LA AW PARTNERSHIP.-A City Firm are Prepared to consider proposals for ADMITTING to their Firm a JUNIOR PARTNER of good social position and connections. A sound practical experience in the varied practice of a large City Office (particularly in Contentious business) is essential; an University man preferred: proposals will be treated in strictest confidence.-State age, experience, amount of capital at command, income required, and prospects (if any) of being able to introduce business, to "S.B." (No. 2462), 10, Wellington-street, Strand, W.C. AW PARTNERSHIP.-WANTED, Town and Country experience; every qualification: admitted 1884: premium up to £3000.-Address ARTHUR SNOW, 25, Lincoln's-inn-fields, W.C. AW PARTNERSHIP.-A Gentleman of great energy, aged 35, who has for ten years been acting as Manager to a large Firm of London Solicitors, and who has had extensive and varied experience, DESIRES a similar POST in a Firm of standing with the view of ultimately acquiring by purchase a SHARE in the business. Unexceptionable references as to ability, &c.-Address "A. B.," care of Street Brothers, 5 Serle-street, W.C. AW LA PARTNERSHIP.-HALF SHARE PARTNERSHIP is offered to a suitable Gentleman with general mercantile experience; premium £500. Fullest investigation allowed.-JOHNSTONE and Co. Limited, Partnership Brokers, Cardiff. Situations, Wanted and Vacant. LA AW.-WANTED, by SOLICITOR, aged 27, holding responsible Managing Clerkship (Country) for upwards of four years, CLERKSHIP in good Office of General Practice in large Town, with a view to Partnership preferred; salary to be arranged accordingly."D. H." (No. 2462), 10, Wellington-street, Strand, W.C. LAW. SOLICITOR (32) DESIRES RE-ENGAGEMENT as MANAGING CLERK, many years' experience in general country business; thorough Conveyancer and Draftsman, accustomed to Town Clerk's and Registration work: good Accountant: salary £120.-A. T. B." (No. 2462), 10. Wellington-street, Strand. AW.-SOLICITOR (admitted 1885), with veyancing, Common Law, and Chancery, SEEKS CLERKSHIP: for several years Managing Clerk in London offices of good practice; well recommended.-"R. T." (No. 2462), 10, Wellington-street, Strand, W.C. LAW Common Law and General CLERKSHIP REQUIRED by Unadmitted man, well up in Common Law, Conveyancing, and General Practice; salary £120: good references.-Address "H.A." (No. 2464), 10, Wellington-street, Strand, W C. DESIRES or LAW WORKING ARTICLES. CONVEYANCING CLERK, over 30, is DESIROUS of obtaining SITUATION in Office of Solicitor, with whom arrangements could be made for Articles; is thoroughly experienced in Conveyancing, and accustomed to act without supervision; has passed Preliminary.-Address "C. B." (No. 2463), 10. Wellington-street, Strand, W.C. LA AW. SOLICITOR (24; Honours June 1888) SEEKS RE-ENGAGEMENT as MANAGING CLERK; extensive and varied experience in all branches. accustomed to responsible work; £150.-Address "C. B.A." (No. 2464), 10, Wellington-street, Strand, W.C. AW.-ADVERTISER, well educated, and preferred); general experience in large town, and knowledge of Conveyancing: Shorthand (140) and good longhand."M. T. A." (No. 2464), 10, Wellington-street, Strand, W.C. AW. SOLICITOR (32, admitted 1884, Honours) REQUIRES MANAGING CLERKSHIP (country), or charge of Branch Office; practical Conveyancing and Commercial Lawyer and competent to act without supervision; five years Managing Clerk in large assize town; salary moderate.-"T." (No. 2464), 10, Wellington-street, Strand, W.C. LA AW.-An efficient ACCOUNTANT and LAW. An cel Axentoramio. and Cashier's work, REQUIRES an APPOINTMENT, department or otherwise; well recommended.-"Accountant," 2, Marlborough-road, Bowes Park, London, N. ARTHUR WELDON, Solicitors (Editors of the Law Notes," &c.) continue to prepare STUDENTS for the INTERMEDIATE and FINAL EXAMINATIONS of the Law Society, in class and by post, and their pupils continue to meet with great success. The six months' class for the next January Final begins on July 1.