Apothecaries Act, the, 30
Bill of Sale Act 1882, ss. 7 and 9-Joint assign- ment of chattels to which grantors are separately entitled renders bill of sale void (Turberville and Co. v. Sharpe; Pimlott, claimant; Diprose, claimant), 163 Charter-party-Breach of clause in-Admiralty jurisdiction (Jobson Brothers v. The Poole, Baltic, and Quebec Timber Company Limited), 83 Contract of insurance-Insolvency of assurance company-Right of assured to sue for breach of contract of insurance-33 & 34 Vict. c. 61, 8. 22 - Reduction of amount of contract by order of court Effect of such order (The Briton Medical and General Life Association v. Symons), 305 County Courts Act 1888, s. 68-Romitted equity action-Jurisdiction (Cowney v. Thompson), 222 County Court advocacy, 31 County Court, jurisdiction of
Settled Land Act 1882-Land, definition of-Trustees (Re Malt- house Close and Settled Land Act), 325
Appointment of nominee
(Biggs v. Lewis), 47. Landlord's right to rent after goods taken in execution (Hughes v. Smallwood), 43 Married woman-Separate estate-Restraint on anticipation Contract in respect thereof (Miller v. Downing), 277
Friendly Societies Act 1875-Conviction not a bar | Return of Judge Bristowe, Q.C., 141 to civil action (Vernon and others v. Watson), Sale of goods - Order given by debtor, goods 313 delivered to his agent or assignee after he has absconded Conversion (Morgan and Co. v. Peace and another), 65 Ship-Necessaries - Brokerage and commission -County Courts Admiralty Jurisdiction Act 1868, s. 388 (2) - Evidence Register kept abroad (The Velocifero), 325 Sittings of the Courts, 9, 30, 47, 65, 83, 103, 121, 140, 163, 182, 199, 222, 240, 255, 276, 295, 313, 325, 345, 355, 366, 377, 400, 412 Solicitor and client-Retainer, 30 Unqualified persons practising in County Courts, 104
Negligence Unfenced hole on the defendant's premises Injury to stranger rightfully there (John William Beeson v. Jane Lomas, widow, and William Lomas), 334
Parish clerk - Fees District parish - Lord Blandford's Act (19 & 20 Vict. c. 104), s. 12 (Busher v. Hey), 141 Partnership - Action against firm against partner-Bills of Exchange Act-County Court Rules (The Birmingham and General Loan and Deposit Company Limited v. W. B. Jones and Co.), 222
Will-A fund appointed under a general testa- mentary power to trustees and executors upon trusts which have failed, passes to the appointor's next of kin (Re The County Courts Act 1888 and Re The Trusts of the Will of Sarah Mounckfield), 276
Construction-Residuary legatee, 200
![[blocks in formation]](,627,908,125)
Adhesive stamp on choques, 12 Admiralty casos in the Scotch courts, 33 Ancient lights-2 & 3 Will. 4, c. 71, ss. 1, 2, and 3-Crown property - Obstruction-Injunction (The Mercers' Company v. Eames; Salaman v. Eames; Perry v. Eames), 392 Appointment of returning officers of parliamon- tary boroughs near London, 66 Bill of sale-Statement of consideration "truly set forth "-Bills of Sale Act 1883, s. 8-Form, 167
Building Society-Power to borrow-Creditor- Frame of petition (Re Second Wolverhampton Building Society), 335 Companies Winding-up Bill, 296 Company-Directors de facto-Action against use of company's name -Injunction-Directors' qualification (Notre Dame des Victoires (Transvaal) Gold Mining Company v. Lord Gifford), 400
Petition-Creditor-Voluntary winding-up -Supervision order (Re The Bowersfield Iron Company Limited), 356
Voluntary winding-up-Winding-up under supervision Creditor's petition (Re Inter- national Stock and Share Agency Limited), 356 Winding-up-Compulsory order-Voluntary winding-up-Private company-Rights of creditors-Companies Act 1862, s. 145 (Re Joshua Stubbs Limited), 400
Winding-up-Debt-Insolvency-Proof of (Re Gatling Arms and Ammunition Company), 336
Consols-Facilities for the investment of divi dends on Consols through the Bank of Eng- land, 326
![[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]](,872,306,519)
against her, are entitled to payment of their claim out of the proceeds in precedence to claims for repairs and coal, although such repairs and coals were respectively effected and furnished prior to the said collision (Loud and others v. The Tug-boat John G. Stevens and the Tug-boat R. S. Carter), 164 Mayor's Court, the, 256 Middle Temple, 143
Mortgages, stamps on transfer of, 413 Mortgagor and mortgagee-Foreclosure decree- Order absolute-Opening foreclosure-Practice - Motion- Receiver Account (Ingham v. Sutherland), 346
