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RICHMOND (Mary Cass), formerly of 16, Chapel-street, Harrogate, late of Menston Lunatic
Asylum, Yorkshire, spinster. June 12; Longbottom and Sons, solicitors, 4, Carlton-street,
SMITH (Joseph), Handsworth, Staffordshire, gentleman. June 24; Slater and Co., solicitors,
HUTTLEWORTH (John), Chapeltown, Pudsey, Yorkshire, painter. June 30; W. Tunnicliffe,
solicitor, 67, Market-street, Bradford.

SMITH (William Castle), Gloucester-terrace, Regent's Park, gentleman. June 24; Minet, Harvie, and Smith, solicitors, 4, King William-street.

STEWART (Eliza Burgess), Boutport-street, Barnstaple, Devonshire, widow. July 1; Bencraft and Bosson, solicitors, Quay-place, Barnstaple, Devon.

SHARP (John), Adur-terrace, Southwick, Sussex, shipowner. June 6; W. H. Cockburn, solicitor, 1, Duke-street, Brighton.

SANDERS (William Harding), Whimple, Devonshire, yeoman. June 18; Gould and Crompton, solicitors, 2, Bedford-circus, Exeter.

SPENCE (John Simon), Reigate-villas, Sutton, Surrey. June 30; H. C. Coote and Ball, solicitors, 37, Cursitor-street, Chancery-lane.

SUTHERS (Henry), Ipswich, Suffolk, hardware dealer. July 12; Birkett and Ridley, solicitors, 24, Museum-street, Ipswich.

SHAW (William Francis), Northbourne, Chobham, Surrey, barrister.
Holmes, and Son, solicitors, 12, Bedford-row.

June 24; E. Carleton, SYKES (Fred), the George inn, Rastrick, Yorkshire, innkeeper. June 14; J. L. Sykes, solicitor, 17, King-street, Huddersfield.

SANDY (Thomas), King's Heath, Worcestershire, gentleman. July 1; Jeffery, Parr, and Hasell, solicitors, 77, Colmore-road, Birmingham.

SMITH (Jane Wood), 81, St. Augustine's-road, Camden-square, spinster. July 4; Roy and Cartwright, solicitors, 4, Lothbury.

SMITH (David Macdonald), Ashley House, Caterham Valley, Surrey, a lieutenant in the Royal Navy on the Retired List. June 20; Hulberts and Hussey, solicitors, 10, New-square, Lincoln's-inn.

SHARP (Joseph), Burgess Hill, Sussex.


June 30; A. F. Hardwick, solicitor, 33, New-road,

SMITH (William), formerly of 69, Median-road, late of 8, Dunlace-road, both in Lower Clapton, gentleman. June 12; Martin and Bilbrough, solicitors, 157, Fenchurch-street. TAYLOR (Alice Mayor), Bod Erw, St. Asaph, Flintshire, widow. June 30; Easthams and Aitken, solicitors, Church-street, Ciltheroe.

TEBBUTT (Lucy), 49, Caversham-road, Kentish Town, widow. June 19; W. Digby, solicitor, 59, Bishopsgate-street Within.

VERRILL (Joseph), 44, Elm-road, Seaforth, near Liverpool, master mariner. July 1; Mackay and Cornish, solicitors, 44, Castle-street, Liverpool.

WELLER (James Edward), 41, Westminster Bridge-road, Surrey, and of Molcomb House, 85, Landor-road, Clapham Rise, Surrey, iron merchant. July 1; Dunkerton and Son, solicitors, 22, Bedford-row.

WARD (Major-General Sir Edward Wolstenholme), K.O.M.G., 14, Lowndes-square, and of Cannes, France. June 14; Lawrence, Graham, and Long, solicitors, 6, New-square, Lincoln's-inn. WORKMAN (Elizabeth), 6, Hampden-street, Harrow-road, spinster. June 16; Spencer, Gibson, and Co., solicitors, 68, Cheapside.

WOOD (Robert), Skewsby, Yorkshire, stonemason. June 13 H. W. and R. Pearson, solicitors, Helmsley, Yorks.

WATKINS (George), Gwy House, Chepstow, Monmouthshire, surgeon. June 24; J. G. Wood, 7, New-square, Lincoln's-inn.

WHITE (Thomas), 23, Noel-street, Islington, lighterman. May 31; J. and C. Robinson and
Wilkins, solicitors, 19, King's Arms-yard.
WOOLLEY (Mary Patricia), 1, Byron-place, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, spinster. July 5; Andrew and
Cheadle, solicitors, 10, Calverley-parade, Tunbridge Wells.

DINNERS IN HONOUR OF THE QUEEN'S BIRTHDAY.-The Right Hon. Henry Matthews, M.P., Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for the Home Department, gave a full dress dinner, in celebration of Her Majesty's Birthday, at the House of Commons, last Wednesday evening. Invitations were issued to the following: The Duke of Teck, G.C.B., the Lord Chancellor, the Duke of Rutland, G.C.B., the Lord Chancellor of Ireland, the Speaker of the House of Commons, Mr. A. J. Balfour, M.P., Mr. C. Ritchie, M.P., the Lord Chief Justice of England, the Master of the Bolls, the Earl of Selborne, Earl of Wharncliffe, Earl of Rosebery, Earl of Morley, Lord Randolph Churchill, M.P., the Lord Chief Justice of Ireland, the Vice-Chancellor of Ireland, Lord Bramwell, Lord Watson, Lord Hobhouse, Lord Herschell, Lord Macnaghten, Lord Morris, Lord Field, Mr. D. Plunket, M.P., Mr. L. Courtney, M.P., Sir James Hannen, Sir Barnes Peacock, Sir Montague Smith, Sir R. Couch, Sir W. Grove, Sir James Bacon, Lord Justice Cotton, Lord Justice Lindley, Lord Justice Bowen, Lord Justice Fry, Lord Justice Lopes, Mr. Justice Chitty, Mr. Justice Kay, Mr. Justice North, Mr. Justice Kekewich, Mr. Justice Stirling, Mr. Justice Denman, Mr. Baron Pollock, Mr. Baron Huddleston, Mr. Justice Hawkins, Mr. Justice Stephen, Mr. Justice Mathew, Mr. Justice Cave, Mr. Justice Day, Mr. Justice Smith, Mr. Justice Wills, Mr. Justice Grantham, Mr. Justice Charles, Mr. Justice Williams, Mr. Justice Law. rance, Mr. Justice Butt, Sir Charles Peel, K.C.B., Sir F. Leighton, R.A., Sir George Stokes, M.P., Mr. Norman Shaw, R.A., the Lord Mayor, Mr. Alderman and Sheriff Knill, Mr. Alderman and Sheriff Harris, Mr. Walter Long, M.P., Sir Robert Fowler, M.P., Mr. Baring, M.P., Sir Thomas Chambers, Sir John Bridge, Sir E. Du Cane, K.C.B., Mr. Monro, C.B., Mr. Lushington, C.B., Mr. Palgrave, Mr. Erskine, Mr. Ponsonby, Mr. Muir Mackenzie, Q.C., Mr. Stuart- Wortley, M.P., Mr. Ruggles-Brise, Mr. Sandars, and Mr. Whitmore, M.P.-The Attorney General (Sir Richard Webster, Q.C., M.P.) entertained at dinner last Wednesday evening, at the Albion, Aldersgate-street, in celebration of Her Majesty's Birthday, the following Queen's Counsel: The Solicitor-General (Sir E. Clarke, M.P.), the Attorney-General for Ireland, the Solicitor-General for Ireland, Mr. Osborne Morgan, M.P., Sir Patrick Colquhoun, Sir Arthur Watson, Sir John Simon, Sir Henry Fox Bristowe, Sir W. Charley, Sir Alexander Miller, Sir A. Stephenson, Sir W. Melville, Sir R. Wyatt, the Hon. H. Cuffe, the Hon. Chandos Leigh, Mr. Addison, M.P., Mr. Cozens-Hardy, M.P., Mr. Dugdale, M.P., Mr. Darling, M.P., Mr. Elton, M.P., Mr. Finlay, M.P., Mr. Gully, M.P., Mr. Gane, M.P., Mr. Haldane, M.P., Mr. Milvain, M.P., Mr. Reid, M.P., Mr. B. Rowlands, M.P., Mr. Warmington, M.P., Mr. S. Will, M.P., Mr. Ambrose, Mr. Aspland, Mr. Bevis, Mr. Bigham, Mr. Biron, Mr. Bosanquet, Mr. S. Brice, Mr. Buszard, Mr. Bayford, Mr. Bucknill, Mr. Bush, Mr. Balfour Browne, Mr. Buckley, Mr. Barnes, Mr. Calvert, Mr. Henn Collins, Mr. Crackanthorpe, Mr. Candy, Mr. Crossley, Mr. Channell, Mr. Crump, Mr. Cock, Mr. Cutler, Mr. C. A. Cripp, Mr. Dicey, Mr. French, Mr. Inderwick, Mr. Jelf, Mr. Montagu Williams, Mr. Winch, Mr. Woolf, Mr. J. S. Walion, &c.

PROMOTIONS AND APPOINTMENTS. Information intended for publication under the above heading should reach us not later than Thursday morning in each week, as publication is otherwise delayed.

Messrs. WILLIAM NEWTON and GEORGE GUIBERT, barristers-at-law, have been appointed two of Her Majesty's Counsel for the Colony of Mauritius.

Mr. ERNEST E. BAKER, F.S.A., solicitor, of Weston-super-Mare, was last week elected as one of the nine Life Trustees of Shakespeare's Birthplace a national trust.

Mr. THOMAS LAMB, of the firm of Todd, Dennes, and Lamb, solicitors, 22, Chancery-lane, London, and Southend, Essex, has been appointed a Commissioner to administer Oaths in the Supreme Court of Judicature in England.

Mr. HERBERT CLEMENTSON, LL.B., solicitor, of Manchester and Mossley, has been appointed Commissioner to administer Oaths. Mr. Clementson was admitted in Feb. 1884.


SOLICITORS' BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION. THE usual monthly meeting of the board of directors of this association was held at the Law Institution, Chancery-lane, London, on Wednesday, the 14th inst., Mr. Sidney Smith in the chair. The other directors present were Messrs. W. Beriah Brook, H. Morten Cotton, G. Burrow Gregory, Samuel Harris (Leicester), F. Marton_Hull (Liverpool), J. H. Kays, F. P. Morrell (Oxford), R. Pennington, R. Pidccek (Woolwich), Henry Roscoe, R. W. Tweedie, F. T. Woolbert, and J. T. Scott (secretary). A sum of £250 was distributed in grants of relief. Twenty-one new members were admitted to the association, and other general business was transacted.