-For particulars address Lonsdale-chambers, 27, Chancery-lane, London. SUCCESSES IN APRIL. Again more than half the Honours List was composed of Messrs. Gibson and Weldon's pupils, 9 out of the 17 Honour men having worked with them. At the April Intermediate 18 out of 14 class pupils passed. MB.INDERMAUR (assisted by Mr. Thwaites) STUDENTS chambers, 22, Chancery-lane, London. Particulars per. sonally or by letter, see also dates of classes, &c., in each month's "Law Students' Journal." Classes for each Solic tors' Final and Intermediate, and Bar Final Examinations; and Pupils also received for private and postal preparation NOTE.-Students reading with Mr. Indermaur have the use of a set of rooms at his chambers for study during the day, and the use of his library there without extra fee. See further particulars in "Law Students' Journal," also past results. Mr. Indermaur has now prepared Eleven winners of the first prize at the Solicitors' Final. R. H. S. BOWEN, B.A., LL.B. (First-Class University, 1882), Author of "Outlines of Specific Perfor mance." PREPARES for the Bar and Solicitors' EXAMI NATIONS and London Law Degrees. Two Residential Pupils taken after Michaelmas.-Address, 4, Stone-buildings, Lincoln's-inn, W.C. RESULTS 1890. Hilary Bar Examinations: Five sent up: five passed April Solicitors' Final: All sent up passed. Intermediate LL.B.: Two sent up; two passed. LAW A MAGISTERITION & MAGISTERIAL MR. UTTLEY, Solicitor, continues to rapidly CLERK has had many years' experience in Metropolitan A W. Costs or Cashier and General seven and ten years character. H. P., 2, Twin-villas, Hall-road, Peckham Rye, S.E. LANGAGE SOLICITOR (35) DESIRES AW-A SOLICITOR (35) DESIRES to partnership arrangement, preferred; good references."A. B." (No. 2464), 10, Wellington-street, Strand, W.C. LAW. and by post, for the Solicitors' and Bar Preliminary, Inter mediate, and Final, and LL.B. Examinations. Terms from 21 18. per month. MANY PUPILS HAVE TAKEN HONOURS.For further particulars, and copies of Hints on Stephen's Commentaries," and "Hints on Criminal Law," address 17, Brazennose-street. Albert-square, Manchester. MWurf Snowdon House Oldbury, near R. WILLIAM ARNOLD, Solicitor Birmingham, PREPARES CANDIDATES for the Inter mediate. Final, and Honours Examinations through the post. Terms (payable in advance), eight guineas for twentyseven correspondences, or five guineas for seventeen correspondences. Special terms for a longer course if desired. ADVERTISER (20) DESIRES PREL SITUATION as Copying and General CLERK: six years' experience; salary £1.-A." (No. 2464), 15, Wellington-street. Strand, W.C. LAW ADVERTISER (22) DESIRES ENGAGEMENT in or near London, as County upwards six Court and General CLERK; neat Engrosser. H. A.” years' experience and good references. (No. 2464), 10, Wellington-street, Strand, W.C. AW.-WANTED, by Young SOLICITOR CLERKSHIP in Conveyancing Office; country preferred: good references.-Apply to "W. M.,' care of R. B., Box No. 156, Post-office, Nottingham. LA " AW.-WANTED, at once, an Assistant Common Law and Chancery CLERK.-Apply, stating age, salary, and reference, to "Foster" (No. 2463), 10, Wellington-street, Strand, W.C. AW.-SHORTHAND CLERK WANTED stating age, previous experience, and salary required, to "Blackstone." care of Mr. James Warner, 11, Bell-yard, Temple Bar, W.C. LAWRTICARTICLES, VACANCY for an General Practice, including Estate Agencies; moderate premium; highest references given and required.-"B." (No. 2464), 10, Wellington-street, Strand, W.C. AW.-CLERK WANTED, aged about 16 Engagement, may lead to permanency: must be good Accountant, and write good hand, knowledge of Shorthand desirable; fare to Wales of clerk engaged paid.-Address, in own handwriting, with wages expected, and references, to "Executor" (No. 2464), 10, Wellington-street, Strand, W.C. LAW SHORTHAND WRITER, efficient AW.-SHORTHAND WRITER, efficient tors.-State age and salary required, "G. L.," care of Mr. Henry Green, London Gazette and General Advertisement Offices, 117, Chancery-lane, W.C. AW.-WANTED, a GENERAL CLERK; -FRANK S. FOLEY, Solicitor, Horwich, Lancashire. LA AW.