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PROMOTIONS AND APPOINTMENTS. Information intended for publication under the above heading should reach us not later than Thursday morning in each week, as publication is otherwise delayed.

Mr. EDWARD WOOD, solicitor, of Rhayader and Llanidloes, has been appointed Clerk to the Lord Lieutenancy, and Clerk of the Peace and County Council of Radnorshire. Mr. Wood, who took honours at his final examination, was admitted in June 1881, and was shortly afterwards appointed Clerk to the Rhayader Justices, Registrar of the Rhayader County Court, and Treasurer of the county of Radnor.

Mr. WILLIAM HENRY CHURTON has been appointed Clerk to the Magistrates of the Chester Castle Petty Sessional Division of the county of Chester.

Mr. BENJAMIN A. SHIRES, solicitor, Leicester, has been appointed Clerk to the Guardians, the Rural Sanitary Authority and Assessment Committee of the Blaby Union, Leicestershire, and Superintendent Registrar for the same district. Mr. Shires was admitted in Michaelmas Term 1871.

Mr. CECIL MERCER has been appointed Official Receiver for the County Courts holden at Northampton, Bedford, Luton, Bury St. Edmunds, Ipswich, Colchester, Reading, Windsor, Newbury, Chelmsford, Hertford, St. Albars, Barnet, Edmonton, and Brentford.

Mr. ALFRED EWEN has been appointed Official Receiver, jointly with Mr. Cecil Mercer, for the County Courts holden at Northampton, Bedford, and Luton.

Mr. FREDERICK MESSENT has been appointed Official Receiver, jointly with Mr. Cecil Mercer, for the County Courts holden at Bury St. Edmunds, Ipswich, and Colchester.

Mr. ALEXANDER MACKINTOSH has been appointed Official Receiver for the County Courts holden at Brighton, Hastings, Lewes, and Eastbourne, Tunbridge Wells, Guildford, and Godalming, Kingston-on-Thames, Croydon, Wandsworth, and Greenwich.

Mr. ARTHUR SAMUEL CULLY has been appointed Official Receiver, jointly with Mr. Alexander Mackintosh, for the County Courts holden at Brighton, Hastings, Lewes, and Eastbourne.

Mr. THOMAS PLATTS, solicitor, 7. Tackett's-street, Blackburn, has been appointed a Commissioner to administer Oaths. Mr. Thomas Platts was admitted in Hilary Term 1884.

Mr. JAMES HINDS, of Stourbridge, has been appointed a Commissioner to administer Oaths. Mr. Hinds was admitted in Feb. 1884.

Mr. GEORGE EUGENE SOLOMON, solicitor, of 28, Holford-square, has been appointed a Commissioner of the Supreme Court of Western Australia for Oaths, Affidavits, &c., and to take the acknowledgments of deeds of married women for the colony of Western Australia.

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NORTHERN (Huddleston, B. and Lawrance, J.).-Saturday, May 3, at Manchester; Saturday, May 10, at Liverpool. Business will commence at each place on the Monday following the Commission day at eleven a.m., unless otherwise ordered. In pursuance of Order XXXVI., r. 22 b, and by leave of the judges appointed to go the above Circuit, causes can now be entered with the Associate, at his office, 1, Chapelstreet, Preston, or at the district registries, during office hours, at any time not later than 4 p.m. of the next day but one before the Commission day. On entering a cause two copies of the pleadings must be lodged, one for the use of the judge, and the other for the Associate. The necessary £2 stamp must in all cases accompany the pleadings. Money will not be received. The nature of the action must be shortly indorsed "slander on the pleadings, e.g., 66 goods sold." The notice of trial must not be indorsed. The trial of special jury causes will commence at Manchester on Wednesday, the 7th May, and at Liverpool on Wednesday, the 14th May, at the sitting of the court, unless otherwise ordered. A list of causes for trial each day (except the first) at Manchester and Liverpool, will be posted in the corridor of the court and in the library. The Associate's fees must be paid in Judicature stamps. To avoid correspondence and delay, solicitors are requested to apply to the Associate (Mr. Arthur Shuttleworth) for their certificates during the assizes, and afterwards at his office in Preston. No certificates will be given out unless the proper £1 stamp is provided. Money will not be received. Where a cause in the list has been settled, immediate notice thereof must be given to the Associate by the party who entered it.



1. If on the presentation to a judge of County Courts of a petition for a reception order, or the transmission to a judge of a notice that a lunatic desires to exercise the right of being taken before or being visited by him, such judge is unable to proceed upon such petition or notice without interfering with or delaying the exercise of his ordinary jurisdiction, it shall be lawful for him by writing under his hand, to certify such inability, together with the grounds upon which the certificate is founded, and thereupon to send the petition or notice, and the documents accompanying the same, together with the certificate, by registered post, to the justices' clerk of the petty sessional division or borough where the lunatic is, to be transmitted by the clerk to some other of the judicial authorities mentioned in sect. 9, sub-sect. 1, of the Lunacy Act 1890; and such other judicial authority shall thereupon proceed in the matter as if the petition had been presented or the notice had been transmitted to him in the first instance.

2. A judge of County Courts signing a certificate under these rules shall also send a copy thereof to the Lord Chancellor.

3. Certificates under these rules shall be according to the form in the schedule.

· The Schedule.-Form of Certificate. Whereas a petition for a reception order under the Lunacy Act 1890, in the matter of 4.B., a person alleged to be of unsound mind, has been presented to me: [or, Whereas a notice of the desire of A.B., a person under care and treatment as a lunatic,

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LONDON-Sanders v. Barker and Son
LONDON-Knight v. Vokins and Co.
SURREY (LAMBETH) Lambeth Water-

works v. Richardson MIDDLESEX (CLERKENWELL) - Harding and Sons v. Sladdin SURREY (LAMBETH)-Saggs v. Garnar MIDDLESEX (BROMPTON)-Pattison v. Price (Price, claimant) MIDDLESEX (BLOOMSBURY) Watts V. Kirk and another LANCASHIRE (WIGAN) Ashley and another v. Winnard METROPOLITAN POLICE DISTRICT-Booth v. Ferrett MIDDLESEX (WESTMINSTER)—White and Co. v. Isaac and Sons and others MIDDLESEX (CLERKENWELL)

Hoare v.

Niblett GLOUCESTERSHIRE (STOW-ON-THE-WOLD) -Appleby and Wife v. Hippisley and others

SURREY (LAMBETH)—Leven and Co. v. Mitchell

WILTS-Re Local Government Act 1888; Ex parte Warminster Local Board LIBERTY OF PETERBOROUGH (NORTHAMPTONSHIRE)- Reg. v. Wilkinson and others

YORKSHIRE (OTLEY)—Wharfedale Union
v. Thompson
ENGLAND-Reg. v. Barnardo
Government Act 1888; Ex parte Stafford
and Derby County Council
STAFFORDSHIRE-Reg. v. Hon. Calthorpe
and another, Justices, &c.
NORTHUMBERLAND - Reg. v. Wallsend'
Slipway, &c. Company Limited
SAME-Reg. v. North-Eastern Marine, &c.
Company Limited
ESSEX (SOUTHEND) Southend Local
Board v. Blackborne and another
STAFFORDSHIRE Reg. V. Justices of
Stafford; Ex parte Russell and others,.
Justices, &c.

MIDDLESEX (WESTMINSTER)-Nicholls v.. Chapman

HAMPSHIRE (BASINGSTOKE)-Oakshott and' another v. Harris



PLYMOUTH-Sutton Harbour, &c. Com pany v. Guardians, &c. of St. Andrew and Charles

LONDON-Jones v. Wyatt
LEEDS-Mellors v. Thornton
MIDDLESEX(Bow)-Lock v. Westwood&Co.


This Department being open to free discussion on all Professional topics, the Editor does not hold himself responsible for any opinions or statements contained in it.

THE PENALTY OF AGE.-I am, or rather was, an unadmitted conveyancing manager of upwards of twenty years' standing, acting without supervision, and possessing a useful knowledge of all the other branches. of practice. Nearly three years ago I lost, through circumstances over which I had no control, a comfortable and remunerative appointment, and although I have expended a considerable sum of money in advertising in the LAW TIMES and elsewhere, and answered every likely advertisement I have seen, I have been, and am, unable to get any employment whatever. Because I am no longer young practitioners assume that I must be "played out," although I possess the highest testimonials of ability and trustworthiness, and am as capable of rendering efficient service as I ever was. The result is that my family and I must either starve or go into the workhouse, whilst inexperienced men, with no special gifts, find no difficulty in obtaining berths, simply because they are comparatively young. My object in addressing you, and through you the Profession, is to plead for a more generous recognition of, and a warmer sympathy on its part for, those who like myself have devoted their lives and energies to its service, in many cases for a comparatively small stipend. Why should it boycott its old servants-at any rate whilst they have any "go" in them? NOT PLAYED ÕUT.

COUNTY COURT FEES AND ANNUAL CERTIFICATE DUTY. - We have read the correspondence hereon contained in your last issue, and agree with Mr. Armitage that the existing scale of court fees presses heavily upon the working classes. We are not, however, disposed to indorse his suggestions concerning the method of supplying the deficiency consequent upon a reduction in the scale. In our opinion solicitors' costs are not at present proportionate to court fees: while these are invariably enforced the former depend, in many instances, on the will of the judges, whose courts are governed, not by uniformity of practice, but by the caprice of men who are a law unto themselves." While one compels the plaintiff personally to prove his debt on the hearing of a default summons upon which the defendant fails to attend in pursuance of his notice, another is inclined to allow a letter as evidence in the absence of any witness: whereas in such a case no proof should be required. The plaintiff is entitled to an order for immediate payment, including solicitor's costs in the event of his attending. Recently in one of our cases the judge refused to allow solicitor's fee for attending court on the hearing, and gave the defendant fourteen days wherein to pay debt and costs on summons. This is by no means an isolated case; indeed, it is a rule of one of the metropolitan courts to allow no solicitor's costs (except those on the summons) in cases under £10 not actually fought out.


