STEVENS AND HAYNES, STEVENS & SONS LIMITED, LAW PUBLISHERS, BOOKSELLERS AND LAW PUBLISHERS, BOOKSELLERS, & EXPORTERS, 119 & 120, CHANCERY LANE, LONDON. This day, Fifteenth Edition, royal 12mo., cloth, 21s. ROGERS ON REGISTRATION, PARLIAMENTARY, MUNICIPAL, This day, Fifth Edition, demy 8vo., cloth, 21s. EXPORTERS, BELL YARD, TEMPLE BAR, LONDON. LAW Libraries Purchased or Valued. REEVES AND TURNER, A Large Stock of Secondhand Law Reports and Text 100, CHANCERY LANE & CAREY STREET. In Fair Condition, at following prices. BROOKE'S NOTARY-A Treatise on the Key and Elphinstone's Conveyancing, 1878, 2 vols... 15 0 Office and Practice of a Notary of England. With a full Collection of Precedents. Fifth Edition. By GEO. F. CHAMBERS, Esq., Barrister-at-Law. 1890. Second Edition, with Supplement, royal 8vo., cloth, 32s. ODGERS on LIBEL and SLANDER.-A A Large Stock of Secondhand Law Reports and Text Digest of the Law of Libel and Slander, with the Evidence, Procedure, and Practice, both in Civil and Criminal Cases, with Precedents of Pleadings. With Appendix of Statutes. Second Edition, containing new Chapters on Injunctions and the Newspaper Libel and Registration Act. Second Edition, with a Supplement, bringing the Law down to June 1890. By W. BLAKE ODGERS, Esq., Barrister-at-Law. **The Supplement, containing the Law of Libel Amendment Act 1888, with Notes and Addenda of Cases, sewed separately, price 1s. 6d. net. One of the best books in the hands of the Profession.-Solicitors' Journal. Just published, 11th Ed., demy 8vo., cloth, £1 11s. 6d. ROSCOE'S CRIMINAL LAW.—A Digest of the Law of Evidence in Criminal Cases. Eleventh Edition. By HORACE SMITH and GILBERT GEORGE KENNEDY, Esqrs., Metropolitan Police Magistrates. 1890. Fourteenth Edition, Two Vols. royal 8vo., cloth, £3 10s. PRIDEAUX'S PRECEDENTS in CONVEYANCING With Dissertations on its Law and Practice. By FREDERICK PRIDEAUX, late Professor of the Law of Real and Personal Property to the Inns of Court, and JOHN WHITCOMBE, Barristers-at-Law. 1889. The most useful work out on Conveyancing.— Law Journal. Sixth Edition. Two Vols. royal 8vo., cloth, £3 15s. and PURCHASERS.-A Treatise on the Law and Practice relating to Vendors and Purchasers of Real Estate. By the late J. HENRY DART, Esq., one of the Six Conveyancing Counsel of the High Court of Justice, Chancery Division. Sixth Edition. By WILLIAM BARBER, Esq., One of Her Majesty's Counsel, RICHARD BURDON HALDANE, and WILLIAM ROBERT SHELDON, both of Lincoln's inn, Esqrs., Barristers-at-Law. DART'S VENDORS 1888. Dart is far ahead of all competitors in the breadth of its range, the clearness of its exposition, and the soundness of its law.-Law Times. Just published, royal 8vo., cloth, 21s. WEBSTER'S CONDITIONS of SALE. The Law Relating to Particulars and Conditions of Sale on a Sale of Land. By WM. FREDERICK WEBSTER, Esq., Barrister-at-Law. 1889. A complete and accurate representation of the law. Nothing is shirked or slurred over.-Law Times. Fourth Edition, royal 8vo., cloth, £1 14s. Law Books of all descriptions Purchased or Exchanged. LAW BOOKSELLER, LINCOLN'S-INN GATE, WILDY & SONS, LAW BOOKSELLERS & EXPORTERS, LAW LIBRARIES (LARGE OR SMALL) PURCHASED FOR CASH. The OLDEST SECONDHAND DEALERS in the TRADE. SUMMARY OF THE CONSTITUTION AND PROCEDURE OF FOREIGN PARLIAMENTS. COMPILED BY REGINALD DICKINSON, Barrister-at-Law, and Representations upon the Sale of Personal Chattels. SWEET & MAXWELL LIMITED, 3, CHANCERY LANE, LONDON. Just published, in 2 