LAW LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY FOUNDED 1823. 187, FLEET STREET, LONDON, E.C. The special attention of SOLICITORS is drawn to the following new form of ORDINARY WHOLE LIFE WITH-PROFIT POLICY (when Age has been admitted) which is now being issued by the LAW LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY. The Policy is indisputable and unconditional, and bears important guaranteed privileges as to extension of Days of Grace, Surrender Value, Paid-up Policies, and Loan Value. an Assurance of the sum of day of One thousand eight hundred and Age Admitted. (inclusive), for upon the life of the Assured for the whole continuance thereof, it is hereby agreed that in case the Assured shall die before or upon that day, or in case the Assured shall survive that day, and there shall be paid to the Society a like premium before, upon or within thirty days (hereinafter termed days of grace) after the day of in the year One thousand eight hundred and and in every succeeding year during which the Assured shall be living, the property of the Society according to the provisions of its Deed of Settlement shall be liable to make good to the Representatives or Assigns of the Assured at the principal Offices of the Society in London, after proof shall have been given to the satisfaction of the Directors of the death of the Assured the sum of together with such further sum or sums (if any) as pursuant to the regulations of the Society for the time being shall have been assigned to this Policy by way of Bonus. And it is hereby declared that this Policy is indisputable and unconditional. Provided always that the property of the Society for the time being shall alone be liable to make good all claims and demands upon the Society, and that no Director or other Proprietor of the Society shall by reason of any Policy, or of the whole of the Policies taken together, which any Director may have signed, or may sign, be in anywise individually liable to any claims or demands beyond the amount of the unpaid part of his Share or Shares in the subscribed Capital Stock of ONE MILLION STERLING. En witness whereof, We, Three of the Directors of the Society, have hereunto set our hands this year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and day of in the 1. This Policy is absolutely free from all restrictions as to occupation, foreign travel or residence. 2. This Policy shall not become void if the Premiums be paid within the days of grace, even if death occur in the interval. If the Policy has been in force four years, and is not in security for any debt to the Society, it shall not become void by non-payment of any Premium; but shall, provided that payment of the Premium be made within twelve Calendar months from the stipulated date of payment, with interest at Five per cent. per annum from that date, remain in force even if death occur in the meantime. 3. A Cash Surrender Value will, if desired, be granted for this Policy after payment of two years' Premiums. The amount of such Surrender Value can always be ascertained without charge at the Office of the Society, but the Society guarantees that it shall not be less than one-third of the total Premiums paid (excluding any extra Premium charged for impaired health or other cause), in addition to the Office value for the time being of any reversionary Bonus that may have been allotted to the Policy at any preceding division of Profits, and which may for the time being attach to the Policy. Provided that where the Premium has remained unpaid beyond the thirty days of grace and the Policy has under Privilege 2 remained in force, such unpaid Premium shall in ascertaining the Surrender Value be treated as paid, and the same, with interest thereon at Five per cent. per annum, shall be deducted from the Surrender Value. 4. In lieu of a Cash Surrender Value the holder may, in exchange for this Policy, and after payment of at least four years' Premiums, obtain before the expiration of the thirty days of grace for payment of any due Premium (if the Assured shall not then exceed the age of fifty years, and the age at entry did not exceed forty years), a Non-Profit paid-up Policy for an amount equal to the aggregate of the total Premiums paid (exclusive of any extra Premiums charged for impaired health or other cause), and any Reversionary Bonus allotted to this Policy at any preceding division of Profits which may still attach thereto. The terms on which paid-up Policies will be granted in cases not coming within this privilege can be ascertained on application. 5. The holder of this Policy may at any time during the subsistence hereof obtain from the Society upon Security hereof a loan at Five per cent. per annum up to at least Ninety per cent. of the Surrender Value, without any expense beyond the cost of stamping the Memorandum of Deposit and legal charges, if any. Such a loan may be repaid at any time, in whole or in part, without previous notice to the Society. 6. Should this Policy at any time become void, the Surrender Value, if any, which attached to it immediately before such event happening will be allowed at any time thereafter to the person in whom the right to the Policy was last vested. -Directors. M Sales by Auction. ESSES. DEBENHAM, TEWSON, FARMER, and BRIDGEWATER'S LIST of Gray's-inn-road, Holborn, Soho, and Doughty-street.