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BENSON, SIMEON JOHN, Idle, baker. Ct. Bradford. Pet. April 22. Order, April 22.
BUCKENHAM, EDWARD ALFRED, Diss, merchant's clerk. Ct. Ipswich. Pet. April 21. Order,
April 21.

BROWN, JOHN, Ibstock, grocer. Ct. Leicester. Pet. April 22. Order, April 22.

BEESLEY, JOSEPH, and BEESLEY, WILLIAM, Prescot, painters. Ct. Liverpool. Pet. April 21.
Order, April 21.

-BOLAN, WILLIAM GEORGE, Newcastle-on-Tyne, restaurant manager. Ct. Newcastle-on-Tyne.
Pet. April 22. Order, April 22.
BRIERLEY, JOSEPH, Nottingham, lace manufacturer. Ct. Nottingham. Pet. April 21. Order,
April 21.

COURSE, CHARLES EDWARD, Deddington, baker. Ct. Oxford. Pet. April 22. Order, April 22.

Pet. April 3. Order, April 22.

DAVIES, JOSEPH, late St. Clears, innkeeper. Ct. Neath. Pet. April 21. Order, April 21.
DENT, HENRY, Maisemore, farmer. Ct. Gloucester. Pet. April 21. Order, April 21.
BASTON, THOMAS PEAKE, Croydon, clerk. Ct. Croydon. Pet. March 17. Order, April 22.
FOX, WALTER HENRY, Crediton, saddler. Ct. Exeter. Pet. April 23. Order, April 23.
GAY, WILLIAM HENRY, Newport, painter. Ct. Newport, Mon. Pet. April 22. Order, April 22.
GUYMER, CHARLES, East Tuddenham, farmer. Ct. Norwich. Pet. April 21. Order, April 21.
GLEN, DANIEL, Preston, bicycle agent. Ct. Preston. Pet. April 22. Order, April 22.
GUMBRELL, WILLIAM BARTON, Dartford, journeyman. Ct. Rochester. Pet. April 21. Order,
April 21.

HAW, THOMAS, Bradford, gardener. Ct. Bradford. Pet. April 21. Order, April 21.
HALLETT, FREDERIC FRANCIS, Brighton, farmer. Ct. Brighton. Pet. April 21.

April 21.

HERBERT, JAMES, Brentwood, stonemason. Ct. Chelmsford. Pet. April 22. Order, April 22.
JARVIS, RICHARD, Cambridge, publican. Ct. Cambridge. Pet. April 21. Order, April 21.
JONES, EDWARD WILLIAM CHARLES, Gloucester, upholsterer. Ct. Gloucester. Pet. April 23.
Order, April 23.

KING, HORACE, King's Lynn, watchmaker. Ct. King's Lynn. Pet. April 22. Order, April 22.
LUMSDEN, SINCLAIR CAMPBELL, late Newbury, proprietor of dairy business.
Pet. April 22. Order, April 22.

LALONDE, ALFRED FERDINAND, Weston-super-Mare, late farmer.
April 21. Order, April 21.

MARDON, WILLIAM, Newton Abbot, dairyman. Ct. Exeter. Pet. April 21.
MCALPIN, KENNETH, Pembroke Cock, contractor. Ct. Pembroke Dock.
April 22.

Ct. Reading.


Ct. Bridgwater. Order, April 21. Pet. April 22. Order, PRIOR, ALFRED, Coventry, licensed victualler. Ct. Coventry. Pet. April 21. Order, April 21. PARIS, MARY ANNE, Ringmer, grocer. Ct. Lewes and Eastbourne. Pet. April 21. April 21.


PARKER, J. MELLOR, Liverpool, cotton broker. Ct. Liverpool. Pet. April 11. Order, April 23. PITKIN, FREDERICK THOMAS, Lympne, butcher. Ct. Canterbury. Pet. April 21. Order,

Apríl 21.

STEEL, JOHN, Barrow-in-Furness, joiner. Ct. Ulverston and Barrow-in-Furness. Pet. April 22
Order, April 22.
SLATER, GEORGE, Blackburn, tobacconist. Ct. Blackburn. Pet. April 9. Order, April 22.
THOMPSON, JAMES SAXBY, Chatham, late Weymouth, coal merchant. Ct Rochester.
April 23. Order, April 23.


WYNNE, PETER, Rock Ferry, builder. Ct. Birkenhead. Pet. April 21. Order, April 21.
WHITT, THOMAS LAMBERT, Cardiff, club manager. Ct. Cardiff. Pet. April 19. Order, April 19.

Gazette, April 29.

To surrender at the High Court of Justice, in Bankruptcy.

MOORE, ALBERT, Norroy-rd, Putney, chemist. Pet. April 26. Order, April 26.
OAKES, WILLIAM (trading as the Red House Pottery Company), Holloway.rd, china dealer.
Pet. April 24. Order, April 24.

ROBINSON, JAMES, Clova-rd, Forest Gate, saw-mill proprietor. Pet. April 9. Order, April 24.
ROWLETT, JAMES GARNER, late Stock Exchange, retired stockjobber. Pet. April 25. Order,
April 25.

VOGT, HENRY CHARLES, Turin-st, Bethnal Green-rd, baker. Pet. April 25. Order, April 25.
WALLIS, H. E., Holborn-circus. Pet. Feb. 11. Order, April 23.

WELLS, GEORGE H., Cornwall-rd, Notting Hill, financial agent. Pet. Nov. 27. April 24.
WYATT, GEORGE HENRY, late High Holborn, builder. Pet. March 12. Order, April 24.

To surrender at their respective District Courts.

BURROW, ROBERT FOSTER, Birmingham, clerk in holy orders. Ct. Birmingham. Pet. March 11. Order, April 24.

Order, April 25.
Pet. April 26. Order

BROCK, HENRY BLAKE, late Bristol, solicitor. Ct. Bristol. Pet. April 12.
BREAKELL, JOHN WILLIAM, Prestwich, quarry owner. Ct. Manchester.
April 26.
BEARD, ROBERT JAMES, Newark, bank manager. Ct. Nottingham. Pet. April 3. Order,
April 25.

BALCONBE, BENJAMIN ALFRED, Southall Green, grocer. Ct. Windsor. Pet. April 24. Order,
April 24.

CRESSEY, HENRY, Leeds, joiner. Ct. Leeds. Pet. April 9. Order, April 24.

CAMPBELL, WILLIAM, Liverpool, late licensed victualler. Ct. Liverpool. Pet. April 25. Order,
April 25.

CARTMAN, THOMAS, Ripon, baker. Ct. Northallerton. Pet. April 21. Order, April 21.
COLLIER, HENRY JAMES, Strood, late coal merchant. Ct. Rochester. Pet. April 25. Order,
April 25.

CURTIS, JOHN, St. Agnes, ironfounder. Ct. Truro. Pet. April 21. Order, April 25.
DARVILL, RICHARD, Aylesbury, late builder. Ct. Aylesbury. Pet. April 28. Order, April 26.
DANHAM, SILAS, Rastrick, picture dealer. Ct. Halifax. Pet. April 26. Order, April 26.
DRACKLEY, SAMUEL WATTS, Leicester, journeyman butcher. Ct. Leicester. Pet. April 25.
Order, April 25.

DABBS, ARTHUR JOHN, Stamford, gentleman. Ct. Peterborough. Pet. April 24. Order, April 24.
EDWARDS, WILLIAM HENRY, Fordham, machinist. Ct. Cambridge. Pet. April 28. Order,
April 26.

FIRKINS, THOMAS, late Tuffley, farmer. Ct. Gloucester. Pet. April 25. Order, April 25.
GEBHARDT, THOMAS, Brockley Park, Forest Hill, late manager to a salesman. Ct. Greenwich.
Pet. April 25. Order, April 25.

GOLDBARD, HERMAN, Kingston-upon-Hull, tailor. Ct. Kingston-upon-Hull.
Order, April 26.

Pet. April 26.

GIBBON, DAVID, Southport, blacksmith. Ct. Liverpool. Pet. April 24. Order, April 24.
GRIFFITHS, JOIN, Trealaw, contractor. Ct. Pontypridd. Pet. April 25. Order, April 25.
HAZELDINE, JOHN G. B., Turnham Green, gentleman. Ct. Brentford. Pet. March 10. Order,
April 22.
HAWORTH, JOHN, Blackburn, cabinet maker. Ct. Blackburn. Pet. April 25. Order, April 25.
HANCOCK, GEORGE, Green-la, Stoke Newington, no occupation. Ct. Edmonton. Pet. March 27.
Order, April 25.

HUNT, JOSEPH, Martock, hairdresser. Ct. Yeovil. Pet. April 26. Order, April 26.

HADLEY, THOMAS, Worcester, carriage builder. Ct. Worcester. Pet. March 25. Order, April 25. JONES, WILLIAM HERBERT, Worcester, coal merchant. Ct. Worcester. Pet. April 25. Order, April 25.

JENKINS, JAMES IMRAY, and ROYLANCE, EDWARD HENRY, Manchester, stockbrokers. Ct. Manchester. Pet. April 25. Order, April 25.

JOHN, THOMAS, Bridgend, boot dealer. Ct. Cardiff. Pet. April 24. Order, April 24.

LILEY, EDMUND, Gravesend, Trinity House pilot. Ct. Rochester. Pet. April 9. Order, April 24. MORRIS, FREDERICK ALBERT, New Church, farmer. Ct. Newport and Ryde. Pet. April 17. Order, April 26.

PRESTON, MARY SENSITIVE ARMFIELD, late Newark-upon-Trent, widow. Ct. Great Grimsby.
Pet. April 11. Order, April 23.

