E E 三 PROVIDENT LIFE OFFICE, THE REVERSIONARY INTEREST SOCIETY (Limited), 17, King's Arms-yard, London, E.C. (established 1823), purchases reversionary interests in real and personal property, life policies, and life interests, and advance money upon those securities. USED BY THE LATE EMPEROR OF GERMANY 50, REGENT STREET, W. CARTER, 6a, New Cavendish St. 103, CANNON-STREET, LONDON, E.C, Invested Fund.............. LA HENRY WARD, Secretary and Manager. AW UNION FIRE AND LIFE Chief Office: 126, CHANCERY LANE. LONDON. W.C. Special attention is drawn to the following features: H 4. Claims are paid IMMEDIATELY on proof of death and title. 5. Low rates of premiums. FIRE DEPARTMENT. Private Houses and Ecclesiastical Buildings, if brick and tiled or slated, and free from hazardous surroundings, insured at a premium of 1s. 6d. for each £100. Household Furniture in houses of similar construction insured at a premium of 28. per cent. Loans on Reversions and Life Interests. EA FRANK MCGEDY, Actuary and Secretary. AGLE INSURANCE COMPANY, 79, PALL MALL, LONDON, S.W. CHAIRMAN-SIR GEORGE RUSSELL, BART., M.P. REPORT FOR THE LAST QUINQUENNIUM: ASSURANCE FUND £2,703,807. NET LIABILITY UNDER ASSURANCES £2,535,642, SURPLUS... £168,165. GREATER FREEDOM for Foreign Travel and Residence. ... CLAIMS PAID immediately on proofs of Death and NEW PROSPECTUS sent on application. G. HUMPHREYS, Actuary and Secretary. AW FIRE INSURANCE OFFICE, LAW 114, April 14, 1890. NOTICE is HEREBY GIVEN, that the ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the Shareholders of the LAW FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY will be held at the Society's House, Chancery-lane, on TUESDAY. THE 6TH DAY OF MAY NEXT, to Elect Eight Directors in the room of the like number of Directors who go out by rotation; and also to Elect Four Auditors in the room of the like number who retire, and for general purposes. The chair will be taken at One o'clock precisely. The following Directors going out by rotation are eligible, and offer themselves for re-election: Spencer Croughton Wilde, | John Moxon Clabon, Esq. Annual Income. £7,470,866 £2,623,456 £315,952 Claims & Surrenders paid... £8,891,990 24, LINCOLN'S-INN-FIELDS, LONDON, W.O. Loans may also be obtained on the security of Reversions, REVERSIONARYNDED PROPERTY EVERSIONARY and LIFE INTERESTS Securities and Annuities PURCHASED, or Loans or IM GEORGE WILLIAM BELI. Secretary. MPERIAL FIRE INSURANCE THE GREAT REMEDY FOR GOUT, RHEUMATISM, SCIATICA, LUMBAGO, AND The acute pain is quickly COMPANY. -Established 1808,-1, Old Brond-street, RHEUMATIC fectly harmless, require, no E O., and 22, Pall Mall, 8.W. Subscribed Capital 21,200,000. Paid-up £300,000. Total Invested Funds, over £1,600,000. E. COZENS SMITH, General Manager. The Original Society, established 1840. THEmpowered by Special Act of Parliament. Capital £100,000 fully paid.ap and invested. Security granted for the fidelity of persons in posi or of trust. Expressly authorised by Special Act of Parliament to give security for Government officials. Bonds granted for Receivers, Official Liquidator, and No: 19, Birchin-lane, E.C. PILLS. These Pills, which are perrestraint of diet during their use, and are certain to prevent the disease attacking anyvital part. Sold by all Chemists at Is. 14d. and 2s. 9d. per box. HE BEST PRICE for WASTE PAPER can be obtained at LLOYD'S PAPER MILLS, Sittingbourne, Kent, where the paper is re-manufactured on the premises, which is not done by any other buyer. THE Send for Waste Paper Circular, which gives every parti- PORTLAND PLACE, LONDON, W. LITERARY For holding a Book o BATH CHAIRS from £1. 5/ Bed Table,7/6 BASSINETTE PERAMBULATORS, £1.15/ (Rubber Tyres). Self-Propelling Chairs, £2.2/CARRYING £1. CHAIRS from JOHN CARTER, 6a, New Cavendish St., PORTLAND PLACE, LONDON, W. (Only Address). LLUSTRATED PRICE LISTS Post Free C. H. GRIFFITHS AND SONS. The Six Guinea SHOULD BE USED BY ALL SOLICITORS, It is the most convenient and durable yet Consists of four superior japanned Deed Boxes, in each. Secured by Hobbs's Patent or other with fall-down fronts, and four compartments, Locks. Size, 20in. by 13in. by 14in. Mounted on an elegant Iron Stand with Brass Mountings. C. H. GRIFFITHS and SONS, 43, CANNON STREET, E.C. (Only Address). 69, LUDGATE HILL, LONDON, E.C. Printed and Published by the registered Proprietor, HORACE Cox, at 10, Wellington-street, Strand, London, W.C., in the County of Middlesex.-Saturday, May 3, 1890. 3 1 THE JOURNAL OF THE LAW AND THE LAWYERS. VOL. LXXXIX.