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To the Independent Electors of the City of Westminster.

Who can deny that Sir Cecil Wray is the fittest man to represent this city in Parliament?

Sir Cecil is a firm friend to the revenue. He proposed the tax upon housemaids, which cannot fail of being productive. Many taxes are liable to be evaded, but every householder in Westminster, male or female, rich or poor, would contribute his or her fhare to this tax. Sir Cecil is a good oeconomist of the public money.

He propofed the demolition of that expenfive eftablishment Chelsea Hofpital. Can any thing be more abfurd than fquandering the national treasure in maintaining a parcel of old, decrepid, ufelefs foldiers, whofe age, infirmities, and wounds make them abfolutely unfit for fervice, and confequently only a burthen upon the public?

If it were only for these two admirable projects Sir Cecil Wray is entitled to the fupport of every Elector who wishes to fee the revenue effectually increased by strong taxes, and the public money not lavifhed under the mistaken idea of national generofity.

If Lord Hood (who has joined Sir Cecil) and is himself a feaman, would propofe in like manner to deftroy Greenwich Hofpital, a ftill greater faving would be made to the public, and they would deferve univerfal fupport. A FRIEND TO PUBLIC ECONOMY.

To the Independent Electors of Westminster.


A junction between Lord Hood and Sir Cecil Wray is now proclaimed, between that man whom you formerly chofe upon Mr. Fox's recommendation, and a noble Lord, who has declared he would not join any man not approved by the Court.

You are to determine whether to elect thefe two Court Candidates, or THAT MAN, whofe utter ruin is the leading object of the Court, because He is the chief obftacle to the great, original, well known aim of the fecret Syftem, viz. The deftruction of your freedom.

Who opposed Mr. Fox in the year 1780?---The Court. Who oppofes him now ?--The Court. The principle which then fupported him, is the bottom upon which he now ftands. His enemies and their aims are precifely the fame.

Examine the pretences of these two Courtiers. Lord Hood may be a judicious man in his profeffion, but military officers were never esteemed the best guardians of Civil Liberty. Sir Cecil Wray might poffibly mean well, but good men have fome difficulty to reconcile honesty with confummate ingratitude; and wife men cannot eafily believe that any true Whig would be a devoted inftrument to the Back Stairs System.

If there exifted no doubt whatever of the profeffional merit of the firft, or the probity of the latter, do you really think that fuch men as either Lord Hood or Sir Cecil Wray are more proper objects of your choice than Charles James Fox? I do not fay he is faultlefs, for no human being is fo; nor will I affert that, in fome inftances, he might not have difpleafed fome of his Conftituents (to please all men is, in any fituation, difficult; in his, impoffible.) But this, I afk you, can you find a fitter man to reprefent you, take him for all in all, in England, in Europe, or in the Universe? This question, if I am not deceived, carries its anfwers along with it.

Why have the Miniftry done this laft defperate act? They had no public pretence whatever for the diffolution. The Oppofition called out to them for the bufinefs of the


nation, and pledged themselves to forward it. Why have they not? Evidently because they thought the country was now deluged with ignorance; because they knew this delufion was wearing away every hour; because they feared that by the end of the feffion the true cafe in difpute would be fo well understood, and men's eyes fo opened to their attrocious attempts, that inftead of being fupported, they would be curfed and reprobated by the people.

Such a fyftem of bafe bribery and infamous corruption as the prefent Miniftry have practifed upon the Houfe of Commons, cannot be matched in the hiftory of the world, Unable to purchase that House, they now bring the public money to the public market; and at this moment are actually bribing the people with their own money to furrender their own rights.

You, they cannot buy, although they may fell you. I therefore call upon you to employ your good fenfe, your difcernment, and your fpirit; fhow yourselves fuperior to the fhallow arts and miferable deceptions of this vile junto.

What was the City of Weftminfter before you chofe Mr. Fox? A mere Court Borough! Defert him, and you fink into the fame fervility and contempt again! Stick by him, and you ftill preferve that independence which you have redeemed through his former ftruggles against the fame confederacy! Support him, and you support yourfelves! for believe me, your caufe is one and the fame.



