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SIR, I heartily wish that this play were as perfect as I intended it, that it might be more worthy your acceptance; and that my dedication of it to you might be more becoming that honour and esteem which I, with everybody who is so fortunate as to know you, have for you. It had your countenance when yet unknown; and now it is made public, it wants your protection.

I would not have anybody imagine that I think this play without its faults, for I am conscious of several. I confess I designed (whatever vanity or ambition occasioned that design) to have written a true and regular comedy: but I found it an undertaking which put me in mind of-Sudet multum, frustraque laboret ausus idem. And now, to make amends for the vanity of such a design, I do confess both the attempt, and the imperfect performance. Yet I must take the boldness to say, I have not miscarried in the whole; for the mechanical part of it is regular. That I may say with as little vanity, as a builder may say he has built a house according to the model laid down before him; or a gardener that he has set his flowers in a knot of such or such a figure. I designed the moral first, and to that moral I invented the fable, and do not know that I have borrowed one hint of it anywhere. I made the plot as strong as I could, because it was single; and I made it single, because I would avoid confusion, and was resolved to preserve the three unities of the drama. Sir, this discourse is very impertinent to you, whose judgment much better can discern the faults, than I can excuse them; and whose good-nature, like that of a lover, will find out those hidden beauties (if there are any such) which it would be great immodesty for me to discover. I think I do not speak improperly when I call you a lover of poetry; for it is very well known she has been a very kind mistress to you: she has not denied you the last favour; and she has been fruitful to you in a most beautiful issue.-If I break off abruptly here, I hope everybody will understand that it is to avoid a commendation, which, as it is your due, would be most easy for me to pay, and too troublesome for you to receive.

I have, since the acting of this play, hearkened after the objections which have been made to it; for I was conscious where a true critic might have put me upon my defence. I was prepared for the attack; and am pretty confident I could have vindicated some parts, and excused others; and where there were any plain miscarriages, I would most ingenuously have confessed them. But I have not heard anything said sufficient to provoke an answer. That which looks most like an objection, does not relate in particular to this play, but to all or most that ever have been written; and that is, soliloquy. Therefore I will answer it, not only for my own sake, but to save others the trouble, to whom it may hereafter be objected,

I grant, that for a man to talk to himself appears absurd and unnatural; and indeed it is so in most cases; but the circumstances which may attend the occasion make great alteration. It oftentimes happens to a man to have designs which require him to himself, and in their nature cannot admit of a confidant. Such, for certain, is all villany; and other less mischievous intentions may be very improper to be communicated to a second person. In such a case, therefore, the audience must observe, whether the person upon the stage takes any notice of them at all, or no. For if he supposes any one to be by when he talks to himself, it is monstrous and ridiculous to the last degree. Nay, not only in this case, but in any part of a play, if there is expressed any knowledge of an audience, it is insufferable. But otherwise, when a man in soliloquy reasons with himself, and pro's and con's, and weighs all his designs, we ought not to imagine that this man either talks to us, or to himself; he is only thinking, and thinking such matter as were inexcusable folly in him to speak. But because we are concealed spectators of the plot în agitation, and the poet finds it necessary to let us know the whole mystery of his contrivance, he is willing to inform us of this person's thoughts; and to that end is forced to make use of the expedient of speech, no other better way being yet invented for the communication of thought.

Another very wrong objection has been made by some, who have not taken leisure to distinguish the characters. The hero of the play, as they are pleased to call him, (meaning Mellefont,) is a gull, and made a fool, and cheated, Is every man a gull and a fool that is deceived? At that rate I am afraid the two classes of men will be reduced to one, and the knaves themselves be at a loss to justify their title: but if an open-hearted honest man, who has an entire confidence in one whom he takes to be his friend, and whom he has obliged to be so; and who (to confirm him in his opinion) in all appearance, and upon several trials has been so; if this man be deceived by the treachery of the other, must he of necessity commence fool immediately, only because the other has proved a villain? Ay, but there was caution given to Mellefont in the first Act by his friend Careless. Of what nature was that caution? Only to give the

audience some light into the character of Maskwell, before his appearance; and not to convince Mellefont of his treachery; for that was more than Careless was then able to do; he never knew Maskwell guilty of any villany; he was only a sort of man which he did not like. As for his suspecting his familiarity with my Lady Touchwood; let them examine the answer that Mellefont makes him, and compare it with the conduct of Maskwell's character through the play.