vols. 8vo., price £3 188, cloth. KEY AND ELPHINSTONE'S COMPENDIUM OF PRECEDENTS IN CONVEYANCING. THIRD EDITION. By THOMAS KEY, ASSISTED BY C. H. BROWN & A. H. DENNIS, Barristers-at-Law. Just published, in 1 vol. 8vo., price 21s., cloth. DAVIDSON'S CONCISE PRECEDENTS IN CONVEYANCING. THOROUGHLY REVISED & GREATLY ENLARGED, WITH PRACTICAL NOTES and OBSERVATIONS. FIFTEENTH EDITION. By M. G. DAVIDSON, Of Lincoln's-inn, Barrister-at-Law. SWEET and MAXWELL LIMITED, LAW PUBLISHERS, BOOKSELLERS, & EXPORTERS, Dealers in Secondhand Law Reports, 3, CHANCERY LANE, LONDON, W.C. WM. CLOWES AND SONS LIMITED, Now ready, price 2s. 6d., by post 2s. 10d., the Third Volume of LAW PUBLISHERS AND BOOKSELLERS, Now ready, demy 8vo., 2 vols., cloth, 389. HE GOLFING ANNUAL for 1889-90. consists of Two Parts. Part One, consisting of Original Articles, Poetry, and Illustrated with Portraits of Willie Park, jun., and Mr. J. E. Laidlay: also plans of Guildford, Redhill, and Reigate, BRETT'S COMMENTARIES on the and Minehead Links. PRESENT LAWS of ENGLAND. By THOMAS PALMER'S COMPANY PRECEDENTS. Modern Equity," and Joint Author of -For use in relation to Companies subject to the Companies Acts 1862 to 1883. Arranged as follows: Pro. moters' Prospectuses, Agreements, Memoranda and Articles of Association, Resolutions, Notices, Certificates, Private Companies. Powers of Attorney, Debentures and Debenture Stock, Policies, Petitions, Writs, Statements of Claim, Judgments and Orders, Reconstruction, Amalgamation, Arrangements, Special Acts. Winding-up. With Copious Notes, and an Appendix containing the Acts and Rules. Fourth Edition. By FRANCIS BEAUFORT PALMER, assisted by CHARLES MACNAGHTEN, Esqrs., Barristers-at-Law. PALMER'S WINDING-UP FORMS. A LEADING CASES in MODERN EQUITY. By THOMAS BRETT, of the Middle Temple, Specially recommended as a text-book for "The Final" Now ready, demy 8vo., cloth, 10s. THE SALE of GOODS, including the FACTORS ACT 1889. With an Introduction and Now ready, Second Edition, demy 8vo., cloth, 20s. We know of no better mode at present of The Second Part-The Golfing Directory-is the feature of the ANNUAL, and is the most complete and accurate one ever published. In it every green in the kingdom, and many of those abroad, are more or less fully described, and the full particulars (date of formation, office-bearers, prize winners, &c.), of over two hundred and thirty clubs will be given. London: HORACE Cox, "The Field " Office, 346, Strand, W. Now ready, Eighth Edition, demy 8vo., cloth, price 10s. 6d. cash with order, 8s. 9d., and 6d. postage. A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO THE PAYMENT OF LEGACY AND SUCCESSION DUTIES, AS WELL AS PROBATE, ADMINISTRATION, AND THE NEW ESTATE DUTY POCKET LAW LEXICON.-The Pocket Preparing Abstracts of Title," "Practical Forms of Agree (UNDER THE CUSTOMS AND INLAND REVENUE "A thoroughly good practical work, which should prove CHARTER PARTIES.-The Contract of "As a practical and accurate work it would be difficult to Mr. Scrutton has written a book which will supply a LICENSED VALUERS FOR PROBATE, PARTNERSHIP, &c. SALVAGE, TOWAGE, and PILOTAGE Private and Local Acts of Parliament from an early date. (The Law of). By HARRY NEWSON, Esq., LL.B., Author of "A Digest of the Law of Shipping." Barristerat-Law. 119 & 120, CHANCERY LANE, LONDON, London: WM. CLOWES & SONS LIMITED, 27, Fleet-street, E.C АСТ 1889). With directions as to Returns and increase thereof in INCREASED RATES OF SUCCESSION DUTY, ALFRED T. LAYTON. WATERLOW BROS. & LAYTON LIMITED, 24 and 25, BIRCHIN-LANE, E.C. COLE. 156, STRAND. FOUR DOORS SILK DRESS HATS. Newest Shapes. "NONE WEAR BETTER.” FELT "POT" HATS. Largest Selection of Colours and Shapes in London, TOILET SALOON (First Floor above Hat Department). SPECIALITIES.