This Department being open to free discussion on all Professional topics, the Editor does not hold himself responsible for any opinions or statements contained in it.

SOLICITORS' CERTIFICATES.-May I ask through your columns if there is the slightest probability of this imposition being done away with before another year for renewal comes round? Coula not a memorial be sent, from one to another, to all practising solicitors for their signature, showing their disapproval of the payment thereof? Why we, in addition to income tax and all other rates and taxes, should be subject to this extra burden I am at a loss to understand. Do let us club together and endeavour to be freed from this charge, which places us on a level with licensed hawkers, &c. F.

ITALIAN LAW-A CAUTION.-It may interest the Profession to know that the Court of Cassation at Rome has held that an Italian subject cannot be sued in the Italian courts in respect of a debt contracted in a foreign country, unless such debt has been incurred in conformity with the law and forms necessary by the Italian law. The simple facts of the case are: An Italian subject at that time residing in London contracted a debt with an English house. The Italian leaves London for Constantinople (his permanent home) promising to remit. The debtor failing to keep his promise is sued in the Consular Court at Constantinople, when he pleads the debt was not incurred according to the law of Italy. The British consular judge made an affidavit that the debt is recoverable by the English law, and on the part of the plaintiff it was contended that the lex loci contractus must govern the case. The Italian judge overruled the defendant's plea. The defendant then appealed to the Court of Appeal at Ancona, who heard the appeal in July last, and the unanimous decision of five judges was that the lex loci contractus did apply, and the defendant's appeal was dismissed with costs, and the case remitted to the judge at Constantinople to find the amount due to the plaintiff. Judgment was eventually pronounced by the judge at Constantinople in favour of the plaintiff for the amount sued for and costs. The defendant then appealed to the Court of Cassation at Rome against the decision of the Appeal Court at Ancona, and the latter appeal has been heard, and the Court of Appeal at Rome has now decided that the plaintiff cannot recover, and that the defendant's demurrer is good, the debt not having been contracted under the forms necessary to enable an Italian subject to recover in Italian courts; the plaintiff cannot succeed, and they wholly pass over and ignore the law of the land where the debt was incurred. The decision seems to me of immense importance to everyone having any dealings with Italian subjects, as the effect of this judgment is, that before any business is entertained with an Italian subject, a prudent man will have to take the opinion of an expert in Italian law as to whether any, and if so what, forms should be gone through to make the transaction valid in Italy, the judgment stating "Legal action can only be taken when such contracts are entered into in accordance with the enactments and precautions laid down in the (Italian) law itself."



None are inserted unless the name and address of the writer are sent, not necessarily for publication, but as a guarantee of bona fides.


5. MORTGAGE-CONVEYANCE.-A., the owner in fee of some property, mortgages it to B., subsequently he devises it upon trust for his son C. and charges it with the payment of £100 to his son D., which sum he authorises his trustees to raise either by sale or mortgage of the property. A. dies, and B., with the concurrence of C., transfers B.'s mortgage to E., C. entering into the usual covenant for payment of principal and interest. E., thinking that his security, owing to the depression in the price of property, is not sufficient to satisfy his mortgage, offers (after the usual notice) the same for sale but fails to realise; he subsequently commences an action and obtains judgment against C. for the amount due on his covenant, and uitimately compromises the matter on C. paying a certain amount down and undertaking to convey to E. his equity of redemption in the mortgaged property. D. dies intestate, leaving his widow and a son, who is a minor, his next of kin. It is desired to convey the property to E. freed and discharged from this legacy or charge of £100. Will some of the readers of the LAW TIMES advise how, under the circumstances, this can be accomplished? The property is not sufficient to meet the mortgage alone. W. T.

6. LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANIES ACT 1870, SECT. 3-BUILDING SOCIETY.-Sect. 3 of the Life Assurance Companies Act 1870 provides that every company established after the passing of this Act within the United Kingdom which shall commence to carry on the business of life assurance within the United Kingdom, shall be required to deposit the sum of £20,000 with the Accountant-General of the Court of Chancery, &c. Sect. 2 defines the term "company" to mean any person or persons corporate or incorporate not being registered under the Acts relating to friendly societies who issue or are liable under policies of assurance upon human life within the United Kingdom, or who grant annuities upon human life within the United Kingdom. The rules of a building society provide (inter alia) as follows: On the death of a member having in the society any sum not exceeding £50 who shall die intestate, the same shall be paid within one month of receipt of notice to the person whom the board may deem entitled thereto, without taking out letters of administration as per 37 & 38 Vict. c. 42, 8. 29. Should the sum exceed £50, the same shall be paid to the deceased's executors or administrators; or the share of any deceased member may be transferred into the names of the person or persons entitled thereto, as per rule 16, upon payment of the ordinary fees, when after such transfer, the first share, or if all the books have been issued, the first book in the name of such person or persons upon the register of members shall be considered as appropriated, and, if not in arrear with subscriptions, carry with it the right to an advance in the same way as if the register number

of such share had been drawn in a ballot, provided always that the deceased member whose share is so transferred was over sixteen years of age and under fifty-five years of age and in good health when the shares were issued or transferred to him. Rule 16 referred to provides for the manner of dealing with the shares generally, i.e., as to the amount of each share, fines, subscriptions, &c. Will you kindly inform me whether, in your opinion or the opinion of any of your readers, a building society having such a rule as that set out is a company " within sect. 3 of the Life Assurance Companies Act 1870. STONEOVER.


7. BANKRUPTCY-CASE WANTED. — About three or four years ago I read in the LAW TIMES a short report of a case in bankruptcy where the official receiver applied for an order for payment out of the salary of a bankrupt (who was, I believe, a commercial traveller) of a certain sum periodically in payment of his debts. The learned judge declined to make the order, on the grounds that the bankrupt had for years been labouring under very difficult and embarrassing circumstances, and that the result of such order (if made) "would be to keep still further a millstone round the neck of the bankrupt." I am unable to place my hand upon this report. Will any one be so good as to refer me to it? M. C.


(Q. 2.) COPYHOLDS.-(1.) Courts must be held within a manor (see "Gilbert's Tenures," p. 323; "Scriven," 3rd edit., p. 125; ditto, 4th edit., p. 602; and 5 Barnwell and A.'s Reports, p. 409). But, by the Act of 4 & 5 Vict. c. 35, stewards are empowered to take surrenders and admit tenants out of court aud out of a manor, the proceedings being entered on the court-rolls, by way of memorandum, as follows: "Be it remembered that on the day of 18 out of court and out of the manor, to wit at," &c. (2.) As fines are not payable upon death or alienation, but upon admission after death or surrender, I do not see how the lord can claim a fine in consequence of the death of B.; certainly C. is not liable for any fine, except upon his own admission to the property. T. E


(Q. 4.) MARRIED WOMEN.-This indenture, made the day_of between A. B.. of (vendor), of the one part, and C. D., wife of E. D., of (purchaser), of the other, witnesseth that, in consideration of the sum of £ to the said A. R. paid by the said C. D. out of her separate property on or before the execution of these presents (the receipt whereof the said A. B. hereby acknowledges), the said A. B. as beneficial owner hereby conveys unto the said C. D. all (parcels),

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Blacker, William Stewart
Bouth, Rollo Firth D.
Brewer, John Claridge R.
Bridge, Henry Arthur S.
Brock, Tom Gilbert
Careless, Edward Powell
Chaproniere, George A.
Cheese, Clement M.
Chester, John Woodroffe
Churchward, Charles F.
Clark, Robert James
Collins, Harry de M.
Colyer, Alfred Maurice
Cooke, Arthur Sidney
Coop. Samuel Howard
Coupe, Sam Lomas

Crocker, Thomas Edward
Davies, Walter Pierce
Eliott, John Allen
Emmet, Robert William
Fell, George Edward H.
FitzHugh, Godfrey
Gillespie, Adam
Goodall, Frederick William
Griffiths, William Arthur
Hallas, Martin
Harrison, Charles N. M.

Hoare, Edward Henry
Horton, William Herbert L.
Hussey, George Hammond
Jackson, William Herbert
Johnson, John Arthur
Jones. William Haseldine
Kimber, Quintilian H. J.
Laing, Malcolm
Leechman, Norman Barclay
Lowther, Lancelot C.
M Millin, Charles D. D.
Malings, Horace
Meakes, James Woodrow
Mitchell-Withers, Arthur
Moore, Frederick Henry W.
Morgan, Lewis

Morris, John Charles
Musson, Sydney Ashurst
Ormond. John

Osborn, Frank Burton
Palmer, Thomas
Parker, Alfred
Pellatt, Frank
Perham, Hamlin Horwood
Pettigrew, Thomas Joseph
Phillips, Thomas Louis
Pickles, Frederick William
Pierron, Henri
Potter, George William
Pratt, Charles Newton
Rickards, Alfred Middleton

Rider, Edward Percy
Roberts, John Trevor
Rowlands, John Wilfred
Rylance. Richard Patterson
Sladen, St. Barbe Russell
Smith, Francis Henry
Spargo, Thomas Alfred M.
Stokes-Roberts, Charles E.
Stott, Richard Henry
Swinburne, Charles Edward
Taylor, Harry Wallis
Taylor, Reginald Rowland
Tremayne, Lawrence John
Tringham, Edgar Mason
Tudor, George

Turner, George Alfred W.
Unwin, Reginald
Valentine, Algernon Lance-
lot William

Wade, Arthur Campbell
Wade, Marcus Ithel
Watkins, George Thomas
Welton, George

Westcott, William Leonard
White, Willie
Whitgreave, Charles V.
Whittingham, Ferdinand S.
Williams, Edward Hugh
Wilson, Edwin H.
Wrigley, Herbert G.

| Young, Clement Joseph.

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THERE will be no sitting in court during the Whitsun Vacation.

During Whitsun Vacation all applications which may require to be immediately or promptly heard are to be made to the Honourable Mr. Justice Vaughan Williams.

Mr. Justice Vaughan Williams will act as Vacation Judge from Satur day, May 24th, to Monday, June 2nd, both days inclusive. His Lordship will sit in Queen's Bench Judges' Chambers on Wednesday, May 28th, and Friday, May 30th. On other days, within the above period, appli cations in urgent Chancery matters may be made to his Lordship at No. 7, King's Bench-walk, Temple.