I would beg them again to look into the character of Maskwell, before they accuse Mellefont of weakness for being deceived by him. For upon summing up the inquiry into this objection, it may be found they have mistaken cunning in one character, for folly in another.

But there is one thing at which I am more concerned than all the false criticisms that are made upon me; and that is, some of the ladies are offended. I am heartily sorry for it, for I declare 1 would rather disoblige all the critics in the world, than one of the fair sex. They are concerned that I have represented some women vicious and affected: how can I help it? It is the business of a comic poet to paint the vices and follies of humankind; and there are but two sexes, male and female, men and women, which have a title to humanity: and if I leave one half of them out, the work will be imperfect. I should be very glad of an opportunity to make my compliment to those ladies who are offended; but they can no more expect it in a comedy, than to be tickled by a surgeon when he is letting them blood. They who are virtuous or discreet should not be offended; for such characters as these distinguish them, and make their beauties more shining and observed: and they who are of the other kind, may nevertheless pass for such, by seeming not to be displeased, or touched with the satire of this comedy. Thus have they also wrongfully accused me of doing them a prejudice, when I have in reality done them a service.

You will pardon me, Sir, for the freedom I take of making answers to other people, in an epistle which ought wholly to be sacred to you: but since I intend the play to be so too, I hope I may take the more liberty of justifying it, where it is in the right.

I must now, Sir, declare to the world how kind you have been to my endeavours; for in regard of what was well meant, you have excused what was ill performed. I beg you would continue the same method in your acceptance of this dedication. I know no other way of making a return to that humanity you showed, in protecting an infant, but by enrolling it in your service, now that it is of age and come into the world. Therefore be pleased to accept of this as an acknowledgment of the favour you have shown me, and an earnest of the real service and gratitude of, Sir, your most obliged, humble servant, WILLIAM CONGREVE.

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MOORS have this way (as story tells) to know
Whether their brats are truly got or no ;
Into the sea the new-born babe is thrown,
There, as instinct directs, to swim or drown.
A barbarous device to try if spouse
Has kept religiously her nuptial vows.

Such are the trials poets make of plays:
Only they trust to more inconstant seas;
So does our author this his child commit
To the tempestuous mercy of the pit,
To know if it be truly born of wit.

Critics, avaunt! for you are fish of prey,
And feed, like sharks, upon an infant play.
Be every monster of the deep away;
Let's a fair trial have, and a clear sea.

Let Nature work, and do not damn too soon,
For life will struggle long ere it sink down;
And will at least rise thrice before it drown.

Let us consider, had it been our fate,
Thus hardly to be proved legitimate!
I will not say, we'd all in danger been,
Were each to suffer for his mother's sin;
But, by my troth, I cannot avoid thinking
How nearly some good men might have 'scaped

But Heaven be praised this custom is confined
Alone to the offspring of the Muses' kind:
Our christian cuckolds are more bent to pity;
I know not one Moor husband in the city.

I' th' good man's arms the chopping bastard thrives;
For he thinks all his own that is his wife's.
Whatever fate is for this play design'd,
The poet's sure he shall some comfort find:
For if his muse has play'd him false, the worst
That can befal him, is to be divorced;
You husbands judge, if that be to be cursed.


SCENE I.-A Gallery in Lord TOUCHWOOD'S House, with Chambers adjoining.

Enter CARELESS, crossing the stage, with his hat, gloves, and sword, in his hands; as just risen from table; MELLEFONT following him.

Mel. Ned, Ned, whither so fast? what, turned flincher? why, you won't leave us?

Care. Where are the women? I'm weary of guzzling, and begin to think them the better company.

Mel. Then thy reason staggers, and thou'rt almost drunk.

Care. No, faith, but your fools grow noisy; and if a man must endure the noise of words without sense, I think the women have more musical voices, and become nonsense better.

Mel. Why, they are at the end of the gallery, retired to their tea and scandal, according to their ancient custom, after dinner; but I made a pretence to follow you, because I had something to say to you in private, and I am not like to have many opportunities this evening.

Care. And here's this coxcomb most critically come to interrupt you.



Brisk. Boys, boys, lads, where are you? What, do you give ground! mortgage for a bottle, ha? Careless, this is your trick; you're always spoiling company by leaving it.