-WANTED, in a Country Office, a good GENERAL CLERK (under 30, unarticled); must be well up in Conveyancing, County Court, and Magisterial work, able to deal with clients, and keep Accounts; salary £100.-"Amicus" (No. 2464), 10, Welling LAW SOLICITOR. and Notary (33) ton-street, Strand, W.C. sion: has had a good all-round experience; Shorthand and RELIMINARY LAW EXAMINATIONS.SPECIAL TUITION by JOHN GIBSON, MA, and large staff, at Quernmore, Bromley, Kent, and 24, Chancery-lane; also by Correspondence. In Feb. Exam when 55 per cent. of the candidates failed, 8 pupils passed out of 13, and in May 9 out of 11. Gibson's "Guide" appears directly after each Exam. AW EXAMINATIONS.-SPECIAL nary, Intermediate, and Final, pass and honours; Bar Examinations, Preliminary, Roman Law, and Final-Dr. KLEIN. M.A., Mr. BRYDGES, M.A., The Civil Service Inst tute, 110, Cannon-street. City R. HASLEWOOD PARKES, Solicitor, Pontypool. PREPARES PUPILS for SOLICI TORS' INTERMEDIATE and FINAL (Pass and Honours) EXAMINATIONS. As Mr. Parkes devotes himself exclu sively to coaching by correspondence, his pupils are assured of his undivided attention. Terms on application. Sales by Auction. MESSES. DEBENHAM, TEWSON, FARMER, and BRIDGEWATER'S LIST of ESTATES and HOUSES to be SOLD or LET, including Landed Estates, Town and Country Residences, Hunting and Shooting Quarters, Farms, Ground Rents, Rentcharges, House Property, and investments generally, is PUBLISHED on the first day of each month, and may be obtained, Free of charge, at their Offices, 80, Cheapside, E.C., or will be sent in return for two stamps. Particulars for insertion in any list should be received not later than four days previous to the end of the preceding month. Sales by Auction for the year 1890. MESSES. DEBENHAM, TEWSON, FARMER, and BRIDGEWATER beg to announce that their SALES of LANDED ESTATES, Investments, Town. Suburban, and Country Houses, Business Premises, Building Land, Ground Rents, Advowsons, Reversions, Stocks, Shares, and other Properties will be held at the Auction Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, near the Bank of England, in the City of London, as follows: Tues., June 24 Tues., July 1 Tues., July 8 Tues., October 7 Tues., October 21 Tues., Nov. 4 Tues., Nov. 18 Tues., Dec. 9 Auctions can also be held on other days, in town or country, by arrangement. Messrs. Debenham, Tewson, Farmer, and Bridgewater also undertake sales and valua farming stock, timber, growing crops, &c. tions for Probate and other purposes of furniture, pictures, Detailed lists of investments, estates, sporting quarters residences, shops, and business premises to be Let or Sold by private contract, are published on the 1st of each month, and can be obtained of Messrs. DEBENHAM, TEWSON FARMER, and BRIDGEWATER, Estate Agents, Surveyors, and Valuers, 80. Cheapside. E.C. Telephone No. 1503. South Metropolitan Gas Company.-£28,000 Five per Cent. Perpetual Debenture Stock, and £25,000 Ordinary "C" Stock of the above Company, presenting investments of the soundest description. ESSRS. G. A. WILKINSON and SON TION, at the Mart, on Monday, July 14, at Two o'clock precisely, in numerous Lots to suit large and small purchasers, £28,000 FIVE PER CENT. PERPETUAL DEBENTURE STOCK and £25,000 ORDINARY "C" STOCK in the South Metropolitan Gas Company. The districts supplied by the Company comprise nearly the whole of the South of London from Wandsworth to Plumstead Marshes, and the demand has so much increased that the supply of gas has been nearly doubled within the last ten years. Particulars may be had of FRANK BUSH, Esq., Secretary to the Company, 709A, Old Kent-road; of Messrs. JOHNSON BUDD, and JOHNSON, Solicitors, 24, Austin Friars; and of Messrs. G. A. WILKINSON and Son, Surveyors and Auctioneers, 7, Poultry, City. OROUGH of DOVER, in the County of GIVEN, that the Court of QUARTER SESSION of the Peace of and for the said Borough and Liberties of the same, will be holden before HARRY BODKIN POLAND, Solicitors' Benevolent Association, Esq, Q.C., Recorder of the said Borough, at the COURT