In any case of great urgency the brief of counsel may be sent to the judge by book-post, or parcel prepaid, accompanied by office copies of the affidavits in support of the application, and also by a minute, on a separate sheet of paper, signed by counsel, of the order he may consider the applicant entitled to, and an envelope capable of receiving the

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To surrender at the High Court of Justice, in Bankruptcy.

ALGAR, JOHN, Cecil.rd, West Ham, builder. Pet. April 26. Order, May 13.
BEATTIE, F. I., Alexandra-rd, Finsbury Park, stockbroker's clerk. Pet. April 17. Order,
May 13.

GOLDMAN, MORRIS (trading as M. Jacobs), Romford, boot manufacturer. Pet. May 14. Order,
May 14.

HALFORD, WILLIAM, Albert-sq, Clapham-rd, late St. Helens and Warrington, breeze manufac turer. Pet. May 14. Order, May 14.

HANCOCK, WILLIAM, St. Paul's-churchyard, builder. Pet. May 13. Order, May 13.
LAMBERT. ALFRED JOHN, late Porchester-grdns, Bayswater. Pet. March 27. Order, May 14.
TARBET, T. W., Warwick-st. Regent-st, law stationer. Pet. March 13. Order, May 8.
To surrender at their respective District Courts.
ANDREWS, WILLIAM WILKINSON, Ramsgate, smack owner. Ct. Canterbury. Pet. May 12
Order, May 12.
ARNOLD, ARTHUR, Watford, butcher's foreman. Ct. St. Albans. Pet. May 9. Order, May 9.
BRAMWELL, GEORGE WILLIAM, Liverpool, wine merchant. Ct. Liverpool. Pet. May 13. Order,
May 13.

BEVIS, JAMES FREEMANTLE, Salisbury, journeyman painter. Ct. Salisbury. Pet. May 13
Order, May 13,

BRICE, JOSEPH, West Buckland, poultry dealer. Ct. Taunton. Pet. May 14. Order, May 14.
CROAD, REGINALD JAMES, Hayes, grocer. Ct. Croydon. Pet. May 12. Order, May 12.
CLAYTON, THOMAS, Preston, builder. Ct. Preston. Pot. May 2. Order, May 13.
DOUGHTY, JOHN, Coventry, tobacconist. Ct. Coventry. Pet. May 12. Order, May 12.
DAVIES, JAMES, Portmadoo, master mariner. Ct. Portmadoo. Pet. May 12. Order May 12.
EDWARDS, EDWARD THOMAS WATKINS, Abergavenny, superannuated supervisor of excise. Ct.
Tredegar. Pet. May 12. Order, May 12

GILLO, WILLIAM RIVERS, Winchester, carrier. Ct. Winchester. Pet. April 22. Order, May 14.
HOLT, THOMAS ALFRED, late Bilston, beerhouse-keeper. Ct. Wolverhampton. Pet. May 10.
Order, May 10.
HODGKINS, CHARLES EDWARD GILBERT (trading as Jones and Co.), Bristol, draper. Ct. Bristol.
Pet. May 9. Order, May 12.

HEYBYRNE, JAMES HENRY, late Newport, teadealer. Ct. Newport, Mon. Pet. May 12. Order,
May 12.

JONES, ELIAS BENJAMIN (trading as Ingram and Jones), Llanidloes, family grocer. Ct.
Newtown. Pet. May 12. Order May 12.

JONES, ROBERT, Swansea, iron merchant. Ct. Swansea. Pet. May 14. Order, May 14.
LEACHMAN, JOHN, Wainfleet St. Mary, licensed victualler.
May 13.

LEACH, EDWIN TAYLOR, Dorchester, baker. Ct. Dorchester.
LUKE, FREDERICK ARTHUR, Southampton, upholsterer.
Order, May 13.

Ct. Boston. Pet. May 13. Order,

Pet. May 13. Order, May 13.
Ct. Southampton. Pet. May 13.

MATTHEWS, HENRY THOMAS, Cambridge, late coal merchant. Ct. Cambridge. Pet. May 14. Order, May 14.

MONCRIEFF, BARBARA, Cockermouth, milliner. Ct. Cockermouth. Pet. May 13 Order, May 13. MANN, HERBERT HARTLEY, late Wakekeld, publican. Ct. Dewsbury. Pet. May 13. Order, May 13.

MCFARLINE, JAMES FOTHERGILL, Newcastle-on-Tyne, tailor. Ct. Newcastle-on-Tyne. Pet. May 18. Order, May 12.

MEATS, W., Nottingham, road contractor. Ct. Nottingham. Pet. April 17. Order May 13. MARKS, ABRAHAM GEORGE, Portsea, naval outfitter. Ot. Portsmouth. Ct. Portmouth. Pet. May 12. Order, May 12.

RIGGS, LEVI WILLIAM, Weymouth, manager of the Weymouth Industrial Co-operative Society's Stores. Ct. Dorchester. Pet. May 13. Order, May 13.

RATCLIFFE, HENRY GEORGE, late Liverpool, theatrical comedian. Ct. Liverpool. Pet. May 12.

Order, May 12.

STONE, JAMES, Watford, painter. Ct. St. Albans. Pet. May 13. Order, May 13. SIMPSON, FRANCIS, Folkestone, tailor. Ct. Canterbury. Pet. May 12. Order, May 12 WILLIAMS, THOMAS HOWELL, Ockbrook, secretary of a limited company.

May 12. Order, May 12.

Ct, Derby. Pet.

WILLIAMS, JAMES RICHARD, Plymouth, clothier, Ct. East Stonehouse. Pet. May 13. Order,
May 13.
WALKER, MARY, and WALKER, EDWARD GEORGE (trading as S. Bridgwood and Son), Newcastle-
under-Lyme, earthenware manufacturers. Ct. Stoke-upon-Trent. Pet. May 3.
May 14.

Gazette, May 20.


To surrender at the High Court of Justice, in Bankruptcy. BJORKMAN, HUGO, Little Albany-st, Regent's Park, timber merchant. Pet. May 16. Order, CHAMBERS, GEORGE, Broadway, Stratford, saddler. Pet. May 16. Order, May 16. JACOBY, MYER, Commercial-rd East, tailor. Pet. May 17. Order, May 17.

May 16.

KYEZOR, BENJAMIN, late Regent-st, dealer in articles of vertu, Pet. May 17. Order, May 17.
RAMMAGE, ARTHUR, New Broad-st, civil engineer. Pet. April 19. Order, May 17.
ROSS, WILLIAM (trading as John Jones and Co.) King st, Snow-hill, cork dealer. Pet. April 21.
ROWLAND, ALEXANDER, Laurance Pountney-la, soap manufacturer. Pet. March 25.
May 15.
WILLIAMS, FRY, and Co., New Stone-bldngs, Chancery-la, cement merchanis.
Order, May 15.

Pet. April 21.
To surrender at their respective District Courts.
BENNETT, THOMAS WALDRON, Lowestoft, boat owner. Ct. Great Yarmouth. Pet. May 6. Order,
May 17.
BRIGGS, ROBERT, and BRIGGS, JOHN, Preston, booksellers. Ct. Preston. Pet. May 15. Order,
May 15.
COWIE, GEORGE FREDERICK CHARLTON, Middlesbrough, Joiner. Ct. Stockton-on-Tees and
Middlesbrough. Pet. May 16. Order, May 16.

COY, EDWARD, Skirbeck, thrashing-machine owner. Ct. Boston. Pet. May 16. Order, May 16. CRAIG, WILLIAM NICOL, Kendal, nurseryman. Ct. Kendal. Pet. May 17. Order, May 17. DEVON, JOHN, Padiham, confectioner. Ct. Burnley. Pet. April 30. Order, May 15.

EARLE, SARAH JANE, late Kingston-upon-Hull, licensed victualler. Ct. Kingston-upon-Hull. Pet. April 28. Order, May 15.

EMMS, JOHN HENRY, Norwich, late dealer in hay. Ct. Norwich. Pet. May 16. Order, May 16. FITZGERALD, JOSEPH PEARSON, Woking, timber merchant. Ct. Guildford and Godalming. Pet. May 14. Order, May 14.

GEORGE, DAVID, Capel Colman, innkeeper. Ct. Carmarthen. Pet. May 10. Order, May 16. GRIFFIN, JOHN, late Devonport, general dealer. Ct. East Stonehouse. Pet. May 16. Order,

May 16.

HARPER, WALTER JOHN, Gilmorton, butcher. Ct. Leicester. Pet. May 14. Order, May 14. HOLME, JOHN RICHARD, Nottingham, clerk of contract works. Ct. Nottingham. Order, May 15, Pet. May 15.

JAMES, GEORGE, Swansea, shipping butcher. Ct. Swansea. Order, May 14. Pet. May 14.
JACKMAN, EDWIN, Yarmouth, 1. of W., butcher. Ct. Newport and Ryde. Pet. May 17. Order,
May 17.

JONES, THOMAS, Aberystwith, process server. Ct. Aberystwith, Pet. May 10. Order, May 16.
LEWIS, EMMA, Bath, lodging-house keeper. Ct. Bath. Pet. May 17. Order, May 17.
LAMB, HERBERT KENNIE, Torquay, Indiarubber maker. Ct. Exeter. Pet. May 5. Order,
MAUGHAN, HENRY THOMAS, Marske-by-the-Sea, agricultural implement dealer. Ct. Stockton.
on-Tees and Middlesbrough. Pet. May 16. Order, May 16.

May 16.

MORROW, THOMAS HENRY, Newcastle-on-Tyne, grocer. Ot. Newcastle-on-Tyne. Pet. May 16.
Order, May 16.

MADDAMS, FREDERICK, Sydenham, job master. Ct. Greenwich. Pet. May 15. Order, May 15.
PATRICK, ALFRED, Petersfield, builder. Ct. Portsmouth. Order, May 16. Pet. May 16.
PLOWMAN, HARRY, New Clee, fisherman. Ot. Great Grimsby. Pet. May 15. Order, May 15.
REAST, GEORGE JOSEPH, Thornton, innkeeper. Ot. Leloester. Pet. May 16. Order, May 16.
SAMPSON, JOHN BENJAMIN, Fareham, grocer. Ct. Portsmouth. Pet. May 17. Order, May 17.
SMITH, HENRY RANFIELD, York, butcher. Ct. York. Order, May 15. Pet. May 15.
STREETER, HENRY, Croydon, carman. Ct. Croydon. Pet. May 15. Order, May 15.
TOMES, EMANUEL, Chipping Campden, builder. Ct. Banbury. Pet. May 17. Order, May 17.


