LAW BOOKSELLER, PUBLISHER, BINDER, and and EXPORTER (AUTHORISED VALUER), LINCOLN'S INN GATE, CAREY STREET, CHEAP REPORTS. ............... CHEAP SECOND-HAND SETS of LAW JOURNAL, JUSTICE of the PEACE, STATUTES, &c., now on SALE. £ s. d. ADOLPHUS AND ELLIS, 12 vols. £ 8. d. 0 18 0 ............... 0 10 0 1 8 0 COMMON BENCH, vols. 1 to 10 1 12 0 JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, 1851 to 1866, in 16 vols., half calf, good condition Some odd years to complete sets. Another set, 1837 to 1866, in 30 vols., half calf. HOWELL'S STATE TRIALS, with Jardine's Index, 84 vols., newly half bound, a fine set WEEKLY REPORTER, complete, 1852 to 1886, 34 vols., new half calf LAW JOURNAL REPORTS IN ALL THE COURTS, Old and New Series, from the commencement, 1823 to 1886, inclusive, half calf, a very fine copy LAW JOURNAL REPORTS IN ALL THE COURTS, New Series, 1832 to 1886, half calf, good condition A Quantity of odd Years, Volumes, and Parts to complete Sets at Moderate Prices. LAW TIMES REPORTS, 1843 to 1859, in 34 vols. folio, half calf, good condition. Continued BEST AND SMITH, vols. 1 to 5 72 0 0 ·ད COKE. 6 vols., 1826 63 0 0 COWPER, 2 vols. CROMPTON AND JERVIS, 2 vols. DANIELL to 1885, in 52 vols., new half calf. Together 86 vols. 42 0 0 DE GEX, M., AND GORDON, vols. 1 to 4 STATUTES AT LARGE, Magna Charta to BURN'S JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, 5 vols., CHALMERS' OPINIONS, new half brown calf, 1858 220 1 1 0 CODE NAPOLEON. By RICHARDS. New, brown calf, 1825 25 0. LAW NOTES LIBRARY. A LENDING LIBRARY OF LAW TEXT BOOKS. TO SOLICITORS STARTING Do not in future buy expensive Books, which are in a few years out of date, but join the Library. The LATEST Edition of any law text book you may want in practice always obtainable. If no copy in, we buy (if in print) a FRESH COPY at once. COUNTRY SOLICITORS. Remember you have the same advantages. Cheap Post Cards! Cheap Wires! Cheap Parcel Post! Any law text book required sent off IMMEDIATELY on receipt of card or wire. ARTICLED CLERKS AND OTHER LAW CATALOGUES AND ALL INFORMATION GRATIS ON APPLICATION TO THE LIBRARIAN, Law Notes Library, 31, Chancery Lane. Printed and Published by the registered Proprietor, HORACE Cox, at 10, Wellington-street, Strand, London, W.C., in the County of Middlesex.—Saturday, August 16, 1890. THE JOURNAL OF THE LAW AND THE LAWYERS. VOL. LXXXIX.-No. 2473. of THE IMPROVEMENT OF LANDED. CHISEMENT COMPANY (Incorporated by Special Act of Parliament) ADVANCES MONEY to landowners for drainage, the erection of farm buildings, artisans and miners cottages, water supply, &c., and for the general improvement of landed property, the amount borrowed being repaid by a terminable rentcharge. No investigation of title is necessary. Prospectus and Forms of Application will be furnished on request. EDWIN GARROD, Secretary. 22 Great George-street, Westminster S.W. HE IMPROVEMENT of MANSION [REGISTERED AS A NEWSPAPER.] SATURDAY, AUGUST 23, 1890. The Hon. Mr. Justice DAY. The Hon. Mr. Justice GRANTHAM. T HOUSES. The LAND LOAN and ENFRAN- OBJECTS OF THE SOCIETY among others: CHISEMENT COMPANY ADVANCES MONEY to the owners of settled estates in England and Wales, for the erection of, alterations and additions to, estate mansions, stables, and outbuildings, for supplying water thereto, and for their general sanitary improvement. The amount expended would be repaid by a rentcharge in twenty-five years. Further information will be supplied on application. EDWIN GARROD, Secretary. 22 Great George-street, Westminster, S.W. ORTGAGE and GROUND- RENT V BRANCH of the LAND LOAN and ENFRANCHISEMENT COMPANY.-The Company's REGISTER contains various sums of trust and other moneys awaiting INVESTMENT on MORTGAGE; and for the Purchase of Ground Rents. Further particulars on application. EDWIN GARROD, Secretary. 