric Com-
mittee, 266.

Fellows (Mr.) on the work of the An-
thropometric Committee, 266.
Field (R.) on the rainfall of the British
Isles, for the years 1875–76, 172.
Flight (W.) on observations of lumi-
nous meteors during the year 1875–
76, 119; accounts of aerolites and
aërolitic meteors, and abstracts of
recent researches on them, 168.
Flow of water through orifices, improved
investigations on the, by Prof. J.
Thomson, 243.

Forbes (Prof. G.) on earthquakes in
Scotland, 74; on observations of lumi-
nous meteors during the year 1875-
76, 119.

Foster (Dr. C. Le Neve) on underground
temperature, 204.

Fox (Col. Lane) on the work of the
Anthropometric Committee, 266.
Fox-Strangways (C.) on the circulation
of underground waters, 95.
Froude (W.) on the effect of propellers
on the steering of vessels, 66.
Fuller (Prof.) on instruction in elemen-
tary geometry, and on the syllabus
drawn up by the Association for the im-
provement of geometrical teaching, 8.

Galton (Capt. D.) on the circulation of
underground waters, 95.

(F.) on the work of the Anthropo-
metric Committee, 266.
Geikie (Prof.) on underground tempera-
ture, 204.

Geometry, elementary, report of the
committee on the possibility of im-
proving the methods of instruction in,
and on the syllabus drawn up by the
Association for the improvement of
geometrical teaching, 8.

Gilbert (Dr.) on the treatment and
utilization of sewage, 225.
Gladstone (Prof.) on chemical research,


Glaisher (J.) on observations of lumi-

nous meteors during the year 1875-
76, 119; on the rainfall of the British
Isles for the years 1875-76, 172; on
underground temperature, 204.

(J. W. L.) on instruction in elemen-
tary geometry, and on the syllabus

drawn up by the Association for the
improvement of geometrical teach-
ing, 8.

Grantham (R. B.) on the treatment and
utilization of sewage, 225.

Green (Prof.) on the circulation of
underground waters, 95.
Greg (R. P.) on observations of luminous

meteors during the year 1875-76, 119.

Hallett (Mr.) on the practicability of
adopting a common measure of value
in the assessment of direct taxation,
27; on the work of the Anthropo-
metric Committee, 266.

Harcourt (A. V.) on chemical research,
Harkness (Prof.) on the circulation of
underground waters, 95; on the erratic
blocks of England and Wales, 110.
Harland (T.) on the possibility of esta-
blishing a "close time" for the pro-
tection of indigenous animals, 63.
Harting (J. E.) on the possibility of
establishing a "close time for the
protection of indigenous animals, 63.
Hawksley (T.) on the rainfall of the
British Isles for the years 1875–76,


Hayward (R. B.) on instruction in ele-
mentary geometry, and on the syllabus
drawn up by the Association for the
improvement of geometrical teach-
ing, 8.

Heat, first report of the committee

pointed to determine the mechanical
equivalent of, 275.

Henrici (Prof.) on instruction in elemen-

tary geometry, and on the syllabus
drawn up by the Association for the
improvement of geometrical teach-
ing, 8.

Herschel (Prof. A. S.) on experiments
to determine the thermal conductivi-
ties of certain rocks, 19; on observa-
tions of luminous meteors during the
year 1875-76, 119; a review of recent
stonefalls and of papers relating to
meteorites, 164; on underground tem-
perature, 204.

Heywood (J.) on the practicability of
adopting a common measure of value
in the assessment of direct taxation,
27; on the work of the Anthropo-
metric Committee, 266.

Hirst (Prof.) on instruction in elemen-
tary geometry, and on the syllabus
drawn up by the Association for the
improvement of geometrical teach-
ing, 8.


Hope (W.) on the treatment and utili-
zation of sewage, 225.

Howell (H.) on the circulation of
underground waters, 95.

Hubbard (Rt. Hon. J. G.) on the
practicability of adopting a common
measure of value in the assessment of
direct taxation, 27.

Hughes (Prof. T. McK.) on the erratic
blocks of England and Wales, 110;
on the exploration of the Settle Caves,
Hull (Prof.) on the circulation of under-
ground waters, 95; on underground
temperature, 204.

Intestinal secretion and movement, third
report on, 308.

Janssen (W. J.) on nitrous oxide in the
gaseous and liquid states, 211.
Jevons (Prof.) on the practicability of
adopting a common measure of value
in the assessment of direct taxation,

Joule (Dr.) on the mechanical equi-
valent of heat, 275.

Kelland (Prof.) on instruction in elemen-
tary geometry, and on the syllabus
drawn up by the Association for the
improvement of geometrical teach-
ing, 8.
Kent's Cavern, Devonshire, twelfth re-
port of the committee for exploring, 1.

Lebour (G. A.) on experiments to deter-
mine the thermal conductivities of
certain rocks, 19; on underground
temperature, 204.

Lee (J. E.) on the exploration of Kent's
Cavern, 1; on the erratic blocks of
England and Wales, 110.