-Cleanliness and Good Workmen. CITY SIDE OF SOMERSET HOUSE, LONDON, W.C. The Real "Cup o' Kindness.” A Perfect Blending of the CHOICEST BRANDS of the Highest Classes of Fine Old Whiskies, in their Native Purity, as produced in Scotland. REAL GERMAN HOLLOW GROUND KROPP RAZOR B.O.S. Twelve Years Old, 50s. per dozen. NEVER REQUIRE GRINDING. BLACK HANDLE, 5/6. FROM ALL DEALERS. IVORY HANDLE, 7/e. AVE TIME AND MONEY.-1d. per folio, description copied on the Typewriter on terms which make writing by hand an extravagant waste of time. Get price list and specimens at Metropolitan School of Shorthand, 27, Chancery-lane, W.C. HORSES and CARRIAGES. W. SMITH and CO., Coachbuilders and Jobmasters, Wilton Mews, and 7, Little Chester-street, Belgravia. CARRIAGES to LET of every description, by day, month, or year. Horse Brougham and Coachman supplied at 200 guineas, and Carriages at 40 guineas per annum. OLD SHIRTS written by hand. Authors, send your Books. Playwrights B. & E. M'HUGH & CO., LIMITED, BELFAST. your Dramas, and LAWYERS your LEGAL DOCU- NEW GENERAL RULES UPON MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONS HE BEST PRICE for WASTE PAPER THEOT MUNICIProduction, Foto NEW THE BESTtained at LLOYD'S PAPER MILLS, Sittingbourne, Kent, where the paper is re-manufactured GENERAL RULES upon MUNICIPAL ELECTION London: HORACE Cox, 10, Wellington-street, Strand. DR. SOULE'S HOP BITTERS Are the Purest, Cheapest, and Best Bitters ever made. They are compounded from Hops, Buchu, Mandrake, and Dandelion.-The oldest, best, and most valuable medicines in the world, and contain all the best and most curative properties of all other Bitters, being the greatest Blood Purifier, Liver Regulator and Life and Health Restoring Agent on earth. No disease or ill health can possibly long exist where these Bitters are used, so varied and perfect are their operations. They give New Life and Vigour to the aged and infirm. To all whose employments cause irregularity of the bowels or urinary organs, or who require an Appetiser, Tonic, and Mild Stimulant, these Bitters are invaluable, being highly curative, tonic and stimulating, Without Intoxicating. Don't wait until you are sick, but if you only feel bad or miserable, use the Bitters at once. It may save your life. Hundreds have been saved by so doing. IF £500 & will be paid for a case they will not cure or help. They are a pleasant, refreshing, flavouring for sick-room drinks, impure water, and other beverages. No matter what your feelings or symptoms are, what the disease or ailment is, use Dr. Soule's Hop Bitters. Do not suffer yourselves or let your friends suffer, but use and urge them to use Dr. Soule's Hop Bitters. Remember, Dr. Soule's Hop Bitters is no vile, drugged nostrum, but the Purest and Best Medicine ever made; the "Invalid's Friend and Hope," and no person or family should be without them. Try the BITTERS to-day. For Sale by all respectable Chemists and Druggists, in two sizes, 4s. 6d. and 2s. 6d. THE SOLICITORS' LAW STATIONERY SOCIETY LIMITED. "LABOR OMNIBUS UNUS."