Care. And thou art always spoiling company by coming into't.

Brisk. Pooh! ha! ha! ha! I know you envy me: spite, proud spite, by the gods! and burning envy.-I'll be judged by Mellefont here, who gives and takes raillery better, you or I. Pshaw, man! when I say you spoil company by leaving it, I mean you leave nobody for the company to laugh at. I think there was with you, ha?


Mel. O' my word, Brisk, that was a homethrust you have silenced him.

Brisk. Oh, my dear Mellefont, let me perish, if thou art not the soul of conversation, the very essence of wit, and spirit of wine!-The deuse take me, if there were three good things said, or one understood, since thy amputation from the body of our society.-He! I think that's pretty and metaphorical enough: egad I could not have said it out of thy company :-Careless, ha?

Care. Hum, ay, what is't?

Brisk. O, mon cœur! what is't? Nay gad I'll punish you for want of apprehension: the deuse take me if I tell you.

Mel. No, no, hang him, he has no taste.-But, dear Brisk, excuse me, I have a little business.

Care. Prithee get thee gone; thou seest we are serious.

Mel. We'll come immediately, if you'll but go in, and keep up good-humour and sense in the company: prithee do, they'll fall asleep else.

Brisk. Egad, so they will!-Well I will, I will, gad, you shall command me from the zenith to the nadir. But the deuse take me if I say a good thing till you come. But prithee, dear rogue, make haste, prithee make haste, I shall burst else.-And yonder's your uncle, my lord Touchwood, swears he'll disinherit you, and sir Paul Plyant threatens to disclaim you for a son-in-law, and my lord Froth won't dance at your wedding to-morrow; nor, the deuse take me, I won't write your epithalamium-and see what a condition you're like to be brought to.

Mel. Well, I'll speak but three words, and follow you.

Brisk. Enough, enough.-Careless, bring your apprehension along with you.



Care. Pert coxcomb!

Mel. Faith, 'tis a good-natured coxcomb, and has very entertaining follies: you must be more humane to him; at this juncture, it will do me service. I'll tell you, I would have mirth continued this day at any rate; though patience purchase folly, and attention be paid with noise: there are times when sense may be unseasonable, as well as truth. Prithee, do thou wear none to-day; but allow Brisk to have wit, that thou mayst seem a fool.

Care. Why, how now! why this extravagant proposition?

Mel. O, I would have no room for serious design, for I am jealous of a plot. I would have noise and impertinence keep my lady Touchwood's head from working; for hell is not more busy than her brain, nor contains more devils than that imaginations.

Care. I thought your fear of her had been over. Is not to-morrow appointed for your marriage with Cynthia; and her father, sir Paul Plyant, come to settle the writings this day, on purpose?

Mel. True; but you shall judge whether I have not reason to be alarmed. None besides you and Maskwell are acquainted with the secret of my aunt Touchwood's violent passion for me. Since my first refusal of her addresses, she has endeavoured to do me all ill offices with my uncle; yet has managed 'em with that subtlety, that to him they have borne the face of kindness; while her malice, like a dark lantern, only shone upon me where it was directed. Still it gave me less perplexity to prevent the success of her displeasure, than to avoid the importunities of her love; and of two evils, I thought myself favoured in her aver sion but whether urged by her despair, and the short prospect of the time she saw to accomplish her designs; whether the hopes of revenge, or of her love, terminated in the view of this my marriage with Cynthia, I know not; but this morning she surprised me in my bed.

Care. Was there ever such a fury! 'tis well


Nature has not put it into her sex's power to ravish.
-Well, bless us! proceed. What followed?

Mel. What at first amazed me: for I looked to have seen her in all the transports of a slighted and revengeful woman: but when I expected thunder from her voice, and lightning in her eyes; I saw her melted into tears and hushed into a sigh. It was long before either of us spoke; passion had tied her tongue, and amazement mine.-In short, the consequence was thus, she omitted nothing that the most violent love could urge, or tender words express; which when she saw had no effect, but still I pleaded honour and nearness of blood to my uncle, then came the storm I feared at first: for starting from my bed-side like a fury, she flew to my sword, and with much ado I prevented her doing me or herself a mischief. Having disarmed her, in a gust of passion she left me, and in a resolution, confirmed by a thousand curses, not to close her eyes till they had seen my ruin.