22, Great George-street, Westminster, S.W. MORTGAGE INSURANCE CORPORATION LIMITED, FOUNDED 1823. Office: 187, FLEET STREET, LONDON, E.C TOTAL ASSETS NEARLY £5,000,000. This SOCIETY makes ADVANCES upon Life Interests and upon Absolute and Contingent Reversions, and also PURCHASES Life Interests and Reversions upon advantageous terms. Application should be made to the MANAGER. EW ORIENTAL BANK CORPORATION 4 and 85, KING WILLIAM STREET, E.O. NE LONDON BOARD. Sir EDWIN H. GALSWORTHY. Sir FREDERICK YOUNG, K.C.M.G. Deposits received at 4 to 5 per cent., according to notice. WILLIAM MARTIN, Secretary. EXCHANGE ASSURANCE. ROYALSIN HAND EXCEED 24,000,000. Incorporated 1720. FIRE, LIFE, AND ANNUITIES. BONUS YEAR 1890.-To secure Maximum Benefits Life Policies should be effected before 31st December next. LOANS GRANTED, on favourable terms, on Absolute and Contingent Reversions, and on Immediate and Contingent Life Interests. Reversions also purchased subject to the provision that the vendor retains the right of redemption within a period of five years, WHETHER THE LIFE TENANT BE ALIVE or dead. Insurances against Issue undertaken at economical rates. ROYAL EXCHANGE, E.C., and 29, PALL MALL, S.W GENERAL REVERSIONARY and INVESTMENT COMPANY, 5, Whitehall, London Established 1836. Further empowered by Special Act of Parliament, 14 & 15 Vict. cap. 130. Capital £500,000. Chairman- EDWARD WALMISLEY, Esq. This Company purchases or makes loans upon reversions, absolute or contingent, and life interests in possession or in expectation. Loans on reversions may be obtained either at an annual -D. A. BUSTED, HEAD OFFICE: 40, Threadneedle-street, London, E.C. The Bank receives Deposits for three years at 5 per cent., also for shorter periods, and transacts Banking and Agency Business generally. NATIONAL DISCOUNT COMPANY on SUPERANNUATION, 10s. to 14s. per week. The Society has paid since its formation in 1832, £91,959. Clerks resident beyond twenty-five miles from London are not eligible to become Members. Forms of proposal can be obtained at the Society's Office, 3, Old Serjeants'-inn, Chancery-lane, W.O. interest Busen, Actuary and Secretaryle deferred charge. KAIN, BROWN, LANDED ESTATES, HOUSES, SHOPS, OFFICES, WAREHOUSES, BUILDING ESTATES, GOOD COMMERCIAL ESTATES, RAILWAYS, TRAMWAYS, and on RATES OF CORPORATIONS and all LOCAL AUTHORITIES. Mortgages and Loans from £5000 to £200,000 each preferred, at from 34 to 44 per cent. interest. Were Messrs. Henry De Jersey & Co. at liberty to mention the names of solicitors and clients for whom they have arranged private mortgages and for large amounts, the list would be one not often equalled. A list also of Loans arranged for important Public Authorities may be had on application. Cheques should be crossed— ALLIANCE BANK LIMITED. WISHING TO DISPOSE OF THEIR PRACTICES can be introduced to IMMEDIATE PURCHASERS by applying to MESSRS. HOOPER AND SON 69, LUDGATE HILL. PARTNERSHIPS. LAW Are invited to avail themselves of the Advantage which MESSRS. HOOPER AND SON'S REGISTER 6 9. AW. LA SOLICITORS' ACCOUNTANT AND AUDITOR, LAW COSTS and ACCOUNTS.ES all descriptions of COSTS from Papers or otherwise, and Prepares and Audits Accounts.-63, Chancery-lane, W.C. HE SOCIETY of ACCOUNTANTS and Associates of this Society practise in all parts of the United Kingdom, and are styled "Incorporated Accountants." Lists of the Members and all information may be obtained upon application to the Secretary. By Order of the Council. JAMES MARTIN, Secretary. Offices, 4, King-street, Cheapside, London. T SOLICITORS. A SOLICITOR, of for the Profession all LEGAL DOCUMENTS, and lodges Papers for Probate and Administrations for nominal fees, draws Bills of Costs for a percentage on the amounts thereof, and works out Cases for Trial or otherwise on agreed terms; strictest confidence observed, and expeditious. -Address "Solicitor," 117 Chancery-lane, London, W.C. A HE "LAW NOTES" LIBRARY. Lending Library of Legal Works for Practitioners and Students. Terms of Subscription, Catalogues, and further information can be obtained on application to THE LIBRARIAN," Law Notes" Library, Money, Wanted and to Lend. MONEY.