-Eligible Freehold and Leasehold Properties in the above old-established positions, presenting secure and remunerative investments. ESTATES and HOUSES to be SOLD or LET, including MESSRS. EDWIN FOX and BOUSFIELD Landed Estates, Town and Country Residences, Hunting and Shooting Quarters, Farms, Ground Rents, Rentcharges, House Property, and investments generally, is PUBLISHED on the first day of each month, and may be obtained, Free of charge, at their Offices, 80, Cheapside, E.C., or will be sent in return for two stamps. Particulars for insertion in any list should be received not later than four days previous to the end of the preceding month. Sales by Auction for the year 1890. TEWSON, FARMER, and BRIDGEWATER beg to announce that their SALES of LANDED ESTATES, Investments, Town, Suburban, and Country Houses, Business Premises, Building Land, Ground Rents, Advowsons, Reversions, Stocks, Shares, and other Properties will be held at the Auction Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, near the Bank of England, in the City of London, as follows: Tues., July 8 Tues., July 15 Tues., July 22 Tues., July 29 Tues., August 5 Tues., August 12 Tues., August 19 Tues., August 26 Tues., October 7 Tues., October 21 Tues., Nov. 4 Tues., Nov. 18 Tues., Dec. 9 Auctions can also be held on other days, in town or country, by arrangement. Messrs. Debenham, Tewson, Farmer, and Bridgewater also undertake sales and valua tions for Probate and other purposes of furniture, pictures, farming stock, timber, growing crops, &c. Detailed lists of investments, estates, sporting quarters, residences, shops, and business premises to be Let or Sold by private contract, are published on the 1st of each month, and can be obtained of Messrs. DEBENHAM, TEWSON, FARMER, and BRIDGEWATER, Estate Agents, Surveyors, and Valuers, 80, Cheapside, E.C. Telephone No. 1503. By order of the London County Council. ANDREW YOUNG will offer for LETTING or SALE by AUCTION, at the MART, Tokenhouseyard. E.C., on THURSDAY, July 17, 1890, at two o'clock precisely, the following PROPERTIES: (a.) CHARING-CROSS-ROAD.-Building Land. For letting on building lease for 80 years, with one year's peppercorn. A plot of valuable building land, having important frontages to and situate at the corner of Charing-cross-road and Cranbourne-street. The land contains an area of 628 square feet, and has a frontage of 39ft. 3in. to Charingcross-road, and a return frontage of 28ft. to Cranbournestreet, and is suitable for the erection of high-class business premises. (b.) HAMMERSMITH.-Building Land, for letting on building lease for 80 years, with one year's peppercorn. Five valuable plots of building land in Hammersmith-road. Lot 18, at the corner of Hammersmith-road and Brookgreen-road, having a frontage in a curved line of 91ft. 4in., and containing an area of 3025 square feet. Lot 19, at the corner of Hammersmith-road and Conventlane, having a frontage of 20ft. to Hammersmith-road, and containing an area of 1221 square feet. Lot 20, having a frontage of 20ft. to Hammersmith-road, and containing an area of 1142 square feet. Lot 21, having a frontage of 36ft. to Wolverton-gardens, and containing an area of 1467 square feet. Lot 17, situate at the corner of The Broadway and Brookgreen-road, having a frontage of 62ft. 9in., and containing an area of 1431ft. (c.) KENTISH TOWN-ROAD.-Building Land for letting on building lease for 80 years, with one year's peppercorn.-Twelve eligible plots of Building Land, having frontages to Kentish Town-road and Great College-street. The various plots have a frontage of from 16ft. 6in. to 16ft. 8in., with a depth of from 40ft. to 60ft. each. (d.) PUTNEY BRIDGE.-Building Land for letting on building lease for 80 years, with one year's peppercorn.Three plots of Building Land, each having a frontage of 19ft. to High-street, Putney, with an average depth of 60ft., and containing an area each of 900 square feet. (e.) ROSEBERY-AVENUE, CLERKENWELL.- For Sale, a strip of Building Land, in the new thoroughfare now in course of formation from Holborn Town Hall to St. Johnstreet-road, Islington. rear Lot 6, on the south-east side of the new street, has a frontage of 57ft. 10in. to Rosebery-avenue, and a frontage of 16ft. 9in. to Vine-street. The plot has an average depth of about 15ft., and contains an area of 828 8quare feet. Lot 7. Freehold Business Premises of three floors and basement, situate and being No. 49, Mount-pleasant, Clerkenwell. The premises have a frontage of 18ft. to Mountpleasant, and cover an area of 1000 square feet. (f.) COTTON-STREET, Poplar-Building Land.-For Sale, two plots of valuable freehold building land, situate in Cotton-street and High-street, Poplar. Ripe for immediate development. The new thoroughfare, in which these plots are situate, forms the direct line of communication between East India Dock-road and the East and West India and Milwall Docks. Lot 1 has a frontage of 65ft. 6in. to High-street, and of 182ft. 6in. to Cotton-street, and contains an area of 4900 square feet. This land is eminently suitable for the erection of shop property. Lot 2 has a frontage of 115ft. 3in. to Cotton-street, and of 6ft. 10in. to Manisty-street. It has a maximum depth of 59ft., and contains an area of 3252 square feet. (8) WHITECHAPEL and LIMEHOUSE.-For Sale, a plot of Freehold Building Land, situate directly opposite St. Katharine's Dock gates, having a frontage to Upper East Smithfield of 27ft., and containing an area of about 11,300 square feet. A small plot of Freehold Land, having a frontage of 34ft. 3in. to Cooper's-row, Upper East Smithfield, and containing an area of 570 square feet. A small plot of Freehold Land, having a frontage of 52ft. Gin. to Shorter's-rents, Upper East Smithfield, and containing an area of 306 square feet. Plans, particulars, and conditions may be had at the Mart, E.C., and at the Office of the London County Council (Estates and Valuation Department), 17, Spring-gardens, S.W. By order of the London County Council.