Printed and Published by the registered Proprietor, HORACE Cox, at 10, Wellington-street, Strand, London, W.C., in the County of Middlesex.-Saturday, July 5, 1890. Sur pr US THE JOURNAL OF THE LAW AND THE LAWYERS. VOL. LXXXIX.-No. 2467. of LANDED THETATMPROVEMENTOAN and ANFRAN CHISEMENT COMPANY (Incorporated by Special Act of Parliament) ADVANCES MONEY to landowners for drainage, the erection of farm buildings, artisans and miners cottages, water supply, &c., and for the general improvement of landed property, the amount borrowed being repaid by a terminable rentcharge. No investigation of title is necessary. Prospectus and Forms of Application will be furnished on request. EDWIN GARROD, Secretary. 22 Great George-street, Westminster S.W. of THE IMPROVEMENT OF MANSION CHISEMENT COMPANY ADVANCES MONEY to the owners of settled estates in England and Wales, for the erection of, alterations and additions to, estate mansions, stables, and outbuildings, for supplying water thereto, and for their general sanitary improvement. The amount expended would be repaid by a rentcharge in twenty-five years. Further information will be supplied on application. EDWIN GARROD, Secretary. 22 Great George-street, Westminster, S.W. ORTGAGE and GROUND - RENT V BRANCH of the LAND LOAN and ENFRANCHISEMENT COMPANY.-The Company's REGISTER contains various sums of trust and other moneys awaiting INVESTMENT on MORTGAGE, and for the Purchase of Ground Rents. Further particulars on application. EDWIN GARROD, Secretary. 22, Great George-street, Westminster, S.W. [ORTGAGE INSURANCE CORPORATION MOR LIMITED, HEAD OFFICE: 40, Threadneedle-street, London, E.C. BRANCHES AND The Bank receives Deposits for three years at 5 per cent., also for shorter periods, and transacts Banking and Agency Business generally. GENERAL REVERSIONARY and INVESTMENT COMPANY, 5, Whitehall, London Established 1836. Further empowered by Special Act of Parliament, 14 & 15 Vict. cap. 130. Capital 2500,000. Chairman-EDWARD WALMISLEY, Feq. This Company purchases or makes loans upon reversions, absolute or contingent, and life interests in possession or in expectation. Loans on reversions may be obtained either at an annual interest or in consideration of redeemable deferred charge. -D. A. BUMSTED, Actuary and Secretary. AW L COSTS and ACCOUNTS. J. HARCOURT SMITH DRAWS and SETTLES all descriptions of COSTS from Papers or otherwise, and Prepares and Audits Accounts; special attention given to New Taxation Rules.-63, Chancery-lane, W.C. MORTGAGES. ME ESSRS. HENRY DE JERSEY & CO., FINANCIERS and MORTGAGE BROKERS, 1, Tokenhouse-buildings, London, E.C., DESIRE to draw the attention of SOLICITORS and others REQUIRING MORTGAGES upon approved Freehold and Leasehold securities to the favourable terms upon De Jersey & Co. in all cases place borrowers or their which loans are arranged as to interest, our Meters. Henry solicitors in direct communication with solicitors, trustees, or on LANDED ESTATES, HOUSES, SHOPS, OFFICES, WAREHOUSES, BUILDING ETATES, GOOD COMMERCIAL ESTATES, RAILWAYS, TRAMWAYE, and on RATES OF CORPORATIONS and all LOCAL AUTHORITIES. Mortgages and Loans from £5000 to £200,000 each pre ferred, at from 8 to 4 per cent. interest. the names of solicitors and clients for whom they have Were Messrs. Henry De Jersey & Co. at liberty to mention arranged private mortgages and for large amounts, the list would be one not often equalled. A list also of Loans arranged for important Public Authorities may be had on application, Cheques should be crossed ALLIANCE BANK LIMITED. HE LAW GUARANTEE and TRUST LAW ASSOCIATION for the BENEFIT of THE SOCIETY LIMITED. and FAMILIES of SOLICITORS in the Metropolis and vicinity. Instituted 1817. Supported by Life and Annual Subscriptions and by Donations. This Association consists of solicitors residing and practising in the metropolis or within the Bills of Mortality, and its objects are (amongst others) to grant relief to the widow and children of any deceased member, or if none, then to other relatives dependent on him for support. The relief afforded last year amounted to £1397 108. A subscription of two guineas per annum constitutes a member, and a payment of twenty guineas membership for life.