Care. Exquisite woman! but what the devil, does she think thou hast no more sense, than to get an heir upon her body to disinherit thyself? for, as I take it, this settlement upon you is with a proviso, that your uncle have no children.

Mel. It is so. Well, the service you are to do me, will be a pleasure to yourself; I must get you to engage my lady Plyant all this evening, that my pious aunt may not work her to her interest. And if you chance to secure her to yourself, you may incline her to mine. She's handsome, and knows it; is very silly, and thinks she has sense, and has an old fond husband.

Care. I confess, a very fair foundation for a lover to build upon.

Mel. For my lord Froth, he and his wife will be sufficiently taken up with admiring one another, and Brisk's gallantry, as they call it. I'll observe my uncle myself: and Jack Maskwell has promised me to watch my aunt narrowly, and give me notice upon any suspicion. As for sir Paul, my wife's father-in-law that is to be, my dear Cynthia has such a share in his fatherly fondness, he would scarce make her a moment uneasy, to have her happy hereafter.

Care. So, you have manned your works: but I wish you may not have the weakest guard where the enemy is strongest.

Mel. Maskwell you mean; prithee, why should you suspect him?

Care. Faith, I cannot help it, you know I never liked him; I am a little superstitious in physiog


Mel. He has obligations of gratitude to bind him to me; his dependence upon my uncle is through my means.

Care. Upon your aunt you mean.

Mel. My aunt?

Care. I'm mistaken if there be not a familiarity between them you do not suspect, notwithstanding her passion for you.

Mel. Pooh, pooh, nothing in the world but his design to do me service; and he endeavours to be well in her esteem, that he may be able to effect it.

Care. Well, I shall be glad to be mistaken; but your aunt's aversion in her revenge cannot be any way so effectually shown as in bringing forth a child to disinherit you. She is handsome and cunning, and naturally wanton: Maskwell is flesh and blood at best, and opportunities between them

ACT 1.

are frequent. His affection to you, you have confessed, is grounded upon his interest; that you lady, I don't see what you can expect from the have transplanted; and should it take root in my fruit.

your suspicions just.-But see, the company is Mel. I confess the consequence is visible, were broke up, let's meet 'em.



Lord Touch. Out upon't, nephew!-leave your father-in-law and me to maintain our ground against young people!

Mel. I beg your lordship's pardon; we were just


Sir Paul. Were you, son? gadsbud, much better as it is.-Good, strange! I swear I'm almost tipsy-t'other bottle would have been too powereful for me, as sure as can be it would.-We wanted your company; but Mr. Brisk-where is he? I swear and vow he's a most facetious person,-and the best company.-And, my lord Froth, your lordship is so merry a man, he! he! he!

Lord Froth. O foy, sir Paul! what do you mean? Merry! O barbarous! I'd as lieve you call'd me fool.

Sir Paul. Nay, I protest and vow now, true; when Mr. Brisk jokes, your lordship's laugh 'tis does so become you, he! he! he!

Lord Froth. Ridiculous! sir Paul, you're strangely mistaken, I find champagne is powerful. I assure you, sir Paul, I laugh at nobody's jest but my own or a lady's; I assure you, sir Paul.

Brisk. How? how, my lord? what, affront my wit! let me perish, do I never say anything worthy to be laughed at?

Lord Froth. O foy! don't misapprehend me, I don't say so, for I often smile at your conceptions. quality than to laugh; 'tis such a vulgar expression But there is nothing more unbecoming a man of of the passion! everybody can laugh. Then, especially to laugh at the jest of an inferior person, or when anybody else of the same quality does not laugh with one; ridiculous! To be pleased with always laugh alone. what pleases the crowd! Now when I laugh, I

Brisk. I suppose, that's because you laugh at your own jests, egad, ha! ha! ha!

Lord Froth. He! he! I swear, though, your raillery provokes me to a smile.

Brisk. Ay, my lord, 'tis a sign I hit you in the teeth if you show 'em.

Lord Froth. He! he! he! I swear that's so very pretty, I can't forbear.

lordship's face than a jest.
Care. I find a quibble bears more sway in your

Lord Touch. Sir Paul, if you please we'll retire to the ladies, and drink a dish of tea, to settle our heads.

Sir Paul. With all my heart.-Mr. Brisk, you'll ready to laugh incontinently. come to us, or call me when you joke; I'll be

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Mel. You are cruel to yourself, my lord, as well as malicious to them.