For the Relief of Poor and Necessitous Solicitors and Proctors in England and Wales, HALL, of and in the said Borough, on MONDAY, the 7th day of JULY next, at TEN o'clock in the forenoon precisely, at which time and place all persons bound by recognizance or that have any other business to do at the said Session are hereby required to attend. And Notice is Hereby Given, that at such Court a Rate or Assessment will be made on the non-corporate members and Liberties of the said Borough, charging them with a due proportion of all those expenses of the said Borough, to the payment whereof Rates in the nature of County Rates are applicable. And that the business relating thereto will and their Wives, Widows, and Families. INSTITUTED 1858. The THIRTIETH ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL of this Association will be commence on the above-mentioned day at the sitting of the held at THE HOTEL METROPOLE, LONDON, on MONDAY, the 23rd said Court. Dover, June 12, 1890. LEWIS, Clerk of the Peace. Now Ready, demy 8vo., cloth, price 10s. 6d. THE LAW RELATING TO CIVIL ENGINEERS, Being a Treatise on the Retainer, Remuneration, Duty, L. LIVINGSTON MACASSEY, Esq., J. A. STRAHAN, Esq., LL.B., of the Middle Temple, Barrister-at-Law, and Regius Professor of English Law, Queen's College, Belfast. STEVENS and SONS LIMITED, 119 and 120, Chancerylane, E.C. Now Ready, Demy Octavo, Cloth PRICE 428., or 348. 6d. POST FREE, FOR THE LAW RELATING TO COUNTY GOVERNMENT UNDER THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1888, AND OTHER STATUTES AFFECTING BY ALEX. GLEN, M.A., LL.B., Gantab. (Barrister-at-Law, of the Midland Circuit). TOGETHER WITH NOTES ON THE REGISTRATION OF AND CONTAGIOUS DISEASES (ANIMALS) ACTS, By WILLIAM EDWARD GORDON, M.A., Oxon. (Barrister-at-Law, of the South-Eastern Circuit). KNIGHT & CO., 90, FLEET STREET, LONDON, E.C. of, JUNE 1890, at Seven o'clock p.m. precisely. Sir WILLIAM JAMES FARRER in the Chair. WM. J. D. ANDREW, Esq., London. | London. C. J. BLAGG, Esq., Cheadle. W. FRANK BLANDY, Esq., Reading. ham. F. C. GREENFIELD, Esq., London. J. ANDERSON ROSE, Esq., London. REGINALD WARD, Esq., London HARRY WOODWARD, Esq., Lon- The Secretary will be happy to hear from gentlemen who may desire to add their names to the above list of Stewards. Early application for Dinner Tickets (25s. each), which may be obtained of any of the Stewards, or at the offices of the Association, will oblige. FOR THE GUIDANCE OF COMMISSIONERS, MAGISTRATES, SOLICITORS, ASSOCIATES, CLERKS Containing :-Special Forms of Jurats, Oaths, Affirmation, &c., used before all Tribunals as The learned judge (Mr. Justice Kay), in accepting from Mr. Ford a copy of his book, wrote, under date of 27th January 1890, "It would be much better that the members of his profession should themselves take measures to improve the practice of taking Oaths to affidavits, than that this should be done by Rules of Court." This is precisely what the Author has aimed at in each edition of "Ford on Oaths." N.B.-The New Act came into operation on Jan. 1, 1890. By CHARLES FORD, F.R.S.L., Examiner in Admiralty, S.S.C. (Eng.); Author of "The Solicitors Acts," with Notes, &c., "Sheriff's Acts and Fees," &c. "A new edition of Ford on Oaths' has just been issued from this office. It is the familiar guide on the subject of which it treats-the vade mecum of the commissioners for oaths, whose duties have been recently shown to be by no means well defined. Mr. Ford has introduced the Commissioners for Oaths Act 1889 and the Oaths Act of 1888. Practitioners will find the work carefully edited and brought up to the date of publication."Law Times. "This useful little volume is intended to assist both Commissioners and Solicitors in all matters relating to oaths. It contains special forms of oaths and jurats. The author speaks of the Judicature Acts as these pompous but imperfect measures of reform.'"