-Sites for Artizan's Dwellings. will SELL, at the Mart, on Wednesday next, July 9, at Two, in Lots, the following valuable FREEHOLD and LEASEHOLD ESTATES; FREEHOLD. SOHO-The substantial brick-built House and Shop, No. 199, Wardour-street, on the west side, four doors from Oxford-street. Let on lease, at a rent of £80 per annum, but worth... £120 HOLBORN.-In Seven Lots. A capital block of seven four-storey substantial brick-built Houses, Nos. 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10, Dorrington-street, connecting Prudential Assurance Company's extensive premises, of the rental value of, per annum. GRAY'S INN ROAD.-Nos. 59 to 67, and 75 to 81, all odd. In eight lots. An exceedingly compact and important Block of Property, comprising nine houses and shops, warehouses, stabling, &c., occupying two commanding corner positions, and having a long frontage to the above important thoroughfare, just opposite the new street into Clerkenwell, with return frontages to Little James-street, Henry-street, and North-mews, covering a superficial area of land of about 17,670ft available for the erection of modern premises, while offering in their present form sound investments, mostly let on leases and otherwise, and of the rental value of 350 1115 260 80 £1925 Particulars of Messrs. PATTISON, WIGG, and KING, Solicitors, 11, Queen Victoria-street, E.C.: at the Mart; and of Messrs. EDWIN Fox and BOUSFIELD, 99, Gresham-street, Bank, E.C. The New River, unquestionably the choicest home investment of this or any other age. ME ESSRS. EDWIN FOX and BOUSFIELD will SELL, at the Mart, on Wednesday next, July 9, at Two o'clock, the highly valuable and important FREEHOLD ESTATE, comprising an entire Share in the King's Moiety and fifteen £100 New Shares in this grand historic Corporation, with its annually-increasing income, occasional bonuses, and important Reversion in twenty years to large landed estates in the metropolis and elsewhere. Lot 1.-A FREEHOLD ESTATE, comprising a 120th part of a King's Share in the New River. Last year's income Lot 2.-A similar FREEHOLD ESTATE, ditto Lots 3 to 12, 16 to 27, 31 to 42, and 46 to 57 inclusive, will each comprise a similar FREEHOLD ESTATE. Last year's income £21 13s. 4d. on each lot, making together Lot 13.-A valuable FREEHOLD ESTATE, comprising a one-twentieth part of a King's Share in the New River. Last Year's income £ s. d. 21 13 4 21 18 4 996 13 4 130 0 0 Lot 14.-A similar FREEHOLD ESTATE, ditto 130 0 0 Lots 15, 28 to 30, 43 to 45, and 58 to 60 will each comprise a similar FREEHOLD ESTATE. Last year's income £130 on each lot, making altogether 1300 0 0 Lot 61.-A £100 NEW SHARE, fully paid, in the New River. Last year's income Lot 62.-A similar SHARE, ditto 12 2 6 12 2 6 157 12 6 Particulars of the vendor's Solicitors, Messrs. WALFORDS, 27, Bolton-street, Piccadilly, W.; FRANCIS HOWSE, 3, Abchurch-yard, E.C.; Messrs. ROBINS, CAMERON, KEMM, and POTHECARY, Gresham-house, Old Broad-street, E.C.; and of Messrs. EDWIN FOX and BOUSFIELD, 99, Greshamstreet, Bank, E.C. By order of the Commissioners of Sewers.-City of London. Exceedingly valuable Freehold Property, in six first-rate building plots, on the north side of Arthur-street East, the grand new thoroughfare from King William-street to Thames-street, the centre of the fish, fruit, and coal trades, and opposite the new market of the Corporation of London. MESSRS. EDWIN FOX and BOUSFIELD are directed by the Commissioners of Sewers of the City of London to SELL, at the Mart, on Wednesday, July 16, at Two, in Six Lots, valuable FREEHOLD PROPERTY, comprising six fine building sites, most advantageously situate in Arthur-street East, London Bridge, the fine new thoroughfare from King Williamstreet to Lower Thames-street, emerging thereon at Billingsgate, the heart of the fish, fruit, and coal trades, with the terminus of the subway at its other end. Each plot has a commanding frontage by a proportionate extent of depth, and covers a most available superficial area, which can be utilised without sacrifice of internal space for lighting. Particulars of E. A. BAYLIS, Esq., Solicitor, Churchcourt, Old Jewry, E.C.; at the office of the Engineer and Surveyor to the Commissioners, Guildhall, E.C.; at the Mart; and of Messrs. EDWIN Fox and BOUSFIELD, 99, Gresham-street, Bank, E.C. City of London, St. Mary Axe.-Valuable Freehold Property, well let, on lease. For investment. MESSRS, EDWIN FOX and BOUSFIELD will SELL, at the Mart, on Wednesday, July 16, at Two o'clock, a valuable FREEHOLD PROPERTY, comprising the capital and substantial premises, No. 54, St. Mary Axe, at the corner of Bevis Marks, rebuilt within a few years in the most substantial manner at considerable which position is most ANDREW YOUNG will offer for SALE by cost, and containing appropriate acto de last suitable at the MART, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C., on THURSDAY, July 17, 1890, at Two o'clock precisely, the following SITES, which have been reserved for the erection of dwellings for the labouring classes. (a.) WHITECHAPEL and LIMEHOUSE.-A plot of Freehold Building Land, having a frontage of 62ft. to Cartwright-street, Whitechapel, and containing an area of 14,470 square feet. The purchaser will have to erect dwellings to accommodate at least 88 persons. (b.) BROOK-STREET, Limehouse.-A large plot of Freehold Building Land, situate at the corner of Brook-street and Cranford-street, having a frontage of 118ft. to Brookstreet, and a return frontage of 153ft. 4in. to Cranford-street, and containing an area of 19,000 square feet. The purchaser will have to erect dwellings to accommodate at least 281 persons. Plans, particulars, and conditions of sale may be had at the Mart, E.C., and at the Office of the London County Council (Estates and Valuation Department), 17, Springgardens, S.W. Let on lease to responsible tenants, who have been in occupation for some time and pay with the utmost regularity, at an annual rent of £450, rising to £475. Particulars in due course of Messrs SPYER and SON, Solicitors, 53, New Broad-street, E.C.; at the Mart; and of Messrs EDWIN Fox and BOUSFIELD, 99, Gresham-street, Bank, E.C. Kensington.