REES, NOAH, Cardiff, market manager. Ct. Cardiff. Pet. April 24. Order, April 24.
ROWLANDS, JOHN, Chester, baker. Ct. Chester. Pet. April 16. Order, April 26.
SMALLEY, JOSIAH, Leicester, hay dealer. Ot. Leicester. Pet. April 25. Order, April 25.
SIMPSON, WILLIAM, Nottingham, lace manufacturer. Ct. Nottingham. Pet. April 20. Order,
April 26.
Canterbury. Pet. April 25. Order, April 25.
TAYLOR, WILLIAM, Hereford, butcher. Ct. Hereford. Pet. April 24. Order, April 24.
TEAL, JOSEPH, Nanscar Cowling, operative weaver. Ct. Bradford. Pet. April 25. Order, April 25,
VASSALLI, JAMES ANTHONY, Scarborough, jeweller. Ct. Scarborough. Pet. April 26. Order,
April 26.

VAUGHAN, THOMAS WILLIAM, Milford, farmer. Ct. Shrewsbury. Pet. April 24. Order. April 24.
WYNN, WILLIAM, Birmingham, gasfitter. Ct. Birmingham. Pet. April 24. Order, April 21.
WILKINSON, JOSEPH, Halifax, butcher. Ct. Halifax. Pet. April 26. Order, April 26.


BATTINE, W. A., Gloucester-ter, Hyde Park, late lieutenant-colonel in the army. Ct. High Court
of Justice, in Bankruptcy. Meeting, May 9, at 2.30, at Bankruptcy-bldngs, Portugal-st,
Lincoln's-inn. Exam. May 11, at noon, at 34. Lincoln's-inn-filds. Order sum. adm. March 21.
BENSON, SIMEON JOHN, Idle, baker. Ct. Bradford. Meeting, May 6, at 11, at office Off. Rec.
Bradford. Exam. May 16, at 10, at the County Court, Bradford. Order sum. adm. April 23.
BELL, THOMAS, Patterdale, farmer. Ct. Carlisle. Meeting, May 26, at noon, at the City-hall,
Carlisle. Exam. May 26, at 11, at the Court-house, Carlisle. Order sum. adm. April 22.
BROOKS, ALFRED, Coventry, money-lender. Ct. Coventry. Meeting, May 2, at 11, at office of
Off. Rec. Coventry. Exam. May 19, at 2.30, at the County-hall, Coventry. Order sum. adm.
April 23.
BUCKENHAM, EDWARD A., Diss, merchant's clerk. Ct. Ipswich. Meeting, May 3, at 3.30, at the
Magistrates'-room, Diss. Exam. May 15, at 11, at the Shirehall, Ipswich. Order sum. adm.
April 22.
BULMER, THOMAS, Leeds, Joiner. Ct. Leeds. Meeting, May 5, at 11, at office of Off. Rec. Leeds.
Exam. May 13, at 11, at the County Court-house, Leeds. Order sum. adm. April 16.
BURGESS, WILLIAM JOHN, Sandown, grocer. Ct. Newport and Ryde. Meeting, May 7, at 2, at
Holyrood-chmbrs, Newport. Exam. May 7, at 3, at the Court-house, Newport. Örder sum.
adm. April 23.
BRIERLEY, JOSEPH, Nottingham, lace manufacturer. Ct. Nottingham. Meeting, May 2, at
noon, at office of Off. Rec. Nottingham. Exam. May 9, at 10, at the County Court-house,
Nottingham. Order sum. adm. April 23.
CLAYTON, JOHN OXLEY, the Great Northern potato market, King's Cross, potato salesman.
Ct. High Court of Justice, in Bankruptcy. Meeting. May 9, at 11, at 33, Carey-st, Lincoln's-
inn. Exam. May 14, at noon, at 34, Lincoln's-inn-fids. Order sum, adm. April 15.
DENNISON, EDWARD, Fenchurch-st, corn merchant. Ot. High Court of Justice, in Bankruptcy.
Meeting, May 9, at noon, at 33, Carey-st, Lincoln's-inn. Exam. May 14, at noon, at 34,
Lincoln's-inn-fida. Order sum. adm. April 16.

DUGON, FRANCIS, Bunhill-row, printer. Ct. High Court of Justice, in Bankruptcy. Meeting,
May 2, at noon, at Bankruptcy-bldngs, Portugal-st, Lincoln's-inn. Exam. May 22, at 11, at 34,
DREWITT, WILLIAM HENRY, Burnley, plumer. Ct. Burnley. Meeting, May 15, at 1, at the
Exchange hotel, Burnley. Exam. May 15, at 11, at the Court-house, Burnley. Order sum. adm.
April 22
DAVIES, JAMES, Southport, master carter. Ct. Liverpool. Meeting, May 8, at 3, at office of off.
Rec. Liverpool. Exam. May 8, at 11, at the Court-house, Liverpool. Order sum. adm. April 16.
FOX, WALTER HENRY, late Crediton, saddler. Ct. Exeter. Meeting, May 9, at 10, at office
of Off. Rec. Exeter. Exam. May 9, at 11, at the Castle, Exeter. Order sum. adm. April 23.
GILL, ROBERT, and GILL, WALTER, late Liverpool, tinplate workers. Ct. Nantwich and Crewe.
Meeting, May 2, at 12.30, at the Royal-hotel, Crewe. Exam. May 9, at 11.30, at the Petty
Sessional Court-house, Nantwich. Order sum. adm. April 22.

GAY, WILLIAM HENRY, Newport, painter. Ct. Newport, Mon. Meeting, May 6, at noon, at office
of Off. Rec. Newport. Exam. May 22, at 11, at the Townhall, Newport. Order sum. adm.
April 23.
Ct. Norwich. Meeting, May 3, at noon, at office
GUYMER, CHARLES, East Tuddenham, farmer.

of Off. Rec. Norwich. Exam. May 19, at 11, at the Shirehall, Norwich Castle. GUMBRELL, WILLIAM BARTON, Dartford, journeyman bricklayer. Ct. Rochester.


May 8, at 11.30, at office of Off. Rec. Rochester. Exam. May 8, at 2, at the Court-house, Rochester. Order sum. adm. April 22. HALEY, DAVID, Judd-st, King's Cross, fishmonger. Ct. High Court of Justice, in Bankruptcy. Meeting, May 2, at 11, at Bankruptcy-bldngs, Portugal-st, Lincoln's-inn. Exam, May 22, at 11, at 34, Lincoln's-inn-fids. Order sum. adm. April 16.

HAZELDINE, WILLIAM, Elstree, builder. Ct. Barnet. Meeting, May 6, at 3. at 95, Templeehmbrs, Temple-avenue. Exam. May 14, at 11, at the Townhall, Barnet. Order sum. adm. April 18.

HAW, THOMAS, Bradford, gardener. Ct. Bradford. Meeting, May 5, at 11, at office of Off. Rec.
Bradford. Exam. May 16, at 10, at the County Court, Bradford. Order sum adm. April 23.
HUNTLEY, ARTHUR, Weston-super-Mare, ironmonger. Ct. Bridgwater. Meeting. May 3, at 11.15,
at the Railway hotel, Weston-super-Mare. Exam. May 12, at 11, at the County Court,
Bridgwater. Order sum. adm. April 21.
HAMMOND, ABRAHAM, Lee, builder. Ct. Greenwich. Meeting, May 2, at 3, at 24, Railway-
approach, London Bridge. Exam. May 6, at 1, at the Court-house, Greenwich.
JARVIS, RICHARD, Cambridge, publican. Ct. Cambridge. Meeting, May 5, at noon, at office of
Order sum. adm.
Off. Reo. Cambridge. Exam. May 14, at 11, at the Guildhall, Cambridge.
April 21.

JEYNES, WALTER, late Tewkesbury, baker.

Ct. Cheltenham. Meeting, May 3, at 5.45, at the Hop

Pole hotel, Tewkesbury. Exam. May 8, at noon, at the County Court, Cheltenham. KING, HORACE, King's Lynn, watchmaker. Ct. King's Lynn. Meeting, May 2, at 10, at the Court-house, King's Lynn. Exam. May 2, at 11, at the Court-house, King's Lynn. LALONDE, ALFRED FERDINAND, Weston-super-Mare, late farmer. Ct. Bridgwater. Meeting, May 3, at 11.45, at the Railway hotel, Weston-super-Mare. Exam. May 12, at 11, at the County County, Bridgwater. MARDON, WILLIAM, Newton Abbot, dairyman. Ct. Exeter. Meeting, May 5, at noon, at office of Off. Rec. Exeter. Exam. May 5, at 12.30, at the Castle, Exeter. Order sum. adm. April 21. Ct. Burton-on-Trent. Meeting, May 3, at OTTEY, PERCY JOHN, Burton-on-Trent, chemist.

noon, at Midland hotel. Burton-on-Trent. Exam. May 21, at noon, at the Court-house, Burton-on-Trent. Order sum. adm. April 23.

ROGERS, WILLIAM HENRY, Dawson-pl, Bayswater, gentleman. Ct. High Court of Justice
in Bankruptcy. Meeting, May 8, at 11, at 33, Carey-st, Lincoln's-inn. Exam. May 20, at 11
at 34, Lincoln's-inn-fids.
SOLLOWAY, ISAAC, Oxford, butcher. Ct. Oxford. Meeting, May 2, at 11.30, at 1, St. Aldate's-
Oxford. Exam. May 1, at 11.30, at the County-hall, Oxford.

THOMPSON, JAMES SAXBY, Chatham, late Weymouth, coal merchant. Ct. Rochester. Meeting,
May 7, at 11.30, at office of Off. Rec. Rochester. Exam. May 15, at 2, at the Court-house,
TRASK, WILLIAM SAMUEL, Bermondsey New-rd, butcher. Ct. High Court of Justice, in Bank-
ruptcy. Meeting, May 7, at noon, at 33, Carey-st, Lincoln's-inn. Exam. May 20, at 11, at 34,
Lincoln's-inn-fids. Order sum. adm. April 22.

