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increase is to be ascribed to the monopoly which the in- 1662 they purchased 13 acres of ground on the south side of the river habitants had secured in the middle of the 17th century first graving dock in Scotland. In 1688 a quay was built at the (now Port-Glasgow), where they built harbours and constructed the of the sale of raw and refined sugars for the most of Scot- Broomielaw, although nothing had yet been done for the deepening land. Besides this they had the right of distilling spirits of the river. It was only after the city had experienced the vast from molasses free of duty; they conducted a consider- importance of foreign traffic that the magistrates, most of whom able trade in cured herrings and salmon, were manufacturers were "tobacco lords," seriously turned their attention to the question. In 1740 the town council authorized the expenditure of £100 of soap, and sent to the English ports hides and linen, in making a deepening experiment below the Broomielaw quay, and bringing back in exchange tobacco and manufactured goods, fifteen years later they employed Smeaton the well-known engineer which they distributed north of the Tweed. Bristol was to report on the subject. He found the two shallowest places at then the great emporium of tobacco, and Glasgow's comthe Pointhouse Ford, now the western boundary of the harbour, and mercial connexions with it naturally turned the attention at Kirst, now within the harbour. The depth at low water at the former was 1b inches and at the latter 18 inches, while at high of its traders to that lucrative branch of commerce. When water it was 3 feet 3 inches and 3 feet 8 inches respectively. it became possible for Glasgow merchants to enter into Smeaton proposed a lock and dam, four miles below Glasgow Bridge, competition with the merchants of Bristol, companies were so as to secure 4 feet 6 inches of water at the Broomielaw quay. formed to carry on the trade with the North American Fortunately his report was not adopted. In 1768 the first beginnings were made on the report of Mr John Golborne, who suggested colonies, and a large trade was soon established. Ships were the contraction of the river by the construction of rubble jetties and chartered, and as wealth poured in were built, and sailed the removal of the shoals by dredging. James Watt reported in regularly for Virginia, Maryland, and Carolina, taking out 1769 to the magistrates on the declivity of the bed of the Clyde goods in barter for cargoes of tobacco. In 1760 Glasgow In 1773 Mr Golborne contracted with the town council to make this from Broomielaw quay to that obdurate obstacle Dumbuck Ford. had completely rivalled Bristol in the tobacco trade, and in ford 6 feet deep at low water and 300 feet wide, and carried out his 1772 its importations were more than half of the entire contract successfully in 1775. Rennie reported on the river in 1799, quantity brought into the United Kingdom. The Virginian and recommended "the shortening of some of the jetties, the contrade being exceedingly lucrative, Glasgow flourished under struction of new ones, and the building of low rubble walls from it. The town rapidly extended westward, handsome mansion-point to point of the jetties so as to render the channel uniform, and prevent the accumulation of shoals." His suggestions were houses for the "tobacco lords" were erected, and the carried out, and upwards of 200 jetties were constructed between austerity of manners which had come down from the Glasgow and Bowling, the result being a considerable improvement covenanting days was somewhat relaxed. The money made in the navigation, and reclamation of land to the proprietors on both banks from the alveus of the river, the greater portion of which by tobacco found its way into other branches of commerce has since had to be purchased at high prices for other improvements. and stimulated new industries. The tobacco trade however Telford. reported in 1806, and Rennie again in 1807, and the received a crushing blow at the outbreak of the American deepening process went on without pause. In 1836 the engineer War, a blow from which it never wholly recovered, for of the Clyde Trust reported to the trustees that there was then from 7 to 8 feet of water at the Broomielaw quay at low water, that the after the war was over, and the thirteen colonies had become lift of a neap tide, which was only sensible in 1755, was 4 feet, and the United States of North America, Glasgow was engaged in of a spring tide 7 or 8 feet, making a depth of 12 feet at high water other commercial enterprises. The distress in the city was of a neap and of 15 feet of a spring tide. The river had become keen during the first years of the war, and Glasgow capital- capable of taking craft of 400 tons to Glasgow. In 1840 parliament ists turned their attention to the West Indies and the culti-ment of the navigation of the entire river under the jurisdiction of sanctioned an Act for carrying out plans for the further improve. yation of the sugar cane. The manufacture of cotton goods the trustees. Upon the lines then laid down the improvements was introduced also about this time, and proved a new have ever since proceeded, with only very slight modifications, but source of wealth and prosperity. Calico printing, which the result may probably be best expressed in the following figures. was soon to develop into a great industry employing and from the harbour, in 1854 of 19 feet draught, in 1861 of 20 In 1839 vessels of 17 feet draught of water were safely navigated to thousands of persons, was started at Pollokshaws in 1742; feet draught, in 1862 of 21 feet draught, and in 1870 of 22 feet the inkle loom was set up in 1732; glass-making was draught. Only a few years ago vessels of 15 feet draught were two established in a 'feeble way in 1730; and the brewing of and often three tides in the river in their passage up and down, but now vessels of 22 feet draught leaving Glasgow two or three hours beer and ale ona large scale was attempted with success. before high water get to sea in one tide. The rapidity of the In 1764 James Watt perfected his first model of a steam deepening process has been due almost entirely to the powerful engine in a small workshop, which had been granted to him steam dredgers employed by the trustees, to the use of the diving by the senatus of the university, within the college walls. bell for blasting purposes, and latterly to the introduction of steam From the Treaty of Union down to the end of the 18th cendrilling and dynamite. The quantity of dredged matter taken from the river every year is somewhere about a million and a tury, the progress of the city had been remarkable. In 1708 quarter of tons, which is carried off by barges and deposited in Loch the population was estimated to be upwards of 12,000; Long, an arm of the Firth running up into the Western Highlands. at the end of the century it was close upon 80,000. During the last thirty-one years upwards of 20 million tons have been dredged from the river, and since the year 1770 the cost for dredging and depositing alone has been between £500,000 and £600,000. The total expenditure upon the river since the year above named has been upwards of seven millions sterling; and the revenue, which a hundred years ago was £1733, is now about £210,000. The first dock constructed at the Glasgow harbour was opened so late as 1867. Though Acts of Parliament had been obtained more than twenty years before, the sides of the river were utilized for quayage extension; but within the last ten or twelve years the pressure for space became very great, and the new dock, which is tidal, and covers 54 acres of water space, was found to be quite inadequate. A new Act was obtained in 1870 to construct docks at Stobcross, and these, which are now nearing completion, will have an area of 30 acres, and will accommodate one million tons of shipping. The estimated cost, including the purchase of land, is £1,163,000.