-One of the most artistic Honses in town-89. Harrington-gardens, Kensington, the residence of W. S. Gilbert, Esq., who has purchased a country estate, to which he is removing at the end of the season. MESSRS. EDWIN FOX and BOUSFIELD beg to announce that the PARTICULARS of the above PROPERTY for SALE at the Mart, on Wednesday, July 16, at Two o'clock, are now READY, and may be obtained of Messrs. BOLTON and MOTE, Solicitors, 11, Gray's inn-square, W.C.; and of Messrs. EDWIN Fox and BOUE FIELD, 99, Gresham-street, Bank, E.C In re Wm. Wells, Esq., deceased.-Huntingdonshire.-The Holmwood Estate, a magnificent Freehold Residential and Sporting Domain of 6400 acres, situate near to the city of Peterborough, with a handsome family mansion, erected in the Tudor style some twenty-five years since on the site of an older house, arranged in the most complete manner, seated on beautiful terraced lawns, in the midst of a finely-timbered and extensive park, and possessing all the attributes necessary for the occupation of a gentleman's establishment. The entire area of the estate, which lies exceedingly compact, almost within a ring fence, divided into convenient and numerous upland and fen farma affording exceptionally varied and splendid shooting with capital homesteads and appropriate buildings, houses and cottages, forming the whole of the villages of Holme and Denton, and a part of the village of Glatton, possessing a rent roll of about £7000 a year. It is inter sected by the Great North road and the Great Northern Railway, with its station upon the property. Included in the sale is the manors of Glatton-cum-Holme and Covington, and the Advowsons of Holme and Denton-cumCaldecote. MESSRS. EDWIN FOX and BOUSFIELD beg to announce that the PARTICULARS of the HOLME-WOOD ESTATE, for SALE at the Mart, on Wednesday, July 23, at Two o'clock, are now READY, and may be obtained of Messrs. FRERE, FORSTER, and Co., Solicitors, 28, Lincoln's-inn-fields, W.C.; of Messrs. HASTIE Solicitors, 65, Lincoln's-inn-field, W.C.; of H. A. DoWEB, Esq., Solicitor, 6, New-inn, W.C.; of Mr. JOHN LAURANCE, Land Agent and Surveyor, Peterborough; and of Messrs. EDWIN FOX and BOUSFIELD, 99, Gresham-street, Bank, E.C. By order of the Trustees of the late Thos. Lett, Esq.-The Dulwich House and Herne Hill Estate.-An important Freehold Property of nearly 45 acres in extent, including 16 acres of very eligible building land, with extensive high road frontages, and ripe for immediate development, together with Eight capital Family Residences and exten sive gardens and grounds, Two Villas and Cottages. MESSRS, EDWIN FOX and BOUSFIELD will SELL, at the Mart, on Wednesday, July 30, at Two o'clock, in Lots, highly important and valuable FREEHOLD BUILDING ESTATE, well situate, close to the Herne-hill and North Dulwich Railway Stations, comprising the well-known and attractive property called Dulwich, House, with its beautiful grounds of about 18 acres, having return high road frontage of about 1300ft. to Half Moon-lane and Red Post-hill, ripe for immediate development, with two villas and cottages, and seven excellent family residences on Herne-hill, with their extensive gardens and grounds of about 26 acres, adjoining the foregoing, known as Carlton house, Frankfort-villa, Home-lodge, Elfindale-lodge Cedar-house, and Belle Vue, and No. 15, Herne-hill, all let on leases at ground-rents amounting to 2847, but estimated to be of the value of £1585 per annum. Particulars at the Mart; of Messrs. MARCHANT and BEX WELL, Solicitors, 8, George-yard, Lombard-street, E.C.; of ARTHUR LETT, Esq., Architect and Surveyor, 3, Bondstreet, Walbrook, E.C.; and of Messrs. EDWIN and BousFIELD, 99, Gresham-street, Bank, E.C. South Metropolitan Gas Company.-£28,000 Five per Cent Perpetual Debenture Stock, and £25,000 Ordinary "0" Stock of the above Company, presenting investments of the soundest description. MESSRS. G. A. WILKINSON and SON are instructed by the Directors to SELL by AUC TION, at the Mart, on Monday, July 14, at Two o'clock precisely, in numerous Lots to suit large and small purchasers, £28,000 FIVE PER CENT. PERPETUAL DEBENTURE STOCK and £25,000 ORDINARY "O" STOCK in the South Metropolitan Gas Company, The districts supplied by the Company comprise nearly the whole of the South of London from Wandsworth to P stead Marshes, and the demand has so much increased that the supply of gas has been nearly doubled within the last ten years. Particulars may be had of FRANK BUSH, Esq., Secretary to the Company, 709A, Old Kent-road; of Messrs. JOHNSON BUDD, and JOHNSON, Solicitors, 24, Austin Friars; and of Messrs. G. A. WILKINSON and Son, Surveyors and Auctioneers, 7, Poultry, City. Shares.-To Solicitors, Investors, and others.-Fifty 2100 Shares in the Equity and Law Life Assurance Society: Nine £25 (fully paid) Shares in the General Cemetery Company, Kensal-green. MESSRS. FULLER and FULLER are instructed to SELL by AUCTION, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C., on Thursday, July 17, at One, in Lots, the above sound and improving INVESTMENTS. Particulars may be had at the Mart; of W. W. GABRIEL, Esq., Solicitor, Portugal-street-buildings, Lincoln's-inn; or of the AUCTIONEERS, 70, Queen-street, Cheapside, E.C. The estate of the late Charles Bull, Esq.