-GEORGICON, LIB. IV. DIRECTORS. ALEXANDER CROSSMAN, Esq. (Messrs. Crossman and Prichard), 16, Theobald'sroad, W.C. DOUGLAS GARTH, Esq. (Messrs. Pemberton and Garth), 5, New-court, Lincoln's- HENRY EDWARD GRIBBLE, Esq. (Messrs. Torr, Janeways, Gribble, and Oddie), GEORGE EDWARD LAKE, Esq. (Messrs. Lake, Beaumont, and Lake), 10, New- THE OBJECT OF THE SOCIETY is to enable Solicitors, by co-operation among themselves, to ensure the highest efficiency in all branches of their Law Stationery work, and to share in the profits arising therefrom. After setting aside a reserve and a 6 per cent. preferential cumulative dividend, THE PROFITS are divided between (a) Shareholders and (b) Customers, being Solicitors whose accounts amount to £100 per annum (less payments), until the former have received 12 per cent. in all, after which such customers take the whole residue. In addition, LIBERAL DISCOUNTS are allowed, as shown in the price list, and the Society supplies goods on account, and without requiring payment before delivery. The Society does not give legal advice or transact any work which is required by law to be done by a duly qualified Solicitor. 51 and 52, CAREY ST., W.C.; 12, NEW COURT, CAREY ST., W.C.; 49, BEDFORD ROW, W.C.; and 27, CANNON ST., E.C. W. H. S. SHIRLEY, Secretary. Printed and Published by the registered Proprietor, HORACE Cox, at 10, Wellington-street, Strand, London, W.C., in the County of Middlesex.-Saturday, June 23, 1890. THE JOURNAL OF THE LAW AND THE LAWYERS. VOL. LXXXIX.-No. 2466. HE IMPROVEMENT of LANDED ESTATES.-The LAND LOAN and ENFRANCHISEMENT COMPANY (Incorporated by Special Act of Parliament) ADVANCES MONEY to landowners for drainage, the erection of farm buildings, artisans and miners cottages, water supply, &c., and for the general improvement of landed property, the amount borrowed being repaid by a terminable rentcharge. No investigation of title is necessary. Prospectus and Forms of Application will be furnished on request. EDWIN GARROD, Secretary. 22 Great George-street, Westminster S.W. of THEUSEMPROVEMENT OF MANSION CHISEMENT COMPANY ADVANCES MONEY to the owners of settled estates in England and Wales, for the erection of, alterations and additions to, estate mansions, stables, and outbuildings, for supplying water thereto, and for their general sanitary improvement. The amount expended would be repaid by a rentcharge in twenty-five years. Further information will be supplied on application. EDWIN GARROD, Secretary. 22 Great George-street, Westminster, S.W. JOHN BLAKE, E. J. BRISTOW, Esq. WILLIAM HOWARD GRAY, Esq. FRANCIS HAMPSON, Esq. GROUND RENT JOHN EDWARD GRAY HILL, MORTGAGE and GROUND RENT CHNEMENT COMPANY.-The Company's REGISTER contains various sums of trust and other moneys awaiting INVESTMENT on MORTGAGE, and for the Purchase of Ground Rents. Further particulars on application. EDWIN GARROD, Secretary. 22, Great George-street, Westminster, S.W. MORTGAGES. GIMBLETT, Esq. JOHN HUNTER, Esq. FREDERICK HALSEY JANSON, Esq. BENJAMIN GREENE LAKE, Esq. NATHANIEL TERTIUS LAWRENCE, Esq. HENRY LEIGH PEMBERTON, Esq. RICHARD PENNINGTON, Esq. THOMAS RAWLE, Esq. HENRY ROSCOE, Esq. WILLIAM WILLIAMS, Esq. OBJECTS OF THE SOCIETY: I.-FIDELITY GUARANTEES, given on behalf of Clerks, Cashiers, Travellers, and others; also Bonds on behalf of Trustees in Bankruptcy, Liquidators and Receivers under the High Court, and all persons holding Government appointments, where required; and A. LUNACY COMMITTEES' BONDS granted. B. ADMINISTRATION BONDS entered into at moderate rates. II.