The Harbour.-The energies of the traders of Glasgow were naturally somewhat confined by having a port so far away as PortGlasgow, and there is little wonder that, when their commerce began to extend, they should have cast about for plans to deepen the water-way and enable them to bring their merchandise to their own warehouses in the city. The task which lay before them was one involving numerous difficulties. "A hundred years ago," says Mr Deas, the engineer of the Clyde trust, in his interesting sketch of The Rise and Progress of the Harbour of Glasgow, "the river was almost in a state of nature, and was fordable on foot at Dumbuck Ford, more than 12 miles below Glasgow." As early as 1566 the authorities of the towns of Glasgow, Renfrew, and Dumbarton endeavoured to remove a sandbank, a little above the latter town, and though operations were intermittingly carried on for some years, they do not appear to have been very successful. Prior to 1658 the shipping port of Glasgow was Irvine in Ayrshire, but the passage of lighters from that place was tedious and the land carriage expensive. It was determined in 1658 by the magistrates of Glasgow to purchase ground at Dumbarton, and construct a spacious harbour there. The magistrates of that royal burgh, however, objected, on the plea that "the great influx of mariners and others would raise the price of provisions to the inhabitants.' The Glasgow authorities, howver, were determined to have a harbour nearer than Irvine, and in

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The traffic on the Clyde received an extraordinary impetus by the application of steam to navigation, and from the date of the "Comet," which was built on the Clyde in 1811-12 for Mr Henry Bell, Glasgow has been the true home of steam navigation. has become one of the largest industries of the city, and The steam shipbuilding trade with its growth the commerce of Glasgow has kept pace.