WILLIAMS, THOMAS, and THOMAS, JOHN HENRY (trading as Grindley and Son, Chester, wholesale chemists. Ct. Chester. Pet. May 17. Order, May 17.

UPTON, GEORGE FRANCIS, Dewsbury, cashier. Ct. Dewsbury. Pet. May 16. Order, May 16. TAYLOR, WALTER, late Croxton, wheelwright. Ct. Norwich. Pet. May 17. Order, May 17. WEBSTER, FREDERICK, York, butcher. Ct. York. Order, May 15. Pet. May 15.

Gazette, May 16.

ATKINSON, THOMAS, Leods, chemist. Ct. Leeds. Meeting, May 23, at 3, at office of Off. Rec.
Leeds. Exam. June 3, at 11, at the County Court-house, Leeds. Order sum. adm. May 10.
BARKER, THOMAS, Leeds, butcher. Ct. Leeds. Meeting, May 23, at 11, at office of Ŏff. Rec.
Leeds. Exam. June 3, at 11, at the County Court-house, Leeds. Order sum. adm. May 8.
BRYANT, THOMAS, Curtain-rd, chairmaker. Ct. High Court of Justice, in Bankruptcy. Meeting,
June 3, at noon, at 33, Carey-st, Lincoln's-inn. Exam. June 11, at noon, at 34, Lincoln's-inn.
fids. Order sum. adm. May 14.

CARAMELLI, PIETRO, Tottenham-court-rd, restaurateur. Ct. High Court of Justice, in Bankruptcy. Meeting, May 30, at 230, at 33, Carey-st, Lincoln's-inn. Exam. June 11, at noon, at 34, Lincoln's-inn-fids. Order sum. adm. May 14.

CIRIAX, HEINRICH, Newman-st, Oxford-at, bootmaker. Ct. High Court of Justice, in Bank-
ruptcy. Meeting. May 23, at noon, at 33, Carey-st, Lincoln's-inn. Exam. June 11, at noon, at
34, Lincoln's-inn-fids. Order sum. adm. May 10.
CROFT, THOMAS HENRY, Olay Cross, baker. Ct. Chesterfield. Meeting, May 23, at 1.30, at the
Angel hotel, Chesterfield. Exam. June 5, at 11, at the County Court, Chesterfield.
CRESSEY, HENRY, Leeds, joiner. Ct. Leeds. Meeting, May 23, at noon, at office of Off. Rec.
Leeds. Exam. June 3, at 11, at the County Court-house, Leeds. Order sum. adm. May 10.
CLAYTON, THOMAS, Preston, builder. Ct. Preston. Meeting, May 23, at 230, at office of Off.
Rec. Preston. Exam. June 6, at 11, at the County Court-offices, Preston.
DARVILL, RICHARD, Aylesbury, late builder. Ct. Aylesbury. Meeting, May 24, at 3, at 1, St.
Aldates, Oxford. Exam. May 21, at 11, at 25, Walton-st, Aylesbury. Order sum. adm. May 13.
FARLEY, JOHN THOMAS, Truro, builder. Ct. Truro. Meeting, May 23, at 11.30, at office of Off.
Reo. Truro. Exam. June 7, at 11.30, at the Townhall, Truro.

GARNER, WILLIAM THOMAS, sen., Willenhall, brass caster. Ct. Wolverhampton. Meeting.
June 10, at noon, at office of Off. Rec. Wolverhampton. Exam. June 10, at 2, at the County
Court, Wolverhampton. Order sum. adm. May 13.

HERRING, WALTER BENJAMIN JOSEPH, Hendon, oilman. Ct. Barnet. Meeting. May 23, at 3, at 95, Temple-chmbrs, Temple-avenue. Exam. June 11, at 11, at the Townhall, Barnet. Order sum. adm. May 13.

HODGKINS, CHARLES EDWARD GILBERT (trading as Jones and Co.), Bristol, draper. Ct.
Bristol. Meeting, May 23, at 3.30, at office of Off. Rec. Bristol. Exam. June 6, at noon, at the
Guildhall, Bristol.

HELLEN, JAMES, Colchester, butcher. Ct. Colchester. Meeting, May 23, at 11, at the Townhall,
Colchester. Exam. June 4, at 3, at the Townhall, Colchester. Order sum. adm. April 18.
HUGHES, JOHN, Liverpool, licensed victualler. Ct. Liverpool. Meeting, May 29, at 3, at office of
Off. Rec. Liverpool. Exam. May 29, at 11, at the Court-house, Liverpool. Order sum. adm.
May 13.
HEYBYRNE, JAMES HENRY, Newport, teadealer. Ct. Newport, Mon. Meeting, May 24, at 11, at
office of Off. Rec. Newport. Exam. June 19, at. 11, at the Townhall, Newport. Order sum. adm.
May 14.
HARDY, JOSEPH STEERE, Nottingham. lace manufacturer. Ct. Nottingham. Meeting. May 23,
at noon, at office of Off. Rec. Nottingham. Exam. June 27, at 10, at the County Court-house,
HUNT, HENRY, and HUNT, JAMES, Willenhall, coal masters. Ct. Walsall. Meeting, June 11, at
11.15, at office of Off. Rec. Walsall. Exam. June 11, at noon, at the Court-house, Walsall.
Order sum. adm. May 8.
HOSKYNS, THOMAS SNOW, Leamington, grocer. Ct. Warwick. Meeting, May 29, at 3, at office of
Off. Rec. Coventry. Exam. June 11, at 2, at the Shireball, Warwick. Order sum. adm. May 5.
JONES, JOHN EDWARD, Aberavon, grocer. Ct. Neath. Meeting, May 23, at noon, at office of Off.
Rec. Swansea. Exam. May 27, at 11.30, at the Townhall, Neath. Order sum. adm. May 12.
JONES, ELIAS BENJAMIN, Llanidloes, grocer. Ct. Newtown. Meeting, May 26, at 1, at office of Off.
Rec. Llanidloes. Exam. May 29, at 10.30, at the County Court-office, Newtown. Order sum.
adm. May 13.
JONES, ROBERT, Swansea, iron merchant. Ct. Swansea. Meeting, May 24, at noon, at office of
Off. Rec. Swansea. Exam. May 29, at 11.30, at the Townhall, Swansea.
LUKE, FREDERICK ARTHUR, Southampton, upholsterer. Ct. Southampton. Meeting, May 30,
at 11, at office of Off. Rec. Southampton. Exam. May 20, at noon, at the Court-house,
Southampton. Order sum. adm. May 14.

LEMMENS, JOHN CHARLES, Liverpool, dental surgeon. Ct. Liverpool. Meeting, June 5, at 3, at
office of Off. Rec. Liverpool. Exam. Juno 5, at 11, at the Court-house, Liverpool. Order sum.
adm. May 13.
MATTHEWS, CHARLES, Southport, plumber. Ct. Liverpool. Meeting, May 29, at 2.30, at office of
Off. Rec. Liverpool. Exam. May 29, at 11, at the Court-house, Liverpool. Order sum. adm.
May 13.
MARTIN, WILLIAM, Brighton, plumber. Ct. Brighton. Meeting. May 23, at 11,30, at 24, Railway-
approach, London Bridge. Exam. June 12, at 11, at the Court-house, Brighton.
Order sum.
adm. May 9.
MARTIN, HENRY, Trawden, cotton-waste dealer. Ct. Burnley. Meeting, June 5, at 1.30, at the
Exchange hotel, Burnley. Exam. June 5, at 11, at the Court-house, Burnley. Order sum.
adm. May 8.
MEATS, WILLIAM, Clacton-on-Sea, engineering contractor. Ct. Colchester. Meeting, May 23, at
11.30, at the Townhall, Colchester. Exam. June 4, at 3, at the Townhall, Colchester. Order
sum. adm. May 14.

MCFARLINE, JAMES FOTHERGILL, Newcastle-on-Tyne, tailor. Ct. Newcastle-on-Tyne. Meeting,
March 27, at 2.30, at office of Off. Rec. Newcastle-on-Tyne. Exam. May 27, at 11.30, at the
County Court, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Order sum. adm. May 14.
MORRIS, ARTHUR, sen., Carlton, general carter. Ct. Nottingham. Meeting, May 23, at 11, at
office of Off. Rec. Nottingham. Exam. June 6, at 10, at the County Court-house, Nottingham.
Order sum. adm. May 18.

MARKS, ABRAHAM GEORGE, Portsea, naval outfitter. Ct. Portsmouth. Meeting. June 2, at 3, at
166, Queen-st, Portsea. Exam. June 2, at noon, at the Court-house, Portsmouth. Order sum.
adm. May 13.
OEXLE, HENRY GUSTAVE, late Granville-rd, Walthamstow, commercial clerk. Ct. High Court
of Justice, in Bankruptcy. Meeting, May 28, at noon, at Bankruptcy-bldngs, Portugal-st,
Lincoln -inn. Exam. June 13, at 12.30, at 34, Lincoln's-inn-filds. Order sum. adm. May 3.
PARKER, COLEMAN SOLOMON, Billingsgate Market, fish salesman. Ct. High Court of Justice, in
Bankruptcy. Meeting, May 28, at 2.30, at Bankruptcy-bldngs, Portugal-st, Lincoln's-inn.
Exam. June 13, at noon, at 34, Lincoln's-inn-fids. Order snm. adm. May 3.
PUGH, HENRY, Oswestry, grocer. Ct. Wrexham. Meeting. May 23, at 3.15, at Queen's hotel,
Oswestry. Exam. June 10, at noon, at the County-hall, Wrexham. Order sum. adm. May 8.
RATCLIFFE, HENRY GEORGE, late Liverpool. theatrical comedian. Ct. Liverpool. Meeting,
May 29, at 2, at office of Off. Rec. Liverpool. Exam. May 29, at 11, at the Court-house,
Liverpool. Order sum. adm. May 13.
SALTERN, WILLIAM HENRY, Plymouth, grocer. Ct. East Stonehouse. Meeting, May 23, at 11,
at 10, Athenæum-ter, Plymouth. Exam. May 30, at 11, at the County Court, East Stonehouse.
Order sum. adm. May 10.