-LONDON and WESTMINSTER LOAN and DISCOUNT COMPANY LIMITED.Advances made in sums of £10 to £1000, at 5 per cent. for six months, on personal security, deeds, furniture, bills of sale, life policies, and reversions. Prospectuses sent on application.-Offices, 62 and 63. St. Martin's-lane, London, CHARLES HILLS, Secretary. W.0. MUTO UTUAL LOAN FUND ASSOCIATION LIMITED (Incorporated 1850), 5, Lancaster-place. Waterloo Bridge, Strand, W.C., 38, Ship-street, Brighton, and 199, Queen's-road, Hastings, ADVANCES MONEY upon personal security, bills of sale, deeds, &c., repayable by Instalments. Bills promptly discounted. Forms free on receipt of stamped envelope.-C. R. WRIGHT, London. CASH resident in London on NASH ADVANCED (£30 to £500) at a day's Home Counties, on Bill of Sale, repayable to suit the borrower's convenience. No sureties or inquiry fees. Solicitors introducing clients allowed 2 per cent. commission. Apply to Messrs. HOLLINGSWORTH, 13, High Holborn. Established at the same address 34 years. M ONEY.-£7500 WANTED at 4 per cent. on Mortgage of Freehold Weekly Estate, well let, Central London. Apply Mr. GEO. BAXTER, Surveyor, 1. Frederick's-place, Old Jewry, E.C. LONG LEASEHOLD GROUND RENTS for SALE, to pay £4 15s. 3d. per cent.Particulars of Mr. GEO. BAXTER as above. M ONEY.-MORTGAGE.-£1000.REQUIRED, a good Freehold or a long Leasehold SECURITY for trust money to be LENT at 4 or 4 per cent.-Apply to STEVENS and Co., 22, Bedford-row, London ONEY.-£60,000 shortly AVAILABLE for Trustees; may be divided, or part only invested, or for part first-class ground rents might be purchased.-Address E. and Co.," Solicitors, care of Waterlow and Sons Limited, London Wall, London. COMMISSION is paid by Mr. O. CLIBURN, of 43, Great Tower-street, E.C. (who has capital at command), to Solicitors and others who will INTRODUCE any one REQUIRING CASH ACCOMMODATION upon any class of security. LAW fortablished fifteen gestown AW PRACTICE for SALE in large town Lease of Office, furniture, books, &c.; immediate possession. Vendor, who is leaving England on account of ill-health, will remain for about a month to introduce clients, &c.Address" W. A." (No. 2473), 10, Wellington-street, Strand. LAW PRACTICE. To Solicitors commencing Practice.-ADVERTISER can INTRODUCE a thoroughly competent Solicitor to a first-class PRACTICE in London.-Apply for particulars to "Lex," care of Mr. OSMOND, Law Stationer, Ironmonger-lane, E.C. LAW PRACTICE. seaside resort on S. W. coast PRACTICE.-NUCLEUS for SALE, compact offices in heart of town, low rent, expenses small good introductions; price, including furniture (good), stationery, &c., £100 only, to immediate purchaser: good opening for an Advocate.-Address "Libra" (No. 2473), 10, Wellington-street, Strand, W.C. Two up Arrears of Costs without supervision. To a suitable person a three months' engagement at least can be offered, or arrangements might be made for working half time; the climate being very healthy, the vacancy would suit a convalescent.-Address, with references and terms, "X. Y. Z.," care of Messrs. Coode, Kingdon, and Cotton, 31, Bedfordrow, W.C. thoroughly competent COUNTY COURT CLERK, WANTED, an experienced and not under 30 years of age.