Levi (Prof. L.) on the practicability
of adopting a common measure of
value in the assessment of direct
taxation, 27; on the work of the
Anthropometric Committee, 266.
Lubbock (Sir J., Bart.) on the explora-
tion of Kent's Cavern, 1; on the
exploration of the Settle Caves, 115.
Luminous meteors, report on observa-

tions of, during the year 1875–76, 119.

Maw (G.) on underground temperature,

Maxwell (Prof. J. C.) on Ohm's law,
36; on underground temperature, 204;
on the mechanical equivalent of heat,



Mechanical equivalent of heat, first re-
port of the committee appointed to
determine the, 275.

Meldrum (C.) on cyclone and rainfall
periodicities in connexion with the
sun-spot periodicity, 267.

Miall (Prof. L. C.) on the erratic blocks
of England and Wales, 110; on the
exploration of the Settle Caves, 115.
Milne-Holme (D.) on earthquakes in
Scotland, 74.

Molyneux (W.) on the circulation of
underground waters, 95.
Monk (T. J.) on the possibility of es-
tablishing a "close time" for the
protection of indigenous animals, 63.
Morley (Mr.) on the practicability of
adopting a common measure of value
in the assessment of direct taxation, 27.
Morton (G. H.) on the circulation of
underground waters, 95; on the erratic
blocks of England and Wales, 110.
Mouat (Dr.) on the work of the Anthro-
pometric Committee, 266.

Napier (J. R.) on the effect of propellers
on the steering of vessels, 66.
Newmarch (Mr.) on the practicability
of adopting a common measure of
value in the assessment of direct taxa-
tion, 27.
Newton (Prof.) on the possibility of
"close time for the
establishing a
protection of indigenous animals, 63.
Nitrous oxide in the gaseous and liquid
states, W. J. Janssen on, 211.

Ohm's law, report on, 36.
Oldham (J.) on tidal observations, 275.

Parkes (W.) on tidal observations, 275.
Pengelly (W.) on the exploration of
Kent's Cavern, 1; on the circula-
tion of underground waters, 95; on
underground temperature, 204.
Plant (J.) on the circulation of under-
ground waters, 95.

Prestwich (Prof.) on the circulation of
underground waters, 95; on the erratic
blocks of England and Wales, 110;
on the exploration of the Settle Caves,
115; on underground temperature,

Price (Rev. Prof.) on instruction in
elementary geometry, and on the
syllabus drawn up by the Association
for the improvement of geometrical
teaching, 8.
Propellers, the effect of, on the steering
of vessels, report on, 66.

Pye-Smith (Dr.) on intestinal secretion
and movement, 308.

Rainfall and cyclone periodicities in
connexion with the sun-spot periodi-
city, C. Meldrum on, 267.

of the British Isles for the years
1875-76, report on the, 172.
Ramsay (Prof.) on underground tem-
perature, 204.

Rawlinson (Sir H.) on the work of the
Anthropometric Committee, 266.
Rawson (Sir R.) on the work of the
Anthropometric Committee, 266.
Reade (M.) on the circulation of under-
ground waters, 95.

Reynolds (Prof. O.) on the effect of
propellers on the steering of vessels,
66; on the investigation of the steer-
ing qualities of ships, 70.
Richards (Admiral) on tidal observa-
tions, 275.

Rolleston (Prof.) on the work of the
Anthropometric Committee, 266.
Rosse (the Earl of) on the rainfall of
the British Isles for the years 1875-
76, 172.

Salmon (Dr.) on instruction in elemen-
tary geometry, and on the syllabus
drawn up by the Association for the
improvement of geometrical teach-
ing, 8.

Sanford (W. A.) on the exploration of
Kent's Cavern, 1.

Saunder (S. A.) and G. Chrystal, results
of a comparison of the British-Assoc-
ciation units of electrical resistance,

Schuster (Dr. A.) on Ohm's law, 36.
Scotland, seventh report on earthquakes
in, 74.

Settle Caves (Victoria Cave), fourth re-
port on the exploration of the, 115.
Sewage, eighth report on the treatment
and utilization of, 225.

Shaen (Mr.) on the practicability of
adopting a common measure of value
of in the assessment of direct taxation,

Smith (Prof. H. J. S.) on instruction in
elementary geometry, and on the
syllabus drawn up by the Association
for the improvement of geometrical
teaching, 8.

Smyth (J., jun.) on the rainfall of the
British Isles for the years 1875-76,

Spottiswoode (W.) on instruction in
elementary geometry, and on the

syllabus drawn up by the Association
for the improvement of geometrical
teaching, 8.

Steering of vessels, report on the effect
of propellers on the, 66.

qualities of ships, Prof. O. Rey-
nolds on the investigation of the, 70.
Stewart (Prof. Balfour) on the mecha-
nical equivalent of heat, 275.
Sun-spot periodicity, C. Meldrum on
cyclone and rainfall periodicities in
connexion with the, 267.
Sylvester (Prof.) on instruction in ele-
mentary geometry, and on the sylla-
bus drawn up by the Association for
the improvement of geometrical
teaching, 8.

