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Copyright, 44, 530, 609

Damages, 276, 332

Damages, measure of, 212

Defamation, 106
Delegation, 551

Demurrage, 107

Dogs Act, 609

Easement, 446
Extradition Act, 44

Felony of carriers' servant, 331, 550

Franchise, 547, 548

Freight, lieu for, 212

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Lands Clauses Consolidation Act, 44
Legacy, 552

Level crossing, 549

Master and servant, 105

Master and Servants Act, 550

Merchant Shipping Acts, 278

Mine, 106, 446

Misrepresentation, 214, 332
Mistake in law, 608

Negligence, 211, 215, 277, 332, 389, 446,

549, 606, 662, 663

Parliamentary Elections Act, 168, 333

Partnership, 213, 332, 546

Patent, 546

Payment, 663

Payments, appropriation of, 104

Penalty, 444

Principal and agent, 389

Principal and surety, 46, 213

Probate, 388

Railway company, 276, 334, 388, 608

Reputed ownership, 608

Restraint of marriage, 608

Restraint of trade, 108

Revenue, 549

Right of way, 334, 335

Sale, 213

Sale of land, 334

Security for costs, 333

Service out of jurisdiction, 334

Shipping, 46, 210, 212, 444

Sovereign prince, 445

Succession duty, 104

Telegraph messages, 215

Testamentary capacity, 388

Trade mark, 106

Trust and trustee, 335

Ultra vires, 389

Undue influence,

Usury, 44

Vicious horse, 276

Warranty, implied, 551

Wife's Equity to a settlement, 664
Will, 211, 276, 279, 335, 388, 444, 662
Winding up, 104, 606, 607

Writ of Summons, 278

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Mandate, implied, 555
Master and Servant, 171, 222
Master and Servant Act, 492, 493, 614
Medical Act 1858, 618
Meditatione fugæ, 113

Merchant Shipping Acts, 116
Mora, 57

Nuisance Removal (Scotland) Act, 556
Offer and acceptance, 167, 612
Parent and child, 338
Payment, 217

Personal Diligence Act, 448
Poor Law, 173, 175, 394
Principal and Agent, 612
Public Health Act, 397
Purchaser and Seller, 340
Reconvention, 108
Reparation, 226, 501
Reponing, 450

Res judicata, 390, 501
Sale, 50, 57, 217, 501
Servitude, 54

Sheriff, 54, 116

Sheriff Court Act, 450

Sheriff Officer's fees, 447

Small Debt Act, Justice of Peace, 390

Summary Procedure Act, 492

Surgeon's fee, 618

Testing clause, 343

Trade Mark, 392

Trespass, 609

Turnpike Act, general, 561

Usage of Trade, 50, 167

Writ, 343

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