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tastrophe-Deaths of Colored Preachers-Missions in the Condo

Country-Bushrod Island-Missionary Physician-Teachers En-

gaged-Revival-Native Africans-Statistics-New Mission Sta-

tions-English and Classical Academy-Additional Reinforce-

ment-Principal of the Liberia Academy-Publication of Africa's

Luminary-Manual Labor School at White Plains-School at Hed-

dington-Robertsville-King's Sons Educated-Death of Principal

of the Academy-Another Supply of Missionaries-Gratifying Sta-

tistics-Deputations from Distant Tribes-Openings for Missions

among other Tribes-Interesting Death of a Native Preacher-

Conversion of Natives-Extensive Travels of Superintendent on

Foot-Missionaries appointed to New Stations-Visit to Cape Pal-

mas and Towns in the Interior-Missions Established-Difficulty

of Obtaining Missionaries-Report of the Superintendent after his

Return to the United States Various Items of the Report-Suc-

cessor Appointed-Principal of Seminary-Capture of the Slaver

Pons-Visit to the Vessel-A Scene of Horror-Description of-

Children of the Slaver provided for-Return of Missionaries-Con-

ference Seminary-Death of the Principal-Mission Prosperous—

Liberia an Independent Republic-Return of Superintendent with

his Family to the United States-Conference Missionary Society-

Field divided into Three Districts-Monrovia-Bassa Cove and Cape

Palmas-Recent Intelligence from Liberia-Population of the Col-

ony-Extent-Numbers that Speak the English Language-Petty

Sovereignties Extinguished-Treaty with Neighboring Tribes-De-

struction of Slave Factories on the whole Line of Coast, from Sierra

Leone to Cape Palmas....

The Appearance of a Stranger at an Indian Festival-His Com-
munication to them in Regard to the Worship of the True God-
Deputation of Flat Head Indians to St. Louis-Their Arrival-
Conference with the Indian Agent-Facts communicated through
the Christian Advocate and Journal-Interest awakened in the
Behalf of Flat Heads-Mission Projected-Missionaries sent to
Oregon-Their Arrival at Fort Vancouver-First Sermon preached
in the Territory-First Administration of the Ordinance of Chris-
tian Baptism-Removal to the Willamette River-French and Amer-
ican Settlers-Their Condition-Commencement of a School-Re-
inforcement sent out-Their Arrival-Additional Missionaries sent
out-Temperance Society organized on Total Abstinence Princi-
ples-Success of the Mission-Revival in the Mission School-Mis-
sionary Society Organized―Door opened among Extensive Tribes-
Visit of the Superintendent to the States for the Purpose of procuring

Religious Condition of the Country-Roman Catholicism Preva-
lent-Contemplated Mission to by the Board-Communication from
an Intelligent and Pious Gentleman at Buenos Ayres-English and
American Residents-Society for the Promotion of Religion-Ap-
pointment of a Missionary-Visits to Several of the Principal
Cities-Missionary to Buenos Ayres-Formation of a Church-
Subscription for the Erection of a Church Edifice-Missionary to
Rio de Janeiro-Formation of a Society-Sabbath School-Day
School-Assistant Missionary—Teachers—Circulation of the Scrip-
tures-Opposition of the Roman Catholic Priesthood-Deportment
of the Missionaries-Visit to Towns in the Interior-English and
American Seamen-Interest manifested by a United States Naval
Officer-Prosperity of the Mission-Blockade of the Port of Buenos
Ayres by French Squadron-Visit to Montevideo-American Fam-
ilies-Missionary Appointed-Difficulties growing out of the Un-
settled State of the Country-Labors of the Missionaries-Hopes-
Appropriations toward the Erection of the Church withheld by the
Board-Prospects Unpropitious-Recall of the Missionaries-Policy
of the Board-Rejection of the Bible by the Roman Catholics-
Character of that Church-Worship of the Virgin Mary-An
Image of brought to this Country-Good Seed Sown-Foreign
Residents deplore their Destitute Condition-Organize a Society
for the Promotion of Christian Worship-Memorialize the Board,
and Ask for a Missionary-Society pledged itself for the Support
of the Missionary-Missionary sent to Buenos Ayres-Letter from
the Missionary-Condition and Prospects-Testimony of the Amer-
ican Charge d'Affaires-Annual Report of the Buenos Ayrean Mis-

Qualifications for the Work-Well-trained Church-Policy of
the Board in Selecting Missionaries-Outposts of the Christian
Army-Every Requisition on the Ministry met-Ministers for every

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