-Applications to be made to the Secretary, ARTHUR CARPENTER, Devereux buildings, Temple, W.C. NATIONAL DISCOUNT COMPANY position to enter into arrangements for working up every SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL PAID UP RESERVE FUND £4,233,325 846,665 460,000 The Present Rates of Interest allowed for Deposits are as follows, viz.: THREE PER CENT. PER ANNUM AT CALL. THREE-AND-A-QUARTER PER CENT. AT SEVEN AND FOURTEEN DAYS' NOTICE. Money received for fixed periods at rates specially to be agreed upon. WILLIAM HANCOCK, Manager. CHARLES H. HUTCHINS, Sub-Manager No. 35, Cornhill, E.C., July 10, 1890. AVID DENTON, DAVID COSTS DRAUGHTSMAN, FR 90, PETHERTON ROAD, LONDON. PREPARES COSTS, in Town or Country, for delivery or taxation; twenty years' working experience; moderate terms. COMPANY, SOLICITORS' ACCOUNTANT AND AUDITOR, TAUDITORS (Incorporated 1885).-The Fellows and HE SOCIETY of ACCOUNTANTS and Associates of this Society practise in all parts of the United Kingdom, and are styled "Incorporated Accountants." Lists of the Members and all information may be obtained upon application to the Secretary-By Order of the Council. JAMES MARTIN, Secretary. Offices, 4, King-street, Cheapside, London. THE LAWNOTES LIBRARY, A GEORGE S. ORIS FORD, Actuary.AW-WANTED at once, in Solicitor's LIBERAL COMMISSION TO SOLICITORS. Office, good GENERAL CLERK; Shorthand; good references.-Apply LAYCOCKS, Solicitors, Huddersfield. Money, Wanted and to Lend. TONEY.-LONDON and WESTMINSTER MONEY. LONDONand WESTMINSTER Advances made in sums of £10 to £1000, at.5 per cent. for six months, on personal security, deeds, furniture, bills of Bale, life policies, and reversions. Prospectuses sent on application.-Offices, 62 and 63, St. Martin's-lane, London, W.0. CHARLES HILLS, Secretary. UTUAL LOAN FUND ASSOCIATION Waterloo Bridge, Strand, W.C., 38, Ship-street, Brighton, and 199, Queen's-road, Hastings, ADVANCES MONEY upon personal security, bills of sale, deeds, &c., repayable by Instalments. Bills promptly discounted. Forms free on receipt of stamped envelope.-C. R. WRIGHT. London. ASH ADVANCED (£30 to £500) at a day's Home Counties, on Bill of Sale, repayable to suit the borrower's convenience. No sureties or inquiry fees. Solicitors introducing clients allowed 22 per cent. commission.-Apply to Messrs. HOLLINGSWORTH, 13, High Holborn. Established at the same address 34 years. COMMISSION is paireet, B.C. (who has capital at YOMMISSION is paid by Mr. O. CLIBURN, command), to Solicitors and others who will INTRODUCE any one REQUIRING CASH ACCOMMODATION upon any class of security. Fractices, Wanted and for Sale. LAW PRACTICE OF PARTNERSHIP country experience, holding public appointment, DESIRES Succession to, or Partnership in, thoroughly sound PRACTICE; usual premium; principals only.-"Perpetual Commissioner" (No. 2465), 10, Wellington-street. Strand, W.C. LA AW. WANTED, by an efficient Clerk LAW. WANTED, in a Solicitor's Office in (unarticled), thoroughly experienced in Conveyancing, Legacy Duty and Succession Accounts, Trust matters, and Costs, and who is also a good Accountant, a Conveyancing or General CLERKSHIP.-"A. B." Knox-road, Havant. AW.. LA SOLICITOR (24; Honours June 1888) SEEKS RE-ENGAGEMENT as MANAGING CLERK; extensive and varied experience in all branches, accustomed to responsible work; £150.-Address "C. B.A." (No. 2467), 10, Wellington-street, Strand, W.C. the West Riding of Yorkshire, an efficient BILL CLERK, and to assist generally; rapid Shorthand indis pensable.- Address, with references and salary required, "Q." (No. 2466), 10, Wellington-street, Strand, W.C. WANTED, an experienced Shorthand and General CLERK, able to Engross neatly; good character indispensable. - Address, stating age, past and present engagements, and salary required, to SINNOTT and SPOFFORTH, Solicitors, Bristol. AW.-WANTED, in a City Office, CLERK AW. SOLICITOR (Honours) DESIRES LAW. Write Shorthand.