-ADMIRALTY BAIL BONDS granted The Society acts as Trustee for Debenture and other ENERAL REVERSIONARY and INVESTMENT COMPANY, 5, Whitehall, London. Established 1836. Further empowered by Special Act of Parliament, 14 & 15 Vict. cap. 130. Capital 2500,000. Chairman-EDWARD WALMISLEY, Esq. This Company or FREDERICK GUMBLANT AND AUDITOR, purchases of makes loans upon reversions, absolute or HE Society transacts every description THE of LIFE INSURANCE BUSINESS. INSURANCES AGAINST Issum are effected at moderate rates of premium. LOANS ON REVERSIONS. The attention of Solicitors and others desiring to raise money on Reversions is directed to this Society's improved method of making advances on this class of security, the leading feature of which is, that absolute power of redemption on fixed terms, whether the life tenant be alive or dead, is reserved to the reversioner for five years, or for such other term as may be agreed. In the case of absolute revertions the redemption money is simply the accumulated amount of the advance at five per cent. compound interest, and on payment before the expiration of the agreed term of a sum which will not exceed the accumulated interest, the society will extend the power of redemption for a further term. Loans are also granted on LIFE INTERESTS. Full particulars may be obtained on application to the Society's LONDON OFFICE, 69, KING WILLIAM STREET, PARTNERSHIPS NEGOTIATED BY A PUBLIO OFFICER AND RETIRED SOLICITOR. WILLIAM SLADDEN, OLERKENWELL COUNTY COURT, LONDON. Fees by results. Em nihilo nikil fit. Address LETTERS, marked "PRIVATE." as above. AW PARTNERSHIP AGENCY. LA MESSRS. HOOPER & SON'S Is recognised by Solicitors as the best medium whereby COSTS DRAUGHTSMEN. EXTRACTS FROM TESTIMONIALS : "We think it only right to inform you that we have been very much pleased with the way in which you have drafted our costs. They were done exceedingly well." "In some cases the materials were of the scantiest description, but the masterly way in which the costs and accounts were prepared enabled us to realise and wind-up the estate in a very satisfactory manner." "Should we require the like assistance next year we shall be very glad to avail ourselves of your services." "The accounts were made out with considerable ability, from (in many cases) very meagre material."-HOOPER and SON, Costs Draughtsmen, 69, Ludgate-hill. Telegrams, "Hooper, London.' Terms of Subscription, Catalogues, and further informa tion can be obtained on application to THE LIBRARIAN, "Law Notes" Library Money, Wanted and to Jend. MONEY.-LONDON and WESTMINSTER LOAN and DISCOUNT COMPANY LIMITED.Advances made in sums of £10 to £1000, at 5 per cent. for six months, on personal security, deeds, furniture, bills of sale, life policies, and reversions. Prospectuses sent on application.-Offices, 62 and 63, St. Martin's-lane, London, CHARLES HILLS, Secretary. W.0. MUTUAL corporated 1850), 65, Lancaster-place LOAN FUND ASSOCIATION Waterloo Bridge, Strand, W.C., 38, Ship-street, Brighton, and 199, Queen's-road, Hastings, ADVANCES MONEY upon personal security, bills of sale, deeds, &o., repayable by Instalments. Bills promptly discounted. Forms free on receipt of stamped envelope.-C. R. WRIGHT, London. YASH ADVANCED (£30 to £500) at a day's Home Counties, on Bill of Sale, repayable to suit the borrower's convenience. No sureties or inquiry fees. Solicitors introducing clients allowed 2 per cent. commission. Apply to Messrs. W. HOLLINGSWORTH and Sors, 18, High Holborn. Established at the same address 88 years. MONEY - SOLICITORS and Others. £1500 REQUIRED on Mortgage at 6 per cent. Security, a compact Estate of Leasehold weekly Cottages, producing a net income of over £200 per annum, always let, andon 600depair; le preliminary fees, but on peelietono. introduction. By letter, E. "31, Montpelier-road, Peckham. MONEY: sums of money, ONEY. WANTED, good Mortgage amount from £500 to £3000.