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[The following Paper was, by accident, omitted in our Volume for 1806. Its proper place, in that volume, would have been immediately preceding The Swedish Declaration, in p. 686.]

The King of Prussia's Proclamation, respecting the occupation, by his Troops, of the Electorate of Ha



E, Frederic William, by the Grace of God, king of Prussia, &c. &c. hereby make known, &c. After the events which have terminated in peace between Austria and France, all our endeavours have been directed to ward off from these districts the flames of war, and its disastrous consequences, which momentarily threatened the north of Germany, and particularly the countries of the electorate of Brunswick. With this view, and as the only possible ⚫ means to attain it, a convention has been made and concluded between us and the emperor of the French, in pursuance of which, the states of his Britannic Majesty in Germany will not be again occupied by French or other troops combined with them; and, till the conclusion of a general peace, will be wholly occupied and governed by us: in pursuance of which, we have caused the Brunswick electoral countries, to be occupied by the corps under the command of our general of cavalry, Count Von Der Schulenburg Kennert, to whom, in our name, and till the peace, we VOL. XLIX.

entrust the administration of the said countries in such manner that, through him, and the commission of government which he may think proper to appoint, all affairs relating to the government of the country may be transacted, and the necessary orders thereto communicated to the interior of magistracy and magistrates.

"We therefore charge, as well those, as the prelates, nobles, citizens, and all subjects and inhabitants of the said country, without exception, to conform themselves duly to these dispositions made for their welfare; and also to the commands of our before-mentioned commissaries of administration, and the commission by them to be appointed, as well with regard to civil as military affairs; not only not throwing any impediment in the way of our troops which are to march in, but to assist and afford them all the information in their power; and in the high or more general affairs of the country, and also in propositions and petitions thereto relating, alone and only to address themselves to the beforementioned commissaries of administration, as standing highest under our immediate orders.

"As by this measure we have in view the repose and tranquillity of U u


the North of Germany and of the Brunswick states, so we have resolved to pay out of our treasury for the necessaries for our troops, according to the peace establishment, and leaving the extraordinary expences of a state of war to be defrayed by the country; while we, on another hand, shall take care in general, that its revenues, during our administration, after deducting the expences of government, shall only be appropriated to its advantage.

"We further promise, that our troops shall observe the strictest discipline; that attention shall be given to all just complaints; and in general, that every quiet and peaceable inhabitant shall be maintained in his property and rights, and, in case of need, be vigorously protected; but that, on the contrary, those who may refuse to conform themselves to the dispositions concluded on, and the measures which have been taken, or who may dare to counteract them in anywise, will have to reproach themselves for the rigid and disagreeable consequences which will unavoidably result

to them.

“Given under the signature of our own hand, at Berlin, the 27th of January, 1806.


Revolution in St. Demingo. Narrative of the Haytian Campaign against Tyranny, from the 13th to the 16th of October, 1806.

"A horrible crime was about to be committed in the department of the south; thousands of victims were on the point of being sacrificed to the suspicion, or the ferocity rather, of Dessalines. General Moreau, and the

inspector Etienne Mentor, were the ministers charged with the execution of these sanguinary orders in the quarters of Des Cayes. They were already employed in taking measures for executing them, when, being de tected in their abominable projects, they were both arrested by order of the brave Ouagnac. The inhabitants of the town of Des Cayes, finding support in this amiable chief and his troops, rose en masse, and swore to die with arms in their hands.

"Colonel Francis Yeune, informed of the movements which took place in the town of Des Cayes, appeared in the midst of his fellow-citizens, confirmed them in these noble resolutions, and departed to propose in his division those sublime principles which were to ensure the triumph of inno


To arrive, address his companions in arms, and to dispose them to adopt his sentiments, were for him only the work of a moment.

The minister of war, apprised by the colonel of the disposition of the inhabitants and troops, although ill, quitted his bed to put himself at the head of this holy insurrection. His whole suite followed him, and his zeal was well rewarded by the gratitude of his fellow-citizens. Soon after generals Ferou and Vaval followed his generous example. Colonel Brune also conducted himself perfectly in

this crisis.

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of general Petion, with whose sentiments he was previously acquainted. Colonel Lamane, and all the troops of his division, were also of the same inclination. General Ambroise, though much indisposed, and scarcely able to stand, repaired, potwithstanding, to Leogane, on the first intelligence of these movements, in order to be able to confer with general Petion on the part he was to take. They scarcely met, when they fully agreed.

"On the 15th, at noon, general Petion arrived at Little Goave, where he was received by the army with the enthusiasm he merited. The two divisions having joined, marched direct for great Goave, where general Germain waited for his brigade. Having been surrounded, he affected to decide in our favour; but it was soon perceived that he only wished to gain time.

"The same day we proceeded to Leogane; and the next morning, with the 11th, 12th, 15th, 16th, 21st, and 24th demi-brigades, and three squadrons of dragoons, we were in possession, at four o'clock, of Port-auPrince.

"The conduct of general Germain becoming more suspicious, and fears being entertained that he would escape by night, he was arrested.

"At ten at night we were apprised by a traveller of the approach of a battalion of the 3d, from Archhaye, and forming the advanced guard of Dessalines. Every thing was prepared for their reception. They arrived, and surrendered without the least resistance, in consequence of the vigorous measures adopted by general Gayon.

"A deputation from the soldiers and planters of the plain of Cul de Sac, came at midnight to declare to

general Petion, in the name of their constituents, that the deaths of Dessalines and Germain were necessary for the preservation of liberty; that the soldiers were resolved to do their duty; that the planters would take care of the plain, and that they would besides engage to keep the tyrant ignorant of the measures which it was necessary to adopt against him. They kept their words; Dessalines crossed the plain, without receiving information from any one of the disposition of the army. This event confirms the observation, that tyrants have numbers of flatterers, but no friends.