-Apply, with full particu LA Chancery or General Managing CLERKSHIP: considerable experience in similar position.-"Z.," 47, Loudounroad, N.W. lars as to experience, to "Z.," Housekeeper, Imperialbuildings, Ludgate-circus. AW.-ADVERTISER (22), out of Articles, LAWWA Copying CLERK, with some experience LAW-ADVERTISER AW.-WANTED, in small Country Office, would give every assistance; articled in country; nominal salary. "E. S. T." (No. 2467), 10, Wellington-street, Strand. A W (Locum Tenens).-MANAGING take FULL CHARGE of Country or Seaside PRACTICE for three weeks (August or September): Conveyancing, Common Law, Bankruptcy, and generally.-"Veritas," 18, Sloane-street, S.W. of County Court work and Conveyancing.-Apply, with specimen of handwriting and references, and salary required, to RUTTER and RUTTER, Solicitors, Mere, Wilts. LAW. WANTand and neat and rapid Longhand: WANTED, a JUNIOR CLERK, state age, experience, and salary to-" Lex," care of Palmer and Howe, Manchester. AW. WANTED, Copying or General LAWERK, MA to Engross and write Shorthand; state LAWER WANTED, Copying or General AW.-SOLICITOR (aged 30), of all-round experience, and Advocate, OPEN for MANAGING CLERKSHIP in Town or Country.-Apply to "J.," care of Waterlow Bros. and Layton Limited, 24, Birchin-lane, London, E.C. AW.-SOLICITOR (29) SEEKS an LAW PRACTICE. A London SOLICITOR Waterlow Bros. and Layton Limited, 24, Birchin-lane, E. C. requiring rest and change to recruit his health, and proposing to reside and ultimately to acquire a practice in the country, would SELL his present PRACTICE or Receive a Partner with a view to Succession; incomer must have command of not less than £500.-Address "Devonian" (No. 2467), 10, Wellington-street, Strand, W.C. Fartnerships, Wanted and Vacant. AW PARTNERSHIP AGENCY.Solicitors, with capital, to OBTAIN suitable PARTNERSHIPS or PRACTICES in Town and Country. -68, Chancery-lane, W.C. AW PARTNERSHIP.-WANTED, Town and Country experience; every qualification; admitted 1884; premium up to £3000.-Address ARTHUR SNOW, 25, Lincoln's-inn-fields, W.C. LAW PARTNERSHIPA Young Solicitor AW PARTNERSHIP.-Young Solicitor established Country Practice, or of obtaining Managing Clerkship with view to Partnership.-"W." (No. 2465), 10, Wellington-street, Strand, W.C. LAWRT PARTNERSHIP Con WANTEDéta in the Country, by an admitted Solicitor, aged 27; strictest references required; capital £500.- Address H. A." (No. 2467), 10, Wellington-street, Strand, W.C. Situations, Wanted and Vacant. LA AW.-WANTED, by SOLICITOR, aged 27, holding responsible Managing Clerkship (Country) for upwards of four years, CLERKSHIP in good Office of General Practice in large Town, with a view to Partnership preferred; salary to be arranged accordingly."D. H." (No. 2462), 10, Wellington-street, Strand, W.C. LAW. A SOLICITOR, who devotes himself to assisting in getting up Arrears, or acting as Locum Tenens, is TERMINATING his present ENGAGEMENT; town or country; highest testimonials."O. P." (No. 2467), 10, Wellington-street, Strand, W.C. AW.-SOLICITOR (32, admitted) SEEKS CLERK; fifteen years' practical experience in Conveyancing, Common Law, Public Appointments, and management of Country Practice generally; good Accountant: salary £120. -"C. J." (No. 2467), 10, Wellington-street, Strand, W.C. AW. COSTS CASHIER General Clerk; Shorthand; thirteen years' experience; town or country; accustomed to all-round practice; age 32."Country" (No. 2467), 10, Wellington-street, Strand, W.C. AW. SOLICITOR (Honours 1890) country: willing to work; moderate salary.-A. R. FORD, Rowcroft, Stroud, Gloucestershire. AW.-CONVEYANCING CLERK SEEKS first-class offices without supervision; unarticled; salary about £200.-"K. Z." (No. 2467), 10, Wellington-street, Strand, W.C. AW.-SOLICITOR (33; admitted 1879) competent to act without supervision; Conveyancing and Common Law.-Address "S. R. W." (No. 2467), 10, Wellington-street, Strand, W.C. SEEKS Conveyancing or General CLERKSHIP: well up in usual practice of Country office, can take Advocacy; unexceptionable references; salary £120.