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At a meeting of the General Committee for conducting the Election of Lord Hood and Sir Cecil Wray.

Refolved unanimously,

"That as not one man of us were in the Houfe of Commons at the time Sir Cecil "Wray pronounced his elegant harrangue upon the fubject of Chelsea Hofpital, we are "the best judges of its meaning and import.



"That whofoever fhall deny our right to explain words that we never heard, is

a malignant perfon, and is guilty of falehood and dishonour.

JC, Chairman.

Queries to Sir Cecil Wray.

1. Did or did you not propofe a tax upon Maid Servants?

2. Could this tax be attended with any other effect, than that of oppreffing that fex, whom every man is, by nature and humanity, bound to protect---On the contrary, was it not calculated to increase proftitution, by deftroying the means of female fubfiftence?

3. Did you or did you not declare it as your wifh, in the Houfe of Coinmons, that Chelsea Hofpital fhould be demolished?

4. Are you fo ignorant as not to know that Chelfea Hofpital was founded as an affylum for those brave fellows who have grown grey, or have been disabled in the fervice of their country, and as the incitement to military emulation?

5. Are you fo little of a politician as not to know, that the nation, by this act of inhuman economy, would lofe more by the deftruction of fo noble a fpur to brave actions, than it could poffibly gain by the wretched favings of fuch defpicable partimony?

6. Is this fyftem of military oppreffion to receive a final accomplishment, by your gallant colleague's propofing the fame plan, with refpect to the difabled feamen of Greenwich Hofpital, that you have had the honour of fuggefting concerning your fellow-foldiers of Chelsea ?

7. Was not Mr. Fox the first perfon that brought you into notice as a public man? And was it not to his interpofition that you were originally indebted for any connection with the City of Westminster?

8. Did you not bafely defert him on the first public occafion, and are you not, at this moment, endeavouring to requite him for the generofity of your election, by attempting to deprive him of his?

9. Was not your pretence for this ingratitude, that he had formed a junction with a party, with the major and more obnoxious part of whom you are at this time actually connected, in a league against the independence of the House of Commons, and the natural rights of the people?

10. Can you, under this complication of disgraceful circumftances, expect, that either good women, brave men, or virtuous ftatefmen, can efteem you in private, or support you in public?


The free and independent Electors of Westminster, in the intereft of Mr. Fox, are apprized, that their adverfaries, in order that the inferiority of their numbers may not be vifible at the beginning of the poll, have had recourfe to the pitiful ftratagem of affuming the fame cockades as have been always worn by the friends of Mr. Fox and the Cause.

Another Chapter from the loft Book of Chronicles, which was found by Nehemiah, the fon of Hachaliah, under the broken Walls of Jerufalem, after the Captivity.


1. There are men of Belial about the King. John, Sweet in the mouth, but bitter in the Hibernian volunteers ftand to their arms. young man, and Judas the falfe-hearted.

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2. 3. A roll is brought forward, like the roll of belly. The prefent John is an apoftate. 4. The Honeft Mordecai wrestles with Haman the vain 10. Much is to be found in a future book.

1. And lo! it came to pass, that the men of Belial, who are about the Throne of our Lord the King, led on by Haman the vain young man, fent out an edit, unto the land of Hibernia, threatening the cunning men, who know how to work cunningly with types, and with ink, and with paper, to make impreffions thereon; with heavy pains and penalties.

-2. And

2. And now it fo happened, that one of the fcribes named Fofter, a Pharifee by fect, but a Saducee by nature, brought forward a parchment roll, into the Houfe of the Elders, there; for five thoufand, five hundred, fifty and five hekels, did he bring forward the fame, faying, "We mean hereby to preferve for ye, your ancient liberties; to fecure "to ye, the freedom of your letter-prefs."

3. How beit, nevertheless, the roll fo brought forward, like the roll of John, was fweet in the mouth but bitter in the belly; always remembering, that the prefent John is John the apoflate.

4. Furthermore the volunteers, comprehending not only thofe of Dublin, but all the ftout hearted young men of Hibernia, arofe, and turned out like one man; they flood to their arms, and lifted up their voices, faying, nay, nay, why feek ye to load our letter-prefs with weights, and to bind our wife men, and their works with fhackles of iron?