-Apply, with particulars of securities and rates of interest offered, to T. WRIGHT, Solicitor, Dudley. TRUST bla RUST MONEY.-£2000, which may be security.-Address "Trustee" (No. 2466), 10, Wellingtonstreet, Strand, W.C. Fractices, Wanted and for Sale. LIFE LA INTERESTS. GEORGE S. ORISFORD, Actuary. LIBERAL COMMISSION TO SOLICITORS. AW PRACTICE or PARTNERSHIP.-A Solicitor of sixteen years' standing and wide town and country experience, holding public appointment, DESIRES Succession to, or Partnership in, thoroughly sound PRAC TICE; usual premium; principals only.-Perpetual Com missioner" (No. 2465), 10, Wellington-street, Strand, W.CO. AW For LAVEN PRACTICETICE FOR SALE, a small Advertiser holds appointment: exceptional opportunity; good reasons for selling.-Apply "S. W. S." (No. 2466), 10, Wellington-street, Strand, W.C. AW PRACTICE WANTED.-A Solicitor LAW PRACTICE WANTED A Solicitor in a rising locality, either in town or country, with office attached, and if an Established Law Practice is connected therewith arrangements might be made for acquiring same. Apply "E. F.," Messrs. Reynell and Son, 34, Chancery-lane, London, W.C. Common Law, Chancery, and Conveyancing, DESIRES Managing or Assistant Managing CLERKSHIP in Country; Advocacy not objected to: energetic worker: good references; salary £90.-"Epsilon" (No. 2466), 10, Wellington-street, Strand, W.C. AW.-SOLICITOR (Public School Man) office, with view to early Partnership, when he could introduce capital and probably business; good general knowledge, including Company Law: thoroughly practical and capable of taking entire management; City and West-end experience at present manager in good Firm; good references.-G." (No. 2466), 10, Wellington-street, Strand. MESSRS. Legal Notices. ALBERT GIBSON and ARTHUR WELDON, Solicitors (Editors of the "Law Notes," &c.) continue to prepare STUDENTS for the INTERMEDIATE and FINAL EXAMINATIONS of the Law Society, in class and by post, and their pupils continue to meet with great success. The six months' class for the next January Final begins on July 1.-For particulars address Lonsdale-chambers, 27, Chancery-lane, London. SUCCESSES IN APRIL. Again more than half the Honours List was composed of Messrs. Gibson and Weldon's pupils, 9 out of the 17 Honour men having worked with them. At the April Intermediate 13 out of 14 class pupils passed. AW. CLERK, who writes Shorthand, is MR.INDERMAUR (assisted by Mr. Thwaites) LAW £2000.-Apply "S. W." (No. 2466), 10, Wellington-street, Strand, W.C. Fartnerships, Wanted and Vacant. AW PARTNERSHIP AGENCY.Solicitors, with capital, to OBTAIN suitable PARTNERSHIPS Chancery-lane, W.C. W. An efficient and experienced Probate, Residuary, and Estate work, WANTS APPOINTMENT: well recommended.-Address "West," care of J. W. Vickers, 5, Nicholas-lane, E.C. LAW an Conveyancing and General CLERKSHIP WANTED; fifteen years' experience; unarticled; highest references.-Address "K." (No. 2466), 10, Wellington-street, Strand, W.C. A W. or PRACTICES in Town and Country.-63, LA AW PARTNERSHIP.-WANTED, Town and Country experience; every qualification; admitted 1884; premium up to £3000.