Lord Froth. I confess I did myself some violence at first; but now I think I have conquered it.

Brisk. Let me perish, my lord, but there is something very particular in the humour! 'Tis true, it makes against wit, and I'm sorry for some friends of mine that write, but, egad, I love to be malicious. Nay, deuse take me, there's wit in't too: and wit must be foiled by wit; cut a diamond with a diamond; no other way, egad!

Lord Froth. Oh, I thought you would not be long before you found out the wit.

Care. Wit! in what? where the devil's the wit in not laughing when a man has a mind to't? Brisk. O Lord, why, can't you find it out?Why, there 'tis, in the not laughing;-don't you apprehend me?-[Aside to FROTH.] My lord, Careless is a very honest fellow, but harkee,-you understand me, somewhat heavy, a little shallow, or so.-[Aloud.] Why, I'll tell you now. Suppose now you come up to me-nay, prithee, Careless, be instructed suppose, as I was saying, you come up to me holding your sides, and laughing, as if you would-Well-I look grave, and ask the cause of this immoderate mirth-you laugh on still, and are not able to tell me.-Still I look grave, not so much as smile.

Care. Smile! no; what the devil should you smile at, when you suppose I can't tell you?

Brisk. Pshaw! pshaw ! prithee, don't interrupt me. But I tell you, you shall tell me at last but it shall be a great while first.

Care. Well, but prithee don't let it be a great while, because I long to have it over.

Brisk. Well, then, you tell me some good jest, or very witty thing, laughing all the while as if you were ready to die, and I hear it, and look thus.-Would not you be disappointed?

Care. No; for if it were a witty thing, I should not expect you to understand it.

Lord Froth. O foy, Mr. Careless! all the world allows Mr. Brisk to have wit, my wife says he has a great deal. I hope you think her a judge.

Brisk. Pooh, my lord, his voice goes for nothing! I can't tell how to make him apprehend.-[To CARELESS.] Take it t'other way :-suppose I say a witty thing to you?

Care. Then I shall be disappointed indeed. Mel. Let him alone, Brisk, he is obstinately bent not to be instructed.

Brisk. I'm sorry for him, the deuse take me!

Mel. Shall we go to the ladies, my lord? Lord Froth. With all my heart, methinks we are a solitude without 'em.

Mel. Or, what say you to another bottle of champagne ?

Lord Froth. O, for the universe, not a drop more I beseech you!-Oh intemperate! I have a flushing in my face already.

[Takes out a pocket-glass, and looks in it. Brisk. Let me see, let me see, my lord! I broke my glass that was in the lid of my snuff-box. Hum! deuse take me, I have encouraged a pimple here too. [Takes the glass, and looks. Lord Froth. Then you must mortify him with a patch; my wife shall supply you. Come, gentlemen, allons, here is company coming.

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Lady Touch. Have you not wronged my lord, who has been a father to you in your wants, and given you being? Have you not wronged him in the highest manner, in his bed?

Mask. With your ladyship's help, and for your service, as I told you before. I can't deny that neither.-Anything more, madam?

Lady Touch. More! audacious villain! 0, what's more, is most my shame!-Have you not dishonoured me?

Mask. No, that I deny; for I never told in all my life so that accusation's answered; on to the


Lady Touch. Death, do you dally with my passion? Insolent devil! But have a care ;-provoke me not; for, by the eternal fire, you shall not 'scape my vengeance !-Calm villain! How unconcerned he stands, confessing treachery and ingratitude! Is there a vice more black !—O, I have excuses, thousands for my faults! fire in my temper, passions in my soul, apt to every provocation; oppressed at once with love and with despair. But a sedate, a thinking villain, whose black blood runs temperately bad, what excuse can clear?

Mask. Will you be in temper, madam? I would not talk not to be heard. I have been-[She walks about disordered] a very great rogue for your sake, and you reproach me with it; I am ready to be a rogue still to do you service; and you are flinging conscience and honour in my face to rebate my inclinations. How am I to behave myself? You know I am your creature, my life and fortune in your power; to disoblige you brings me certain ruin. Allow it, I would betray you, I would not be a traitor to myself: I don't pretend to honesty, because you know I am a rascal: but I would convince you from the necessity of my being firm to you.


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