"Dessalines, who was ignorant of this, and who had not the least suspicion of our arrival at Port-auPrince, pursued his journey with the most perfect security. At eight in the morning he had reached our advanced posts without perceiving it, and it was only when they proceeded to arrest him, that be perceived he was not in the midst of his friends. He then endeavoured to escape, and in the attempt received the blow which put an end to his life and his crimes. Colonel Maardie, who wished to defend him, also fell on this occasion, but with general regret. On the part of the enemy there were also a few persons wounded; our loss was one man killed.

"Such were the operations of the army. Four days were sufficient to crown it with perfect success.

"This great event, which will contribute an æra in human revolutions, will proclaim to the astonished world the energy of an oppressed people, and attract to us the admiration and esteem of all nations.

"On the 18th, at nine in the morning, Te Deum will be sung in celebration of this memorable day, which

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has been the fall of tyranny and the. resuscitation of liberty. (Signed) GERIN, minister of war and marine.

PETION, general commandant of the second division of the west. GAYON, VAVAL, generals of brigade. BRUNET, intendant general and head of the staff. Head-quarters,, Port-au-Prince, 17th October, 1806."

Address of the Government of Hayti to the Commerce of Neutral Nations.

"The inhabitants of Hayti had scarce delivered themselves from the French yoke, than they had another hydra to destroy, which they had nourished in their own bosom. Their whole attention is now turned to the cultivation of that valuable produce which the mercantile part of Europe obtains at a great expence from the most distant countries. Our persevering industry has procured us a most abundant recompence for our laborious exertions. The riches of our soil offer a most pleasing prospect to your speculations. Our warehouses, filled with all the productions of the Antilles, only wait the arrival of your mercantile fleets, to make an exchange for the manufactures of which we stand in need, of those which you require. If a system, unfavourable to the progress of commerce, has hitherto interposed to prevent its success among us, that disastrous influence will shortly cease. The imposture is dissipated, the phantom has disappeared, and all the illusions that hovered round it are dispersed. So far is our government, in its present regenerated state, from opposing

the freedom of commerce in our ports, that it offers facilities to you which cannot be granted by any other government. It is of no consequence under what colours you may appear: the protection of your property, the security of your persons, and a rigid maintenance of the laws, in every thing that relates to you, are guaranteed to you on the faith of government. Solid regulations, and dictated by wisdom-duties arranged in proportion to the difficulties that you may experience in gaining our ports, are equitably collected; great dispatch in expediting your vessels; with mea of integrity in the direction of the public offices-such are the changes on which you may have a perfect reliance. The government is firmly persuaded, that where a reciprocal advantage does not prevail, there can be no commerce. It has already directed the suppression of exclusive consignments; of the tax on the price of articles; of the privileges granted for the sale of coffee, as well as the obligation to take cargoes of sugar, &c. Every one will be at liberty to sell and to buy on the conditions that he shall judge most for his advantage. Those regulations, produced by ignorance, will no longer offer impediments to your speculations; your confidence will be no longer forced in favour of individuals who were equally strangers to you, and to the welfare of their country. Your friends, your own particular factors, shall have the possession of your property; and the government engages to grant them all the protection which they can desire. The sanguinary horrors which have too notoriously marked the commencement of a cruel reign, will no more renew the sad spectacle of scenes that are past. Come with perfect confidence to traffic in our ports:

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come and exchange the fruits of your industry for our riches; and be persuaded that you will never have cause to repent of a reliance on our promises.

"At the same time, while the government is exerting all its efforts to procure you the advantages of a brilliant commerce, it requires of your agents the same loyalty and good faith, which it will exercise towards you. It also expresses its hope, that the base conduct of the privateers of Louisiana will not be imitated, and that it will have no cause to regret that its too great confidence has been abused.

these favourable dispositions, which your connections with us will confirm more and more. Whatever may be the number of your vessels, whatever may be the extent of your speculations for our ports, entertain not the least apprehension that you will not acquire a certain profit. An abundant harvest, commodities already prepared wait your coming, and the certainty of an immediate sale of your cargo is assured you.

"Given at the Cape, Oct. 24, 1806, in the third year of the independence of Hayti.

"The chief of the government of


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"HENRY CHRISTOPHE. By his excellency the secretary

"The ports are the Cape, Fort Dauphin, Port-de-Paix, the Gonaives, Saint Mark, Port-au-Prince, of the government, the Cayes, Jeremie, and Jacmel, where you may send your cargoes with the certainty of an advantage

ous return.

"The well-known exactness with which the government of Hayti acquits its engagements is a solemn pledge for the execution of the treaties it may enter into with you. Notwithstanding the misfortunes which preceded our independence, and the disastrous wars which it naturally produced, the means of government have never failed of keeping pace with its wants. Such is the astonishing extent of our immense resources, that even the vices of the preceding administration did not prevent the liquidation of all its contracts. Judge then what will now be our prospects as well as yours, when a wise economy shall take the place of prodigality, and an equitable collection of the revenues will determine the rights of government as well as those of individuals. Haste then to come and avail yourselves of

"RONANEZ, the younger."

Revolution in St. Domingo. Ad

dress of the Army of Hayti to the General in Chief, Henry Christophe.

"Tyranny has been destroyed along with the tyrant! Liberty revives! Since the 17th we have been free striking example of revolutions effected by Machiavelism, and which proves that a people long in bondage, if once made acquainted with their own strength, though they may suffer themselves to be abused for a time, by those they believed capable of putting them in the enjoyment of their efforts, yet it will never be possible to shut their eyes against their true interests; the incessant agitations which have succeeded each other have sufficiently proved this, and that the object proposed had not yet been obtained— U u 2


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