SUMMERS, GEORGE, Great Yarmouth, grocer. Ct. Great Yarmouth. Meeting. May 24, at noon,
at office of Off. Rec. Norwich. Exam. June 2, at 11, at the Townhall, Great Yarmouth. Order
sum. adm. May 13.
SEYMOUR, HENRY, Newington Green-rd, sign writer. Ct. High Court of Justice, in Bankruptcy.
Meeting, May 29, at 1, at 33, Carey-st, Lincoln's-inn. Exam. June 17, at 11, at 34, Lincoln's-inn-
fids. Order sum. adm. May 5.

SNYDER, FREDERICK HALL, Winchester-house, Old Broad-st, director of the Snyder Dynamite
Projectile Co. Lim. Ct. High Court of Justice, in Bankruptcy. Meeting, May 28, at 2.30, at
33, Carey-st, Lincoln's-inn. Exam. June 17, at 11.30, at 34. Lincoln's-inn-fids.
TOMES, ALFRED, Liverpool, boot dealer. Ct. Liverpool. Meeting, May 30, at 3, at office of Off.
Reo. Liverpool. Exam. May 29, at 11, at the Court-house, Liverpool.

THOMAS, WALTER DAVID, Swansea, grocer. Ct. Swansea. Meeting, May 28, at 2.30, at office of
Off. Rec. Swansea. Exam. May 29, at 11.30, at the Townhall, Swansea. Order sum. adm.
May 18.
WHITTAKER, WILLIAM, Warrington, fishmonger. Ct. Warrington. Meeting, May 23, at 11.45,
at the Court-honse, Warrington. Exam. May 23, at 11.30, at the Court-house, Warrington.
Order sum. adm. May 13.
WELLS, GEORGE H., Cornwall-rd, Notting Hill, financial agent. Ct. High Court of Justice, in
Bankruptcy. Meeting, May 28, at 1, at 33, Carey-st, Lincoln's-inn. Exam. June 17, at 11, at 34,
Lincoln's-inn-fids. Order sum. adm. April 29.

WILLIAMS, JOHN ARNOLD, Glengall-rd. Old Kent-rd, dealer in house property. Ct. High Court of Justice, in Bankruptcy. Meeting, May 29, at 11, at 33, Carey-st, Lincoln's-inn. Exam. June 17, at 11.30, at 34, Lincoln's-inn-fids. Order sum. adm. May 5.

WYATT, GEORGE HENRY, late Twickenham, builder. Ct. High Court of Justice, in Bankruptcy. Meeting, May 29. at noon, at 33, Carey-st, Lincoln's-inn. Exam. June 17, at 11.30, at 34, Lincoln's-inn-fids. Order sum. adm. May 2.

Gazette, May 20.

ANDREWS, WILLIAM WILKINSON, Ramsgate, smack owner. Ct. Canterbury. Meeting, May 28, at 3.30, at 72, High-at, Ramsgate. Exam. June 6, at 10.30, at the Guildhall, Canterbury. Order sum. adm. May 14. BALDWIN, RICHARD, Camden-row, Camberwell, builder. Ct. High Court of Justico, in Bankruptcy. Meeting, June 3, at 2.30, at 33, Carey-st, Lincoln's-inn. Exam. June 11, at 12.30, at 34, Lincoln's-inn-fids.

BANBURY, JOSEPH, Glen Park-rd, Forest Gate, builder. Ct. High Court of Justice, in Bank-
ruptcy. Meeting. June 6, at 11, s. 33, Carey-st, Lincoln's-inn. Exam. June 11, at 12.30, at
34, Lincoln's-inn-fids. Order sum. adm. May 14.
BARNARD, SYDNEY, Epsom, gentleman. Ct. Croydon. Meeting, May 30, at 3, at 24, Railway-
approach, London Bridge. Exam. June 5, at 11, at the Townhall, Croydon. Order sum. adm.
May 14.

BRAY, ROBERT, Holme, farmer. Ct. Great Grimsby. Meeting, May 28, at 11, at office of Off. Rec.
Great Grimsby. Exam. June 4, at 11, at the Townhall, Great Grimsby. Order sum. adm.
May 17.
BOWD, WALTER, Surbiton, builder. Ct. Kingston, Surrey. Meoting, May 20, at noon, at
24, Railway-approach, London Bridge. Exam. July 11, at 2.30, at the Court-house, Kingston.
Order sum. adm. May 14.
BRIGGS, ROBERT, and BRIGGS, JOHN, Preston, booksellers. Ct. Preston. Meeting, June 6, at 3,
at office of Off. Rec. Preston. Exam. June 20, at 11, at the County Court-offices, Preston.
Order sum. adm. May 16.

BEVIS, JAMES FREEMANTLE, late Fisherton Anger, painter. Ct. Salisbury. Meeting, May 27, at 11. at office of Off. Rec. Salisbury. Exam. June 13, at 2, at the Council-house, Salisbury. Order sum. adm. May 13.

OBBETT, JOHN, late Hercules-bldngs, Lambeth, publican. Ct. High Court of Justice, in Bank. ruptcy. Meeting, June 3, at 1, at 33, Carey-st, Lincoln's-inn. Exam. June 11, at 12.30, at 34, Lincoln's-inn-fids. Order sum. adm. May 14.

CHINN, JOSEPH SAMUEL, Birmingham, hairdresser. Ct. Birmingham. Meeting, May 29, at 11,
at 25, Colmore-row, Birmingham. Exam. June 17, at 2, at the County Court, Birmingham.
Order sum. adm. May 15.
CLARKE, SAMUEL, late Birmingham, fruiterer. Ct. Birmingham. Meeting, May 29, at 11, at
25, Colmore-row, Birmingham, Exam. June 13, at 2, at the County Court, Birmingham.
Order sum. adm. May 3.
CURTIS, WILLIAM, Kingston-upon-Hull, bricklayer. Ct. Kingston-upon-Hull. Meeting, May 30,
at 11, at office of Off. Rec. Hull. Exam. June 16, at 2, at the Townhall, Hull. Order sum. adm.
May 15.
DOUGHTY, JOHN, Coventry, tobacconist. Ct. Coventry. Meeting, May 29, at 3.30, at office of Off.
Rec. Coventry. Exam. June 23, at 2.30, at the County-hall, Coventry. Order sum. adm.
May 15.
EASTWOOD, HARRY WILLIAM, Queen's-rd, Bayswater, confectioner. Ct. High Court of Justice,
in Bankruptcy. Meeting, May 30, at 2.30, at Bankruptcy-bldngs, Portugal-st, Lincoln's-inn.
Exam. June 12, at noon, at 34, Lincoln's-inn-fids.
EMMS, JOHN HENRY, late Lakenham, dealer in hav and corn. Ct. Norwich. Meeting, May 31, at
11.30, at office of Off. Rec. Norwich. Exam. June 23, at 11, at the Shirehall, Norwich Castle.
Order sum. adm. May 17.
FILEMAN, HENRY, Hornsey-rd, pawnbroker. Ct. High Court of Justice, in Bankruptcy.
Meeting, May 30, at noon, at 33, Carey-st, Lincoln's-inn. Exam. June 12, at noon, at 34, Lin-
FORD, FREDERICK HENRY ALFRED (late trading as the Association of Tobacco and Cigar
Manufacturers and as the Limehouse Tobacco Company), Commercial-rd. Ct. High Court
of Justice, in Bankruptcy. Meeting, May 30, at 11, at Bankruptcy-bldngs, Portugal-st, Lin-
coln's-inn. Exam. June 12, at 11.30, at 31, Lincoln's inn-flds. Order sum. adm. May 10.
FOLL, HERBERT CECIL, late Disraeli-rd, Putney, seedsman's manager. Ct. Wandsworth.
Meeting, May 28, at 3, at 24, Railway-approach, London Bridge. Exam. May 29, at noon, at the
Court-house, Wandsworth. Order sum. adm. May 15.
GODFREY, THOMAS, Belmont-grove, Turnham Green, no occupation. Ct. High Court of Justice,
in Bankruptcy. Meeting, June 3, at 2.30, at 33, Carey-st, Lincoln's-inn. Exam, June 12, at
noon, at 34, Lincoln's-inn-fids.
GRANT, EMILY, late Great Bridge, bread dealer. Ct. Dudley. Meeting, June 2, at 10.30, at office
of Off. Rec. Dudley. Exam. June 2, at 11, at the Court-house, Dudley. Order sum. adm.
May 1.
GILLO, WILLIAM RIVERS, Winchester, carrier. Ct. Winchester. Meeting. May 30, at 2.30, at
office of Off. Rec. Southampton. Exam. June 11, at 10, at the Castle, Winchester. Order sum.
adm. May 17.
HAZELDINE, JOHN G..B., Turnham Green, gentleman. Ct. Brentford. Meeting, May 23, at 3, at
95, Temple-chmbrs. Exam. May 27, at 2.15, at the Townhall, Brentford.
HERBERT, JAMES, Brentwood, stonemason. Ct. Chelmsford. Meeting, May 29, at 12.30, at the
Lion and Lamb hotel, Brentwood. Exam, June 4, at 1, at the Shirehall, Chelmsford. Order
sum. adm. May 12.

HARRIS, DAVID, Ewhurst, butcher. Ct. Hastings. Meeting, May 23, at 2, at office of Young and
Sons, Hastings. Exam. June 2. at 1, at the Townhall, Hastings. Order sum. adm. May 14.
HARPER, WALTER JOHN, Gilmorton, butcher. Ct. Leicester. Meeting, May 28, at 12.30, at office
of Off. Rec. Leicester. Exam. June 11, at 10, at the Castle, Leicester.
HAMPDEN, the Hon. CHARLES EDWARD HOBART, Werter-rd, Putney, late a captain in the
East India Company's service. Ct. Wandsworth. Meeting. May 30. at noon, at 24, Railway-
approach, London Bridge. Exam. June 12, at noon, at the County Court-house, Wandsworth.
Order sum. adm. May 15.