Gazette, April 29.

ASHWELL, HENRY, Great Marylebone-st. Portland-pl, builder. Ct. High Court of Justice, in Bankruptcy. Meeting, May 13, at 2.30, at Bankruptcy-bldngs, Portugal-st, Lincoln's-inn. Exam. May 22, at 11.30, at 34, Lincoln's-inn-fids. Order sum. adm. April 25.

ATKINS, THOMAS HOVELL, and CURRIE, JOHN, St. Helen's-pl, merchants. Ct. High Court of Justice, in Bankruptcy. Meeting, May 16, at 11, at Bankruptcy-bldngs, Portugal-st, Lincoln'sinn. Exam. May 22, at noon, at 34, Lincoln's-inn fids.

BRIGHT, WILLIAM HENRY, Glengall-rd, Old Kent-rd, shop fitter. Ct. High Court of Justice, in
Bankruptcy. Meeting, May 13, at 11, at Bankruptcy-bldngs, Portugal-st, Lincoln's-inn.
Exam. May 22, at noon, at 34, Lincoln's-inn-fids.

BROCK, HENRY BLAKE, Bristol, solicitor. Ct. Bristol. Meeting. May 9, at 1280, at office of
Off. Rec. Bristol. Exam. May 23, at noon, at the Guildhall. Bristol.
BOWEN, MARY, Trelech, widow. Ct. Carmarthen. Meeting, May 8, at 2.30, at office of off. Rec.
Carmarthen. Exam. May 8, at noon, at the Guildhall, Carmarthen. Order sum. adm.

April 19.
BROOKS, J. H., Caterham, builder. Ct. Croydon. Meeting, May 7, at 2.30, at 24, Railway-approach,
London Bridge. Exam. June 5, at 11, at the Townhall, Croydon. Order sum. adm. April 26.
BROWN, WALTER SKILTON, Harlow, butcher. Ct. Hertford. Meeting, May 7, at 12.30, at the
Dimsdale Arms hotel, Hertford. Exam. May 7, at 1, at the Shirehall, Hertford. Order sum.
adm. April 12.

BULLOCK, JOSEPH, Kingston-upon-Hull, gentleman. Ct. Kingston-upon-Hull. Meeting, May 6, at 11, at office of Off. Rec. Hull. Exam. May 12, at 2, at the Court-house, Hull. Order sum. adm. March 27.

BROWN, JOHN, Ibstock, grocer. Ct. Leicester. Meet'ng, May 6, at noon, at office of Off. Rec. Leicester. Exam. May 7, at 10, at the Castle, Leicester. Order sum. adm. April 26, BEARD, ROBERT JAMES. Newark, bank manager. Ct. Nottingham: Meeting. May 6, at 11. at office of Off. Rec. Nottingham. Exam. May 16, at 10, at the County Court-house, Nottingham.

BOLAM, WILLIAM GEORGE, Newcastle-on-Tyne, restaurant manager. Ct. Newcastle-on-Tyne. Meeting, May 6, at 2.30, at office of Off. Rec. Newcastle-on-Tyne. Exam. May 6, at 11.30, at the County Court, Newcastle-on-Tyne.

CADOGAN, the Hon. CHARLES HENRY GEORGE. Elm Park-grdns, West Kensington. Ct. High
Court of Justice, in Bankruptcy. Meeting, May 13, at noon, at 33, Carey-st, Lincoln's-inn.
Exam. May 22, at 11.30, at 34, Lincoln's-inn-flds. Order sum. adm. April 3.
CHUCK, JOSEPH, late Ware, maltster. Ct. Edmonton. Meeting, May 7, at 12.15, at the Dimsdale
Arms hotel, Hertford. Exam. May 19, at 11.30, at the Court-house, Edmonton. Order sum.
adm. April 18.
COLLIER, HENRY JAMES, Strood, late coal merchant. Ct. Rochester. Meeting, May 19, at 11.30,
at office of Off. Rec. Rochester. Exam. May 19, at 2, at the Court-house, Rochester. Order
sum, adm. April 26.
CURTIS, JOHN, St. Agnes, ironfounder. Ct. Truro. Meeting, May 6, at noon, at office of Off.
Rec. Truro. Exam. May 10, at 11.30, at the Townhall, Truro. Order sum. adm. April 26.
DANN, HENRY NEWMAN GROVES, Chapel-st, Milton-st, dealer in umbrella materials. Ct. High
Court of Justice, in Bankruptcy. Meeting, May 16, at 2.30, at Bankruptcy.bldngs, Portugal.
st, Lincoln's-inn. Exam. May 22, at noon, at 34, Lincoln's-inn-filds.
DENT, HENRY, Maismore, farmer. Ct. Gloucester. Meeting, May 6, at 3, at office of Off. Rec.
Gloucester. Exam. May 13, at noon, at the Shirehall, Gloucester. Order sum. adm. April 25.
DENHAM, SILAS, Rastrick, picture dealer. Ct. Halifax. Meeting, May 8, at 10.30, at office of
Off. Rec. Halifax. Exam. June 10, at 11, at the County Court-house, Halifax. Order sum.
adm. April 26.
DRACKLEY, SAMUEL WATTS, Leicester, journeyman butoher. Ct. Leicester. Meeting, May 8,
at 11, at office of Off. Rec. Leicester. Exam. June 11, at 10, at the Castle, Leicester.
DAVIES, JOSEPH, late St. Clears, Innkeeper. Ct. Neath. Meeting, May 9, at noon, ut office of
of. Rec. Swansea. Exam. May 27, at 11.30, at the Townhall, Neath. Order sum. adm
April 22.
DRAKEFORD, JOSEPH, Littlemore, accountant. Ct. Oxford. Meeting, Xay 9, at 11.30. at 1, St.
Aldate's, Oxford. Exam. June 5, at 11.30, at the County-hall, Oxford.
EASTON, THOMAS PEAKE, Croydon, clerk. Ct. Croydon. Meeting, May 7, at 11, at 24, Railway-
approach, London Bridge. Exam. June 5, at 11, at the Townhall, Croydon. Order sum. adm.
April 26.

FLOWERS, HENRY THOMAS, Rothwell, grocer. Ct. Leeds. Meeting, May 6, at 3, at office of off.
Rec. Leeds. Exam. May 13, at 11, at the County Court-house, Leeds. Order sum. adm.
April 16.
FLANAGAN, JOHN, Leicester, cattle dealer. Ct. Leicester. Meeting, May 6, at 3, at office of Off.
Rec. Leicester. Exam. May 7, at 10, at the Castle, Leicester.

FEARY, WILLIAM JAMES, Jun., Goswell-rd, builder. Ct. High Court of Justice, in Bankruptcy. Meeting, May 13, at 11, at 33. Carey-st, Lincoln's-inn. Exam. May 22, at 11.30, at 34, Lincoln's. inn-fids. Order sum. adm. April 16.

GWYNNE, REGINALD J., Manitoba, Canada, farmer. Ct. High Court of Justice, in Bankruptcy. Meeting, May 13, at noon, at Bankruptcy-bldngs, Portugal-st, Lincoln's-inn. Exam. May 22, at 11.30, at 34, Lincoln's-inn-fids.

[ocr errors]

GIRBON, DAVID, Southport, blacksmith. Ct. Liverpool. Meeting, May 8, at 3.30, at office of Off.
Rec. Liverpool. Exam. May 8, at 11, at the Court-house, Liverpool. Order sum. adm
April 25.
GLEN, DANIEL, Preston, bicycle agent. Ct. Preston. Meeting, May 16, at 3, at office of Off. Rec.
Preston. Exam. May 16, at 11, at the County Court-offices, Preston. Order sum. adm.
April 23.
HOPKINS, FREDERICK CHARLES, Great St. Helen's, timber merchant. Ct. High Ct. of Justice,
in Bankruptcy. Meeting, May 9, at 11, at Bankruptcy-bldngs, Portugal-st, Lincoln's-inn.
Exam. May 22, at 11.30, at 34, Lincoln's-inn-fids.
HUNT, GEORGE, Munster-rd, Fulham, builder. Ct. High Court of Justice, in Bankruptcy.
Meeting, May 9. at noon, at Bankurptcy-bldngs, Portugal-st, Lincoln's-inn. Exam. May 22, at
noon, at 34, Lincoln's-inn-filds. Order sum. adm. April 12,

HALLETT, FREDERIC FRANCIS, Brighton, farmer, Ct. Brighton. Meeting, May 6, at noon, at
office of Off. Rec. Brighton. Exam. May 22, at 11, at the Court-house, Brighton.
HILL, EDWARD JAMES, Balcombe, grocer. Ct. Brighton. Meeting, May 7, at 2, at office of
Off. Rec. 24, Railway-approach, London Bridge. Exam. May 8, at 11, at the Court-house,
HOMER, MARY, St. Mary's Cray, widow. Ct. Croydon. Meeting, May 6, at noon, at 24, Railway-
approach, London Bridge. Exam. June 5, at 11, at the Townhall, Croydon.
HOOK. WILLIAM HUGHES, Lydd, grocer. Ct. Hastings. Meeting, May 7, at 11.30, at office of
Off. Rec. 24, Railway-approach, London Bridge. Exam. May 19, at 1, at the Townhall, Hastings.
JONES, EDWARD WILLIAM CHARLES, Gloucester, upholsterer. Ct. Gloucester. Meeting May 6,
at 4, at office of Off. Rec. Gloucester. Exam. May 18, at noon, at the Shirehall, Gloucester.
Order sum. adm. April 20.