-No. 2458. of LANDED THETA IMPROVEMtion of Artisans', Mine, and Farm Labourers' Cottages and Farm Buildings, Drainage, Fencing, Planting, Water Supply, &c. The LAND, LOAN, and ENFRANCHISEMENT COMPANY (Incorporated by Special Act of Parliament) ADVANCES MONEY, (repayable by a rentcharge for twenty-five years) to Landowners and to Incumbents in respect of their Glebe, for the general improvement of Landed Property, including the Supply of Water for Mansions, Farm and other Buildings, and for the Development of land (being part of Settled or other Estates) for Building purposes, by the construction of Roads, Sewers, &c. Also to Owners of Settled Estates for alterations or additions to Mensions, Outbuildings, &c., and for their general Sanitary Improvement. No investigation of title is necessary. Prospectus and further particulars may be obtained at the offices of the Company. EDWIN GARROD, Secretary. Land, Loan, and Enfranchisement Company, 22, Great George-street, Westminster, S.W. ORTGAGE and GROUND-RENT BRANCH COMPANY (Incorporated by Special Act of Parliament). The Company is also prepared to RECEIVE APPLICA. TIONS from Lenders or Borrowers on MORTGAGE, and from Vendors or Purchasers of Ground Rents. In applying for forms reference should be made to this particular branch. EDWIN GARROD, Secretary. Land, Loan, and Enfranchisement Company, 22, Great George-street, Westminster, S.W. GEORGE BURROW GREGORY, Esq., Treasurer's House, Foundling Hospital, Chairman. SIR HY. WATSON PARKER (Messrs. Parker, Garrett, and Parker), St. Michael's Rectory, Cornhill, E.C., ViceChairman. FREDERICK JOHN BLAKE, E. J. BRISTOW, Esq. Esq. HOWARD GREY, FRANCIS HAMPSON, Esq. JOHN EDWARD GRAY HILL, Esq. JOHN HUNTER, Esq. FREDERICK HALSEY JANSON, Esq. BENJAMIN GREENE LAKE, NATHANIEL TERTIUS LAW- SOLICITORS': MESSRS. TORR, JANEWAYS, GRIBBLE, and ODDIE 38, Bedford-row, W.C. GENERAL MANAGER: BJECTS OF THE SOCIETY. OB I. The attention of Solicitors and others desiring to raise FIDELITY GUARANTEES, money on Reversions is directed to this Society's improved method of making advances on this class of security, the leading feature of which is, that absolute power of redemp Given on behalf of Clerks, Cashiers, Travellers, and others. tion on fixed terms, whether the life tenant be alive or dead, BONDS, is reserved to the reversioner for five years, or for such other term as may be agreed. In the case of absolute revertions the redemption money is simply the accumulated amount of the advance at five per cent, compound interest, and on payment before the expiration of the agreed term of a sum which will not exceed the accumulated interest, the society will extend the power of redemption for a further term. Loans are also granted on LIFE INTERESTS. Full particulars may be obtained on application to the Society's LONDON OFFICE, 69, KING WILLIAM STREET, ALSO £1,000,000 519,240 153,848 72,742 TR 84 and 85, KING WILLIAM STREET, E.C. V. The Society is also prepared to be appointed Trustee either in existing Trusts or in those to be hereafter created. (See Special Prospectus.) General Manager, ASSURANCE SOCIETY. FOUNDED 1828. Office: 187, FLEET STREET, LONDON, E.C. TOTAL ASSETS OVER £5,000,000. This Society makes ADVANCES upon Life Interests and upon Absolute and Contingent Reversions, and also PURCHASES Life Interests and Reversions upon advantageous terms. Application should be made to the MANAGER. GENERAL REVERSIONARY and INVESTMENT COMPANY, 5, Whitehall, London. Established 1836. Further empowered by Special Act of Parliament, 14 & 15 Vict. cap. 130. Capital £500,000. Chairman-EDWARD WALMISLEY, Esq. This Company purchases or makes loans upon reversions, absolute or contingent, and life interests in possession or in expectation. Loans on reversions may be obtained either at an annual interest or in consideration of redeemable deferred charge.-D. A. BUMSTED, Actuary and Secretary. MESSRS. HOOPER & SON'S Is recognised by Solicitors as the best medium whereby 69, LAW COSTS. HILL. and SON, COSTS DRAUGHTSMEN. "We think it only right to inform you that we have been very much pleased with the way in which you have drafted our costs. They were done exceedingly well." "In some cases the materials were of the scantiest description, but the masterly way in which the costs and accounts were prepared enabled us to realise and wind-up the estate in a very satisfactory manner." "Should we require the like assistance next year we shall be very glad to avail ourselves of your services. "The accounts were made out with considerable ability, from (in many cases) very meagre material."