The river has been the fruitful source of the city's greatness. |
As the accessibility of the water way became greater year
by year, so the commerce and the industries of the city
developed, and the material wealth increased. Glasgow,
too, is fortunate in being the centre of an enormous coal
and iron field, in the working of which she has greatly
benefited. Her industries, now very numerous, are re-
ferred to in detail below. They embrace almost every
species of manufacture to be found in Great Britain; and this
variety is probably the reason for the all but uninterrupted
prosperity of the city, for it is rare that every department
of manufacture and commerce is dull at the same time.
Her resources are so numerous that she is not much
affected by staguation in one or two branches. But
Glasgow has undoubtedly come through one or two
crises of a serious character in the course of her industrial
career. In 1857 the failure of the Western Bank struck
a hard blow at her trade and commerce, though it was
wonderful how soon she recovered from the heavy loss and
the derangement of commercial affairs which were caused
by the failure. The American Civil War paralysed the
cottou manufactures of Glasgow, as it did those of Lanca-
shire; but otherwise it did little harm, and the stimulus
that was given to shipbuilding by the carrying trade of
the world practically falling into British hands more thau
compensated for other losses. The close of the American
War was followed by a period of commercial and industrial
activity in the city, which, however, sustained a severe check
within the last two years, during which time trade has been
languishing everywhere. While enterprising citizens were
looking forward with some slight hope for signs of a revival,
the collapse of the City of Glasgow Bank on the 2d October
1878 fell upon them like a thunderbolt. In a few days
after the stoppage it was known that matters were far
worse than the most sinister prophet of evil could have
imagined, much less foretold. The whole of the capital
and reserve of the bank, amounting to close upon a million
and a half sterling, was squandered, and nearly five and a
quarter millions besides. The total loss cannot be set
down at much less than eight millions sterling, and the
most of this enormous sum had gone to support great
Indian and colonial firms, which had been hopelessly
bankrupt for years. The inquiry into the affairs of the
bank revealed such recklessness and misconduct on the
part of some of those who were responsible for its manage-
ment that the manager and the directors were tried on a
charge of fabricating and uttering false balance sheets.
They were all convicted, and sentenced to varied terms of
imprisonment. Since this gigantic failure Glasgow has
been passing through the greatest crisis of its existence.

the kingdom, has bought up the old gas-works and supplies artificial light within and beyond the municipal boundaries, and is at present engaged in bringing to a successful close a series of city improvements on a very large scale. City Improvements.-As the last-mentioned work is the most important upon which the corporation has been engaged since the introduction of Loch Katrine water, and formed the model upon which Mr Cross, the home secretary, framed his Artisans Dwellings Act, a slight sketch of the plan upon which it was founded may be given here. The city had grown so fast in population during the present century that it had become greatly overcrowded, especially in the central portions. From the leading thoroughfares of High Street, Saltmarket, Trongate, Gallowgate, and Argyll Street long narrow closes and wynds penetrated into the densely-built spaces behind. The population in these regions varied from 400 to 1000 per acre, and the dirt, darkness, and foul air in which the poor creatures lived, made their homes breeding-places of fevers and disease of every kind. In some of the worst spots the death-rate was 70 per 1000 per annum. The closes and wynds, besides being dens of disease, were the haunts of the criminal class of the population, who were able to dispose of their plunder and escape the police with comparative ease in these deep alleys, many of them connected with each other by ways only known to the experienced criminal, Some benevolent citizens made a small effort at improvement about twenty years ago, by buying up one of the most notorious of these closes; but it was not till the City Union Railway was projected that the attention of the municipality was fairly called to the question, or that any step was taken by it. The Union Railway passed through some portions of the old town which were densely overcrowded, and it was suggested by the late Mr Blackie, who was then chief-magistrate, that the corporation might work in harmony with the railway company, and clear out old and densely-crowded properties, which the railway only touched at certain spots. Mr Carrick, the city architect, drew out improvement plans, and in 1866 an Act was passed by parliament enabling the corporation to acquire old overcrowded localities, to borrow money, and to levy rates. The improvements contemplated involved the destruction of 10,000 houses, all of them really unfit for habitation, but which were filled by upwards of 50,000 souls. The corporation was bound by the Act to find accommodation for the dispossessed when the numbers exceeded 500. In point of fact, the corporation never required to build houses, as private enterprise more than kept pace with the operations of the improvement scheme. By the Act the corporation was empowered to borrow £1,250,000, and to levy a rate of 6d. per pound on the rental for five years, and 3d. per pound for ten years, by which time it was calculated the whole work would be completed. No sooner was the Act passed than the trustees-all of them memscheduled, a delicate and difficult task, which, however, was most bers of the town council-proceeded to purchase the properties economically carried out, first by Sir James Watson, and afterwards by Mr James Morrison, the conveners. The work of demolition also went on; the densely-built districts were cleared out, open spaces and squares secured, streets driven through huge blocks of building, others widened, till now there is hardly a remnant left of the old notorious abodes of fever and crime. There is still a good deal to do, and it may be necessary to get an extension of the time fixed in the Act, as it expires in 1881; hut up to the present time upwards of 30,000 people have been turned out of their unhealthy homes, and have been provided with better ones elsewhere. So far the Administration. The affairs of Glasgow are managed improvements have been very cheaply executed. The great amount by a corporation consisting of 48 representatives of the 16 of of demolition effected by the trustees and the railway companies wards into which the city is municipally divided, and by greatly raised the value of building ground in the central portions of the town; and the corporation has been able to sell the properties one representative from the Trades' and one from the which it had acquired at considerable profit, after utilizing large Merchants' House. The lord provost is the head of the portions of them for streets and open spaces. The cost to the corporation, and is assisted in his executive functions by citizens will be the rates which have been and are to be levied; but 10 bailies. The bailies hear and decide cases in the perhaps to this should be added an uncertain amount represented police courts, aided by assessors, who are local legal prac-rates was £305,867; and, adding to that other three years' rates, the by the rise of house rents. Up to May 1878 the sum raised by titioners of good standing. There is also a stipendiary total amount which the improvements will cost will be about magistrate who sits every day in the central police court, £375,000, £40,000 of which was spent in buying a park for the use ind undertakes the heavier portion of the cases. The dean of the people in the north-eastern district of the city.. of guild court has a certain jurisdiction over the construction of new and the alteration of old buildings. The corporation of Glasgow, since it became popularly elected, has shown great and enlightened interest in the welfare of the city. It has during the last quarter of a century acquired three public parks for the recreation of the citizens, and laid them out in an ornamental manner. Within the same period, too, it has undertaken and carried out immense works for a supply of water unequalled in