HOLT, THOMAS ALFRED, Bilston, late a beerhouse-keeper. Ct. Wolverhampton. Meeting.
June 10. at 11.30, at office of Off. Rec. Wolverhampton. Exam. June 10, at 2, at the County
Court, Wolverhampton. Order sum. adm. May 13.
JACKSON, WILLIAM, late Bucklersbury. Ct. High Court of Justice, in Bankruptcy. Meeting,
June 3, at 11, at Bankruptcy-bldngs, Portugal-st, Lincoln's-inn. Exam. June 12, at noon, at
34. Lincoln's-inn-fids.
JOHNSON, ROBERT HENRY, Hemel Hempstead, licensed victualler. Ct. St. Albans. Meeting,
May 30, at 12.45, at the Bell hotel, Hemel Hempstead. Exam. May 29, at noon, at the Court-
house, St. Albans. Order sum. adm. May 13.

KELHAM, MARTHA JANE, and KELHAM, ELIZA ANNE, Lincoln, milliners. Ct. Lincoln. Meeting, May 20, at noon, at office of Off. Rec. Lincoln. Exam. May 29, at 3, at the Sessionshouse, Lincoln. Order sum. adm. May 7.

LATTER, GEORGE, Dorking, draper. Čt. Croydon. Meeting, May 28, at 2, at 21, Railway. approach, London Bridge. Exam. June 5, at 11. at the Townhall, Croydon. LEACH, EDWIN TAYLOR, Dorchester, baker. Ct. Dorchester, Meeting, May 27, at 12.30, at office of Off. Rec. Salisbury. Exam. June 26, at 12.15, at the County-hall, Dorchester. LAMB, HERBERT RENNIE, Torquay, indiarubber maker. Ct. Exeter. Meeting, June 5. at 11, at Bankruptcy-bldngs, Portugal-st. Lincoln's-inn. Exam. June 19, at 11, at the Castle, Exeter. LOCHHEAD, WILLIAM KERR, Gringley-on-the-Hill, physician. Ct. Lincoln. Meeting, May 29, at 12 15, at office of Off. Rec. Lincoln. Exam. May 29, at 3, at the Sessions-house, Lincoln. Order sum. adm. May 7. MATTHEWS, HENRY THOMAS, Cambridge, late coal merchant. Ct. Cambridge. Meeting, June 4, at noon, at office of Off. Rec. Cambridge. Exam. June 18, at 11, at the Guildhall, Cambridge. Order sum. adm. May 16. MONCRIEFF, BARBARA, Cockermouth, milliner. Ct. Cockermouth and Workington. Meeting, May 20, at 3.30, at 67, Duke-st, Whitehaven. Exam. June 12, at 11, at the Court-house, Cockermouth. Order sum. adm. May 16. Meeting,

MORROW, THOMAS HENRY, Newcastle-on-Tyne, grocer. Ct. Newcastle-on-Tyne.

May 30, at 10.30, at office of Off. Rec. Newcastle-on-Tyne. Exam. May 29, at 11.30, at the County Court, Newcastle-on-Tyne.

PEMELL, EDMUND, Stock Exchange, stockbroker. Ct. High Court of Justice, in Bankruptcy. Meeting, May 29, at 2.30, at 33, Carey-st, Lincoln's-inn. Exam, June 13, at 2, at 31, Lincoln'sinn-fids. Order sum. adm. May 3.

PRESTON, MARY SENSITIVE ARMFIELD, Doncaster, widow. Ct. Great Grimsby. Meeting. May 29, at 1, at office of Foottit, Newark. Exam. June 4, at 11, at the Townhall, Great Grimsby. Order sum. adm. May 13. PERKINS, JOHN, Gainsborough, late provision dealer. Ct. Lincoln. Meeting, May 29, at 12.30, at office of Off. Rec. Lincoln. Exam. May 29, at 3, at the Sessions-house, Lincoln. Order sum. adm. May 7.

PATRICK, ALFRED, Petersfield, builder. Ct. Portsmouth. Meeting. June 2, at 4.30, at 166,
Queen-st, Portsea. Exam. June 2, at noon, at the Court-house, Portsmouth.
Order sum.
adm. May 16.

PRICE, ARTHUR, Walsall, butcher. Ct. Walsall. Meeting, June 11, at 10, at office of Off. Ree.
Walsall. Exam. June 11, at noon, at the Court-house, Walsall. Order sum. adm. May 14.
ROBINSON, JAMES, Clova-rd, Forest Gate, sawmill proprietor. Ct. High Court of Justice, in
Bankruptcy. Meeting, May 28, at 11, at Bankruptcy-bldngs, Portugal-st, Lincoln's-inn.
Exam. June 17, at 11.30, at 34, Lincoln's-inn-fids. Order sum. adm. April 29.
RIGGS, LEVI WILLIAM, Weymouth, manager of co-operative stores. Ct. Dorchester. Meeting,
May 27, at 3, at office of Off. Rec. Salisbury. Exam. June 26, at 12.15, at the County-hall,

REAST, GEORGE JOSEPH, Thornton, innkeeper. Ct. Leicester. Meeting, May 28, at 3, at office of
Off. Rec. Leicester. Exam. June 11, at 10, at the Castle, Leicester.
SIMPSON, FRANCIS, Folkestone, tailor. Ct. Canterbury. Meeting. June 6, at 0.30, at office of Off.
Rec. Canterbury. Exam. June 6, at 10.30, at the Guildhall, Canterbury. Order sum. adm.
May 14.
SAMPSON, JOHN BENJAMIN, Fareham, grocer. Ct. Portsmouth. Meeting, June 3, at 3.30, at
166, Queen-st, Portsea. Exam. June 2, at noon, at the Court-house, Portsmouth. Order sum.
adm. May 16.
STAGG, ADOLPHUS, and STAGG, FRANK, Sheffield, steel manufacturers. Ct. Sheffield. Meeting,
May 29, at 11, at office of Off. Rec. Sheffield. Exam. June 6, at 11.30, at the County Court-hall,
SMITH, HENRY RANFIELD, York, butcher. Ct. York. Meeting, May 29, at 12.15. at office of off.
Rec. York. Exam. May 30, at 11, at the Guildhall, York. Order sum. Adm. May 15.
TAYLOR, WALTER, late Croxton, wheelwright. Ct. Norwich. Meeting, May 31, at noon, at office
of Off. Rec. Norwich. Exam. June 23, at 11, at the Shirehall, Norwich Castle. Order sum.
adm. May 17.

WILLIAMS, ELLIS, Bethesda, draper. Ct. Bangor. Meeting, May 30, at 2.30, at Crypt-ohmbrs,
Chester. Exam. June 10, at noon, at the Police-court, Bangor.
WILLIAMS, JAMES RICHARD, Plymouth, clothier. Ct. East Stonehouse. Meeting, May 29, at 11,
at 10, Athenæum-ter, Plymouth. Exam. June 3, at 11. at the County Court, East Stonehouse.
Order sum. adm. May 15.
WEBSTER, FREDERICK, York, butcher. Ct. York. Meeting. May 29, at 11.30, at office of Off. Rec.
York. Exam. May 30, at 11, at the Guildhall, York. Order sum, adm. May 15.


Gazette, May 16.

The following amended notice is substituted for that published in the London Gazette of April 15. SNELL, JOHN, and SNELL, JOHN WILLIAM, Maidenhead, builders. Ct. Windsor. Exam. May 31, at noon, at Townhall, Windsor.

Gazette, May 20. MACDONALD, J. C., Hart-st, Mark-la, wine merchant. Ct. High Court of Justice, in Bankruptcy. Exam. June 12, at 11.30, at 34, Lincoln's-inn-fids.

ADJUDICATIONS. Gazette, May 16.

ATKINSON, THOMAS, Leeds, chemist. Ct. Leeds. Order, May 12. Pet. May 9.

ADAMS, GEORGE THOMAS, Milton, wheelwright. Ct. Southainpton. Order, May 12. Pet. May 5. BEARDON, WILLIAM HENRY LENDON, Liverpool-rd, Islington, coachbuilder. Ct. High Court of Justice, in Bankruptcy. Order, May 12. Pet. May 6.

BRIGHT, WILLIAM HENRY, Glengall-rd, Old Kent-rd, shop-fitter. Ct. High Court of Justice, in Bankruptcy. Order, May 13. Pet. April 9.

BOWD, WALTER, Surbiton, joiner. Ct. Kingston, Surrey. Order, May 10. Pet. May 5.

BEVIS, JAMES FREEMANTLE, Salisbury, Journeyman painter. Ct. Salisbury. Order, May 13. Pet. May 13.

BECKWITH, ROBERT, Stockton-on-Tees, engineer. Ct. Stockton-on-Tees and Middlesbrough.
Order, April 30. Pet. March 27.

BOASE, JOHN, Sevenoaks, builder. Ct. Tunbridge Wells. Order. May 12. Pet. May 5.
CROAD, REGINALD JAMES, Hayes, grocer. Ct. Croydon. Order, May 12. Pet. May 12.
CLAYTON, THOMAS, Preston, builder. Ct. Preston. Order, May 13. Pet. May 2.
joiners. Ct. Sheffield. Order, May 12. Pet. April 24.

DARVILL, RICHARD, Aylesbury, late builder. Ct. Aylesbury. Order, May 18. Pet. April 20.
DAVIES, JAMES, Portmadoc, master mariner. Ct. Portmadoc. Order, May 12 Pet. May 3.
DICKIN, GEORGE PRICE. and DICKIN, THOMAS BENJAMIN, Selattyn, farmers. Ct. Wrexham.
Order, May 18. Pet. May 18.

ELLSON, WILLIA:, Sunderland, draper. Ct. Sunderland. Order, May 14. Pet. April 25.

EDWARDS, EDWARD THOMAS WATKINS, Abergavenny, superannuated supervisor of excise. Ct.
Tredegar. Order, May 14. Pet. May 12,
FILEMAN, HENRY, Hornsey-rd, pawnbroker. Ct. High Court of Justice, in Bankruptcy. Order,
GOLDMAN, MORRIS (trading as M. Jacobs), Nicholas-st, Mile End, boot manufacturer. Ct. High
Court of Justice, in Bankruptcy. Order, May 14. Pet. May 14.

May 13. Pet. May 9.

HALFORD, WILLIAM, Albert-sq, Clapham-rd, late St. Helen's and Warrington, breeze manufac-
turer. Ct. High Court of Justice, in Bankruptcy. Order, May 14. Pet. May 14.
HOPKINS, FREDERICK CHARLES, Great St. Helen's, timber merchant. Ct. High Court of Jus-
tice, in Bankruptcy. Order, May 14. Pet. April 21.
Order, May 10. Pet.
Order, May 12. Pet.
HUGHES, JOHN, Liverpool, licensed victualler. Ct. Liverpool. Order, May 13. Pet. May 1.
HENDERSON, ROBERT, Jarrow, bicycle manufacturer. Čt. Newcastle-on-Tyne. Order, May 12.
Pet. May 2.

