| 1800 - 322 lehte
...temple bend; See thy bright altars throng'd with prostrate kings, And heap'd with product of Sabasan springs ! For thee Idume's spicy forests blow, And seeds of gold in Ophir's mountains glow. See Heav'n its sparkling portals wide display, And break upon thee in a flood of day ! No more the rising... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1804 - 230 lehte
...springs ! For thee Idume's spicy forests blow, 9$ And seeds of gold in Ophir's mountains glow. See heav'n its sparkling portals wide display, And break upon...day. No more the rising sun shall gild the morn, Nor ev'ning Cynthia fill her diver horn ; 100 But lost, dissolv'd in thy superior rays, One tide of glory,... | |
| E. Tomkins - 1804 - 416 lehte
...prostrate kings, And heap'd with products of Sahean springs ! For thee Idume's spicy forests hlow, And seeds of gold in Ophir's mountains glow. See heaven its sparkling portals wide display, And hreak upon thee in a flood of day ! No more the rising sun shall gild the morn, But lost, dissolv'd... | |
| E Tomkins - 1806 - 280 lehte
...temples bend; See thy bright altars throng'd with prostrate kings, And heap'd with products of Sahsean springs! For thee Idume's spicy forests blow, And...thee in a flood of day! No more the rising sun shall jjild the morn, But lost, dissolv'd in thy superior rajs, One tide of glory, one unclouded blaze O'erflow... | |
| 1806 - 330 lehte
...temple bend ; See thy bright altars throng'd with prostrate kings, And heap'd with product of Sabaean springs! For thee Idume's spicy forests blow, And seeds of gold in Ophir's mountains glow. See Heav'n its sparkling portals wide display, And break upon thee in a flood of day ! 141 The boast of... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1807 - 474 lehte
...temple bend ; See thy bright altars throng'd with prostrate kings, And heap'd with products of Sabrean J springs ! For thee Idume's spicy forests blow, And seeds of gold in Ophir's mountains glow. See Heav'n its sparkling portals wide display, And break upon thee in a flood of day. No more the rising... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1807 - 316 lehte
...go d in Ophir's mountains glow. See heav'n its sparkling; portals wide display, And hreak upon thec in a flood of day. No more the rising sun § shall gild the morn, Nor ev'ning Cynthia fill her silver horn; 100 Bnt lost, dissolved in thy superior ravs, One tide of glory,... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1808 - 702 lehte
...temple bend; See thy bright altars throng'd with prostrate kings, And heap'dwith prodncts of Sabean (t) springs! For thee Idume's spicy forests blow, And...sun («) shall gild the morn, Nor evening Cynthia nil her stiver horn; But lost, dissoiv'd in thy superior rays, One tide of glory, one unclonded blaze... | |
| Alexander Pope, Thomas Park - 1808 - 328 lehte
...altars throng'd with prostrate kings, And heap'd with products of Sabaean "' springs ! For thee Hume's spicy forests blow, And seeds of gold in Ophir's mountains...the morn, Nor evening Cynthia fill her silver horn ; Bat lost, dissolv'd in thy superior rays, One tide of glory, one unclouded blaze O'erflow thy courts... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1808 - 334 lehte
...prostrate king), And heap'd with products of Sabaean "' springs! For thee Iduroe's spicy forests blow, Ami seeds of gold in Ophir's mountains glow. See Heaven...Nor evening Cynthia fill her silver horn ; But lost, dissolv'd in thy superior rays, One tide of glory, one unclouded blaze O'erflow thy courts : the light... | |
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