Public Health.-The result of these improvements has been a marked decrease in the mortality. In 1866 Glasgow was one of the least healthy towns in Great Britain; in 1877 it was nearly as healthy as London. In 1866 the annual death rate was 29.6 per thousand, and continued slightly rising or falling till 1875, when there was a fall to 28.7. This was the year in which the work of the improvement trustees began to tell. In 1876 the death rate was 252 per thousand, in 1877 it was 24.9, and in

1878 it was 25:0. The improvement scheme hos done good otherwise in directing attention to sauitary questions of all kinds. There is now in Glasgow a public department of health, at the head of which there is a most efficient medical officer, and provision has been made for the isolation of contagious diseases immediately on their breaking out. Great attention is paid to cleansing the city, and fever epidemics, which not long ago were seldon absent, are now very rare, and hardly ever assume large proportions. Crime has also diminished as one of the results of the city improvements, and its detection is much surer. There can be no doubt that the demolition of so large a number of small dwelling-houses in such a short period was no small grievance to those who inhabited them; not that there ever was any lack of accommodation, but because families had in many cases to remove to places at inconvenient distances from their work, and into houses which, though much better in a sanitary sense, were somewhat dearer. The distance difficulty, however, was greatly mitigated by the construction of tramways throughout the town, and by the authorities providing for the running of morning and evening workmen's cars at exceedingly low tares; and it is scarcely doubtful that the change from unhealthy and overcrowded houses into others roomier and built with some regard to sanitary principles has been a blessing to the lower class of the population. When the works are completed, Glasgow in its older regions will be a city transformed.

Water Supply-Previous to 1859 Glasgow was supplied by water from the river Clyde and from pond's erected some miles south of the city, to which the water was conveyed by gravitation. The supply was insufficient, and the Clyde water bad. In 1848 the idea of bringing water from Loch Katrine was first spoken of. The citizens at that time began to see that something far more extensive than had ever been attempted was required to supply the rapidly growing wants of the city. Butween 1848 and 1855 many schemes were proposed by the water companies and by private individuals, none of which came to anything. In 1852 the corporation took the matter up, and, after a long and arduous struggle, the Act for tapping Loch Katrine was carried in 1855. The corporation it is believed would have been defeated again but for the attention which Lord Palmerston paid to a subject in which Glasgow was so deeply interested, and for the influence which he brought to bear in favour of the works. The engineer selected to bring the water from a distance of 34 miles was Mr J. F. Bateman, and four years after the passing of the Act the waters of the Highland loch, at the touch of Her Majesty the Queen, flowed into the city.