-Address the REGISTRAR, County Court Office, Swansea. AW-Good Engrossing and Shorthand salary, to "F. F. W.,' "Dunn and Duncan, 87, Chancerylane, London, W.C. AW. Legal Notices. ESSRS. GIBSON and WELDON, CLASS and POSTAL PREPARATION for the SOLI CITORS' INTERMEDIATE and FINAL EXAMINATIONS. For terms, &c., address Lonsdale-chambers, 27, Chancery-lane, London, W.C. RESULTS, JUNE 1890. Eight of the 17 Honourmen were pupils of Messrs. G. and W., including 3 of the first 4 in the list, and including the "John Mackrell " Prizeman (the only prize awarded). At the Pass Examination pupils were equally successful. R.INDERMAUR (assisted by Mr. Thwaites) chambers, 22. Chancery-lane, London. Particulars per sonally or by letter, sce also dates of classes, &c., in each month's "Law Students' Journal." Classes for each Solici tors' Final and Intermediate, and Bar Final Examinations: and Pupils also received for private and postal preparation. NOTE.-Students reading with Mr. Indermaur have the use of a set of rooms at his chambers for study during the day, and the use of his library there without extra fee. See further particulars in "Law Students' Journal," also past results. Mr. Indermaur has now prepared Eleven winners of the first prize at the Solicitors' Final. ings, Lincoln's-inn, W.C. Apply, in own handwriting, W. HENRY GATER, Solicitor, AW.-WANTED, by a Bristol Solicitor, an LAW SOLICITORS. - To Young SOLICITOR, with private income and capital, steady habits and wishing experience, may HEAR of desirable POST with Solicitor in the South; small salary, but prospects according to ability and energy shown.-Immediately to "Mowbray " (No. 2473), 10, Wellington-street, Strand. THE CORPORATION of CARLISLE REQUIRE a MANAGING CLERK (unadmitted) in the Town Clerk's department. Candidates must be experienced in the duties of the offices of Town Clerk and Clerk of the Peace, and must possess a good knowledge of Shorthand, and be competent to attend committees and record the proceedings without supervision.-Applications, stating age, previous experience, and salary required, accompanied by copies of not more than three recent testimonials, which will not be returned, to be sent to the TOWN CLERK, indorsed "Application for Clerkship," on or before Wednesday, the 27th inst. AW.-PARLIAMENTARY PRACTICE. Authorities, and others.-A well-known London Firm of Solicitors and Parliamentary Agents are OPEN to MAKE ARRANGEMENTS with Country Firms on very favourable terms, for the introduction and carriage of private Bills through Parliament; unlimited funds at command for financing thoroughly sound undertakings; references exchanged. Address "Lex," 33, Gloucester - crescent, Regent's Park, London. 1 VIRGINIA DEBT. RESULTS 1890. June Intermediate and Final Examinations: Eight sent up; seven passed. April Final: All sent up passed. Hilary Bar Examination: Five sent up; five passed. MR. R. THEODORE ROBERTS, Solicitor, Albion chambers, Newport, Monmouthshire (Clement's-inn and Daniel Reardon Prizeman, Scott Scholar, and Conveyancing Medallist), PREPARES for Solicitors Intermediate, Final, and Honours EXAMINATIONS. Advice for reading. Last January Final 17 out of 19 pupils passed, and 3 obtained Honours. Since 1882, out of exactly 900 pupils sent up for various Final and Intermediate Examinations, 825 were successful, and at 28 out of the 29 Final Examinations Mr Huggins had pupils in the Honours List. All prizes in connection with the Final have from time to time been won by, and at 3 Examinations lately nearly one-third of each Honour List consisted of, his pupils. A BARRISTER-AT-LAW (LL.B., London, First in First-class Honours in Jurisprudence and Roman Law, and Honoursman in Common Law and Equity) PREPARES for LEGAL EXAMINATIONS. Tuition for the Bar, Solicitors' Intermediate and Final, First and Second LL.B., Studentship and Scholarship Examinations, privately or in class, at his chambers. FIRST AND MESSES. BROWN, SHIPLEY, and CO., SECOND LL.B. ORAL CLASSES CAN NOW BE JOINED: Corres acting on behalf of the Committee of Virginia Bondholders in New York, invite the deposit with them of all Securities of the State of Virginia held in this country or on the Continent, to be dealt with in accordance published on June 21, 1890. with the Agreement dated May 12, of which a copy was Securities, with July, 1890, and all subsequent Coupons attached, will be received by Messrs. BROWN, SHIPLEY, and Co., at their Counting-house, Founder's-court, Lothbury, London, E.C., in the terms of the said Agreement. 