LONG, JOSEPH EDWARD, Bishop's Stortford, pawnbroker. Ct. Hertford. Meeting, May 7, at noon, at the Dimsdale Arms hotel, Hertford. Exam. May 7, at 1, at the Shirehall, Hertford. Order sum. adm. April 12.

LILEY, EDMUND, Gravesend, Trinity House pilot. Ct. Rochester. Meeting, May, 15; at 11.30, at office of Off. Reo. Rochester. Exam. May 15, at 2, at the Court-house, Rochester. Order sum. adm. April 25. MCALPIN, KENNETH, Pembroke Dock, contractor. Ct. Pembroke Dock. Meeting, May 7, at 2.30, at the Temperance-hall, Pembroke Dock. Exam. May 7, at 11.30, at the Temperancehall, Pembroke Dock. MORGAN, ARTHUR, Clee, fisherman. Ct. Great Grimsby. Meeting, May 7, at 2, at office of Off. Rec. Great Grimsby. Exam. May 7, at 11, at the Townhall, Great Grimsby. Order sum. adm. April 22 MAWER, HENRY, South Beddington, baker. Ct. Croydon. Meeting, May 6, at 3, at 24, Railwayapproach, London Bridge. Exam. June 5, at 11, at the Townhall, Croydon. Order sum. adm. April 23.

[ocr errors]

MORRIS, JOHN, Boston, fruiterer. Ct. Boston. Meeting, May 8, at 12.15, at office of Off. Rec. Boston. Meeting, May 8, at 2, at the Sessions House, Boston. Order sum, adm. April 22. OWENS, HANNAH, Swansea, butcher. Ct. Swansea. Meeting, May 8, at noon, at office of Off. Rec. Swansea. Exam. May 29, at 11.30, at the Townhall, Swansea. Order sum. adm. April 23. PITKIN, FREDERICK THOMAS, Lympпe, butcher. Ct. Canterbury. Meeting, May 6, at 3, at the Sacracen's Head hotel, Ashford. Exam. May 16, at 10.30, at the Guildhall, Canterbury. Order sum. adm. April 25.

PRIOR, ALFRED, Coventry, licensed victualler. Ct. Coventry. Meeting, May 8, at noon, at
office of Off. Rec. Coventry. Exam. May 19, at 2.30, at the County-hall, Coventry.
PETTIFER, WILLIAM, Croydon, builder. Ct. Croydon. Meeting, May 6, at 2, at 24, Railway-
approach, London Bridge. Exam. June 5, at 11, at the Townhall, Croydon. Order sum. adm.
April 23.

PECK, FREDERICK ARTHUR, Cleethorpes, chemist. Ct. Great Grimsby. Meeting, May 7, at 2.30,
at office of Off. Rec. Great Grimsby. Exam. May 7, at 11, at the Townhall, Great Grimsby.
Order sum. adm. April 19.
PARIS, MARY ANNE, Ringmer, grocer. Ct. Lewes and Eastbourne. Meeting, May 6, at 2, at
the Savings Bank, Lewes. Exam. May 9, at 11.30, at the County-hall, Lewes. Order sum.
adm. April 24.
SANDERS, THOMAS, Great Sutton-st, Clerkenwell, watch material dealer. Ct. High Court of
Justice, in Bankruptcy. Meeting, May 8, at 2.30, at 33, Carey-st, Lincoln's-inn. Exam. May 20,
at 11.30, at 34, Lincoln's-inn-fids. Order sum. adm. April 16.
SCARBER, ROBERT, High-st, Borough, ironmonger. Ct. High Court of Justice, in Bankruptcy.
Meeting, May 8, at noon, at 33, Carey-st, Lincoln's-inn. Exam. May 20, at 11.80, at 34,
SLATER, GEORGE, Blackburn, tobacconist. Ct. Blackburn. Meeting, May 20, at 2, at the County
Court-house, Blackburn. Exam. May 20, at 10.30, at the County Court-house, Blackburn.
Order sum, adm. April 23.
SCUDDS, EDWARD STEPHEN, Eltham, late corn merchant. Ct. Greenwich. Meeting, May 7, at
noon, at 24, Railway-approach, London Bridge. Exam. May 6, at 1, at the Court-house,
SMALLEY, JOSIAH, Leicester, hay dealer. Ct. Leicester. Meeting, May 8, at noon, at office of
Off. Rec. Leicester. Exam. June 11, at 10, at the Castle, Leicester.

STEEL, JOHN, Barrow-in-Furness, joiner. Ct. Ulverston and Barrow-in-Furness.

May 12, at 11, at office of Off. Rec. Barrow-in-Furness. Exam. May 12, at 2.30, at the Townhall, Barrow-in-Furness. Order sum. adm. April 23,

THOMPSON, WILLIAM HANDWELL, Hartlepool, tobacconist. Ct. Sunderland. Meeting, May 6, at 2, at office of Off. Rec. Sunderland. Exam. May 1, at 2.30, at the Court-house, Sunderland. Order sum. adm. April 25.

TEAL, JOSEPH, Cowling, operative weaver. Ct. Bradford. Meeting, May 9, at 11, at office of
Off. Rec. Bradford. Exam. May 16, at 10, at the County Court, Bradford. Order sum. adm.
April 26.
VAUGHAN, THOMAS WILLIAM, Milford, farmer. Ct. Shrewsbury, Meeting, May 9, at 12.30, at
office of Off. Rec. Shrewsbury. Exam. May 7, at 11, at the County Court-office, Shrewsbury.
WILLIAMS, ROBERT, Llanfor, farmer. Ct. Wrexham. Meeting, May 9, at 11.30, at the Plascoch
hotel, Bala. Exam. May 13, at noon, at the County-hall, Wrexham.
WYNNE, PETER, Rock Ferry, builder. Ct. Birkenhead. Meeting, May 7, at 2.30, at office of off.
Rec. Liverpool. Exam. April 30, at 11, at the Court-house, Birkenhead. Order sum. adm.
April 22.

WESTON, JOHN BERNARD, Birmingham, late glass decorator. Ct. Birmingham. Meeting,
May 8, at 11, at 25, Colmore-row, Birmingham. Exam. May 22, at 2, at the County Court,
Birmingham. Order sum. adm. April 18.
WILKINSON, JOSEPH, Halifax, butcher. Ct. Halifax. Meeting, May 8, at 11, at office of Off. Rec.
Halifax. Exam. June 10, at 11, at the County Court-house, Halifax. Order sum. adm.
April 26.

ADJUDICATIONS. Gazette, April 25.

AWDE, JONATHAN, Barnard Castle, seed-cake maker. Ct. Stockton-on-Tees and Middlesbrough. Order, April 22. Pet. March 24.

BIRD, BEVERLEY, Devonshire-st, Portland-pl, late a captain in the 51st Foot. Ct. High Court of Justice, in Bankruptcy. Order, April 21. Pet. Feb. 10.

BUCHNER, PAUL FREDERICK, Farringdon-st, china merchant. Ct. High Court of Justice, in
Bankruptcy. Order, April 23. Pet. March 31.

BENSON, SIMEON JOHN, Idle, baker. Ct. Bradford. Order, April 22. Pet. April 22.
BOWEN, MARY, Trelech, widow. Ct. Carmarthen. Order, April 19. Pet. March 8.
BROOKS, ALFRED, Coventry, money-lender. Ct. Coventry. Order, April 23. Pet. April 1.
BUCKENHAM, EDWARD ALFRED, Diss, merchant's clerk. Ot. Ipswich. Order, April 21.
April 21.

BROWN, JOHN, Ibstock, grocer. Ct. Leicester. Order, April 22. Pet. April 21.


BOLAM, WILLIAM GEORGE, Newcastle-on-Tyne, restaurant manager. Ct. Newcastle-on-Tyne. Order, April 22. Pet. April 22.

BRIERLEY, JOSEPH, Nottingham, lace manufacturer. Ct. Nottingham. Order, April 21. Pet. April 21.

DAY, GERARD JAMES, Cannon-st hotel, Cannon-st, gentleman. Ct. High Court of Justice, in Bankruptcy. Order, April 19. Pet. April 18.

DROEGE, ALBERT, Great St. Helen's, commission agent. Ct. High Court of Justice, in Bankruptcy. Order, April 23. Pet. March 7.

DREWITT, WILLIAM HENRY, Burnley, plumber. Ct. Burnley. Order, April 22. Pet. April 2.
DAVIES, JOSEPH, late St. Clears, innkeeper. Ct. Neath. Order, April 21. Pet. April 21.
EDE, CORNELIUS, Birmingham, gentleman. Ct. Birmingham. Order, April 21. Pet. April 2.
EMERY, WILLIAM, Landport, butcher. Ct. Portsmouth. Order, Jan. 31. Pet. Jan. 2.
FOX, WALTER HENRY, late Crediton, saddler. Ct. Exeter. Order, April 23. Pet. April 21.
GLEN, DANIEL, Preston, bicycle agent. Ct. Preston. Order, April 22 Pet. April 22.
GUMBRELL, WILLIAM BARTON, Dartford, journeyman bricklayer. Ct. Rochester.
April 21. Pet. April 21.


GUYMER, CHARLES, East Tuddenham, farmer. Ct. Norwich. Order, April 21. Pet. April 21. GOBLING, GEORGE WILLIAM, Euston-rd, coach ironmonger. Ct. High Court of Justice, in Bankruptcy. Order, April 22. Pet. April 22.

HARRIS, CORNELIUS, Gutter-la, paper merchant. Ct. High Court of Justice, in Bankruptcy. Pet. April 23. Order, Jan. 14.

HARRISON, JOHN, Finsbury.pavement, builder. Ct. High Court of Justice, in Bankruptcy. Order, April 18. Pet. Feb. 28.