The sources of the supply are Loch Katrine with a surface of

3000 acres, Loch Vennacher with an area of 900 acres, Loch Drunkie 150 acres,-altogether about 4000 acres of water surface, and containing within the limits to which they may be raised or lowered about 1,600,000,000 cubic feet of water. The drainage area is 45,800 acres, and the rainfall is from 80 to 90 inches per annum. The source is ample for the supply of a population double that which is at present supplied, but the works are not more than sufficient to provide 50,000,000 of gallons of water per day, and it will be necessary before many years are past to construct other works, probably to double that quantity. Loch Katrine is 360 feet above the tide at Glasgow, which, allowing for the loss of fall, secures a pressure of 70 or 80 feet above the highest summit in the city. The water is conveyed by mined tunnels, built tunnels, aqueducts, and iron pipes. There are altogether 70 tunnels, one of which is 2650 yards and another 2325 yards in length, and 8 feet in diameter. One of these works is 600 feet below the surface. The aqueducts over rivers and ravines of an important character are 27 in number; some of these are of iron and some of masonry. Twenty-six miles from Loch Katrine and 7 or 8 from Glasgow a large reservoir was constructed, 70 acres in extent and capable of holding 500,000,000 gallons of water; and from this reservoir the water, having undergone a filtering process, is conveyed in pipes to Glasgow. The engineering cost of the works was £700,000, or ten per cent.

above the estimate, but as the contract was only for 20,000,000 gallons per day, and the actual product was 30,000,000 gallons, the additions made to the works since they were opened in 1859, the cost cannot be said to have been excessive. There have been great total capital expenditure at the end of 1877 being a little over £2,000,000. The quantity of water brought into the city from Loch Katrine is now 30,000,000 gallons per day, but the area of corporation will be able to bring in 50,000,000 gallons a day, which distribution is much larger than Glasgow. In a very short time the is the limit of the capacity of their present works. The cost of the water to the inhabitants is 8d. per pound on the rental, and ld. per pound is charged for public purposes. The quality of the water is excellent, and there can be no doubt that it has been an active agent in improving the health of the city. Besides the Loch Katrine works there is a supply of water from the Gorbals gravitation works amounting to rather more than four millions of gallons per day. The consumption of water over the area of distribution is thus 34,000,000 gallons in the 24 hours, or 45 gallons for every man, woman, and child,-a very large supply even when deduction is made for the water used in large public works,, and for purposes other than domestic.

Lighting-In the parliamentary session of 1868-9 the corporation applied for and obtained powers to purchase the works of the two gas-light companies which had until that period supplied Glasgow and its suburbs with gas. The capital of these companies consisted of £415,000, on £300,000 of which the shareholders were entitled to profits not exceeding 10 per cent. per annum, the remaining £115,000 paying dividends at the rate of 7 per cent. per anum. The corporation agreed to give for the works to the shareholders annuities of 9 per cent. on the stock which paid 10 per cent, and of 62 per cent. on the stock which paid 7 per cent. These annuities were guaranteed by a sixpenny rate upon the whole rental within the municipality. Besides these rates the corporation took over mortgages amounting to £119,265. It is needless to state that, no rate has ever been levied upon rental for the maintenance of the gas-works, the manufacture having proved remunerative at a moderate charge per thousand cubic feet. The gas-works, as taken over by the corporation, were capable of producing 6,500,000 cubic feet; but since then they have been greatly extended at a cost of half a million sterling, and are now capable of making 12 million cubic feet of gas. consumption varies between 2 million cubic feet in twentyfour hours in summer and 11 million cubic feet during the same time in winter. The area of supply includes nearly all, the surrounding suburbs, in addition to the city. The cost of gas to the consumer is 4s. per thousand cubie feet, aud no rent is charged for the use of meters.


TramwaysThe next project with which the corporation has had to do in recent years has been laying down lines of tramways along the principal throughfares of the city. This work was undertaken for the purpose of preventing the control of the streets and the street traffic from passing out of the hands of the corporation; the cost was about £200,000 for 13 miles of tramway; but this sum, with interest at 4 per cent. per annum, is to be repaid in the course of twenty-three years by the lessees, who also keep up the roadway between the tramway lines, and pay a rent of £150 per mile per annum. The fares are one penny per mile, and the number of passengers carried is very great. Pecuniarily the tramways have been successful. Income and Expenditure. The income and expenditure of Glasgow are larger than those of many a flourishing The trusts, which till quite recently were semiindependent, but are now simply committees of the town council, are the police board, the water commissioners, the gas commissioners, the city improvement trustees, parks and galleries trust, market trust, &c. The revenues which they collect and distribute amount altogether to close upon one million sterling per annum. The common good of the city, that is to say, property belonging to the corporation, is estimated as being worth about £300,000, the interest of which is expended in maintaining what are called the