12,500,000 dollars of these Securities have, up to the present date, been deposited, and the Committee accordingly hereby give notice that, upon receiving a majority of the Securities (now nearly attained) they will only receive additional Securities within such time and upon such conditions as may be then decided upon and advertised. been agreed upon as the only form of delivery on the The "Brown, Shipley, and Co. Certificates," which have London Stock Exchange, will be issued shortly for securities deposited with them. YOUNTY COUNCIL of the WEST RIDING DEEDS. Pursuant to the directions in this behalf of the Lord High Chancellor, NOTICE is HEREBY GIVEN that the following RULES were made by the County Council of the West Riding of Yorkshire, at a meeting held in Wakefield, on Wednesday the 9th day of July 1890, and confirmed by the Lord Chancellor on the 8th day of August 1890, namely: That by virtue of the provisions of the Yorkshire Registries Act 1884, the following rules be, and they are hereby made by the County Council of the West Riding of Yorkshire as the county authority for the said West Riding under and for the purposes of the said Act: 1. These rules may be cited as the West Riding of Yorkshire Registry Rules (Fees). 2. These rules shall come into operation on the first day of January 1891. 3. The fees to be paid under the Act and these rules shall be those specified in the list of fees in the Schedule to these rules. SCHEDULE.-FEES.-N.B. A folio contains seventytwo words. Registration or enrolment of any document (including indorsement of any certificate required by sect. 9 of the Act), except a caveat, Five shillings. Registration or enrolment of any caveat, Two shillings. Copy or extractWhere copy or extract does not exceed two folios, One shilling; for each additional folio, Fourpence; if certified, an additional fee per folio of Twopence. Map or Plan-Copy, from Two shillings to Two guineas, according to labour involved: if certified, an additional fee of Two shillings. Search, Ordinary-In any one name, for any period not exceeding ten years, One shilling; for every additional period of five years, Sixpence. Search, Official (including certificate of result)-In any one name, for any period not LAW. WANTED, The WNIOR CLERKS exceeding ton years, Soven shillings and sixpence; for ever Copying and Engrossing hands; ages under 25.-Write, stating experience (which must have been in Solicitor's Office), references, and salary required; no answers noticed unless this advertisement complied with,-PEARCE, Corfield House, Weston-super-Mare. And Notice is hereby further given, that copies of the above rules were laid upon the table of the House of Lords and House of Commons on the 14th of August 1890. WILLIAMS and EDWARDS. West Riding Solicitors. Wakefield, Aug. 19, 1800. Classes for same can joined at any time for the whole or part of the course. Every pupil personally prepared for any of the above has passed at the first attempt. SUCCESSES INCLUDE THOSE OF THE FIRST IN FIRST CLASS HONOURS AT INTERMEDIATE LL.B. (LOND.) IN 1888, AND THE THIRD IN HONOURS AT FINAL LL.B. IN 1890. -For terms, &c., apply to "Jurisconsultus," 8, Brick-court, Temple. AW EXAMINATIONS.