-Address ARTHUR SNOW, 25, Lincoln's-inn-fields, W.C. AW PARTNERSHIP.-Young Solicitor established Country Practice, or of obtaining Managing Clerkship with view to Partnership.-"W." (No. 2465), 10, Wellington-street, Strand, W.C. AW PARTNERSHIP. A Cambridge Graduate, B.A.. LL.B. (30, Solicitor, Commissioner), is DESIROUS of JOINING Firm of SOLICITORS of good standing; town preferred. Particulars, income, premium, &c., to "LL.B." (No. 2466), 10, Wellington-street, Strand, W.C. LAW PARTNERSHIP, Young, Solicitor AW PARTNERSHIP.-Young Solieitor DESIRES PARTNERSHIP in well-established Practice in Town or Country.-Address "H. H." (No. 2465), 10, Wellington-street, Strand, W.C. LAW PARTNERSHIP. A Gentleman of great energy, aged 35, who has for ten years been acting as Manager to a large Firm of London Solicitors, and who has had extensive and varied experience, DESIRES & similar POST in a Firm of standing with the view of ultimately acquiring by purchase a SHARE in the business. Unexceptionable references as to ability, &c.-Address A. B.," care of Street Brothers, 5 Serle-street, W.C. Situations, Wanted and Vacant. LA AW.-WANTED, by SOLICITOR, aged 27, holding responsible Managing Clerkship (Country) for upwards of four years, CLERKSHIP in good Office of General Practice in large Town, with a view to Partnership preferred; salary to be arranged accordingly."D. H." (No. 2462), 10, Wellington-street, Strand, W.C. AW.-WANTED, CLERKSHIP, with a Manchester or Liverpool, or in the neighbourhood thereof, or would Purchase Share in old business; applicant has good connection in both towns.-Address "F. (No. 2464), 10, Wellington-street, Strand, W C. An experienced CLERK (31) REQUIRES SITUATION; can Engross, Abstract, Prepare ordinary Drafts, Probate and Executorship Accounts and Costs from papers, Taxes; salary £80.-"X.” (No. 2466), 10, Wellington-street, Strand, W.C. AW. SOLICITOR (32, admitted 1884; (Country) or charge of branch office; practical Conveyancing and Commercial Lawyer, and competent to act without supervision; six years as managing clerk in large assize town; salary moderate. Reply to "T." (No. 2466), 10, Wellington-street, Strand, W.C. LA AW. — WANTED, by an efficient Clerk (unarticled), thoroughly experienced in Conveyancing, Legacy Duty and Succession Accounts, Trust matters, and Costs, and who is also a good Accountant, a Conveyancing or General CLERKSHIP.-"A. B." Knox-road, Havant. continues to with STUDENTS at his chambers, 22. Chancery-lane, London. Particulars per. sonally or by letter, see also dates of classes, &c., in each month's "Law Students' Journal." Classes for each Solidtors' Final and Intermediate, and Bar Final Examinations: and Pupils also received for private and postal preparation NOTE.-Students reading with Mr. Indermaur have the use of a set of rooms at his chambers for study during the day, and the use of his library there without extra fee. See further particulars in "Law Students' Journal," also past results. Mr. Indermaur has now prepared Eleven winners of the first prize at the Solicitors' Final. MR. Law and Equity, London R. H. S. BOWEN, B.A., LL.B. (First-Class YLASSES for FINAL and HONOURS EXAMINATIONS are taken personally for two hours each day by Mr. GEO. F. HUGGINS (First in Firstclass Honours, Easter 1880, and Winner of the Clement's inn Prize, and Birmingham Gold Medal). Also Postal Preparation. For particulars, terms, &c., for June and future examinations, apply 80, Chancery-lane, W.C. RESULTS: Last January Final 17 out