city churches, and generally on municipal purposes for which the citizens are not taxed. The number of parliamentary voters in 1877-8 was 60,582, and the list of Tchool-board electors, which includes all ratepayers, when the roll was last made up, numbered 112,897. GlasLow returns three representatives to the House of Comnons since 1868, each elector having, however, only two votes. Previous to this, and from the passing of the great reform measure of 1832, the city had only two representatives. Glasgow has a police force of about 1000 men, which is maintained at an expense of £78,000 per amum, half of which is paid by the Government. The heriff-depute of Lanarkshire holds his court in Glasgow, nd is assisted by five sheriffs-substitutes resident in the city. The amount of legal work which is gone through in the disposal of civil and criminal cases is very great, being qual to about one-third of the whole disposed of in Scotland, including the supreme courts in Edinburgh.

Bridges and Railway Stations.-There are three fine bridges over the river within the municipal boundaries, and two iron suspension bridges. One railway bridge was erected a few years ago by the City Union Railway Company, and another by the Caledonian Railway Company is now nearly completed. All the bridges are free. Glasgow is the centre of a vast railway system, the Caledonian and Glasgow & South-Western Railways having their termini in the city; these work with the great English lines, the Midland and the London & North-Western Companies. The St Enoch's Square station, which provides for the traffic over the Glasgow & South-Western, City Union, and Midland Companies, is one of the most spacious in the United Kingdom. The same companies are erecting an equally commodious goods station in High Street; the Caledonian Company, finding themselves greatly hampered for room at the old terminus in Buchanan Street, are building a colossal structure in Gordon Street; and the North British Company, which have their headquarters in Edinburgh, are greatly extending their present limited accommodation in Dundas Street.

Public Buildings.-There are not many of these of importance in Glasgow. The one which naturally attracts the greatest attention of strangers is the cathedral, which is now in a complete state of repair, and a few years ago, through the munificence of Glasgow citizens and of noblemen and gentlemen of the vicinity, its windows were filled with richly stained glass from one of the great stained glass establishments of Munich. The cathedral is acknowledged to be a fine specimen of Early English Gothic. It is situated in a good position in the north-east quarter of the city, and is about 104 feet above the Clyde level. Its form is that of a Latin cross with short transepts. The length from east to west is 319 feet, its breadth 63 feet, the height of the choir 93 feet, and of the nave 85 feet. At the intersection it has a tapering octagonal spire, the height of which is 225 feet. It contains 147 pillars and 159 windows. The crypt under the choir is exceedingly fine and complete. The Royal Exchange in the centre of the city contains a newsroom 122 feet in length by 60 feet broad. Its portico is formed of 12 fluted Corinthian columns, supporting a rich frieze and pediment; the north and south sides of the building are ornamented by a colonnade of Corinthian pillars. The Royal Infirmary is in the Roman style of architecture from a design by Adams It has been greatly extended since its erection in 1792. The City Hall is a plain building capable of holding upwards of 3000 people. The new Public Halls, opened in 1877, are the most recent addition to the architecture of the city. The building cost upwards of £80,000, and since its opening has been mainly used for musical entertainments, music being one of the arts which has been

cultivated with the greatest success in Glasgow of late years. The principal hall in this fine building, which is of the classic style of architecture, is capable of holding between 4000 and 5000 persons. By far the grandest building in Glasgow, however, is the new university structure on Gilmorehill, which is described below. During the last thirty years a vast improvement has been made in Glasgow in church architecture. Dissenters who were satisfied in the earlier part of the century with plain meeting-houses now vie with each other, and with the Church of Scotland, in the elegance and adornment of their places of worship. There is probably no town in the United Kingdom which has spent more upon ecclesiastical buildings in recent times than Glasgow, or which in this respect has made greater improvements in taste. The Roman Catholics and Episcopalians, nearly one-fourth of the population of the city, have also erected some very fine ecclesiastical edifices. The street architecture of Glasgow has greatly improved, many of the large business firms having rebuilt their warehouses upon a splendid scale. The new postoffice buildings in George Square also deserve mention. The work of the post-office of Glasgow has increased with the increase of the city, and is now practically larger than that of any other town save London. It was found necessary a few years ago to extend the accommodation, and now the greater part of one side of George Square is devoted to postal and telegraph purposes. buildings are plain but massive, and seem to have been planned on the principle of the least ornament with the most room. The corporation have obtained an Act for the erection of municipal buildings on the east side of George Square. Not without reason has Glasgow been called one of the best built cities of the empire, its substantial masonry owing much to the excellent quality of the material, a sandstone quarried in abundance all round the city.