-Law Journal. "Mr. Charles Ford, whose name is well known in connection with legal literature, is himself a solicitor, and has enjoyed exceptional facilities for ascertaining the particular information needed both by Commissioners and by Solicitors generally in connection with oaths and affidavits. The copious notes and comments throughout are most creditable to the author, and we have no doubt whatever that this handbook will abundantly meet the want of reliable information on the subject."—Irish Law Times. LONDON: "LAW TIMES" OFFICE, 10, WELLINGTON STREET, STRAND, W.C. SECOND EDITION. REVISED and ENLARGED. Now ready. Demy 8vo. Published at 168.; cash, 138.; or post free, 13s. 6d. TH Now ready, price 2s. 6d., by post 2s. 10d., the Third Volume of A MANUAL of the PRINCIPLES of EQUITY. consists of Two Parts. A concise and explanatory work on Equity, specially ROLLER SKATING. If you wish to be proficient in Roller Skating, get the Third The Second Part-The Golfing Directory-is the feature of the ANNUAL, and is the most complete and accurate one ever published. In it every green in the kingdom, and many of those abroad, are more or less fully described, and the full particulars (date of formation, office-bearers, prize winners, &c.), of over two hundred and thirty clubs will be given. London: HORACE Cox, "The Field" Office, 346, Strand, W. Now ready, price 38. 6d., by post 3s. 9d HE ARCHER'S REGISTER for 1889-90. THEdited by F. TIPOLLETT, They forrespondent of The Field. The New Volume contains, in addition to the usual Reports of Public and Private Archery Meetings in 1889, a Review of the Season, and a Portrait of Mr. Butt, the Hon. Secretary for many years of the Royal Toxophilite Society. There are also various Original Papers Relating to Archery, together with Statistical Tables of last year's Archery, and Memoirs of the Rev. John Bramhal, and other Archers who died in 1889. London: HORACE COX, "The Field" Office, 346, Strand, W.C STEVENS & SONS LIMITED, LAW PUBLISHERS, BOOKSELLERS, & EXPORTERS, 119 & 120, CHANCERY LANE, LONDON. This day, Fifteenth Edition, royal 12mo., cloth, 218. ROGERS ON REGISTRATION, PARLIAMENTARY, MUNICIPAL, AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT, Including the Practice in Registration Appeals, with Appendices of Statutes, Orders in Council, and Forms. Fifteenth Edition. By MAURICE POWELL, Esq., Barrister-at-Law. 1890. Just published, 4th Edit., 2 Vols. demy 8vo., cloth, £2 10s. PITT-LEWIS' COMPLETE COUNTY COURT PRACTICE. A Complete Practice of the County Courts, including that in Admiralty and Bankruptcy, embodying the County Courts Act 1888, and other existing Acts, Rules, Forms, and Costs, with full Alphabetical Index to Official Forms, Additional Forms, and General Index. By G. PITTLEWIS, Esq., Q.C., M.P., Recorder of Poole. 1890. BELL YARD, TEMPLE BAR, LONDON. Libraries Purchased or Valued. REEVES AND TURNER, LAW BOOKSELLERS & PUBLISHERS. Libraries Valued or Purchased. A Large Stock of Secondhand Law Reports and Text Books always on Sale. 100, CHANCERY LANE & CAREY STREET. WANTED TO PURCHASE, In Fair Condition, at following prices. Key and Elphinstone's Conveyancing, 1878, 2 vols... 15 Б 0 0 Law Journal Reports, 1823 to 1881 Davidson's Conveyancing Precedents, 1873-81, 8 vols. 2 10 0 Hurlstone and Norman's Reports, vol. 1 0 10 0 Foster and Finlason's Reports, vol. 1 0 10 0 Law Books of all descriptions Purchased or Exchanged. A Large Stock of Secondhand Law Reports and Text Books always on Sale. List Free on Application. W. H. KELLY, LAW BOOKSELLER, LINCOLN'S-INN GATE, CAREY-STREET, LONDON. WILDY & SONS, BOOKSELLERS & EXPORTERS, LINCOLN'S INN ARCHWAY, LONDON, W.C. LAW LIBRARIES (LARGE OR SMALL) PURCHASED FOR CASH. Valuations made on moderate terms. A complete practice of the County Courts.-LAW Law Journal, March 22, 1890. Just published, Tenth Edition.. 2 Vols. royal 8vo., £2 2s. SMITH'S MERCANTILE LAW.