-SPECIAL nary, Intermediate, and Final, pass and honours; Bar Examinations, Preliminary, Roman Law, and Final-Dr. KLEIN, M.A., The Civil Service Institute, 110, Cannonstreet, City. West-End Branch: 97B, Regent-street, W. Sales by Auction. MESSER, BRIDGEWATER'S LIST of ESSRS. DEBENHAM, TEWSON, ESTATES and HOUSES to be SOLD or LET, including Landed Estates, Town and Country Residences, Hunting and Shooting Quarters, Farms, Ground Rents, Rentcharges, House Property, and investments generally, is PUBLISHED on the first day of each month, and may be obtained, Free of charge, at their Offices, 80, Cheapside, E.C., or will be sent in return for two stamps. Particulars for insertion in any list should be received not later than four days previous to the end of the preceding month. Sales by Auction for the year 1890. MESSRS, DEREN WATER THOMSON, FARMER, and BRIDGEWATER beg to announce that their SALES of LANDED ESTATES, Investments, Town, Suburban, and Country Houses, Business Premises, Building Land, Ground Rents, Advowsons, Reversions, Stocks, Shares, and other Properties will be held at the Auction Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, near the Bank of England, in the City of London, as follows: Tues., August 26 Tues., October 21 Tues., Nov. 18 Tues., October 7 Tues., Nov. 4 Tues., Dec. 9 Auctions can also be held on other days, in town or country, by arrangement. Messrs. Debenham, Tewson, Farmer, and Bridgewater also undertake sales and valua farming stock, timber, growing crops, &c. tions for Probate and other purposes of furniture, pictures, Detailed lists of investments, estates, sporting quarters, residences, shops, and business premises to be Let or Sold by private contract, are published on the 1st of each month, and can be obtained of Messrs. DEBENHAM, TEWBOX, FARMER, and BRIDGEWATER, Estate Agents, Surveyors, and Valuers, 80, Cheapside, E.C. Telephone No. 1503. FREEHOLDER Walbrook, Mansion House, L.C. REEHOLD GROUND RENTS for SALE. Ground Rent Agent and Valuer, has over 100 Lots for Disposal; state requirements. CHIEF OFFICE: ACHTING CRUISE to the LEVANT and steamship CHIMBORAZO, 3847 tons register, 3000 horse power, from London on August 30, for a 45 Days' CRUISE to the Mediterranean and Black Sea, visiting Tangier, Palermo, Syracuse, Piræus (for Athens), Constantinople, Sebastopol, Balaclava, Yalta (for Livadia), Mudania (for Brusa), Malta, Gibraltar. The month of September is considered the best time for the Crimea. The Chimborazo is fitted with electric To Her Majesty, the Lord Chancellor, the Whole of the light, hot and cold baths, &c. Cuisine of the highest order. BOBES & COURT COATS FOR Q.C.'S & BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS' GOWNS, Law Wigs, and Gowns for Registrars, Town Clerks CORPORATION ROBES, UNIVERSITY AND CLERGY COWNS. ESTABLISHED 1689. 94, CHANCERY LANE, LONDON. Managers: F. GREEN and Co., 13, Fenchurch-avenue, E.C.; ANDERSON, ANDERSON, and Co., 5, Fenchurch-avenue, E.C. For terms and further particulars apply to the latter firm. YA ACHTING CRUISE ROUND the UNITED KINGDOM.-The Orient Company will despatch their steamship GARONNE, 3876 tons register, 3000 horse power, from London on Sept. 6, and from Leith on Sept. 8, for a Three Weeks' CRUISE, visiting Inverness, Kirkwall, Lerwick, Gairloch (Ross), Oban, the Clyde, Belfast, Londonderry, Limerick, Bantry Bay (for Killarney), Queens town, and Plymouth. The Garonne is fitted with electric light, hot and cold baths, &c. Cuisine of the highest order. Managers: F. GREEN and Co., 13, Fenchurch-avenue, E.C. ANDERSON, ANDERSON, and Co., 5, Fenchurch-avenue, E.C. For terms and further particulars apply to the latter firm. 103, CANNON-STREET, LONDON, E.C. C. H. GRIFFITHS AND SONS. EPosion Mon and Gentlemon of land forme. HOME AND FOREIGN INSURANCES. Law Courts Branch-40, CHANCERY LANE, W.C. A. W. COUSINS, District Manager. From whom can be obtained Proposal Forms, Prospectuses, AW UNION FIRE AND LIFE ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1854. Chief Office: 126, CHANCERY LANE, LONDON, W.C. Special attention is drawn to the following features: 2. The large Reversionary Bonus of £2 per centum per annum on sums assured and Existing Bonus has just been declared. One effect of this large Bonus is to add to Policies on young lives a sum in Reversion equivalent to the whole of the premiums paid on such policies during the quinquennium. 