The new

Statues.-The public statues in Glasgow are not numierous, though several of them are very fine. Most of them are in George Square. The equestrian statue of the great duke of Wellington stands opposite the main entrance to the-royal exchange, and that of William III is close to the junction of Trongate with the Saltmarket, High Street, and Gallowgate, the ancient cross of the city. In George Square there are equestrian statues of the Queen and the late Prince Consort, a seated figure of James Watt, statues of Sir John Moore, Lord Clyde, Sir Robert Peel, Sir Walter Scott, James Oswald of Auchincruive, Thomas Graham the celebrated chemist, Robert Burns, Thomas Campbell, and David Livingstone. The statue of Burns, executed by Mr George E. Ewing, a Glasgow sculptor, was subscribed for in shillings by the working classes of Scotland.

University and Schools. Of the educational institutions of Glasgow precedence must be given to the university. As already stated this great seminary of learning was founded by Bishop Turnbull, who obtained a papal bull for the purpose, dated 7th January 1450. By this bull a corporate body was formed, consisting of a chancellor, rector, and dean, with doctors, masters, regents, and students, in the several faculties into which it was divided. One of these was known as the pedagogium, or college of arts. This school of learning was first situated in Rottenrow (1459). James, Lord Hamilton, bequeathed to the principal regent of that college some buildings and several acres of land, on part of which in the High Street the college was afterwards erected. The college of arts was restored and endowed by James VI. During the period which intervened between 1577 and 1688 the university underwent many changes; but in the year 1693, each of the Scottish colleges having received a grant of £300 per annum out of the bishops' rents, the Glasgow institution again revived; and having

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received other public and private gifts, its progress nas been since uninterrupted. The academic body of the university consists of the chancellor, the lord rector, the deau of faculty, the principal and, vice-chancellor, and the professors. The whole business of the university is transacted in three distinct courts, viz., the senatus, the faculty, and the comitia. There are many bursaries connected with the college, the most important being those bequeathed by Mr Snell, by Mrs Black, the widow of a late minister of the Barony church, and by Mr Orr-Ewing, M.P. for Dumbartonshire. The college buildings in High Street were principally erected in 1593 and 1658. The spire, which was 153 feet in height, possessed a lightning conductor which was reared under the auspices of Franklin in 1772.

The following notes, descriptive of the new buildings, are from the pen of the architect :

The architectural style of the building is founded on that of works of the 14th century, subject to some modifications introduced with a view to giving the building a character allied to that of the old Scottish buildings. It is probable, however, that during the 14th century this specific character may not have prevailed in Scotland. It seems, in fact, to have been introduced from France at a later period, and worked up with so much originality into buildings in Scotland as to have become quite received as the style of the country. In France it had existed at least from the 13th century, so that what has been done in the design of the college is to translate back the characteristics in question, and to unite them with the general style of the architecture of the 14th century, though in Scotland they may not probably have actually existed till a later date. As the building stands on the crown of a hill, whose principal and rapid slope is toward the south, it has been made to occupy, as far as may be, the whole of the ridge facing in that direction by a long and continuous front of about 540 feet in length. In advance of this lengthened façade is a system of terraces, bringing the ground deep ravine along its base. The southern façade comprises three down by gradual steps towards the Kelvin, which flows through a more lofty portions, a central block and two corner towers, between which are two ranges of buildings of smaller elevation. The centie of the line of building facing the south is occupied by a lofty tower, through which, on the ground floor, is the principal entrance to the building. There is also a gateway through the centre of each of the lower ranges of building, arched and groined, leading into the east and west quadrangles. "Another main entrance is provided in the central block of the northern range of building. This entrance consists of a double gateway, the passages from which turn round to meet one another in the basenient within the building. Much in the same manner, the north side of the building is divided into five parts, the angle blocks forming towers, similar to those in front; but facing each quadrangle there is a building of great dimensions, one of which is devoted to the museum and the other to the library. Between these is a central block, in this case of less elevation than the main side portions, containing the students' reading-room below and the hall of the Hunterian museum above.