-A Com pendium of Mercantile Law. Tenth Edition. By JOHN MACDONNELL, Esq., One of the Masters of the Supreme Court, assisted by GEO. HUMPHREYS, Esq., Barrister-at-Law. 1890. Of the greatest value to the mercantile lawyer.Law Times, March 22, 1890. Just published, royal 8vo. (992 pp.), cloth, 32s. The OLDEST SECONDHAND DEALERS in the TRADE. Text Books, Reports, Old and Curious Legal Treatises, Trials, &c. (Catalogues Gratis.) Just published, Sixth Edition, Revised and Enlarged, 530pp. 8vo., 10s. 6d. EDMUNDS ON PATENTS. JAMES JOHNSON, Middle Temple, Barrister sy The Law and Practice of Letters Patent for Inventions; with the Patent Acts and Rules annoted, and the International Convention, a full Collection of Statutes, Forms, and Precedents, and an Outline of Foreign and Colonial Patent Laws, &c. By LEWIS EDMUNDS, assisted by A. WOOD RENTON, Esqrs., Barristers-at-Law. 1890. We have nothing but commendation for the book. The statement of the existing law is accurate and clear.-Solicitors' Journal, June 14, 1890. This day, royal 12mo., cloth, 4s. THE FACTORS ACT 1889, WITH COMMENTARY AND NOTES. Designed particularly for the use and guidance of Mercantile men. By CHARLES H. L. NEISH and A. T. CARTER, Esqrs., Barristers-at-Law. Third English Edition, royal 8vo., cloth, 308. 1890. WHEATON'S INTERNATIONAL LAW.-Edited with Notes and Appendix of Statutes HE PATENTEES' MANUAL. By Law, and J. HENRY JOHNSON, Assoc. Inst. C.E., Solicitor and Patent Agent. SWEET & MAXWELL LIMITED, 3, CHANCERY LANE, LONDON. Nearly ready, Third Edition, in 2 vols. 8vo., price £3 188., cloth KEY and ELPHINSTONE'S PRECEDENTS and FORMS in CONVEYANCING. Third Edition, thoroughly revised, with large additions both to the Precedents and Notes. By THOMAS KEY: assisted by C. HERBERT BROWN and ALFRED HULL DENNIS, of Lincoln's-inn, Barristers-at-Law. Just ready, Fifteenth Edition, 8vo., price 21s., cloth. DAVIDSON'S CONCISE PRECEDENTS in CONVEYANCING. Thoroughly revised and greatly enlarged, with Practical Notes and Observation By M. G. DAVIDSON, of Lincoln's-inn, Barrister-at-Law. Just published, royal 8vo., price 80s., cloth. STROUD'S JUDICIAL DICTIONARY. A Dictionary of the English Language (in its phrases as well as single words), so far as that language has received interpretation by the Judges. By F. STROUD, of Lincoln's-inn, Barrister-at-Law. "Let not the hasty ones conclude from the title of this nork that it is another law lexicon of the same species as those of Wharton and Brown. It is a dictionary of the English language, so far as that language has received interpretation by the Judges. And a fine work it is. The book will prove of the utmost use, not only as a book of reference, but it is a work with which one can spend delightful quarts d'heure when one feels inclined desipere in loco." -Law Notes, June 1890. Just published, in 2 handy vols., price 20s., cloth. THE ANNUAL COUNTY COURTS PRACTICE 1890. Founded on Pollock and Nicol's and Heywood's "Practices of the County Courts." Vol. I. contains-The Jurisdiction and Practice under the County Courts Act 1888, the Bills of Exchange Act, and the Employers' Liability Act, with the Statutes, the new Rules of Practice, Forms, and Tables of Fees and Costs. Vol II. contains-The Jurisdiction and Practice under Acts other than the above, and also the Jurisdiction under the Admiralty Jurisdiction Acts, together with the Statutes, Rules of Practice, Forms, and Fees. N.B.-This volume Lunacy Acts Amendment Act, and other Acts passed last includes the provisions affecting County Courts of the Session. By GEORGE WASHINGTON HEYWOOD, Judge of the Manchester and Salford County Court. The volumes are sold separately, Vol. I., 16s.; Vol. II., 66. Just published, royal 8vo., price 25s., cloth. This work explains clearly and concisely the Law and Practice of Letters Patent for Inventions, with references to all reported cases. The Appendix contains the Patent Statutes, Patent Office Rules, Forms and Fees, the Rules of CLERK AND LINDSELL'S LAW OF the Law Officers and of the Privy Council, the International Foreign States and British Possessions. The copious Index Convention, and particulars of the Patent Laws of all forms a clear Analysis of the whole. London: STEVENS and SONS LIMITED, 119 and 120, STEPHEN'S NEW COMMENTARIES.