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Patriots and statesmen, too, have an interest-an interest they should not fail to realize—in the book now before us. If the history of all past ages brings us any truth established beyond a question, that truth is, that the Christian religion and civil liberty always go together. The institutions of our own country were founded upon the doctrines of the Bible; and the personal freedom and happiness of the inhabitants of every land are measured by the degree of influence which that inspired volume has exerted. If there is any hope for the future political disinthrallment of all enslaved and oppressed nations, it lies in the possibility of bringing their citizens under the daily action of the Bible, by giving ultimate success to the missionary operations now at work, or hereafter to be put in motion, in all countries.

This volume is, therefore, heartily commended to the patronage and favor of all Christian people, whether ministers or members, and to all Americans, who have the good of their country, of true religion, and of sound liberty at heart, with the confident expectation that it will be welcome. B. F. TEFFT.

Cincinnati, October 30, 1849.




Design of the Author-Act of Justice to Dr. Bangs-His Early

Connection with the Society-His Labors-Revs. John and Charles

Wesley's Labors in the Southern Colonies of this Country-Mr.

Wesley's First Missionaries to this Country-Character of Meth-

odism-The Labors of the First Missionaries-General Harrison's

Opinion of-The Identity of Methodism and Missions-Importance

of the Organization of a Missionary Society-Reasons for such

Organization given-Meeting of the Ministers and Book Agents

in the City of New York, called to take the Matter under Advise-

ment-Resolution in regard to the Expediency of the Measure—

Committee appointed to draft a Constitution-That of Dr. Bangs

accepted unanimously-A Second Meeting called-Addresses by

Rev. Messrs. Garrettson and Soule-Constitution adopted, Article

by Article-Constitution-Its Connection with the Bible Cause-

Organization of a Methodist Bible Society-Its Dissolution in

1836-American Bible Society-An important Scrap of History-

Reasons for the Organization of a separate Bible Society-Co-

operation of the Church with the American Bible Society-Offi-

cers and Managers first elected-Dr. Bangs requested to prepare

an Address and Circular to Members of the Church, and the

several Annual Conferences-The Address-Prospects of the So-

ciety-Letter from Bishop M'Kendree-Action of the General

Conference in relation to the Society-Report of the Commit-

tee-Dr. Emory-Extract from Report-Action in relation to the

Constitution-The word Bible stricken out of its Title-Amend-

ments of the Constitution-Revised Constitution-By-Laws of the

Board of Managers-Act of Incorporation and Revised Statutes-

Mission House and Property of the Society..