-"R. B." (No. 2467), 10, Wellington-street, Strand, W.C. Bondholders in New York, invite the deposit with them of all Securities of the State of Virginia held in this country or on the Continent, to be dealt with in accordance with the Agreement dated May 12, of which a copy appeared in this paper of June 28, 1890. Securities, with July, 1890, and all subsequent Coupons attached, will be received by Messrs. BROWN, SHIPLEY, and Co., until further notice, at their Counting-house, Founder court, Lothbury, London, E.C., in terms of the said Agree ment. The classification of the Securities to be deposited is as First Class.-Old Bonds, to include all Securities issued under Acts passed previous to Funding Bill of 1571: Peelers, to include all Securities issued under Act of 30th March, 1871, as amended by the Act of 7th March, 1872 Second Class.-Consols, to include all Securities issned under Act of 30th March, 1871, with July, 1890, and subsequent Coupons attached. Third Class.-Ten Forties, to include all Securities issued under Act of 28th March, 1879, with July, 1890, and subsequent Coupons attached. Fourth Class.-Tax receivable Coupons prior to July, 1890. 17, Moorgate-street, June 21, 1890. The Council of Foreign Bondholders, acting in conjunction with the English Committee of Virginian Bondholders, directs me to state that, having considered the Agreement above referred to, it recommends holders to deposit their Bonds, Coupons, and Certificates with Mesars. Brown, Shipley, and Co. (Signed) C. O'LEARY, Secretary. FREDERIC P. OLCOTT, President Central Trust Company, New York; WILLIAM L. BULL, of Messrs. Edward Sweet and Co., d late President New York Stock Exchange: HENRY BUDGE, of Messrs. Hallgarten and Co., New York; CHARLES D. DICKEY jun., of Messrs. Brown, Brothers, and Co., New York: HUGH R. GARDEN, President Southern Society of New ADVISORY BOARD IN THE UNITED STATES. George S. Coe, President American Exchange National Bank, New York. George G. Williams, President Chemical National Bank, New York. ADVISERS IN LONDON. Rt. Hon. Sir John Lubbock, Bart., M.P. John Henry Daniell, Esq., C B. DEPOSITARIES IN LONDON. Brown, Shipley, and Company. Central Trust Company of New York. The Mercantile Trust and Deposit Company of Baltimore. The Planters' National Bank of Richmond. NOTICE is HEREBY GIVEN, that the Leer BOARD of WORKS for the STRAND District will shortly proceed to APPOINT a Gentleman as CLERK to the Board. He must be a Solicitor between 30 and 50 years of age, well acquainted with the working of the Metropolis Management Acts. Particulars of salary, emoluments, duties, and conditions of appointment, can be obtained on A Country SOLICITOR of eighteen years' varied experience ASSISTS (regularly or occasionally) in PREPARING ABSTRACTS, Conveyances, Wills, Briefs, Articles of Association, and Miscellaneous Drafts. Partnership or Clerkship not desired."Notarius," Box 263, Sell's Agency, 167, Fleetstreet, E.C. 3. Tavistock-street, Strand, tem., at the offices of the Board, T 5, admitted 1883, aged married, DESIRES, at once, a MANAGING CLERKSHIP, with a large Firm, with or without a view to Partnership; Advertiser is an able lawyer, of good address, and an Advocate; interview desired; salary £200.-" E. B. M." (No. 2465), 10, Wellington-street, Strand. LAW WANTED SOLICITOR (24, admitted), MANAGING CLERKSHIP, or to act as second in a large office: Advertiser had previous experience; good Conveyancer and hard worker, and willing to undertake Advocacy; salary £90.-" Decimus (No. 2466), 10, Wellington-street, Strand, W.C. All applications should be sent by post to the offices of the envelope marked on outside with the words "Selection Committee," and should contain a statement of the age, date of admission, and of any special qualifications, and also copies of not more than three testimonials. Personal canvass of any member of the Board after the date of this advertisement will, if disclosed to the Board on or before election, absolutely disqualify a candidate. 5, Tavistock-street, July 9, 1890. AW.