HERRING, WALTER, BENJAMIN JOSEPH, Hendon, oilman. Ct. Barnet.
May 7.

HAZELDINE, JOHN G. B., Turnham Green, gentleman.
March 10.

Ct. Brentford.

HUNT, HENRY, and HUNT, JAMES, Willenhall, coal masters. Ct. Walsall. Order, May 13. Pet.
May 7.
JENKINS, JAMES IMRAY, and ROYLANCE, EDWARD HENRY, Manchester, stockbrokers. Ct.
Manchester. Order' May 13. Pet. April 25.

KNOTT, WILLIAM, sen., Brierley Hill, maltster's labourer. Ct. Stourbridge. Order, May 12.
Pet. April 28.

LEWIS, JAMES, Margate, grocer. Ct. Canterbury. Order, May 12. Pet. April 22.

LEACHMAN, JOHN, Wainfleet Saint Mary, licensed victualler. Ct. Boston. Order, May 13. Pet.
May 12.

LUKE, FREDERICK ARTHUR, Southampton, upholsterer. Ct. Southampton. Order, May 13.
Pet. May 13.
MUNDAY, CHARLES ROBERT, Aliwal-rd, New Wandsworth, builder. Ct. Wandsworth. Order,
May 12. Pet. April 10.

MARKS, ABRAHAM GEORGE, Portsea, naval outfitter. ICt. Portsmouth. Order, May 12. Pet.
May 12.

MCFARLINE, JAMES FOTHERGILL, Newcastle-on-Tyne, tailor. Ct. Newcastle-on-Tyne. Order, May 13. Pet. May 13.

MATTHEWS, CHARLES, Southport, plumber. Ct. Liverpool. Order, May 13. Pet. April 14. MONCRIFFF, BARBARA, Cockermouth, milliner. Ct. Cockermouth. Order, May 13. Pet. May 13. MATTHEWS, HENRY THOMAS, Cambridge, late coal merchant. Ct. Cambridge. Order, May 14. Pet. May 14.

PEMELL, EDMUND, Stock Exchange, stockbroker. Ct. High Court of Justice, in Bankruptcy.
Order, May 14. Pet. Feb. 27.

PRIOR, ALFRED, Coventry, licensed victualler. Ct. Coventry. Order, May 14. Pet. April 18.
PRICE, ARTHUR, Walsall, butcher. Ct. Walsall. Order, May 12. Pet. May 9.
RATCLIFFE, HENRY GEORGE, late Liverpool, theatrical comedian. Ct. Liverpool.
May 12. Pet. May 12.


SUMMERS, GEORGE, Great Yarmouth, grocer. Ct. Great Yarmouth. Order, May 13. Pet. April 26.
SIMPSON. FRANCIS, Folkestone, tailor. Ct. Canterbury. Order, May 12. Pet. May 10.
SIMPSON, ARTHUR WILLIAM CRAWFORD, Bishopsgate-st, commission agent. Ct. High Court
of Justice, in Bankruptcy. Order, May 12. Pet. Jan. 3.

TARBET, T. W., Warwick-st, Regent-st, law stationer. Ct. High Court of Justice, in Bankruptcy.
Order, May 14. Pet. March 13.

WALLIS, RICHARD, Tower-villas, Upton Park, builder. Ct. High Court of Justice, in Bankruptcy. Order, May 12. Pet. May 6.

WILLETT, FRANK, Shadwell Market, fish salesman. Ct. High Court of Justice, in Bankruptcy. Order, May 13. Pet. March 29.

WYATT, GEORGE HENRY, late High Holborn, builder. Ct. High Court of Justice, in Bankruptcy. Order, May 13. Pet. March 12.

WELLER, GEORGE, St. Ives, gas manufacturer. Ct. Truro. Order, May 8. Pet. March 12.

Gazette, May 20.

ARNOLD, ARTHUR, Watford, butcher's foreman. Ct. St. Albans. Order, May 16. Pet. May 9. BRIGGS, ROBERT, and BRIGGS, JOHN, Preston, booksellers. Ct. Preston. Order, May 15. Pet. May 15.

BRICE, JOSEPH, Taunton, poultry dealer. Ct. Taunton. Order, May 15. Pet. May 14. CHAMBERS, GEORGE, Broadway, Stratford, saddler. Ct. High Court of Justice, in Bankruptcy. Order, May 17. Pet. May 18.

COY, EDWARD, Skirbeck, thrashing-machine owner. Ct. Boston. Order, May 16. Pet. May 15.
CRAIG, WILLIAM NICOL, Kendal, nurseryman. Ct. Kendal. Order, May 17. Pet. May 17.
COWIE, GEORGE FREDERICK CHARLTON, Middlesbrough, joiner. Ct. Stockton-on-Tees and
Middlesbrough. Order, May 16. Pet. May 16.

DOUGHTY. JOHN, Coventry, tobacconist. Ct. Coventry. Order, May 15. Pet. May 5.
EMMS, JOHN HENRY, late Lakenham, hay dealer. Ct. Norwich. Order, May 16. Pet. May 16.
FOLL, HERBERT CECIL, late Disraeli-rd, Putney, seedsman's manager. Ct. Wandsworth. Order,
May 15. Pet. April 25.

FLOWER, F. G., late Queen Anne's-mansions. Ct. High Court of Justice, in Bankruptcy. Order,
May 16. Pet. Nov. 9.

GEORGE, DAVID. Capel Colman, innkeeper. Ct. Carmarthen. Order, May 16. Pet. May 15.
GAY, WILLIAM HENRY, Newport, painter. Ct. Newport, Mon. Order, May 15. Pet. April 22.
HEYBYRNE, JAMES HENRY, Newport, teadealer. Ct. Newport, Mon. Order, May 17. Pet.
May 17.

HOLME, JOHN RICHARD, Carrington, clerk of contract works. Ct. Nottingham. Order, May 15.
Pet. May 15.

HAMPDEN, the Hon. CHARLES EDWARD HOBART, Werter-rä, Putney, late a captain in the East India Company's service. Ct. Wandsworth. Order, May 15. Pet. Maroh 7.



Is arranged and furnished to afford Residents every
possible convenience and comfort. In addition to a
large number of Single and Double Bed Rooms, and
Bed Rooms with Bath Room and Lavatory attached, there
are elegant Suites of Private Apartments, and most luxu-
rious General Rooms.

· HIGHEST CLASS CUISINE, FINEST WINES, AND VERY BEST ATTENDANCE. SERVICE À LA CARTE; also TABLE D'HÔTE. Breakfast, Luncheon, & Dinner at Separate Tables. Telegrams, "Metropole, London."



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HOLT, THOMAS ALFRED, Bilston, late beer house-keeper. Ct. Wolverhampton. Order, May 16. Pet. May 10.

HARPER, WALTER JOHN, Gilmorton, butcher. Ct. Leicester. Order, May 14. Pet. May 14. JACOBY, MYER, Commercial-rd East, tailor. Ct. High Court of Justice, in Bankruptcy. Order, May 17. Pet. May 17.

JONES, THOMAS, Aberystwith, process server. Ct. Aberystwith. Order, May 16. Pet. May 16.
JACKMAN, EDWIN, Yarmouth, I. of W., butcher. Ct. Newport and Ryde. Order, May 17. Pet.
May 17.

JAMES, GEORGE, Swansea, shipping butcher. Ct. Swansea. Order, May 14. Pet. May 14.
JONES, ROBERT, Swansea, iron merchant. Ct. Swansea. Order, May 16. Pet. May 16.
LEWIS, EMMA, Bath, lodging-house keeper. Ct. Bath. Order, May 17. Pet. May 17.
MICHAEL, ALFRED, Bristol, pawnbroker. Ct. Bristol. Order, May 16. Pet. April 30.
MADDAMS, FREDERICK, Sydenham, jobmaster. Ct. Greenwich. Order, May 15. Pet. May 15.
PITKIN, FREDERICK THOMAS, Lympne, butcher. Ct. Canterbury. Order, May 14. Pet. April 21.
PLOWMAN, HARRY, New Clee, fisherman. Ct. Great Grimsby. Order, May 15. Pet. May 15.
PATRICK, ALFRED, Petersfield, builder. Ct. Portsmouth. Order, May 16. Pet. May 16.
ROSS, WILLIAM (trading as John Jones and Co.), King-st, Snow-hill, cork dealer. Ct. High
Court of Justice, in Bankruptcy. Order, May 17. Pet. April 21.
SHACKLETON, ARTHUR MARMADUKE, Halifax, underclothing manufacturer. Ct. Halifax.
Order, May 14. Pet. April 30.

SAMPSON, JOHN BENJAMIN, Fareham, grocer. Ct. Portsmouth. Order. May 17. Pet. May 17.
STEEL, JOHN, Barrow-in-Furness, joiner. Ct. Ulverston and Barrow-in-Furness. Order, May 17.
Pet. April 22.
SMITH, HENRY RANFIELD, York, butcher. Ct. York. Order, May 15. Pet. May 15.
TAYLOR, WALTER, late Croxton, wheelwright. Ct. Norwich. Order, May 17. Pet. May 17.
URQUHART, R. L., Leadenhall-st, financial agent. Ct. High Court of Justice, in Bankruptcy.
Order, May 17. Pet. Jan. 27.

WILLIAMS, JAMES RICHARD, Plymouth, clothier. Ct. East Stonehouse. Order, May 15. Pet.
May 13.
WALTERS, JOHN OSCAR, Shrewsbury, brewer. Ct. Shrewsbury. Order, May 14. Pet. April 19.
WEBSTER, FREDERICK, York, butcher. Ct. York. Order, May 15. Pet. May 14.

The following amended notice is substituted for hat published in the London Gazette of May 9.
LILLEY, ALFRED HENRY, late Clement's-la, timber merchant. Ct. High Court of Justice, in
Bankruptcy. Order, May 7. Pet. April 1.


Gazette, May 16.