HOSE, RICHARD ADOLPHUS, Finsbury-circus, dentist. Ct. High Court of Justice, in Bank. ruptcy. Order, April 18. Pet. Feb. 11.

HAW, THOMAS, Bradford, gardener. Ct. Bradford. Order, April 21. Pet. April 21.
HERBERT, JAMES, Brentwood, stonemason. Ct. Chelmsford. Order, April 22. Pet. April 22.
HOOK, WILLIAM HUGHES, Lydd, grocer. Ct. Hastings. Order, April 19. Pet. April 10.
JONES, GEORGE, Basingstoke, clerk in holy orders. Ct. Winchester. Order, April 9. Pet.

Jan. 11.

JASPER, EDWARD, Llangollen, publican. Ct. Wrexham. Order, April 23. Pet. March 24. JOHNSON, AMBROSE JAMES, Toftrees, clerk in holy orders. Ot. Norwich. Order, April 21. Pet. March 7.

JARVIS, RICHARD, Cambridge, publican. Ct. Cambridge. Order, April 21. Pet. April 21.
LATHBURY, THOMAS ARTHUR, City-rd, surgeon. Ct. High Court of Justice, in Bankruptcy.
Order, April 22. Pet. March 31.

LALONDE, ALFRED FERDINAND, Weston-super-Mare, late farmer. Ct. Bridgwater.
Order, April 21. Pet. April 18.


LEWIS, LOUIS ISAACS, Kingston-on-Thames, clothier. Ct. Kingston. Order, April 19. Pet.
April 9.

LONGLEY, CHARLES, Gosport, tailor. Ct. Portsmouth. Order, April 12. Pet. March 28.
LIPPIATT, THOMAS DAN JOHNSON, Frome, grocer. Ct. Frome. Order, April 22. Pet. March 24.
MILNER, HARRY, Halifax, stationer. Ct. Halifax. Order, April 21. Pet. April 18.
MARDON, WILLIAM, Newton Abbot, dairyman. Ct. Exeter. Order, April 21. Pet. April 21.
MORTON, RALPH, late Walworth-rd, provision dealer. Ct. High Court of Justice, in Bankruptcy.
Order, April 22. Pet. March 21.

OEXLE, HENRY GUSTAVE, Leytonstone, commercial clerk. Ct. High Court of Justice, in
Bankruptcy. Order, April 23. Pet. April 23,

POWELL, CORNELIUS LE BRUN, Vauxhall Bridge-rd, gentleman. Ct. High Court of Justice, in Bankruptcy. Order, April 21. Pet. April 21.

REVELL, ALFRED, Abbey-st, Bermondsey, greengrocer. Ct. High Court of Justice, in Bankruptcy. Order, April 23. Pet. March 12.

ROBERT, MAXIME CARL, Worndee-rd, Norwood Junction, metal worker. Ct. High Court of Justice, in Bankruptcy. Order, April 21. Pet. April 10.

SMITH, ARTHUR WELLESLEY, Gracechurch-st, commission agent. Ct. High Court of
Justice, in Bankruptcy. Order, April 18. Pet. Feb. 5.

STEER, EDWIN P., Park-st, Park-la. Ct. High Court of Justice, in Bankruptcy. Order, April 18.
Pet. Dec. 21.
SLATER, GEORGE, Blackburn, tobacconist. Ct. Blackburn. Order, April 22 Pet. April 8.
TAYLOR. GEORGE HENRY (trading as W. Pentington and Co.), Bow-la, iron merchant. Ct. High
Court of Justice, in Bankruptcy. Order, April 19. Pet. April 19.
WYNNE, PETER, Rock Ferry, builder. Ct. Birkenhead. Order, April 21. Pet. April 21.
WHITT, THOMAS LAMBERT, Cardiff, club manager. Ct. Cardiff. Order, April 19. Pet. April 19.
YEWDALL, HENRY, Henriettast, Covent Garden, solicitor. Ct. Bradford (transferred from the
High Court of Justice, in Bankruptcy). Order, April 21. Pet. March 12.

Gazette, April 29.

ANNS, THOMAS, King-st, Cheapside, general merchant. Ct. High Court of Justice, in Bankruptcy. Order, April 24. Pet. April 1.

BETTAN, HENRY, and BOLTON, CHARLES, Dansey-yd, Wardour-st, lithographers.
Court of Justice, in Bankruptcy. Order, April 24. Pet. March 17.

BROWN, EDWARD, Liverpool-st, architect. Ct. High Court of Justice, in Bankruptcy.
April 26. Pet. April 11.

Ct. High Order,

BROOKS, J. H., Caterham, builder. Ct. Croydon. Order, April 26.
BULMER, THOMAS, Leeds, joiner. Ct. Leeds. Order, April 24. Pet. April 15.
BALCOMBE, BENJAMIN ÁLFRED, Southall Green, grocer. Ct. Windsor. Order, April 24. Pet.
April 23.

CAMPBELL, WILLIAM, Liverpool, late licensed victualler. Ct. Liverpool. Order, April 25. Pet.
April 25.

CARTMAN, THOMAS, Ripon, baker. Ct. Northallerton. Order, April 21. Pet. April 21.
COLLIER, HENRY JAMES, Strood, late coal dealer. Ct. Rochester. Order, April 25. Pet. April 25.
CURTIS, JOHN, St. Agnes, ironfounder. Ct. Truro. Order, April 25. Pet. April 21.
DENT, HENRY, Maisemore, farmer. Ct. Gloucester. Order, April 25. Pet. April 21.
EASTON, THOMAS PEAKE, Croydon, clerk. Ct. Croydon. Order, April 26. Pet. March 17.
FRYER, THOMAS, late Brigg, wine merchant. Ct. Great Grimsby (by transfer from Tunbridge
Wells). Order, Aprii 23. Pet. Feb. 22.

GWYNNE, REGINALD J., Manitoba, Canada, farmer. Ct. High Court of Justice, in Bankruptcy.
Order, April 25. Pet. Sept. 18.

GIBBON, DAVID, Southport, blacksmith. Ct. Liverpool. Order, April 24. Pet. April 24.
HOGARTH, GEORGE BICKNELL, and HOGARTH, ANDREW DAVID, Oxford-st, picture dealers.
Ct. High Court of Justice, in Bankruptcy. Order, April 25. Pet. March 26.
HUNT, GEORGE, Munster-rd, Fulham, builder. Ct. High Court of Justice, in Bankruptcy.

Order, April 25. Pet. March 12.
HAWORTH, JOHN, Blackburn, cabinetmaker. Ct. Blackburn. Order, April 25. Pet. April 25.
JOHN, THOMAS, Bridgend, boot dealer. Ct. Cardiff. Order, April 24. Pet. April 24.
JONES, EDWARD WILLIAM CHARLES, Gloucester, upholsterer. Ct. Gloucester. Order, April 26.
Pet. April 26.
JONES, WILLIAM HERBERT, Worcester, coal merchant. Ct. Worcester. Order, April 25. Pet.
April 25.

LURY, HARFORD, Southampton, corn merchant. Ct. Southampton. Order, April 25. Pet.
April 2.
LONGBOTTOM, JAMES, Halifax, beerhouse-keeper. Ct. Halifax. Order, April 24. Pet. April 15.
MOORE, ALBERT, Norroy-rd, Putney, chemist. Ct. High Court of Justice, in Bankruptcy.
Order, April 26. Pet. April 26.

NICHOLLS, ARTHUR GEORGE, Newport, boot dealer. Ct. Newport, Mon. Order, April 24. Pet.
March 28.

OAKES, WILLIAM (trading as the Red House Pottery Company), Holloway-rd, china dealer. Ct.
High Court of Justice, in Bankruptcy. Order, April 24. Pet. April 24.

PRESTON, MARY SENSITIVE ARMFIELD, Winteringham, widow. Ct. Great Grimsby. Order,
April 25. Pet. April 10.
ROWLETT, JAMES GARNER, Brighton, retired stockjobber. Ct. High Court of Justice, in Bank-
ruptcy. Order, April 25. Pet. April 25.
REBS, NOAH, Cardiff, market manager. Ct. Cardiff. Order, April 24. Pet. April-24.
ROBINSON, GEORGE HENRY, late Ainsdale, slater. Ct. Liverpool. Order, April 25. Pet.

March 13.

SHRUBSOLE, HARRIET JANE, and SHRUBSOLE, ALBERT EDWARD, Chartham, grocers. Ct. Canterbury. Pet. April 25. Order, April 25.

TAYLOR, WILLIAM, Hereford, butcher. Ct. Hereford. Order, April 24. Pet. April 24. THORNLEY, WILLIAM, Nottingham, lace manufacturer. Ct. Nottingham. Order, April 26. Pet. April 10.

THOMPSON, JAMES SAXBY, Chatham, late Weymouth, coal merchant. Ct. Rochester. Order,
April 26. Pet. April 23,

TEAL, JOSEPH, Nanscar Cowling, operative weaver. Ct. Bradford. Order, April 25. Pet. April 24.
VAUGHAN, THOMAS WILLIAM, Milford, farmer. Ct. Shrewsbury. Order, April 24. Pet. April 24.
VOGT, HENRY CHARLES, Turin-st, Bethnal Green-rd, baker. Ct. High Court of Justice, in
Bankruptcy. Order, April 25. Pet. April 25.
WYNN, WILLIAM, Birmingham, gasfitter. Ct. Birmingham. Order, April 26. Pet. April 24.


Gazette, April 25.

EDWARDS, EDWIN WARREN, Margate, builder. Ct. Canterbury. Adjudication, Sept. 28. Annulment, March 31. Grounds of annulment, the bankrupt having paid his debts in full. RANDALL, JOHN CLARKE, Cuxham, miller. Ct. Oxford, Adjudication, May 16. Annulment, April 17. Grounds of annulment, the court having approved a scheme of arrangement.

Gazette, April 29.