-WANTED, a CLERK to attend to country, and to make himself generally useful; age not to exceed 24; he must be a good Accountant, a Shorthand writer, and a neat and rapid longhand writer, methodical, of good address, steady, and reliable; no Solicitor or person who has been Articled need apply; salary at the rate of £100 per annum; give references.-Address "Y. S. X.," care of Dunn and Duncan, 87, Chancery-lane, London, W.C. AW.-WANTED, LA COUNTRY SOLICITORS.-A London Solicitor, of several years' experience in important contentious matters in all branches, is DESIROUS of OBTAINING the AGENCY BUSINESS of a country office on the usual terms. Excellent references as to ability and integrity to gentlemen in high official legal positions, bankers, and others. - Address "Freemason," Messrs. REEVES and TURNER, 100, Chancery-lane, W.C. TO BE LET, COUNTRY HOUSE, St. Mary's Mount, Bexley, Kent, thirteen minutes from station, thirty-five minutes by rail from London; nine bedrooms and dressing room, bath room, &c., three reception rooms, beautiful hall and staircase, good offices, and stabling with two rooms for coachman, two acres of garden and about two acres of wood, two lawn tennis courts. House recently built in Queen Anne style, and situated on a hill with magnificent view, five minutes from parish church. To be let for the latter part of July, August, and September, or shorter terms Furnished, for twelve guineas a week, including gardener. wages.-Apply to "D. N.," 31, Tooley-street, London Bridge, Bridge station. immediately, the OFFICES facing London bor, lores, and with TEMPORARY SERVICES (may lead to per manency) of an efficient Shorthand and General CLERK, -Address, in own handwriting, with wages required, and references, to OXLEY and COWARD, Solicitors, Rotherham. splendid light; to be LET Furnished; suitable for solicitor or architect,-Apply, on the premises, WELLS, SOX, and MASON, Auctioneers, 21 and 22, Railway-approach, London Bridge, S.E. MESSRS. Legal Notices. Sales by Auction. ALBERT GIBSON and MFARMER, and BRIDGEWATER'S LIST of ARTHUR WELDON, Solicitors (Editors of the "Law Notes," &c.) continue to prepare STUDENTS for the INTERMEDIATE and FINAL EXAMINATIONS of the Law Society, in class and by post, and their pupils continue to meet with great success. The six months' class for the next January Final begins on July 1.-For particulars address Lonsdale-chambers, 27, Chancery-lane, London. SUCCESSES IN APRIL. Again more than half the Honours List was composed of Messrs. Gibson and Weldon's pupils, 9 out of the 17 Honourmen having worked with them. At the April Intermediate 13 out of 14 class pupils passed. MR.IND READ with STUDENTS at his R.INDERMAUR (assisted by Mr. Thwaites) chambers, 22. Chancery-lane, London. Particulars personally or by letter, see also dates of classes, &c., in each month's "Law Students' Journal." Classes for each Solicitors' Final and Intermediate, and Bar Final Examinations; and Pupils also received for private and postal preparation. NOTE.-Students reading with Mr. Indermaur have the use of a set of rooms at his chambers for study during the day, and the use of his library there without extra fee. See further particulars in "Law Students' Journal," also past results. Mr. Indermaur has now prepared Eleven winners of the first prize at the Solicitors' Final. Hilary Bar Examinations: Five sent up; five passed. April Solicitors' Final: All sent up passed. 'Intermediate LL.B.: Two sent up: two passed. R. LEONARD H. WEST, LL.B., Solicitor PREPARES PUPILS ORALLY and by POST for Solicitors' INTERMEDIATE and FINAL, BAR, and LL.B. EXAMINATIONS (Pass and Honours). RESULTS.-Of 22 recent Final pupils 17 have been successful; of 16 Intermediate, 12; of 28 Postal, 22; all LL.B. pupils, except one, in 1888, 1889, and 1890; and of five recent LL.B. postal all succeeded; also Cambridge LL.M. and Consular Exams. The above include First Divisions. First Class and other Honours and New-inn Prize. Latest results: 6 out of 8 successful, including First Division and Honours.