-Valuable and improving investments. R. H. T. COBAY (in conjunction with Messrs. Smee and Cobay) is instructed to SELL by AUCTION, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C., on Wednesday, July 16, at Two o'clock precisely, 1187 FIRE and LIFE ASSURANCE SHARES in the following companies, viz.: thirty-nine in the Guardian Fire and Life Assurance Company, 453 in the Legal and General Life Assurance Society, 475 in the Law Life Assurance Society, 205 in the Law Fire Insurance Society, and fifteen in the Equity and Law Life Assurance Society. Further particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained of Messrs. PALMER and BULL, Solicitors, 24, Bedford-row; or of the AUCTIONEERS, 89, Finsbury-pavement, E.C. To Trustees, Company Directors, and others seeking an absolutely secure investment free from all risks or varia tion of income. MESSRS. FURBER, PRICE, and FURBER will SELL by AUCTION, at the Mart, Tokenhouse yard, E.C., on Tuesday, July 29, at Two precisely, a PERMANENT RENTCHARGE of £500 per annum, being a moiety of a sum of £1000 per annum, the first charge upon the Flixton Hall Estates, belonging to Sir Hugh Edward Adair, in the counties of Norfolk and Suffolk, exceeding in extent 10,000 acres, the annual value being £11,000 and upwards. Particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained of RICHARD FURBER, Esq., Solicitor, 8, Gray's-inn-square, W.C.; at the Mart; or at the Auction and Estate Offices, Warwick-court, Gray's-inn, W.C. Now ready, price 2s. 6d., by post 2s. 10d., the Third Volume o HE GOLFING ANNUAL for 1889-90. consists of Two Parts. Part One, consisting of Original Articles, Poetry, and Illustrated with Portraits of Willie Park, jun., and Mr. J. E. Laidlay: also plans of Guildford, Redhill, and Reigate, and Minehead Links. The Second Part-The Golfing Directory-is the feature of the ANNUAL, and is the most complete and accurate one ever published. In it every green in the kingdom, and many of those abroad, are more or less fully described, and the full particulars (date of formation, office-bearers, prise winners, &c.), of over two hundred and thirty clubs will be given. London: HORACE Cox, "The Field" Office, 346, Strand, W AW ASSOCIATION for the BENEFIT of HE REVERSIONARY INTEREST LAWIDOWS and FAMILIES of SOLICITORS in the LAW LIFE TH ASSURANCE ASSOCIATION. Founded 1839. Whole-Life Bonuses never less than 21 108. per cent. per annum. Annuities. Loans. Liberal Conditions. ARTHUR JACKSON, General Manager. 12,Waterloo-place, FRANCIS R. COLENSO, F.L.A., Actuary London. and Secretary. GENERAL LIFE AND FIRE ASSURANCE COMPANY. ESTABLISHED 1837. LIFE. FIRE. MORTGAGES. ANNUITIES. CHIEF OFFICE: SOCIETY (Limited), 17, King's Arms-yard, London, E.C. (established 1823), purchases reversionary interests in real and personal property, life policies, and life interests and advance money upon those securities. NATIONAL REVERSIONARY INVESTMENT COMPANY (Instituted 1837). For the purchase of Absolute or Contingent Reversions, Life Interests, and Policies or Assurance on Lives. OFFICE: 103, CANNON-STREET, LONDON, E.C, 63, Old Broad Street, London, E.C. VERBATIM or Condensed REPORTS, Shorthand Secretary work, Typewriting, Cyclostyling, and Copying Foreign Translations. Shorthand Classes at Schools.Apply to Miss LUCY WILLIAMS, Westminster Chambers, 5, Victoria-street, S.W. AVE TIME AND MONEY.-1d. per folio, Sort, Tolios per hour.-Legal Documents of every description copied on the Typewriter on terms which make writing by hand an extravagant waste of time. Get price list and specimens at Metropolitan School of Shorthand, 27, Chancery-lane, W.C. 10 SOLICITORS.-WANTED, a £500 at his command; he must understand Hereditary ProJ. 2, Apollo-street, Belmont-road, Liverpool. 50, REGENT STREET, W. perty, and could be Agent on the estate. Address "F. 3. P. Metropolis and vicinity. Instituted 1817. Supported by Life and Annual Subscriptions and by Donations. This Association consists of solicitors residing and practising in the metropolis or within the Bills of Mortality, and its objects are (amongst others) to grant relief to the widow and children of any deceased member, or if none, then to other relatives dependent on him for support. The relief afforded last year amounted to £1397 108. A subscription of two guineas per annum constitutes a member, and a payment of twenty guineas membership for life.-Applications to be made to the Secretary, ARTHUR CARPENTER, Devereuxbuildings, Temple, W.C. ME VIRGINIA DERT, ESSRS. BROWN, SHIPLEY, and CO., acting on behalf of the Committee of Virginia Bondholders in New York, invite the deposit with them of all Securities of the State of Virginia held in this country or on the Continent, to be dealt with in accordance with the Agreement dated May 12, of which a copy appeared in this paper of June 28, 1890. Securities, with July, 1890, and all subsequent Coupons attached, will be received by Messrs. BROWN, SHIPLEY, and Co., until further notice, at their Counting-house, Founder'scourt, Lothbury, London, E.C., in terms of the said Agreement. The classification of the Securities to be deposited is as follows: First Class.-Old Bonds, to include all Securities issued under Acts passed previous to Funding Bill of 1871: Peelers, to include all Securities issued under Act of 30th March, 1871, as amended by the Act of 7th March, 1872. Second Class.-Consols, to include all Securities issued under Act of 30th March, 1871, with July, 1890, and subsequent Coupons attached. Third Class.-Ten Forties, to include all Securities issued under Act of 28th March, 1879, with July, 1890, and subsequent Coupons attached. Fourth Class.-Tax receivable Coupons prior to July, 1890. 