-HOOPER and SON, Costs Draughtsmen, 69, Ludgate-hill. Telegrams," Hooper, London.' COSTS DRAFTSMEN, LAW PARTNERSHIP 59, CHANCERY LANE, LONDON, W.C. ESTABLISHED 1845. All Books on Kain's Copyright System of Solicitor's Book-keeping may be obtained at the above address, and terms arranged for auditing accounts and making up costs in arrear. GIMBLETT, FREDERICK GUCOUNTANT AND AUDITOR. NEW INN CHAMBERS, STRAND, W.C. EDWARD FARRIES, Nos. 1 and 2, TEMPLE CHAMBERS, TEMPLE AVENUE, E.C. (Late 4, College-hill, Cannon-street), LEGAL AUDITOR, COSTS DRAFTSMAN, AND ACCOUNTANT. LA AND REGISTRY, Staple Inn, London.-An INDEX of REGISTERED LAND (England and Wales), on the Gin. Ordnance Map, with enlargements, may be INSPECTED at the Registry by persons intending to deal with land repeatedly unregistered. Ordinary search fee 58 THE SOLICITORS' INTERMEDIATE AND FINAL. Messrs. ALBERT GIBSON and ARTHUR WELDON, Solicitors (Honours), Joint Authors and Editors of "Aids to Equity," "Aids to the Final," "Guide to Stephen's Commentaries," "The Intermediate Digest," "The Student's Practice of the Courts," "The Student's Conveyancing," "The Student's Equity," "The Student's Statute Law," "The Student's Bankruptcy," "The Student's Probate, Divorce, and Admiralty," and "The Student's Digest," continue their CLASS AND POSTAL PREPARATION FOR THE INTERMEDIATE AND FINAL EXAMINATIONS OF THE LAW SOCIETY, And, by confining their attention to these two Examinations, are able to give that CLOSE AND PERSONAL ATTENTION to each pupil which is so necessary in these days of severe examinations. The advantage of such close and constant attention to their pupils is evidenced by the results obtained by them, which, during the last few years, have been absolutely unparalleled. Thus NOTE. Of the last 19 Clement's-inn (First) Prizemen, 10 were pupils of Messrs. G. & W.; ; It often happens that about a half (sometimes more than a half-this was so last April and also last June) of the Honours List is composed of the Pupils of Messrs. GIBSON and WELDON, and it has nearly always happened recently that either the First or Second Prizeman has been a Pupil, and several times both these Prizemen at one examination have read with Messrs. GIBSON and WELDON. In Nov. 1887, also in Nov. 1888, also in Jan. 1890, the first four Prizemen were pupils. At one examination nine of the ten Prizemen were pupils, and at another five of the six Prizemen. While these excellent results have been obtained in Honours, Pass results have been equally satisfactory, it over and over again happening that every Member of a Class of Fifteen or Sixteen has passed, and often that nine of ten Postal Pupils have been successful. Messrs. GIBSON and WELDON never lose sight of the fact that the FIRST OBJECT OF EVERY PUPIL IS TO MAKE SURE OF A PASS. Many Postal Pupils have taken High Honours, including several Clifford's-inn Prizemen. For further particulars apply Messrs. GIBSON and WELDON, 27, Chancery-lane, London. A MONTHLY MAGAZINE FOR PRACTITIONERS AND STUDENTS. Each issue contains Notes of Cases, Events of the Month, Articles, &c. The cases and articles are written in a simple and explanatory style, technicalities and abstruse language being as much as possible avoided. Price, 6d; post free, 7d. Annual Subscription, with Twelve Supplements, containing the Questions and Answers at the Solicitors' Final (Pass and Honours) and Intermediate Examinations, 6s. 6d, Specimen number sent on receipt of a stamp. Publishing Offices-31, CHANCERY LANE. NOTES " 66 LAW 31, CHANCERY LANE. LIBRARY, Telegraphic Address, "LAW NOTES, LONDON." A SUBSCRIPTION LENDING LIBRARY OF LAW TEXT BOOKS. Full Information (Gratis) on application to the LIBRARIAN, 31, Chancery-lane. BOOKS MAY BE CHANGED AS OFTEN AS DESIRED, IF NO COPY OF A BOOK IN, A FRESH COPY IS BOUGHT (IF IN PRINT). LAW STUDENTS SAVE £20 OR £30 BY JOINING THE LIBRARY. Country Solicitors have command of a Library of the Latest Editions of any Works they may require. Books sent off on receipt of wire. SECOND-HAND BOOKS. The Librarian has COPIES of SECOND-HAND LAW BOOKS for SALE at very Low Prices. Address: 31, CHANCERY LANE, LONDON. THE GRESHAM LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY, ESTABLISHED 1848. Chief Office:-ST. MILDRED'S HOUSE, POULTRY, LONDON, E.C. BRANCH OFFICES in all important centres throughout UNITED KINGDOM. Annuities of all kinds granted. Rates fixed on the most favourable terms. THOMAS G. ACKLAND, F.I.A., F.S.S., Actuary and Manager. JAMES H. SCOTT, F.S.S., Secretary. AGENCIES. Good terms and substantial encouragement given to Gentlemen who can and will do effective work for the Society. |