Negligent performance of solicitor's duty to client, 306 Nuisance-Private or public nuisance-Noisy entertainments Interlocutory injunction. (Bellamy v. Wells), 346 Obstruction of highway-Rights of passengers- Action of negligence, 106 Occasional Notes, 154, 176, 193, 218, 231, 249, 269, 288, 303, 313, 323, 334, 345, 354, 364, 374, 399, 411 Practice-Contempt-Discharge from custody- Non-delivery of account (Re Smith; Walker v. Smith), 335
Contempt Injunction-Attachment-De- livery of possession-Delay in taking proceed- ings-R. S. C. 1883, Order LII., r. 4 (Senior v. Whitwell), 335 Proceedings affecting the Profession, 11, 32, 48, 66, 84, 122, 141, 167, 182, 206, 223, 241, 255, 277, 296 Railway company, ultra vires-Receiver and manager-Contract-Vacation business - In- junction (Re Eastern and Midland Rail. Co.), 356 Rating of orchards, 327
Receiver-Management of business-Action for account-Action in nature of specific perform- ance-Manager-Continuing business (Gilbert v. Carte), 306, 326
Registration of deeds in Ireland, 224 Revision Courts, the, 336, 346, 356, 367
Right of purchaser to use
Sale of business vendor's name, 84 Solicitor's failure, a, 124
Table of the distribution of the personal estate of intestates, 374
Trinity House Dinner, 144 Stock-Absolute sale of-Principal and agent- Ultra vires, the plea of, 144 Transfer-Stock Exchange-Certificates-De- Under Sheriffs Association, 205 posit in court (Walker v. Noble), 392
Austin's Law relating to Apprentices, 364 Beach's Modern Law of Railways as determined by the Courts and Statutes of England and the United States, 162
Blackie's Modern Cyclopædia, 162, 340 Bodkin's Law relating to Riots, 162 Boyle and Davies' Principles of Rating, 293
Henschel's Allgemeine Staats-Lehre. Als Einlei- tung in das Studium der Rechts-Wissenschaft, 275 Hunter's Law of Distress for Rent, 162 Johnson's Patentee's Manual: a Treatise on the Law and Practice of Patents for Inventions, 162 Kerr's Student s Blackstone, 181
Key and Elphinstone's Precedents, 198
Brett Commentaries on the Present Laws of Law Quarterly Review, 198 England, 161
Chalmer's Sale of Goods, including the Factors Act 1889, 139, 162
Clarke's Medical Law for Medical Men, 198 Crewe's Law of Arbitration, 375
Davidson's Concise Precedents of Conveyancing, 198
Edmunds' Law and Practice of Letters Patent for Inventions, 139
Gaius and Postes's Gaii Institutionum Juris Civilis Commentarii Quattuor, or Elements of Roman Law, by Gaius, 181
Gibson and Weldon's Intermediate Examination Digest, 355
Gibson and Weldon's Student's Criminal and Magisterial Law, 162
Gibson's Guide to Stephen's Commentaries, 334 Glen's Law of County Government, 161
Greenwood and Martin's Magisterial and Police Guide, 162
Hall's Treatise on International Law, 162
Macassey and Strahan's Law relating to Civil Engineers, Architects, and Contractors, 275 McCullagh's County Court Practice, 162 Mead and Bodkin's Criminal Law Amendment Act 1885, 275
Moore's How to be Married in all Ways and Everywhere throughout the British Empire and in Foreign States, 139
Musgrave's Dissertation on the Common Law of Waters, and its application to natural cir- cumstances other than those of England," 239 Nasmith's Outline of Roman History, &c., and Decay of Roman Jurisprudence, 138 Neish and Carter's Factors Act 1889, 275 Odger's Law of Libel, 198
| Roscoe's Digest of Evidence in Criminal Cases, 163 Rubinstein's Conveyancing Costs under the Solicitors' Remuneration Act 1881, 275 Rumsey's Way to prove a Will and to take out Administration, 28
Ryder's Report of Rating Appeals (1886-1890) heard before the Queen's Bench Division and the Court of Appeal and the London Quarter Sessions, 334
Saint's Supplement to Saint's Registration Cases,
Sargant's Urban Rating, being an Inquiry into the Incidence of Local Taxation in Towns, 139
Scrutton's Charter Parties and Bills of Lading, 163
Semple's Essentials of Forensic Medicine, Toxi- cology, and Hygiene, 139
Short and Mellor's Practice on the Crown Side of the Queen's Bench Division of Her Majesty's High Court of Justice, 28
Simpson's Treatise on the Law of Infants, 163 Stephen's Commentaries, 163
Paine's Formation and Registration under the Stephen's Law of Support and Subsidence, 28 Companies Acts, 275
Phillip's Tramways Act 1870, 28 Pollock's Law of Torts, 29
Stroud's Judicial Dictionary, 120
Westlake's Treatise on Private International Law, 276
Medical Considerations, 162
Reich's Græco-Roman Institutions, from Anti- Williams's Unsoundness of Mind in its Legal and Evolutional Points of View, 239 Rogers on Elections, 198
Agents in Scotland, Incorporated Law Society of, | Incorporated Law Society, 9, 125, 166, 186, 200, 107 Associated Provincial Law Societies, 83
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