-86, Albion-street, Leeds. LASSES for FINAL and HONOURS hours each day by Mr. GEO. F. HUGGINS (First in Firstclass Honours, Easter 1880, and Winner of the Clement'sinn Prize, and Birmingham Gold Medal). Also Postal Preparation-For particulars, terms, &c., for June and future examinations, apply 80, Chancery-lane, W.C. RESULTS: Last January Final 17 out of 19 pupils passed, and 3 obtained Honours. Since 1882, out of exactly 900 pupils sent up for various Final and Intermediate Examinations, 825 were successful, and at 28 out of the 29 Final Examinations Mr Huggins had pupils in the Honours List. All prizes in connection with the Final have from time to time been won by, and at 3 Examinations lately nearly one-third of each Honour List consisted of, his pupils. R. WILLIAM ARNOLD, ESSRS. DEBENHAM, TEWSON, ESTATES and HOUSES to be SOLD or LET, including Landed Estates, Town and Country Residences, Hunting and Shooting Quarters, Farms, Ground Rents, Rentcharges, House Property, and investments generally, is PUBLISHED on the first day of each month, and may be obtained, Free of charge, at their Offices, 80, Cheapside, E.C., or will be sent in return for two stamps. Particulars for insertion in any list should be received not later than four days previous to the end of the preceding month. Sales by Auction for the year 1890. Notice of Sale pursuant to an order of the High Court of MESSES, DEBENHAM, TAWSON, place, Old Jewry, in the City of London, Solicitors, 1, 8.0. and BRIDGEWATER beg to announce Tues., August 12 Tues., October 21 &c. Detailed lists of investments, estates, sporting quarters, residences, shops, and business premises to be Let or Sold by private contract, are published on the 1st of each month, and can be obtained of Messrs. DEBENHAM, TEWSON, FARMER, and BRIDGEWATER, Estate Agents, Surveyors, and Valuers, 80, Cheapside, E.C. Telephone No. 1503. Valuable and improving investments. Particulars and conditions of sale to be had gratis of Messrs. R. L. DEVONSHIRE and MONKLAND, of 1, FredericksCo., Walbrook, E.C., Solicitors; of Messrs. INGLEDEW, INCE, and COLT, of St. Benet Chambers. Fenchurch-street, E.C., Solicitors; at the place of sale, and of the AUCTIONEERS, 35, Old Jewry, E.C. Estate of C. J. Abbott, Esq., deceased. By order of the Devisee, with consent of the Mortgagee.-Walton-onThames.-Delightful Freehold Residence, for occupation, and gardens, complete out-offices, and ornamental paddocks, about 31 acres; several valuable Inclosures immediately available for building purposes; a Dwelling House, with Draper's Shop; and well-secured Ground Rents of £131 108. per annum, the entire area of the property being about 53 acres, and the rental value over £500 a year. MESSRS. EDWIN FOX and BOUSFIELD beg to announce that the particulars of the above PROPERTY, for SALE at the Mart, on Wednesday, July 23, at Two o'clock, are now ready, and may be obtained of Messrs. TYAS and HUNTINGTON, Solicitors, 15, King-street, Cheapside, E.C.; of Messrs. FARRER and Co., Solicitors, 66, Lincoln's-inn-fields, W.C.; of Messrs. CLARK, SUDBURY, WILLIAMS, and GREEN, Solicitors, Ludlow, Shropshire; of Messrs. ABBOTT, JENKINS, and Co., Solicitors, 8. New-inn, 99, Gresham-street, Bank, E.C. Mrs. Sme and Cobay) is instructed to SELL by 205 in the Law Fire Insurance Society, and fifteen in the Country Gentleman's Newspaper, Equity and Law Life Assurance Society. Further particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained To Trustees, Company Directors, and others seeking an ME ESSRS. FURBER, PRICE, and FURBER Particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained of Reversion Sale.-July 23. FOR SATURDAY, JULY 12, CONTAINS The Henley Regatta. Locks in the Helmsdale District. Athletics of the Week. Cricket: Gentlemen v. Players; Eton v. Harrow; Australians MR. CHARLES JANd Langton), established 1843, An Enduring Plant (Bemerocallisof, The Library, Chess, JAMES LANGTON (late The Maréchal Niel Rose Out of Doors. will OFFER for SALE by AUCTION, at the Mart, Token- aged 53. provided a lady aged 47 survives her. LAW FIRE SHARES.-Seventy £100 Shares (£2 10s. paid) ABSOLUTE REVERSION.