Symons (G. J.) on the rainfall of the
British Isles for the years 1875-76,
172; on underground temperature,


Tait (Prof.) on the mechanical equi-
valent of heat, 275.
Taxation, direct, local and imperial, re-
port on the practicability of adopting
a common measure of value in the
assessment of, 27.
Temperature, underground, ninth report
on the rate of increase of, downwards
in various localities of dry land and
under water, 204.
Thermal conductivities of certain rocks,
third report on experiments to deter-
mine the, showing especially the geo-
logical aspects of the investigation,


Thomson (Prof. J.) improved investiga-
tions on the flow of water through
orifices, with objections to the modes
of treatment commonly adopted, 243.

(Prof. Sir W.) on the effect of
propellers on the steering of vessels,
66; on earthquakes in Scotland, 74;
on underground temperature, 204; on
the mechanical equivalent of heat,
275; on tidal observations, 275.
Tidal observations, report of the com-
mittee appointed to promote the ex-

tension, improvement, and harmonic
analysis of, 275.

Tiddeman (R. H.) on the exploration of
the Settle Caves, 115.

Tomlinson (C.) on the rainfall of the
British Isles for the years 1875–76,

Townsend (Rev. Prof.) on instruction
in elementary geometry, and on the
syllabus drawn up by the Association
for the improvement of geometrical
teaching, 8.

Treatment and utilization of sewage,
eighth report on the, 225.
Tristram (Rev. Canon) on the possibility
of establishing a "close time" for
the protection of indigenous animals,

Underground temperature, ninth report
on the rate of increase of, downwards
in various localities of dry land and
under water, 204.

waters in the New Red Sandstone
and Permian formations of England,
the circulation of the, and the quan-
tity and character of the water sup-
plied to various towns and districts
from these formations, second report
on, 95.
Utilization of sewage, eighth report on
the treatment and, 225.

Vivian (E.) on the exploration of Kent's
Cavern, 1.

Whitaker (W.) on the circulation of
underground waters, 95.
Williamson (Prof. A. W.) on the treat-

ment and utilization of sewage, 225.
Wilson (J. M.) on instruction in ele-
mentary geometry, and on the sylla-
bus drawn up by the Association for
the improvement of geometrical
teaching, 8.

Woodward (C. J.) on the erratic blocks
of England and Wales, 110.
Wynne (A. B.) on underground tem-
perature, 204.





[An asterisk (*) signifies that no abstract of the communication is given.]

Abies, the structure of the leaf in
different species of, Prof. M'Nab on,

Abney (Capt.), photometric measure-
ments of the magneto-electric light,


Accident insurance by sea and land, P.
M. Tait on the theory and practice of,

Aconites, the alkaloids of the, Dr. C. R.

A. Wright on, 71.

*Acoustic analogues to motions in the
molecules of gases, G. J. Stoney on,

Adams (Prof. A. Leith) on gigantic
land-tortoises and a freshwater species
from the Maltese caverns, with obser-
vations on their fossil fauna, 145.
Africa, Equatorial, Commander Cameron
on his journey through, 181.
--, South-Eastern, Mr. Stephenson
on the civilization of, 208.
Age of the Earth, J. Croll on the tidal
retardation argument for the, 88.
Agricultural statistics, W. Botly on, 194.
Agriculture, primitive, A. W. Buckland
on, 164.

Akem, and its people, West Africa,
Capt. J. S. Hay on, 183.
*Akkem, West Africa, Capt. J. S. Hay
and Commander Cameron on horned
men of, 165.

Alcohol, the action of, on the brain, C.
Kingzett on, 154.

Alexander (General Sir J.) on the
oldest woman in Scotland, 164.

*Alkali waste, W. Weldon on the means
of suppressing, 70.

Alkaloids of the aconites, Dr. C. R. A.
Wright on the, 71.

Allan (F. H. T.) on a safe and rapid
evaporating-pan, 61.

*Alum process in sugar-refining, J. A.
R. Newlands on the, 66.
*Ammonic seleniocyanide, Dr. Cameron
on, 63.
Anatomy and Physiology, Dr. J. G.
M'Kendrick's Address to the Depart-
ment of, 126.

*Andaman Islands, two skulls from the,
Dr. Allen Thomson on, 169.
*Aniline, the transformation of chinoline
into, Prof. Dewar on, 63.

*Animals, J. Shaw on the mental pro-
gress of, during the human period,
Antedon rosaceus (Comatula rosacea,
Lamk.), the nervous system of, Dr.
W. B. Carpenter on, 146.

Dr. W. B. Carpenter on the
morphology and histology of, 148.
Anthracene compounds, some new, W.
H. Perkin on, 67.

testing, J. T. Brown on, 62.
*Arenaceous Foraminifera collected in
the 'Valorous' expedition, Dr. W. B.
Carpenter on the, 146.

Argyll (the Duke of) on the physical

structure of the Highlands in connexion
with their geological history, 81.
Arithmetic, W. H. Walenn on division-
remainders in, 30.

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