of 19 pupils passed, and 3 obtained Honours. Since 1882, out of exactly 900 pupils sent up for various Final and Intermediate Examinations, 825 were successful, and at 28 out of the 29 Final Examina tions Mr Huggins had pupils in the Honours List. All prizes in connection with the Final have from time to time been won by, and at 3 Examinations lately nearly one-third of each Honour List consisted of, his pupils. R. UTTLEY, Solicitor, continues to rapidly and by post, for the Solicitors' and Bar Preliminary, Inter mediate, and Final, and LL.B. Examinations. Terms from £1 18. per month. MANY PUPILS HAVE TAKEN HONOURS— For further particulars, and copies of "Hints on Stephen's Commentaries," and "Hints on Criminal Law," address 17, Brazennose-street, Albert-square, Manchester. LAWest Riding of Yorkshire, an Admitted SOLICITOR MR. to take sole charge of the Contentions Department; Occasional Advocacy; a liberal salary to a competent man, and none others need apply.-State references and experience to W.," care of Waterlow Brothers and Layton, 24, Birchin-lane, E.C. AW. The SOLICITOR to the OFFICE REQUIRES an ASSISTANT CONVEYANCING CLERK: an admitted Solicitor preferred; commencing salary £100 per annum.- Apply, by letter only, to "The Solicitor," General Post Office, E.C. LAW. WANTED,gistrates, Clerk's ofice in the AW.-WANTED, a CLERK to attend to country, and to make himself generally useful; age not to exceed 24; he must be a good Accountant, a Shorthand writer, and a neat and rapid longhand writer, methodical, of good address, steady, and reliable; no Solicitor or person who has been Articled need apply salary at the rate of £100 per annum; give references.-Address"Y. S. X.," care of Dunn and Duncan, 87. Chancery-lane, London, W.C. WILLIAM ARNOLD, Solicitor (Honours), of Oldbury, near Birmingham, PREPARES CANDIDATES for the Solicitors' Intermediate, Final, and Honours Examinations by post. Terms, 8 guineas for twenty-seven correspondences, or 5 guineas for seventeen correspondences. Special terms for longer course. Special attention given to each pupil. MR R. THEODORE ROBERTS, Solicitor, Albion chambers, Newport, Monmouthshire, Clement's-inn and Daniel Reardon Prizeman, Scott Scholar and Conveyancing Medallist), PREPARES for Solicitors Intermediate, Final, and Honours EXAMINATIONS. Advice for reading. AW EXAMINATION S.-SPECIAL nary, Intermediate, and Final, pass and honours; Bar Examinations, Preliminary, Roman Law, and Final-Dr. KLEIN, M.A., The Civil Service Institute, 110, Cannon. street, City. West-End Branch: 97B, Regent-street, W. to carry out a Conveyancing matter; terms by arrangement. -Address "Zeno" (No. 2466), 10, Wellington-street, Strand. AW.-CLERK WANTED, aged about 16 Engagement, may lead to permanency; must be good Accountant, and write good hand, knowledge of Shorthand desirable; fare to Wales of clerk engaged paid.-Address, in own handwriting, with wages expected, and references, to "Executor" (No. 2466), 10, Wellington-street, Strand, W.C. COUNTY COURTS, EQUITY, and BANK YOUNTY COURTS, EQUITY, and BANK post free, HORACH COX, 10, Wellington-street, Strand, w.a FOR SATURDAY, JULY 5. CONTAINS The Newmarket First July Meeting. Small Holdings. Letters to Young Shooters-On the Care and Cleaning of Driving Tours and their Expenses. Notes on Current Yachting Events. Sport in France. Birds in Heligoland. Cricket: Oxford v. Cambridge: Gentlemen v. Players Dairy Matters at Rochester and Plymouth. OFFICE, 346, STRAND, LONDON, W.C. |