-Eleventh Edit. MR. TORTS. The Law of Torts. By J. F. CLERK, of the Inner Temple, and W. H. B. LINDSELL, of Lincoln's-inn, Barristers-at-Law. "This strikes us as being an exceedingly well-written and useful book. The size is moderate, the style is clear, the treatment of the subject is exhaustive, and the statements of the law are accurate. The book is the outcome of sound knowledge and careful labour, and will be found valuable both for perusal and for reference."-Solicitor's Journal, April 12, 1890. Just published, demy 8vo., price 93., cloth. (partly founded on Blackstone). By His Honour JUDGE VAIZEY'S INVESTMENT of TRUST The Eleventh Edition. London: BUTTERWORTHS, 7, Fleet-street, Her Majesty's Law Publishers. and Treatises by A. C. BOYD, Esq., Barrister-at-Law. 1880 WM. CLOWES AND SONS LIMITED, NATIONAL LAW. Selected Cases, Statutes, and BRETT'S COMMENTARIES on the Orders Illustrative of the Principles of Private International Law, as administered in England: with a Commentary. By HORACE NELSON, M.A., B.C.L., Barrister-at-Law. Fourth Edition, royal 8vo., cloth, £1 108. 1899. LOWNDES' GENERAL AVERAGE, English and Foreign.-By RICHARD LOWNDES. Esq., Average Adjuster, Author of "The Law of Marine Insurance,' &c. 1888. Just published, Second Edition, demy 8vo., cloth, 21s. PRESENT LAWS of ENGLAND. By THOMAS BRETT, B.A., LL.B., Author of "Leading Cases in Modern Equity," and Joint Author of "Clerke and Brett's Conveyancing Acts 1881-2." ***A main idea of this book is to bring into special prominence the present and living law, and only to deal with past law, or that which is practically obsolete, so far as it is necessary to enable the reader to understand the present. POLLOCK'S TORTS. they will become deservedly popular. A Treatise on the Principles of Obligations arising from Civil Wrongs in the Common Law. Second Edition, to which is added the draft of a Code of Civil Wrongs, prepared for the Government of India. By Sir FREDERICK POLLOCK, Bart., of Lincoln's-inn, Barrister-at-Law. 1890. Cordially we recommend the book to every genuine student of our law. -Law Students Journal. By the same Author, Fifth Edition, demy 8vo., cloth, 28s. POLLOCK'S CONTRACTS.-The Principles of Contract. Being a Treatise on the General Principles relating to the Validity of Agreements in the Law of England. Fifth Edition, with a new Chapter. 1889. The Law Journal says, in the course of an exhaustive review, "We are able confidently to recommend these commentaries to students, with whom we venture to predict Mr. Brett's commentaries are thoroughly comprehensive, and we have little but praise for the manner in which he has discharged his self-imposed task. We are of opinion that Mr. Brett has produced a work of very considerable merit." Demy 8vo., cloth, 15s. LEADING CASES in MODERN EQUITY. By THOMAS BRETT, of the Middle Temple, Barrister-at-Law, LL.B., Joint Author of "Clerke and Brett's Conveyancing Acts," and Lecturer in Equity to the Incorporated Law Society, &c. Specially recommended as a text-book for "The Final ” by the Solicitors' Journal. Now ready, demy 8vo.. cloth, 108. By the same Author, Fourth Edition, demy 8vo... cloth, 108. THE SALE of GOODS, including the POLLOCK'S PARTNERSHIP.—A Digest of the Law of Partnership. With an Introductory Essay on Codification. 1888. Eighth Edition, super-royal 8vo., cloth, £1 188. FACTORS ACT 1889. With an Introduction and Appendices containing Statutes and Notes, &c. By His Honour JUDGE CHALMERS. Now ready, Second Edition, demy 8vo., cloth, 20s. WHARTON'S LAW LEXICON. PRACTICAL FORMS (A Handbook of). Epitome of the Law of England, and containing full explanations of the Technical Terms and Phrases thereof, both Ancient and Modern, including the various Legal Terms used in Commercial Business. Together with a Translation of the Latin Maxims and Selected Titles from the Civil, Scotch, and Indian Law. · Eighth Edition. By J. M. LELY, Esq., M.A., Barrister-atLaw. 1889. On almost every point both student and practitioner can gather information from this invaluable book, which ought to be in every lawyer's office.