HELM, GEORGE HOLROYD, Sowerby Bridge, mason. Ct. Halifax. Adjudication, Nov. 23, 1885. Annulment, April 21, 1890. Grounds of annulment, scheme of arrangement duly accepted by creditors and approved by court. MARTIN, ERNEST GEORGE, Farningham, hotel keeper. Ct. Rochester. Adjudication, June 8, 1888. Annulment, May 12, 1890. Grounds of annulment, debts paid in full. MACEVOY, FRANCIS, Burnley, clothes dealer. Ct. Burnley. Adjudication, Aug. 20, 1889. Annulment, May 10, 1890. Grounds of annulment, all the creditors have been paid in full, and all costs, charges, and expenses of and incidental to the bankruptcy have been paid.

[blocks in formation]

KING-KERR.-On the 24th ult, at Christ Church, Georgetown, Demerara, J. Hampden King,
eldest son of the late J. Hampden King, B.A., Judge of the Supreme Court, British Guiana, to
Ella Lyndon, youngest daughter of the late Captain Claude Kerr, Superintendent of H.M.
Penal Settlement, Massaruni.
LARKMAN-MEADOWS. - On the 13th inst., at the parish church, Great Yarmouth, George
Preston Larkman, Solicitor, Beccles, to Mary Elizabeth, youngest daughter of Daniel
Meadows, Surgeon, Great Yarmouth.
MAINWARING-BISDEE.-On the 14th inst., at St. Augustine's, Honor Oak, Charles Vaughan
Mainwaring, Madras Staff Corps, to Frances Eleanor, daughter of Thomas Denning Bisdee, of
Honor Oak, Forest Hill, Solicitor.


CLERK. On the 10th inst., in Ceylon, Malcolm Henry Clerk, aged 37, third son of John Clerk, Q.C.

DE BARRETO.-On the 17th inst., at Berkeley House, Hyde Park-square, W., Henry, Baron de Barreto, J.P., D.L., F.R.S.L.

JEFFERY.-On the 10th inst., at 7, Spencer-parade, Northampton, John Jeffery, Esq., Solicitor, aged 78.

MALLAM.-On the 16th inst., Charles Mallam, Esq., of 2, Radnor Cliff, Sandgate, and 1, Staple-inn, aged 65.


Established 1878.

RENTS Collected, Estates Managed. Licensed Bailiffs.
monthly, contains the largest and most varied selection,
and is the best medium for the Disposal of all property in
the Northern Suburbs. Copy Gratis ou application.
ICHARD JORDAN, 120, Chancery-lane,
&c., continues to render assistance to the Profession in all
matters pertaining to the Formation, Registration, and
Winding-up of Joint Stock Companies. Memorandums and
Articles of Association, Special Resolutions, and other
documents intrusted to him are carefully examined and
printed with the utmost accuracy and expedition.


Now ready, Thirteenth Edition, much enlarged,
price 3s. 6d., post free.

[blocks in formation]


HE BEST PRICE for WASTE PAPER Sittingbourne, Kent, where the paper is re-manufactured on the premises, which is not done by any other buyer. cular, and

A HANDY BOOK of PRACTICAL, Sund, fora Wampare prices with those of any advertisers who

INSTRUCTIONS on the Formation, Management, and Winding-up of Joint Stock Companies. By R. JORDAN. To be had of the Author, as above.

[blocks in formation]

are not paper manufacturers.

[blocks in formation]


Newest Shapes. "NONE WEAR BETTER."


Largest Selection of Colours and Shapes in London,

[blocks in formation]

(First Floor above Hat Department). SPECIALITIES.-Cleanliness and Good Workmen.


[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Price 38. 6d., post free, crown Svo., cloth, SIXTH EDITION (Enlarged).

FORD on OATHS. A Handbook for the Guidance of Commis

sioners, Magistrates, and Solicitors in the United Kingdom and the Colonies. Containing: Special Forms of Jurats, Oaths, Affirmation, &c., used before all Tribunals as well Civil as Criminal; Forms and Directions for use by Solicitors applying for Commissions; Latest Regulations as to Affidavits and Jurisdiction of Commissioners as affected by English and Irish Judicature Acts and other Statutes; also special Information as to the Enlarged Powers and Obligations of all Commissioners under the New Oaths Act. The obiter dictum of Mr. Justice Kay in the recent case of Bourke v. Davis considered.

The learned judge (Mr. Justice Kay), in accepting from Mr. Ford a copy of his book, wrote, under date of 27th January 1890, "It would be much better that the members of his profession should themselves take measures to improve the practice of taking Oaths to affidavits, than that this should be done by Rules of Court." precisely what the Author has aimed at in each edition of "Ford on Oaths."

N.B.-The New Act came into operation on Jan. 1, 1890.

This is

"A new edition of " Ford's Handbook on Oaths" has just been issued from this office. It is the familiar guide on the subject of which it treats-the vade mecum of the commissioners for oaths, whose duties have been recently shown to be by no means well defined. Mr. Ford has introduced the Commissioners for Oaths Act 1889 and the Oaths Act of 1888. Practitioners will find the work carefully edited and brought up to the date of publication."-Law Times.

"This useful little volume is intended to assist both Commissioners and Solicitors in all matters relating to oaths. It contains special forms of oaths and jurats. The author speaks of the Judicature Acts at these pompous but partial and imperfect measures of reform.""-Law Journal.

"Mr. Charles Ford, whose name is well known in connection with legal literature, is himself a solicitor, and has enjoyed exceptional facilities for ascertaining the particular information needed both by Commissioners and by Solicitors generally in connection with oaths and affidavits. The copious notes and comments throughout are most creditable to the author, and we have no doubt whatever that this hardbook will abundantly meet the want of reliable information on the subject."-Irish Law Times.

London: HORACE COX, 10, Wellington-street, W.C.

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Rules Publication Bill

Licensing Law Amendment Bill



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The Law and the Lawyers.

THE House of Lords will resume judicial business on Monday June 9.

THE following is a summary of the business in the two Courts of Appeal: From the Chancery Division there are 39 final and 9 interlocutory appeals; from the County Palatine, 2 final; from the Queen's Bench Division, 39 final and 7 interlocutory; sitting in Bankruptcy, 1 final; making a total of 81 final and 16 interlocutory appeals.

THE causes and matters to be dealt with in the Chancery Division number 627, apportioned as follows: Mr. Justice KAY, 158; Mr. Justice CHITTY, 124; Mr. Justice NORTH, 138; Mr. Justice STIRLING, 118; and Mr. Justice KEKEWICH, 89.

THE Queen's Bench Division has in the new trial paper, 64; special paper, 2; opposed motions, 41; Crown paper, 59; and Revenue cases, 22; making a total of 188. There are 21 appeals and motions in bankruptcy.


THE actions entered for trial at Nisi Prius up to the 23rd May 1890 are thus classified: Middlesex, S.J. 249, C.J. London, S.J. 38, C.J. 19; without juries, 467-total 1003.

IN the Probate, Divorce, and Admiralty Division the business is as follows:-Probate, before the Court itself, 27; common juries, 2; special juries 8-total, 37. Divorce, undefended, 56; defended, 72; common juries, 24; special juries, 10-total, 162.

THE arrangement of business in the Queen's Bench Division for the Trinity Sittings shows a determination to give Divisional Courts a good innings before their abolition. There are to be four courts in banco, which will absorb eight judges. Six courts of Nisi Prius (for the first two weeks) will account for six more, But this and the remaining judge will be wanted in chambers. arrangement is plainly purely speculative. It can only be carried out if Baron POLLOCK and Mr. Justice STEPHEN return to work, and if Mr. Justice CAVE is not constantly wanted to sit in Bankruptcy, and Mr. Justice WILLS to sit with the Railway Commissioners. Could Mr. FINLAY'S Bill have passed at once, two judges only would have been wanted to form a Divisional Court, thus liberating six; and we need hardly say that twelve judges sitting to try causes would make an impression upon the arrears before the judges leave town for the Summer Circuits.

WE have referred to the Summer Circuits. They begin in the middle of the Trinity Sittings. Circuits now usually close the courts in London. The Profession will look with some interest to see whether this gross scandal is allowed to recur; whether a single Lord Justice will once more come to the rescue and enable Lord COLERIDGE to keep open a single court for the trial of causes without juries. The hopes of our judicial system may yet again rest upon Lord Justice FRY. The arrears of jury causes must rest upon the consciences of the authorities.

78 JURY causes will be taken in the Lord Mayor's Court on Thursday next.


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The Proposed Court of Criminal Appeal 82
Quarter Sessions

Copartnership-Separate Estate............
Sittings of the Courts............
Newcastle County Court.-Jobson Bros.
v. The Poole, Baltic, and Quebec
Timber Company Limited........


Associated Provincial Law Societies Liverpool Board of Legal Studies GENERAL INTELLIGENCE

Proceedings Affecting the Profession

Sale of Business-Right of Purchaser to
use Vendor's Name

Unclaimed Stock and Dividends in the
Bank of England

Heirs-at-Law and Next of Kin
Appointments under the Joint Stock
Winding-up Acts

Creditors under Estates in Chancery Creditors under 22 & 23 Viot. o. 85.... PROMOTIONS AND APPOINTMENTS ............ CORRESPONDENCE


Incorporated Law Society. - Honours
Examination, April 1890....

Supreme Court of Judicature-Trinity
Sittings 1890.-Order of Business-
Court of Appeal..

Cause List.-Court

Chancery Division

of Appeal

Queen's Bench Division

Probate, Divorce, and Admiralty Division



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High Court of Justice-Queen's Bench Division-Masters in Chambers





Rota of Registrars............


THE Bar Musical Society will give its annual ladies' concert in Lincoln's-inn Hall (by kind permission of the Treasurer and Masters of the Bench), on Wednesday, June 25.

MR. H. H. FOWLER'S Bill relating to the publication of statutory rules deals with a subject of growing interest to the Legal Profession and the public. The importance of the subject grows, because it is becoming more and more the fashion for the parliamentary draftsman to eke out his Bill with rules and regulations to be prepared by some non-parliamentary authority in futuro. Too often such regulations come into operation without time or opportunity being afforded for their consideration by those who are best qualified to criticise and correct where criticism and correction are most needed. This system of half-and-half legislation is open to many and grave objections; but, if the method has so strongly taken root that it cannot be got rid of altogether, let us at least be guarded from its more Mr. FOWLER'S Bill would go some way glaring inconveniences. towards attaining that end. He is quite within the mark in urging the disadvantages to the Profession and the public of the present system. To modify its effect he proposes that shall in rules made by every rule making authority draft form be published in the Gazette forty days before they are signed and become binding. At the expiration

Vol. LXXXIX.-No. 2461.

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