TOMLIN, SYDNEY, Landport, draper. Ct. Portsmouth. Adjudication, Aug. 17. Annulment, Oct. 31. Grounds of annulment, debts paid in full.



DENISON.-On the 26th ult., the wife of Charles Marsh Denison, Barrister-at-law, of the Middle Temple, of a daughter.

ELDRED. On the 24th ult., at 50, Redcliffe-square, South Kensington, the wife of Vincent Joseph Eldred, Solicitor, of a daughter.

HOLMES.-On the 22nd ult., at Barnard Castle, the wife of J. Hanby Holmes, Solicitor, of a son. HEARN.-On the 28th ult., at Willow Bank, Buckingham, the wife of Thomas Risley Hearn, Solicitor, of a daughter, stillborn.

KERR.-On the 23rd ult., at 100, Oakley-street, Chelsea, S.W., the wife of Russell J. Kerr, jun., Barrister-at-law, of a son.

KING. On the 22nd ult., at 4, Friends-road East, Croydon, the wife of George Anthony King, Solicitor, of a son.

LEIGH-CLARE.-On the 29th_ult., at Hindley Cottage, East Sheen, the wife of Octavius Leigh Leigh-Clare, of the Inner Temple, of a daughter.

MURRAY.-On the 24th ult., at 1, Radnor-place, Hyde Park, the wife of Arthur Turnour Murray,
Barrister-at-law, of a son.

PHILIPS.-On the 26th ult., at South Kensington, the wife of F. C. Philips, Barrister-at-law, of
a daughter.
TIDD-PRATT. On the 22nd ult., at Kington, Herefordshire, the wife of F. R. Tidd-Pratt,
Solicitor, of a son.


EMPSON-MICKLETHWAIT.-On the 24th ult., at Christ Church Ardsley, Arthur Reginald
Empson, J.P., son of J. W. Empson, J.P., of Yokefleet Hall, Howden, East Yorkshire, to
Laura, eldest daughter of the late R. Micklethwalt, J.P. and D.L., of Ardsley House,
GALSWORTHY-RICHMOND.-On the 29th ult.. at St. Barnabas, Addison-road, Edwin Henry,
eldest son of Sir Edwin Henry Galsworthy, J.P., D.L., of 18, Park-orescent, Portland-place,
to Florence Mary, second daughter of Luke Richmond, Esq., of 31, Stanwick-road, West Ken-
GRAHAM-TURNLY.-At all Souls', Langham-place, Francis Gordon, son of Lieut.-Genl. Sir
Gerald Graham, V.C., G.C.M.G., to Nina Emilia Rochfort, daughter of John Turnly, D.L.,
Drumnasole, co. Antrim.
ROBERTSON-MACRORY.-On the 22nd ult., at Christ Church, Lancaster-gate, Surgeon J. R. S.
Robertson, Army Medical Staff, second son of Alexander Robertson, J.P., Berwick-on-
Tweed, to Elizabeth Manisty, second daughter of Edmund Macrory, Q.C., of 2, Ilohester-
gardens, and Duncairn, co. Antrim, and granddaughter of the late Mr. Justice Manisty.
SALMON-TURNER.-On the 19th ult., at St. Margaret's, Lee, Thomas William Salmon, of 2, Bond-
court, Walbrook, E.C., Solicitor, eldest son of the late Thomas William Salmon, of Diss,
Norfolk, Solicitor, to Ellen Gertrude Turner, youngest daughter of Frederick John Turner, of
75, Lee-road, and of the Middle Temple, Barrister-at-law.
STODDARD-KER.-On the 16th ult., at Washington, D. C.U.S. America, Frederick Wolcott Stod-
dard, of Bryngelsnas, Sweden, to Kate Louisa Ker, daughter of John Ker, LL.D., Glasgow.
TABRANT-ELLABY.-On the 23rd ult., at the parish church, of All Souls, Eastbourne, Kenneth
James Tarrant, F.R.A.S., youngest son of Edward J. Tarrant, of Hatch End, Pinner, to
Susannah Maud, youngest daughter of the late William Francis Ellerby, of Queen-street,
Cheapside, Attorney-at-law.
WYKE-WALKER.-On the 10th ult., at Hastings, Edward Byam Wyke, jun., son of Edward
Byam Wyke, of Manchester, and grandson of the late Edward Byam Wyke, Barrister-at-law,
St. John's, Antigua, to Marian Elizabeth Walker.


COLLIER.-On the 29th ult., at Old Charlton, Kent, in the 71st year of her age, Mary Anne, the dearly beloved wife of George Collier, Barrister-at-law and Deputy Coroner fcr South-East Middlesex.

DU BOIS.-On the 25th ult., at 15, West Cromwell-road, Theodore Judkin Du Bois, Barrister-atlaw, of 11, Old-square, Lincoln's-inn, aged 64.

FAWCETT.-On the 22nd ult., at 8, Scroope-terrace, Cambridge, Rowland Morris Fawcett, M.D., J.P., D.L., in his 87th year.

HIGGENS. On the 21st ult., suddenly, Henry Higgins, J.P., D.L., of Thing Hill, Hereford, aged 72.

POWER.-On the 28th ult., at her residence, 8, Elgin-road, Dublin, Mary, rellot of William Joseph Power, Lieutenant 6th (Inniskilling) Dragoons, only surviving daughter of the late John D'Arcy, D.L.

WILLIS.-On the 15th ult., at Pitmaston, Worcester, Henry Willis, J.P., D.L., aged 61.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Building Society-Dissolution-Consent of three-fourths of the members-Member having given notice to withdraw... 388 Be WHITTEN: KING v. WHITTEN

Will-Construction-Gift to children of A. at twenty-five-Substitutionary gift to grandchildren of A. at twenty-five 391 PHILLIPS v. IVEL CYCLE COMPANY

Patent Infringement - Pleading Denial of infringement-Anticipation -Common knowledge-Costs of issues 392 LONDON AND NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY COMPANY v. BOULTON

Building agreement Time-Implied
waiver - Vendor and purchaser
Notice-Covenant for title


[blocks in formation]

HOBY AND CO. LIMITED v. BIRCHCompany Voluntary liquidation Shareholder-Action for calls-Right to set off debt due from company ...... 404


Topics of the Week
Revocation of Wills by Marriage........
Undue Influence


"Limited Partnerships







in England



Supreme Court of Judicature (Procedure)

*** **

Devolution of Estates


Deeds of Arrangement









Considerations Affecting Discharge ..... COUNTY COURTS

Sittings of the Courts.....

Birmingham County Court.-The Master
and Wardens of the Apothecaries
Society v. Welch

Marylebone County Court.-Ratcliff v.
County Courts Advocacy


Proceedings Affecting the Profession
Covenants in Articles of Clerkship

Admiralty Cases in the Scotch Courts...
Unclaimed Stock and Dividends in the
Bank of England

Heirs-at-Law and Next of Kin
Appointments under the Joint Stock
Winding-up Acts.........

Creditors under Estates in Chancery Creditors under 22 & 23 Vict. o. 35......... PROMOTIONS AND APPOINTMENTS CORRESPONDENCE


Rota of Registrars...


[subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][ocr errors][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed]

Successful Candidates at the Final Examination, April 1890 Successful Candidates at the Intermediate Examination, April 1890 Calls to the Bar.-Easter Term 1890 THE GAZETTES





[blocks in formation]

by the worry of delay and uncertainty. It is believed that the Judges will approve of Mr. FINLAY'S measure; and agree that there should be three Courts of Appeal of two members instead of two Courts of three members. This will simplify matters very considerably.


THE St. James's Gazette, for some inscrutable reason, anticipates that Mr. FINLAY's scheme will find opponents in the Legal Profession. We suppose this notion is founded upon that popular superstition that most lawyers are opposed to law reform of all kinds. What lawyers, we should like to know, will disapprove a measure which will get rid of arrears and delays at Nisi Prius, of useless and vexatious intermediate appeals, and it is to be hoped of some of the cost of litigation which is bred by delay. No lawyer believes that excessive cost is good for litigation. It destroys it. Our contemporary is quite mistaken. Mr. FINLAY is backed up by all the leading members of the Profession, and we anticipate that his measure will speedily become law.

Or the fifty students called last week Gray's-inn, with its splendid revenue, only sent one, and Lincoln's-inn was not much better with a total of eight. Of the University students twenty-seven came from Oxford and only eight from Cambridge, all the University men called at Lincoln's-inn being Oxford men. Curiously enough, the total is exactly the same as in the corresponding term last year.

SOME time ago the question was discussed in these columns as to the utility of publishing County Court judgments. An experienced County Court judge informs us that in his opinion as a general rule the value of reporting County Court decisions is doubtful-that it is better to await the result of the appeal; that, if the appeal is reported, it is no use reporting the County Court case; but, if the appeal is not reported, the County Court decision, if it has been affirmed, becomes of value. We fancy some County Court judges think that their decisions are better than those of the Divisional Courts. We prefer the view mentioned above.

THE Canadian Government is now promoting a Bill in the Canadian Parliament for diverting to the Public Exchequer all moneys which have lain unclaimed at the Canadian banks for eight years or upwards, and the measure is receiving considerable support, but will, as might be expected, meet with vigorous opposition from the Canadian banks. We hope that before long some such measure will be introduced in the Parliament of this country. The law is, that unclaimed money of this kind becomes, as a rule, the property of the banks at the end of six years: (Pott v. Clegg, 16 M & W. 321.) Of the two, the banks and the Public Exchequer, we think that the latter should have the benefit of such windfalls, but it seems to be unjust that the original owner should be deprived of the moneys altogether. The precedent of the National Debt Act 1870, sects. 51-74, should be followed, and the moneys should be transferred to the Bank of England for the benefit of the public, subject to the obligation to retransfer them to parties showing title.