Orleans Mission-Its Success-Missionary District in the bounds

of the Tennessee Conference-Nine Missionaries sent-Formation

of Circuits-York and Long Island Mission-New Field-High-

land Mission-Revival of Religion-Hampshire Mission-Formed

into a Circuit--Red Hook Mission-Unsuccessful-Abandoned—

Harlem Mission-Prosperity-Taken into the Regular Work-

Hammonasset Mission-Newburyport and Gloucester-Piscata-

quis-Pensacola and Mobile-Early-Florida-Tallahassee-Holmes

Valley St. Augustine-St. Johns-Mission to the Welsh People in

New York-St. Mary's-St. Clair-St. Joseph's-Defiance-Provi-

dence-Fox River-Logansport-Galena-Salt River-Gasconade


Prairie-Brownsville-Iroquois-Jonesboro-Rock Island—

Des Plaines-Fort Wayne-Grand Prairie-Chicago-Fort Clark-

Carroll-Randolph-Lee-South Bend-West Point-Maccoupin-

Peoria-Fort Edwards-Henderson River-Blue River-Upper Wa-

bash-Kalamazoo-La Port-James' Fork-Alachua-La Fourche-

Lake Bolivar-Big Sand-Braddock's Field-Mattanawcook-Hat-

ton-Savannah-Pon Pon-South Santee-North Santee-Cooper

River Wateree-Upper Santee-Wacamaw Neck-Catawba-Bris-

tol—Laurel Hill-Conemaugh-Cambria-Sinemahoning-Smeth-

port-St. Mary's-Fort Finley-Cumberland-King's River-White


Eel River Mississinewa-Clinch River-Mountain-Centerville-

Paint Creek--Yala Busha-Tallahatche-Walker-Baldwin-Blake-

ly-Catahooche-Oconee-Monroe-Upson-Vans Valley-Chis-


coke--Craig's Creek--Matawoman--South Fork--Somerset-Bergen

Neck-Maunch Chunck-Worcester-East and South Hampton-



tucky-Salem-Vandalia-Flat Branch-Bureau-Fort Edward—

Rock Island-Buffalo Grove-Troy-Otter Creek-Port Creek-

Pine Creek Higwasse-Holly Fork-Paint Rock-Bayou Beouf-

Wilkinson-West Feliciana-Lafayette-Nanny-Warrior-Cane-

brake-Clayton-Lime Creek-Uchee-Broad River-Cassville-

Cumming-Second Creek-Turtle Fork-Rotterdam-Java-Bran-

dersville-Hughes' River-Sandy River-Ripley-Port Washing-

ton-Kenton-Cold Water-Grand River-La Pecor-Saganaw-

Litchfield-Mount Pleasant-Barboursville-Manchester-Pikes-

ville-Marion--Pecan--Knoxville--Iowa--Milwaukie--Deep River-

Rome-Otter Creek-Cole Creek-Lebanon-Texas-Cherokee

Hill-Brandywine-German-Durham-Fort Lee-Methewen-

Megallaway-Haverhill-Kinderhook-Schodack-Elk River-

Lawrenceburg-Shippenville; and others, as they were established

from year to year-Statistics for the First Ten Years-Second-

First Mission projected by the Board-Number of Indian Tribes-
Dialects-Number of Indians in the States and Territories-Re-
marks in regard to the Indian Race-Their Claims upon Christians
of this Country-Efforts to Evangelize them-First Missionary to
the Wyandotts-His Remarkable Call-Results of his Labors-
Assistance rendered him-Mission adopted by the Ohio Annual
Conference-Description of the National Reserve of the Wyan-
dotts-Mission School supported by the Government-Missionaries
Visit the Indians at Fort Malden, in Canada-Mission established
there-Number of Native Missionary Stations in Upper Canada—
These Missions transferred to the Canada Conference-Mission to
Shawnees on Huron River-Removal of the Wyandotts west of
the Mississippi-Terms of Treaty with the Government-Separa-
tion of the Southern Conferences from the Jurisdiction of the
Methodist Episcopal Church-Plan of Separation-Missionary sent
to the Wyandotts, at their Request, from the Ohio Conference-His
Return-Mission to the Creek Indians-Difficulties-Result-Suc-
cess of the Mission-Mission to the Mohawks on Grand River-
Revival-Mississauga Indians-Interesting Incident-Mission to
the Cherokee Indians-Conversions-Great Success of the Mis-
sion-Circuits Formed-The Gospel indispensable to the Civiliza-
tion of the Indian-Unhappy Collision-Removal of the Chero-
kees-Establishment of a Second Cherokee Mission-Revival in
East Cherokee mission-Indian Mission Conference-Bible Society
among the Cherokees-Discipline translated into the Cherokee
Language-Boundaries of the Indian Mission Conference-Mis-
sion to the Choctaws-Condition of the Tribe-Camp Meeting-
Conversions and Accessions-Six Hundred added to the Church-

Colony of Liberia on the Western Coast of Africa-Origin of
the Colony-Young Men's Missionary Society of New York City-
General Conference sent a Missionary in 1832-Cordial Reception
of by the Governor and Citizens-His Spirit-Purchases the Prem-
ises of the Swiss Missionaries-At a Convention was received and
accredited as a Minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church-Arti-
cles of Agreement-Other Churches resigned themselves to the
Care of the Missionary-Subscription of to Articles of Religion
and Temporal Economy of the Church-Camp Meeting at Cald-
well-Plans for Establishing Missions at Various Points-Sabbath
School-Other Missionaries sent Out-Death of Cox, the First Mis-
sionary-Successors-Sunday School Association Formed-Annual
Conference Organized-Temperance Society-Missionaries attacked
with African Fever-Deaths-Instance of Female Heroism-Re-
turn of Missionaries to United States-Appointment of a Successor
in the Superintendency of the Mission-Assistants-Visited the
Churches at Millsburg and Caldwell-Established a School at New
Georgia-Edina and Bassa Cove-Statistics of the Mission-Re-
turned to the United States for the Recovery of his Health-Time
occupied in holding Missionary Meetings-Returned with Reinforce-
ment to Liberia-Cheering Report-Native Africans Converted-
Numbers in Society-Day and Sabbath Schools-Melancholy Ca-

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