17, Moorgate-street, June 21, 1890. The Council of Foreign Rondholders, acting in conjunction with the English Committee of Virginian Bondholders, directs me to state that, having considered the Agreement above referred to, it recommends holders to deposit their Bonds, Coupons, and Certificates with Messrs. Brown, Shipley, and Co. (Signed) C. O'LEARY, Secretary. FREDERIC P. OLCOTT, President Central Trust Company, New York; WILLIAM L. BULL, of Messrs. Edward Sweet and Co., and late President New York Stock Exchange: HENRY BUDGE, of Messrs. Hallgarten and Co., New York; CHARLES D. DICKEY, jun., of Messrs. Brown, Brothers, and Co., New York: HUGH R. GARDEN, President Southern Society of New Bondholders' Committee. ADVISORY BOARD IN THE UNITED STATES. HON. Grover Cleveland, late President of the United States. HON. Edward J. Phelps, late United States Minister to Great Britain. HON. Thomas F. Bayard, late United States Secretary of State. George S. Coe, President American Exchange National Bank, New York. George G. Williams, President Chemical National Bank, New York. ADVISERS IN LONDON. Rt. Hon. Sir John Lubbock, Bart., M.P. John Henry Daniell, Esq., C B. DEPOSITARIES IN LONDON. Central Trust Company of New York. The Mercantile Trust and Deposit Company of Baltimore. The Planters' National Bank of Richmond. A SOLICITOR, opening an Office in London, would like to MEET with ANOTHER to share expenses.-Address "J. R." (No. 2466), 10, Wellingtonstreet, Strand, W.C. RESIDENTIAL CHAMBERS, Regency ST. ANDREW'S HOSPITAL for MENTAL Mansions, Shaftesbury-avenue (close to Piccadillycircus).-Unique Combination ROOMS, fitted with Bath, Lavatory, Alcove for bed: practically two rooms at the cost of one; building fitted with American Elevator, and every modern and Sanitary convenience. Also, Double Rooms and Suites at moderate rents. Inspection invited.-Regency Mansions (opposite Lyric Theatre), a few doors from Piccadilly-circus. £7,470,866 RESIDENTIAL CHAMBERS. -SUITES FINANCIAL Existing Assurances Invested Funds........................ £2,623,456 Annual Income........................ Claims & Surrenders paid... £8,891,990 Bonuses declared of ROOMS; separate Bath, fitted with hot and cold supply: Electric Light; fire-proof construction.-Regency £315,952 Mansions, Shaftesbury-avenue. DISEASES, Northampton. PRESIDENT: The Right Hon. the EARL SPENCER, K.G. CHAIRMAN OF THE COMMITTEE OF MANAGEMENT: The Most Hon, the MARQUIS of NORTHAMPTON, K.G. The main object of the Directors is to provide accommodation and comforts suitable to the former social and present mental condition of persons belonging to the Upper and Middle Classes, at moderate rates of payment. The Institution is pleasantly situated one mile from the Northampton station, London and North-Western main line, one and a quarter hours from London, and it is sur £2,971,852 RESIDENTIAL CHAMBERS.-Combina-rounded by over 100 acres of pleasure grounds. tion ROOMS; fitments; Bath; fire-proof construction; American Elevator.-Regency Mansions, Shaftesbury avenue. There are also houses at Moulton Park, a branch establish. ment two miles from the Hospital, and sea-side houses in the neighbourhood of Conway and Penmaenmawr, to which patients can be sent. Terms from 21 58. to 23 8s. per week, according to the requirements of the case. These may be reduced if the Committee of Management are satisfied that so much cannot be afforded. Patients paying higher rates can have special accommodation, carriages, horses, &c. For further information apply to the MEDICAL SUPERIN TENDENT. WONFORD HOUSE between Essex-street and Law Courts.-"Solicitor" (No. HOSPITAL FOR THE INSANE, 2466), 10, Wellington-street, Strand, W.C. Near EXETER. MIDDLE A SOLICITOR, practising in the City, A REGISTERED HOSPITAL FOR THE UPPER AND would JOIN another SOLICITOR to SHARE EXPENSES, with possible Partnership resulting. "Alpha," Mr. Brown, 23, Southampton-buildings, W.C. BAR STUDENT (third year) WISHES six months; willing to make himself generally useful.Address 230," Sell's Advertising Offices, London. A to ENTER & SOLICITOR'S OFFICE for three or L AW. SOLICITOR REQUIRES Use or Share of OFFICES, vicinity of Law Courts preferred; will provide clerk. - Address, stating terms, Omega (No. 2466), 10, Wellington-street, Strand, W.C. This Institution is situated in a beautiful and healthy locality, within a short distance of the City of Exeter. There is comfortable accommodation at moderate rates, both in the hospital itself and at Plantation House, Dawlish, a seaside residence on the South Devon Coast, affording more privacy, with the benefits of sea-air and a mild and salubrious climate. Private Rooms and Special Attendants provided, if required. Voluntary Patients or Boarders also received without certificates. For terms, &c., apply to P.MAURY DEAS., M.B., M.S.Lond., Prospectuses and Forms of Proposal, and all further WANTED, by a SOLICITOR, an OFFICE, D Edited by JAMES LOWE. Memoirs and Letters of nformation, may be had at the office. 0.B OLABON, Secretary. with use of Clerk, for inquiries; neighbourhood of Charing Cross or Strand.-"T.S.," care of Jones, Yarrell, nd Co., 8, Bury-street, St. James's, S.W. Madame de Sévigne and of Madame La Duchesse d'Orleans. Price 18., by post 18. 2d. London: 10, Wellington-street, Strand, W.0. By F. W. VERNEY. A SONG OF USES. By H. W. C. REVIEWS AND NOTICES. NOTES. Vols. I. to V., cloth lettered, each 12s. Just published, royal 8vo. (992 pp.), cloth, 32s. EDMUNDS ON PATENTS. The Law and Practice of Letters Patent for Inventions; with the Patent Acts and Rules annoted, and the International Convention, a full Collection of Statutes, Forms, and Precedents, and an Outline of Foreign and Colonial Patent Laws, &c. By LEWIS EDMUNDS, assisted by A. WOOD RENTON, Esqrs., Barristers-at-Law. 1890. We have nothing but commendation for the book. The statement of the existing law is accurate and clear. Solicitors' Journal, June 14, 1890. Just published, Tenth Edition., 2 Vols. royal 8vo., £2 23. SMITH'S MERCANTILE LAW.