-The absolute reversion to A BARRISTER-AT-LAW street, London, E.O. First in First-class Honours in Jurisprudence and Roman Law, and Honoursman in Common Law and Equity) PREPARES for LEGAL EXAMINATIONS. Tuition for the Bar, Solicitors' Intermediate and Final, First and Second LL.B., Studentship and Scholarship Examinations, privately or in class, at his chambers. FIRST AND SECOND LL.B. ORAL CLASSES CAN NOW BE JOINED; Correspondence Classes for the same can be joined at any time for the whole or part of the course. Every pupil personally prepared for any of the above has passed at the first SUCCESSES INCLUDE THOSE OF THE FIRST IN attempt. FIRST CLASS HONOURS AT INTERMEDIATE LL.B. (LOND.) IN 1888, AND THE THIRD IN HONOURS AT FINAL LL.B. IN 1890. -For terms, &c., apply to "Jurisconsultus," 8, Brick-court, Temple. AW EXAMINATIONS.-SPECIAL nary, Intermediate, and Final, pass and honours; Bar Examinations, Preliminary, Roman Law, and Final.-Dr. KLEIN, M.A., The Civil Service Institute, 110, Cannon. street, City. West-End Branch: 97B, Regent-street, W. RELIMINARY LAW EXAMINATIONS. and large staff, at Quernmore, Bromley, Kent, and 24, Chancery-lane; also by Correspondence. In Feb. Exam. when 55 per cent. of the candidates failed, 8 pupils passed out of 18, and in May 10 out of 12. Gibson's "Guide" appears directly after each Exam. CRUISE to the LEVANT CRIMEA.-The Orient Company will despatch their steamship CHIMBORAZO, 8847 tons register, 3000 horse power, from London on August 30, for a CRUISE to the Mediterranean and Black Sea, visiting Tangier, Palermo, Syracuse, Piraeus (for Athens), Constantinople, Sebastopol, Balaclava, Yalta (for Livadia), Mudania (for Brusa), Mount Athos, Malta, Gibraltar, and calling en route at various places in the Mediterranean. The month of September is considered one of the pleasantest 'times for visiting the Crimea. The Chimborazo is fitted with electric light, hot and cold baths, &c. Cuisine of the highest order. Managers: F. GREEN and Co., 13, Fenchurch-avenue, E.C.; HORACE COX, "Law Times" Office, 10, Wellington-street City of London. - The valuable Freehold House and Particulars may be had, when ready, of Messrs. HENSMAN annum. The COUNTY COURTS CHRONICLE contains & Summary of the Month, Leading Articles, Parliamentary Intelligence, Notes of New Decisions in the Superior Courts, Decisions in the County Courts (revised by the Judges), a List of the Sittings of the County Courts for the current and following month; Lists of Receiving Orders, First Meetings, Adjudications, &c.: and other Information with regard to County Court and Bankruptcy matters. The REPORTS contain all the cases of importance tried in the Superior Courts on appeal from the County Courts, and in Bankruptcy. CONTENTS FOR JULY. LEADING ARTICLES, CORRESPONDENCE, &c. LEADING ARTICLES:-Summary-County Courts Act (1888) Amendment Bill. IMPERIAL PARLIAMENT. BANKRUPTCY LAW:-Topic-Bankruptcy Bill 1890. MR. CHARLES JAMES LANGTON (late JOURNAL OF PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE: Unqualified of Marsh, Milner, and Langton) (established 1843) Particulars and conditions of sale of Messrs. HENSMAN R. CHARLES JAMES LANGTON (late MR. CHARLES JAMES LA Ntablend (at) will OFFER for SALE by AUCTION, at the Mart, Token- Particulars and conditions of sale can be obtained of persons practising in County Courts-Bill INTELLIGENCE:-Derby County Court: Busher v. Hey. REPORTS. SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE-COURT OF APPEAL :- PROBATE, DIVORCE, AND ADMIRALTY DIVISION-PROBATE HORACE COX, 10, Wellington-street, Strand, London, W.C. GENERAL LIFE AND FIRE ASSURANCE COMPANY. ESTABLISHED 1837.. LIFE. FIRE. MORTGAGES. ANNUITIES. CHIEF OFFICE: REBECCA SAVAGE WALLIS, FIRE OFFICE, Mately deceased, is supposed to have made a WILL LONDON, E.C. ESTABLISHED 1710. THE OLDEST PURELY FIRE OFFICE IN THE WORLD. HOME AND FOREIGN INSURANCES. Law Courts Branch-40, CHANCERY LANE, W.C. A. W. COUSINS, District Manager. From whom can be obtained Proposal Forms, Prospectuses, and all further information. FIRE INSURANCE IMPERIA Established 1808.-1, Old Broad-street, Paid-up £800,000. Total Invested Funds, over £1,600,000. 