5. Wot we not, that the antient cuftoms and ftatutes of our forefathers, made in their days, and in the old time before them, alter not; but are ftrong enough already to punish evil doers, those who fhall indite bad matters, and publish through the land untruths, concerning our Lord the King and his fervants.

6. Wherefore then, bring ye forward this roll, but to beguile and destroy us, and in like manner, afterwards, to beguile and deftroy our brethren in the neighbouring ifland : Wherefore do ye this, but to cover the land with darknefs, with more than Egyptian darkness, infomuch that your evil deeds may not be feen or talked of?

7. But verily, verily, we fay unto yon, that as our brethren in America would not crouch like affes of Iffachar, under their burthens, and the oppreffive yokes of the task master, neither will we; we will gird up our loins, we will make use of the arm of flesh, we will call for the fword of the Lord, and of Gideon, and will drive ye hence, even unto the uttermost parts of the earth; and, if needful, we will feal the covenant of Freedom with our blood.

8. And the volunteers of Hibernia, fpoke further, and cried out, Behold! alfo; is not boneft Mordecai, at this inftant, wrestling with Haman the vain young man, and with Judas Ifcariot, the falfe-hearted, who betrayed his friend, for the favour of the men of Westminster, and finally in favour of us all?

9. And the young men of Hibernia went forth with great fhouts, and the found of their trumpets, the beating of their drums, and the neighing of their steeds, were heard afar off.

10. But as to the reft of the acts of the Volunteers of Hibernia, their wars, their. traffic, and their improvements in the fine arts, and in the works of the cunning workmen,---Lo! are they not to be found in --a future book?

N. B. The first and fecond Chapters were published at the commencement of the American war.


March 31, 1784.] The enemies of Mr. Fox, the miferable tools of the Court Junto, finding it impoffible to gain over free Electors, by fair means, have recourse to stratagem and falfehood.

The Committee for conducting his Election have received the fulleft information that the friends of Sir Cecil Wray, in the courfe of the canvafs of yefterday, and, this day, told many Electors that Mr. Fox had joined that unpopular Candidate, and ac cordingly requested their votes for Fox and Wray.



The Committee take the earliest opportunity of cautioning the independent Electors against this pitiful device, and affure them that the whole is neither more nor less than a direct lic.

By order of the Committee,

J. R. COCKER, Secretary.

At Covent FREE

By Command of their Majefties.

Garden, this day will be presented, (not acted these three years)

Old Obftinate, by Mr. King.

Admiral Broadfide, (firft Court Candidate) Lord Hood.
Judas, (fecond Court Candidate) Sir Cecil Wray.

Champion of Liberty, Mr. Fox.

Champion of Prerogative, Mr. Wilkes.

The parts of Voters for the firft Candidate will be performed by a felect Company from the Land and Sea Forces.

Voters for the fecond Court Candidate, by the Tallow-chandlers, Bug-destroyers, Mesfengers, Scullions, and other refpectable Officers of his Majefty's Houfehold, being their first appearance in these characters.

Genius of Beauty, Duchefs of Devonshire.

Female Patriots, Duchefs of Portland, Lady Duncannon, Hon. Mrs. Bouverie, and



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Principal Masques, Lord Chancellor, Lord Bute, Charles Jenkinson, Mr. Pitt, and SOMEBODY behind the Curtain.

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By Mr. King and Mr. Wilkes.

No money to be returned after the oaths have been taken.

By their Majefties command, no perfons can be admitted behind the fcenes.. To prevent difficulties in fetting down and taking up, proper officers are employed to knock down every friend of the Champion of the People.


Of the Chronicles of the Kings of Gotham.

1. Now it came to pafs, that when Solomon (nicknamed) the Wife, had reigned over the Gothamites twenty and four years, that there arofe a man named Carlo Khan.

2. The fame was a powerful man, and a great fpeaker, and he waxed exceedingly ftrong, and on account of his great witdom, the King made him one of the Chief Rulers, for he had been one of the Elders of the people even from his youth.

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