-A Com pendium of Mercantile Law. Tenth Edition. By JOHN MACDONNELL, Esq., One of the Masters of the Supreme Court, assisted by GEO. HUMPHREYS, Esq., 1890. Barrister-at-Law. Of the greatest value to the mercantile lawyer.Law Times, March 22, 1890. Just published, royal 12mo., cloth, 4s. Libraries Valued or Purchased. A Large Stock of Secondhand Law Reports and Text Books always on Sale. 100, CHANCERY LANE & CAREY STREET. WANTED TO PURCHASE, In Fair Condition, at following prices. 0 15 0 5 0 0 2 10 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 Law Books of all descriptions Purchased or Exchanged. A Large Stock of Secondhand Law Reports and Text Books always on Sale. List Free on Application. W. H. KELLY, LAW BOOKSELLER, LINCOLN'S-INN GATE, CAREY-STREET, LONDON. WILDY & SONS, LAW BOOKSELLERS & EXPORTERS, LINCOLN'S INN ARCHWAY, LONDON, W.C. LAW LIBRARIES (LARGE OR SMALL) PURCHASED FOR CASH. The OLDEST SECONDHAND DEALERS in the TRADE. THE FACTORS ACT 1889, WM. CLOWES AND SONS LIMITED, WITH COMMENTARY AND NOTES. Designed particularly for the use and guidance of Mercantile men. By CHARLES H. L. NEISH and A. T. CARTER, Esqrs., Barristers-at-Law. 1890. Just published, Second Edition, demy 8vo., cloth, 21s. LAW PUBLISHERS AND BOOKSELLERS, 27, FLEET STREET, LONDON, E.C. (Six doors east of Inner Temple-lane.) Nearly ready, Second Edition, revised, with Cases to date, demy 8vo, cloth, 21s.; cash price 178. SWEET & MAXWELL LIMITED. 3, CHANCERY LANE, LONDON. Just published, in 2 vols. 8vo., price £3 18s.,. cloth. KEY AND ELPHINSTONE'S COMPENDIUM OF PRECEDENTS IN CONVEYANCING. THIRD EDITION. By THOMAS KEY, ASSISTED BY C. H. BROWN & A. H. DENNIS, Barristers-at-Law. Just published, in 1 vol. 8vo., price 21s., cloth. DAVIDSON'S CONCISE PRECEDENTS IN CONVEYANCING. THOROUGHLY REVISED & GREATLY ENLARGED, WITH PRACTICAL NOTES and OBSERVATIONS. FIFTEENTH EDITION. By M. G. DAVIDSON, Of Lincoln's-inn, Barrister-at-Law. SWEET and MAXWELL LIMITED, LAW PUBLISHERS, BOOKSELLERS, & EXPORTERS, Dealers in Secondhand Law Reports, 3, CHANCERY LANE, LONDON, W.C. SECOND EDITION. REVISED and ENLARGED. POLLOCK'S TORTS. STEPHEN'S COUNTY COURT ACTS, Now ready. Demy Sro. Published at 168.; cash, 18s.; or A Treatise on the Principles of Obligations arising from Civil Wrongs in the Common Law. Second Edition, to which is added the draft of a Code of Civil Wrongs, prepared for the Government of India. By Sir FREDERICK POLLOCK, Bart., of Lincoln's-inn, Barrister-at-Law. 1890. Cordially we recommend the book to every genuine student of our law.-Law Students' Journal. By the same Author, Fifth Edition, demy 8vo., cloth, 28s. POLLOCK'S CONTRACTS. The Principles ciples relating to the Validity of Agreements in the Law of of Contract. Being a Treatise on the General PrinEngland. Fifth Edition, with a new Chapter. 1889. By the same Author, Fourth Edition, demy 8vo., clot h, 10s. ORDERS, and PRACTICE. According scheme of the work, the rules are printed immediately after the respective sections of the several enactments to which they particularly relate, thereby enabling the reader to see at a glance, Section, Rules, and Notes thereon. By HENRY STEPHEN, of the Middle Temple, Barrister-at-Law, Editor of Ninth Edition to Stephen's Commentaries, and Joint Author of the County Council Compendium; and REGINALD ARTHUR STEPHEN, Registrar of the Lincoln County Court. A Royal 8vo., cloth, 21s. COUNTY COURTS FORMULIST: being a Compendium of carefully prepared Precedents in all proceedings in Actions and Matters within the Ordinary, Equity, and Special Statutory Jurisdictions of County Courts (except Admiralty and Bankruptcy), together with POLLOCK'S PARTNERSHIP. A Practical Observations and Directions thereon, and Refer Digest of the Law of Partnership. With an Introductory Essay on Codification. Now ready, royal 12mo., cloth, 58. 1888. THE LAW of TITHES and TITHE ences to Cases decided up to date of publication. With a copious Index. By R. AUSTEN DALE, of the Middle Temple, Barrister-at-Law, late Solicitor, Birmingham. Crown 8vo., cloth, 78. 6d. RENT CHARGE Being a Treatise on the Law of COSTS in the COUNTY COURTS, Tithe Rent Charge, with a sketch of the History and Law of Tithes prior to the Commutation Acts. By EDWARD FAIRFAX STUDD, Esq., Barrister-at-Law. 1839. Mr. Studd's statements of the law are clear and good.-Law Quarterly Review. Second Edition, demy 8vo., cloth, 16s. CORDERY'S SOLICITORS. The Law Relating to Solicitors. Enlarged, Revised, and in great part Re-written. By A. CORDERY, Barrister-at-Law. 1888. The book is very clear, accurate, and practical, and will be found of much value.-Solicitors' Journal. Sixth Edition, royal 8vo.. cloth, £1 88. THE LAW and PRACTICE of COM PENSATION for TAKING or INJURIOUSLY AFFECTING LANDS under the Lands Clauses Consolidation Acts 1845, 1860, and 1869; Railways Clauses Consolidation Act 1845; Artizans' and Labourers' Dwellings Improvements Acts 1875 to 1882; Artizans' Dwellings Acts 1808 to 1882; Public Health Act 1875; Elementary Education Act 1870; General Metropolitan Paving Act and other Public Notes, and Forms. By SIDNEY WOOLF, of the Middle Temple, and JAMES W. MIDDLETON, of Lincoln's-inn, Esqrs., Barristers-at-Law. PRECEDENTS of BILLS of COSTS in Acts (English, Irish, and Scotch). With an Introduction, the Chancery, Queen's Bench, Probate, Divorce, and Admiralty Divisions of the High Court of Justice; in Conveyancing, the Crown Office, Bankruptcy, Lunacy, Arbitration under the Lands Clauses Consolidation Act, the Mayor's Court (London), the County Courts, the Privy Council, and on Passing Residuary and Succession Accounts; SERVICE OUT OF THE JURISDICTION. Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged, royal 8vo., cloth, 30s. with Scales of Allowances and Court Fees, Rules of Cats FOREIGN JUDGMENTS and PARTIES LARGEST DEALERS IN SECOND-HAND LAW PRINCIPLES of the LAW of TORTS. REPORTS AND TEXT BOOKS. LAW LIBRARIES PURCHASED. LICENSED VALUERS FOR PROBATE, PARTNERSHIP, &c. Private and Local Acts of Parliament from an early date. Telegraphic Address-"RHODRONS, LONDON." For the use of Students. By F. T. PIGGOTT, M.A., LL.M., Barrister-at-Law, Author of Foreign Judgments and Parties out of the Jurisdiction." "Success it will deserve, for it is a good book, much better than some to which law students too often go for their first notions of the Law of Torts."-Law Quarterly Review. 119 & 120, CHANCERY LANE, LONDON, London: WM. CLOWES & SONS LIMITED, 27, Fleet-street, E.C. post free, 18s. 6d. A MANUAL of the PRINCIPLES of EQUITY A concise and explanatory work on Equity, specially written for Students. By JOHN INDERMAUR, Solicitor, &c., Author of "Principles of Common Law," "Epitomes of Leading Cases," "Manual of Practice," &c. GEORGE BARBER, Office of "The Law Students' Journal 6 and 17, Cursitor-street, Chancery-lane, London, E.C. Crown 8vo., price 28., by post, 28. 2d. ETROPOLITAN POLICE COURT JOTTINGS.-By A MAGISTRATE. London: HORACE Cox, 10. Wellington-street, Strand. Now ready, Eighth Edition, demy 8vo., cloth, price 10s. 6d. cash with order, 8s. 9d., and 6d. postage. A PRACTICAL GUIDE ΜΕ TO THE PAYMENT OF LEGACY AND SUCCESSION DUTIES, AS WELL AS PROBATE, ADMINISTRATION, ACCOUNT, NEW (UNDER THE CUSTOMS AND INLAND REVENUE АСТ 1889). With directions as to Returns and increase thereof in accordance with the Acts regulating the same. Showing how Duties are to be ascertained and calculated, and explanatory Notes as to the INCREASED RATES OF SUCCESSION DUTY, AND LIMITATION OF CLAIMS FOR ALFRED T. LAYTON. WATERLOW BROS. & LAYTON LIMITED, 24 and 25, BIRCHIN-LANE, E.C. HOTES Situated in NORTHUMBERLAND AVENUE and Is arranged and furnished to afford Residents every HIGHEST CLASS CUISINE, FINEST WINES, AND VERY BEST ATTENDANCE. CARTER, 6a, New Cavendish St SERVICE À LA CARTE; also TABLE D'HÔTE. Breakfast, Luncheon, & Dinner at Separate Tables. Telegrams, "Metropole. London.” MESSRS. ROBSON & PERRIN, AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS, VALUERS, LAND, HOUSE, & ESTATE AGENTS, FINSBURY PARK STATION, N. And STROUD GREEN STATION, N. Established 1878. RENTS Collected, Estates Managed. Licensed Bailiffs. : CONCISE TABULATED REGISTER, published monthly, contains the largest and most varied selection, and is the best medium for the Disposal of all property in the Northern Suburbs. Copy Gratis on application. PUBLIC COMPANIES.-TO SOLICITORS. ICHARD JORDAN, 120, Chancery-lane, &c., continues to render assistance to the Profession in all matters pertaining to the Formation, Registration, and Winding-up of Joint Stock Companies. Memorandums and Articles of Association, Special Resolutions, and other documents intrusted to him are carefully examined and printed with the utmost accuracy and expedition. Now ready, Thirteenth Edition, much enlarged, A HANDYORS ODK of PRACTICAL INSTRUCTIONS on the Formation, Management, and Winding-up of Joint Stock Companies. By R. JORDAN. To be had of the Author, as above. PORTLAND PLACE, LONDON, W. LITERARY For holding a Book 01 BATH CHAIRS from £1. 5/ Bed Table,7/6 BASSINETTE PERAMBULATORS, £1.15/ (Rubber Tyres). Self-Propelling CHAIRS from P. NORMAN EVANS, Ph.D., F.I.C., F.C.S., JOHN CARTER, 6a, New Cavendish St., &c., and QUIRIN WIRTZ, Ph.D., M.A.L., By Appointment to the Paper Manufacturers Association of Great Britain, CONSULTING ANALYTICAL PORTLAND PLACE, LONDON, W. (Only Address). ILLUSTRATED PRICE LISTS Post Free. HE BEST PRICE for WASTE PAPER 28, GREAT ORMOND ST., LONDON, W.C. Tcan be obtained at LLOYD'S PAPER ALLS, Analyses of Water, &c., carefully made, and advice given on questions of Pollution and other Chemical subjects. YPEWRITING and SHORTHAND. TYP Typed manuscript is always twice as legible as that written by hand. Authors, send your Books Playwrights your Dramas, and your LEGAL MENTS, to be typed with neatness and scrupulous accuracy by Mrs. L. STRUTT CALLARD, 8 and 9, Savoy-mansions, Strand, W.C. Typewriting and Shorthand taught. HORSES and CARRIAGES. W. SMITH and CO., Coachbuilders and Jobmasters, Wilton Mews, and 7, Little Chester-street, Belgravia. CARRIAGES to LET of every description, by day, month, or year. Horse Brougham and Coachman supplied at 200 guineas, and Carriages at 40 guineas per annum. OLD SHIRTS Made as good as New with fine Irish Linen, Sittingbourne, Kent, where the paper is re-manufactured Send for Waste Paper Circular, which gives every parti C. H. GRIFFITHS AND SONS. The Six Guinea SHOULD BE USED BY ALL SOLICITORS It is the most convenient and durable yet Consists of four superior japanned Deed Boxes, Mounted on an elegant Iron Stand with Brass Mountings. C. H. GRIFFITHS and SONS, 43, CANNON STREET, E.C. (Only Address). REDNESS, ROUGHNESS, AND CHAPPING PREVENTED, FAIR WHITE PEARS' SOAP This world-renowned Toilet Soap has obtained 15 International Trish Linen, 28. 6d. Awards as a Complexion Soap. It is specially suitable for Ladies, each, returned carriage free ready to wear. Sample New White Shirt, any size, for Dress or ordinary wear, 28. 9d., 38. 9d., 43. 94, 58. 9d., or 6s. 9d. Gent's best 4-fold Linen Collars, any shape or size, 28. 9d. half dozen post free. Price B. & E. M'HUGH & CO., LIMITED, BELFAST. Children, or delicate and sensitive skins generally. Its regular use cannot fail to benefit the worst complexion. SILK DRESS HATS. COLE, FELT POT" HATS. Newest Shapes. "NONE WEAR BETTER." 156, STRAND. Largest Selection of Colours and Shapes in London, TOILET SALOON (First Floor above Hat Department). SPECIALITIES.-Cleanliness and Good Workmen. FOUR DOORS CITY SIDE OF SOMERSET HOUSE. LONDON. W.C. |