103, CANNON-STREET, LONDON, E.C. T Fidelity guaranteed in all situations of Trust. ENDOWMENT.-Policies payable during lifetime, or at death, are now granted with Participation in Profits. SURRENDER VALUES are allowed after the payment of One Full Year's Premium, or Paid-up Policies are granted upon liberal terms in lieu of the surrender value in cash. Prospectuses may be obtained on application to CHARLES STEVENS, Actuary and Secretary. AW UNION FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1854. Chief Office: 126, CHANCERY LANE, LONDON, W.O. City Branch: 1, ROYAL EXCHANGE BUILDINGS, E.0. LIFE DEPARTMENT. LA Special attention is drawn to the following features: 1. Whole World and Unconditional Policies granted without Extra Premium, except in special cases. 2. The large Reversionary Bonus of £2 per centum per annum on sums assured and Existing Bonus has just been declared. One effect of this large Bonus is to add to Policies on young lives a sum in Reversion equivalent to the whole of the premiums paid on such policies during the quinquennium. 3. All Bonuses vest as soon as declared. 4. Claims are paid IMMEDIATELY on proof of death and title. 5. Low rates of premiums. FIRE DEPARTMENT. Private Houses and Ecclesiastical Buildings, if brick and tiled or slated, and free from hazardous surroundings, insured at a premium of 18. 6d. for each £100. Household Furniture in houses of similar construction insured at a premium of 28. per cent. Loans on Reversions and Life Interests. Reversions purchased. Annuities granted. R. GRANT WATSON, General Manager and Secretary. LAW REVERSIONARY INTEREST, 24, LINCOLN'S-INN-FIELDS, LONDON, W.0. CHAIRMAN.-Edward James Bevir, Esq., Q.0. DEPUTY-CHAIRMAN.-The Right Hon. Henry Cecil Raiker, M.P. Reversions and Life Interests purchased. Immediate and Deferred Annuities granted in exchange for Reversionary and Contingent Interests. Loans may also be obtained on the security of Reversions, Annuities, Immediate, Deferred, and Contingent, and also Endowments, granted on favourable terms. Prospectuses and Forms of Proposal, and all further information, may be had at the office. C. B. CLABON, Secretary. HE REVERSIONARY INTEREST SOCIETY (Limited), 17, King's Arms-yard, London, E.C. (established 1823), purchases reversionary interests in real and personal property, life policies, and life interests and advance money upon those securities. ROBES & COURT COATS FOR Q.C.'S & BARRISTERS. Law Wigs, and Gowns for Registrars, Town Clerks 94, CHANCERY LANE, LONDON. URCHASER WANTED.-Fine old carved carved oak Overmantle, £6; carved oak Grandfather Hall Clock, 4; carved oak Hall Table and Chair, 23 the two; small oak Chest, £1 2s.-BULLARD, The Poplars, Newport Pagnell. Made as good as New with fine Irish Linen, 28., or with very best Irish Linen, 2s. 6d. each, returned carriage free ready to wear. Sample New White Shirt, any size, for Dress or ordinary wear, 28. 9d., 88. 9d., 48. 9d, 58. 9d., or 6s. 9d. Gent's best 4-fold Linen Collars, any shape or size, 2s. 9d. half dozen post free. Price Lists and Patterns Cambric Handkfs. and all kinds Irish Linen Goods sent free. OLD SHIRTS B. & E. M'HUGH & CO., LIMITED, BELFAST. RITISH EMPIRE MUTUAL LIFE BLAIR'S BRITI ASSURANCE COMPANY. THE GREAT REMEDY GOUT, RHEUMATISM, SCIATICA, LUMBAGO, AND The acute pain is quickly relieved, and cured in a few Medicine. when residing in London, in or about the year 1881. Will any Solicitor having in his possession, or having prepared such a will, please communicate with S. BARTLETT, Solicitor, Wallington. USED BY THE LATE EMPEROR OF GERMANY CARTER, 6a, New Cavendish St PORTLAND PLACE, LONDON, W. LITERARY For holding a Book or BATH CHAIRS from £1.5/ Bed Table,7/6 BASSINETTE days by this celebrated Consists of four superior japanned Deed Boxes, These Pills, which are perfectly harmless, require no restraint of diet during their use, and are certain to prevent the diseaseattacking anyvital part. Sold by all Chemists at 1s. 14d. and 28. 9d. per box. Mounted on an elegant Iron Stand with Bran Mountings. C. H. GRIFFITHS and SONS, 43, CANNON STREET, E.C. (Only Address). |