A BILL which would simplify the law of licensed houses on Sunday very greatly is brought forward by Mr. JAMES STEVENSON, Mr. CHARLES WILSON, Mr. WALTER JAMES, Mr. CozensHARDY, Mr. ATKINSON, and Mr. O). F. MORGAN. Their Bill would apply to England alone, and would prohibit the sale of intoxicating liquors during the whole of Sunday. They suggest that the provisions in force against the sale of intoxicating liquors during certain hours on Sunday have been found to be attended with great public benefits. They therefore wish to extend the rule to the other hours of Sunday, by enacting summarily that all premises in which intoxicating liquors are sold or exposed for sale by retail shall be closed during the whole of Sunday. The only exemption they would give is, of course, that in favour of bona fide travellers and lodgers under the Licensing Acts of 1872 and 1874. No one can doubt, after Mr. GoSCHEN'S Budget, that the nation has been toasting the national prosperity. There are too many interests involved in keeping public-houses open on Sunday for any prospect to exist of Mr. STEVENSON'S Bill becoming an Act.

THE law which is concerned with the rating of orchards for sanitary purposes requires amendment in the eyes of Mr. HOBHOUSE, Mr. CHARLES ACLAND, and Mr. KNATCHBULL-HUGESSEN. As the matter stands under sect. 211 and sect. 230 of the Public Health Act 1875 (38 & 39 Vict. c. 55), "the occupier of any land used as arable, meadow, or pasture ground only, or as woodland, market gardens, or nursery grounds," is assessed to the general district rate in an urban district, or to a separate rate levied in

respect of special expenses within the meaning of the Act in a rural district, in the proportion of one-fourth part of the net annual value or rateable value of the land. The former of these sections was that which was construed by the Court of Appeal in the recent case of Purser v. The Local Board of Health for Worthing (56 L. T. Rep. N. S. 447; 18 Q. B. Div. 818). Doubts have arisen whether orchards are or are not included among the lands to which these exemptions apply. Three advantages would be gained if Mr. HOBHOUSE and his friends were to have their way. First, the doubts would be removed; secondly, the practice of assessment would be made uniform; thirdly, orchards would be relieved from all liability to be assessed for sanitary purposes at a higher rate than for cultivated lands. These reforming members would alter the section so that in each case the word "orchards" would be read after the word "woodlands." To our mind they make out the case for the reform which they demand.

As the Bill to render operative certain articles in the Education Code 1890 is a Government measure, brought forward by Sir WILLIAM HART DYKE, Lord GEORGE HAMILTON, and Mr. Jackson, it is tolerably certain to become law. Viewed in this light of being law actually in prospect, its two points have their interest. First, it is not to be required as a condition of a parliamentary grant to an evening school that elementary education shall be the principal part of the education there given. For this purpose so much of the definition of "elementary school" in sect. 3 of the Elementary Education Act 1870 (33 & 34 Vict. c. 75) as requires that elementary education shall be the principal part of the education given in an elementary school is not to apply to evening schools. Secondly, as to provisions for special grants to evening schools, where the population of the school district in which a public elementary school is situate, or the population within two miles, measured according to the nearest road from the school, is less than 500, and there is no other public elementary school recognised by the Education Department as available for the children of that district or that population, a special parliamenaary grant is to be empowered to the annual amount of £10. This grant will be in addition to the ordinary annual grant, and in addition to any special grant made under sect. 19 of the Education Act 1876 (39 & 40 Vict. c. 79), and is not to be included in the calculation of the ordinary annual grant for the purpose of determining whether it does or does not exceed any maximum fixed by law. But no school is to be entitled to receive a special grant of this character unless it satisfies the conditions contained in the minutes of the Education Department in force for the time being with regard to special grants thus made.

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LORD BRAMWELL'S article on the Tithes Bill, in the current number of the Nineteenth Century, should be carefully read by those who take an interest in the subject. It is very short (only six pages), but is very much to the point, and brings out features of the present law and of the proposed change which we have far too much lost sight of. "By law," it is observed, "the landowner is bound to pay the rentcharge to the rentcharge owner. But he cannot, as the law stands, be got at directly; the titheowner's remedy being by distress on land subject to the rentcharge. Is it right, is it reasonable, that a man entitled to money should be limited to a remedy for its recovery so odious that he forgoes it, or part of it? I firmly believe the present Bill to be honest and just. It respects every right, it increases no burden, it leaves the duty of paying the tithe where it is at present, on the landowner, and gives a remedy against his property if he does not, and gets rid of the odious and mischievous procedure which exists at present." As for costs, Lord BRAMWELL points out that they will probably be increased, but may be avoided by the simple expedient of honestly paying." As to clause 6, which provides that the tithe rentcharge shall be payable by the owner, notwithstanding any agreement to the contrary between him and the owner, That is the law now. The agreement that the tenant shall pay the tithe gives the titheowner no right against him. It only takes away a right in the tenant to complain of his landlord for not paying the tithe, and so subjecting the tenant to a distress." It is added, however, that "if the clause means that the agreement shall be void as between landlord and tenant, it is mischievous and idle," as "it would be intolerable that a man living in London might not get his tenant in Cornwall to pay the tithe on a farm there." We fear that the clause has the mischievous meaning attributed to it by Lord BRAMWELL, and will need amendment in order to bear any other meaning.


AN amendment of the law of licensing appears to be not far distant. It is part of the Budget scheme that a fund is to be handed over from Imperial to local revenues for the purpose of "extinction of licences in England," and that new licences are ordinarily not to be granted at all, except to the keepers of inns, eating-houses, or railway refreshment rooms, while Lord RANDOLPH CHURCHILL has come forward with a carefully drawn Licensing Law Amendment Bill, backed by, amongst others, such an

expert as Sir H. SELWIN-IBBETSON, who was the author of the celebrated Wine and Beerhouse Act 1869, which first placed beerhouses under magisterial control. From the favourable reception which this Bill has met with, it may be considered probable that some at least of its provisions will be embodied in the Government measure, and become law during the present session. In point of form, at any rate, it will effect a great improvement, for Lord RANDOLPH proposes to repeal and re-enact with amendments seven_Ticensing Acts wholly and four in part, the scheme of this Bill being entirely to reconstitute the licensing machinery, but to leave untouched the police clauses of the Acts, which are far more modern and easy to understand. Everything appears to have been provided for, even the ascertainment of the popular feeling by a popular vote; but the preposterous clauses of the Permissive Bill are softened down by proposals that they are not to come into operation at all unless called for by (clause 13) the requisition in writing of not less than one-tenth of the ratepayers of the parish which is to form the prohibitory area, and, what is of far greater importance, that they are not to have any operation upon railway refreshment rooms or hotels used as such, where the sale of liquor is to be allowed "to persons arriving or departing by train, or to bonâ fide travellers taking meals therein." The functions of the licensing justices are to be handed over to the committees of the county councils. All this part of the Bill is of course unlikely to receive sufficient support, but Lord RANDOLPH's proposals for consolidating the Licensing Acts, for cutting down the number of licences from twelve to three, and for the registration of clubs (which are in many cases merely unlicensed public-houses), seem to us to be very happily conceived, and fit to form part of the Government measure.


may be hoped that the case of Re Wilcock; Wilcock v. Johnson (62 L. T. Rep. N. S. 317), will prove to be one of last impression as well as of first. Even in conveyancing slips must occasionally be made. But it is not often that so curious a slip is made as was the case in Re Wilcock. A voluntary settlement contained a declaration that in default of children (an event which happened) the trustees were to stand possessed of the trust property in trust for certain individuals, subject to the trusts contained in an indenture of even date, and made between parties named. No such indenture was ever executed. But at the time when the voluntary settlement was prepared there was an indenture engrossed by which the persons entitled in default of children under the voluntary settlement were to be benefited. This indenture, however, was never executed. Instead of it there was a deed prepared and executed, but not made between the parties named, by which one of the beneficiaries was to take absolutely. Upon this anomalous state of things, evidently arising from a change of intention which had not been followed by the proper consequential alterations, Mr. Justice NORTH held that no trusts were sufficiently declared under the voluntary settlement for any beneficiaries. Consequently there was a resulting trust for the benefit of the settlors. This was the inevitable outcome of the slip in conveyancing which had occurred. The judge could hardly be expected to interpret the transaction in the way in which the parties clearly intended it to operate, when in point of fact that intention had not been duly carried out upon the face of the document.

THE Court has often been asked to grant probate of a will or codicil, which is not properly executed in accordance with statutory requirements, but it is unusual for a document, duly executed as a codicil, to be refused probate on the ground that the maker of it did not intend it to act as such. In FergusonDavie v. Ferguson-Davie (88 L. T. 449) a document dealing with certain powers of appointment would, it seems, have been admitted to probate if it had not had written on it the words, "this is not meant as a legal will but as a guide." It may be a matter of speculation as to why the lady took so much trouble about its execution when she did not mean it to have any legal effect, but it would be a contradiction in terms for a document to be treated as a person's last will against her will, and Mr. Justice BUTT had no alternative but to refuse probate. Under these circumstances the guide was a false guide, unless the persons entitled in default of appointment, being sui juris, shall determine to carry out the lady's wishes. Even where there is no such declaration, as in this case, a codicil has been held on the evidence to be merely "a sham and a pretence, never seriously intended as a paper of testamentary operation," though duly executed as a will: (Lister v. Smith, 9 L. T. Rep. N. S. 578; 3 Sw. & Tr. 282.)

CAN a wife, who has disobeyed an order to return to her husband, be further ordered to make him an allowance ? Mr. Justice BUTT, on the 22nd April, decided this in the affirmative, in the case of Swift v. Swift (noted 88 L. T. 449). The short facts were as follows: In July 1889 the husband obtained a decree, by which the wife was directed to return home within a period named, and to render to him conjugal rights. That decree was

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