The whole rectangular range of buildings, thus briefly described, is about 540 feet in length by 300 feet in breadth, occupying the greater part of the crown of the hill. From it to the west extend the different ranges of the principal's and professors' houses, while towards the south-east the outline is prolonged and diversified by the chemical laboratory, a partially detached building of octagonal form, The library and and, at the north-east, by the anatomical rooms. museum are alike in design. There are two great halls in each, occupying respectively the ground and first floors, these being 129 feet long by 60 feet wide.

The present university buildings at Gilmorehill occupy a magnificent site above the Kelvin, overlooking the Kelvingrove Park, and commanding a splendid view of the valley of the Clyde. In 1860 the commissioners under the "Universities Scotland Act" reported that in the interests of the university it was necessary that the college should be rebuilt, and that the site which it occupied in High Street was most ineligible for the purpose of the university. In 1863 the promoters of the City of Glasgow Union Railway Company offered to purchase the college grounds for the sum of £100,000, which was ultimately accepted; and during the negotiations Government offered to give £21,400, on condition that £24,000 for the erection of an hospital was raised by private subscription. On the 29th July 1864 the lands of Gilmorehill, consisting of 43 acres, were purchased by the senate for £65,000; about six months later the adjacent lands of Donaldshill were secured for £16,000, and the property of Clayslaps, containing 5 or 6 acres, was bought for a hospital site for the sum of £17,400. Part of the lands of Gilmorehill not required for the university were advantageously sold to the corporation of Glasgow. Sir Gilbert Scott was appointed architect of the new buildings at the end of September 1864, and the plans were completed and approved of in the beginuing of 1866. The estimated cost of the building, including hospital, was £266,000,-a sum far beyond the means of the university Anderson's College, formerly called Anderson's (or the authorities. The citizens of Glasgow, however, came heartily Andersonian) University, was founded by John Anderson, to their help, and subscribed liberally to the building fund. professor of natural philosophy in the university of Glasgow In January 1868 Government agreed to give £120,000, on in 1795, and endowed by him with valuable philosophical condition that the same amount was raised by private sub-apparatus, a museum, and a library. It is governed by 81 scriptions. The work at once progressed under these assur- trustees, and its object is to bring literary and scientific ances of support, and on the 8th October 1868 the founda- education within the reach of the mass of the community. tion stone of the new buildings was laid by the Prince of Every branch of study taught in Glasgow university is Wales. In 1870 the buildings were so far completed that provided for, with the exception of divinity. Drs Garnett the removal from High Street took place, the last meeting and Birkbeck were the original professors of natural philoof the senatus in the old college buildings having been sophy and chemistry; Dr Ure and Thomas Graham also held on 28th July of that year. The financial difficulty, occupied chairs in this college; and it was there that the however, proved a very serious one. The cost of the build- first mechanics' class was established in Great Britain. ings greatly exceeded the estimate, and went far beyond The trustees contemplate the removal of the institution to the funds placed at the disposal of the senatus, although the west end of the city, where it is believed it will greatly the public subscriptions amounted to nearly £160,000. extend its sphere of usefulness. The number of students The fine building is therefore up to the present time in 1878 was 986; and those attending popular evening incomplete. The tower had to be stopped when less than classes, at which lectures are delivered in various branches half-way up, and the grand hall, designs of which were of science, numbered 992. prepared by Sir Gilbert Scott, is still untouched. The senatus, however, has now been practically relieved of its difficulties by the splendid contributions of the marquis of Bute and of Mr Charles Randolph, one of the pioneers of steam shipbuilding on the Clyde. The marquis has given £40,000 for the erection of the common hall, aud Mr. Randolph bequeathed £60,000 for the completion of the buildings. With these sums at its disposal the senatus will no doubt in a few years finish this noble structure, and it will then be unequalled, so far as the building is concerned, as an educational institution.

The High School or Grammar School, formerly in John Street and under the charge of the corporation, is the oldest educational institution in the city. It appears that a grammar school existed in. Glasgow early in the 14th century, being then dependent on the cathedral church. Up to 1834 its masters taught only Latin and Greek, but at that period the school underwent a complete alteration. Two of the classical masterships were suppressed, and in lieu of these teachers of English grammar, foreign languages, writing, arithmetic, geography, mathematica, and drawing were introduced. The name was also changed

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