-Gibson's Law Notes. Catalogue (1890) Gratis on application. Containing a variety of Useful and Select Precedents required in Solicitors' Offices relating to Conveyancing and General Matters. With numerous Variations and Suggestions. By H. MOORE, Esq., Author of "Instructions for Preparing Abstracts of Title," "Practical Forms of Agreement," &c. "A thoronghly good practical work, which should prove very acceptable to all country practitioners."-Law Notes. Just published, Second Edition, thoroughly revised, demy 8vo., cloth, 15s. CHARTER PARTIES.-The Contract of STEVENS & SONS LIMITED, improve upon it."-Law Times. LARGEST DEALERS IN SECOND-HAND LAW LAW LIBRARIES PURCHASED. LICENSED VALUERS FOR PROBATE, PARTNERSHIP, &c. SALVAGE, TOWAGE, and PILOTAGE Private and Local Acts of Parliament from an early date. Telegraphic Address-"RHODRONS, LONDON." (The Law of). By HARRY NEWSON, Esq., LL.B., Author of "A Digest of the Law of Shipping." Barristerat-Law. 119 & 120, CHANCERY LANE, LONDON. London: WM. CLOWES & SONS LIMITED, 27, Fleet-street, E.O MONEY-The Law relating to the Investment of Trust Money, including the Trust Investment Act 1889, and the List of Authorised Investments. J. S. VAIZEY, Barrister-at-Law. Author of "A Treatise on Settlements." "Mr. Vaizey has published an excellent book upon a subject which exercises the minds of many besides lawyers. We venture to say that a great deal of trouble, expense, and anxiety would be spared if all lawyers were familiar with the rules for investing trust money which are here to be found." -Law Times, March 1, 1890. SWEET and MAXWELL LIMITED, DEALERS IN SECOND HAND LAW REPORTS, 3, CHANCERY LANE, LONDON, W.C. KAIN'S BOOK. Five BOOKS of KAIN'S Copyright System of SOLICITORS' BOOK-KEEP. ING, never been used, bought by a bankrupt Solicitor for £9; will accept £5.-TUFFNELL, Arthur-street, Luton. Now ready, Eighth Edition, demy 8vo., cloth, price 10s. 6d. cash with order, 8s. 9d., and 6d. postage. 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JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, 1851 to 1866, in 16 vols., half calf, good condition 5 5 0 ADOLPHUS AND ELLIS, 12 vole. ............... 1 15 0 0 18 0 0 10 0 3 3 0 0 7 G 0 12 0 0 12 0 1 12 0 115 2 15 0 0 12 0 CALVINI LEXICON JURIDICUM JURIS, fo. calf, 1670. 0 10 6 COKE'S FOUR INSTITUTES, 6 vols. 8vo., calf, 1797-1832 3 15 CORPUS JURIS CIVILIS, 2 vols. fo. Elzv. 1663, 303.; 8vo., 1700 0 12 0 DOMAT'S CIVIL LAW, 2 vols. fo. 1722, 128. 6d. 1737 0 18 0 DUGDALE'S ORIGINES JURIDICIALES, five portraits, brilliant impressions, First Edition, fo. calf, 1666 Another copy, no portraits ECCLESIASTICAL CASES. By Bp. of Worcester. 8vo, 1698. FLETA. By SELDEN. 4to., 1647, 7s. 6d. ; half calf, antique, 1685 LAW JOURNAL REPORTS IN ALL THE CROMPTON AND JERVIS, 2 vols. AND MEESON, 2 vols............. LAW TIMES REPORTS, 1843 to 1859, in 34 STATUTES, Chitty's Collection, Magna Charta STATUTES AT LARGE, Magna Charta to BURN'S JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, 5 vols., ELLIS AND BLACKBURN, vols. 1 and 2 3 15 0 GLYN AND JAMESON, 2 vols. 14 0 0 14 0 0 5 5 0 JACOB THE LAW REPORTS from the commencement, Estimates Given for Reports in all the Courts from Telegraphic Address-"LAW NOTES, LONDON." R.A. has on hand a Large Stock of Works on Constitutional, Address-31, CHANCERY LANE, LONDON. LAW NOTES LIBRARY. A LENDING LIBRARY OF LAW TEXT BOOKS. TO SOLICITORS STARTING PRACTICE. Do not in future buy expensive Books, which are in a few years out of date, but join the Library. The LATEST Edition of any law text book you may want in practice always obtainable. If no copy in, we buy (if in print) a FRESH COPY at once. COUNTRY SOLICITORS. Remember you have the same advantages. Cheap Post Cards! Cheap Wires! Cheap Parcel Post! Any law text book required sent off IMMEDIATELY on receipt of card or wire. ARTICLED CLERKS AND CATALOGUES AND ALL INFORMATION GRATIS ON APPLICATION TO THE LIBRARIAN, Law Notes Library, 31, Chancery Lane. Printed and Published by the registered Proprietor, HORACE Cox, at 10, Wellington-street, Strand, London, W.C., in the County of Middlesex.-Saturday, June 21, 1890. |