3. All Bonuses vest as soon as declared. 4. Claims are paid IMMEDIATELY on proof of death and title. 5. Low rates of premiums. FIRE DEPARTMENT. Private Houses and Ecclesiastical Buildings, if brick and tiled or slated, and free from hazardous surroundings, insured at a premium of 18. 6d. for each £100. Household Furniture in houses of similar construction insured at a premium of 28. per cent. Loans on Reversions and Life Interests. Reversions purchased. Annuities granted. R. GRANT WATSON, General Manager and Secretary. The Original Society-Established 1840. THE GUARANTEE SOCIETY. Fidelity guaranteed in all situations of Trust. LAW REVERSIONARY INTEREST 24, LINCOLN'S-INN-FIELDS, LONDON, W.O. LEGAL NEST KING'S SHOULD BE USED BY ALL SOLICITORS It is the most convenient and durable yet SCHOOL, CANTERBURY.Valuable EXHIBITIONS to UNIVERSITIES.Special Classes arranged for Army Examinations. Entrance and Foundation Scholarships in December.-Apply Rev. T. FIELD (late Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford, and Assistant Master at Harrow), Head Master. NT. GEORGE'S HOSPITAL ST. MEDICAL SCHOOL, HYDE PARK-CORNER, S.W. The WINTER SESSION will COMMENCE on Wednesday, Oct. 1, when an Introductory Address will be delivered by Mr. Augustus Winterbottom at 4 p.m. The following Entrance Scholarships will be offered for competition in October. 1. A Scholarship, value £125, for the Sons of Medical Men who have entered the School as bonâ fide first year students during the current year. 2. Two Scholarships, each of £50, open to all students commencing their studies. 3. A Scholarship, value £90, open to all students who have entered the School during the current year, and who have passed the Cambridge First M.B. since October 1889. 4. A Scholarship, value £65, for students who having been signed up for or previously passed the Oxford First M.B. or the Cambridge Second M.B., have entered the school during the current year. The following Exhibitions and Prizes are also open to students: The William Brown £100 Exhibition; the William Brown £40 Exhibition; the Brackenbury Prize in Medicine, value £32; the Brackenbury Prize in Surgery, value £32; the Pollock Prize in Physiology, value £18; the Johnson Prize in Anatomy, value £10. 108.; the Treasurer's Prize, value £10 10s.; General Proficiency Prizes for first, second, and third year students, of £10 10s. each; the Brodie Prize in Surgery; the Acland Prize in Medicine; the Thompson Medal; and Sir Charles Clarke's Prize. All hospital appointments, including the two House Physicianships and two House Surgeonships, are awarded as the result of competition, and are open to the students without additional expense of any kind. Clerkships and dresserships and all the minor appoint ments are given without extra fees. Several paid appointments, including that of Obstetric Assistant, with a salary of £100 and board and lodging, are awarded yearly upon the recommendation of the Medical School Com mittee. Prospectuses and fuller details may be obtained by application to THOMAS WHIPHAM, M.D., Dean. in each. Secured by Hobbs's Patent or other A GENERAL INDEX to VOLS. XLI. to L. Looks. Size, 20in. by 13in. by 14in. Mounted on an elegant Iron Stand with Brass Mountings. (1879 to 1884) of the NEW SERIES of the LAW TIMES REPORTS. It comprises: I. Index to Plaintiffs; II. Index to Defendants; III. Index to Decisions Reversed IV. Index to Subject of Cases. Price, including postage, HORACE Cox, "Law Times" Office, 10, Wellington-street, Strand, W.O. C. H. GRIFFITHS and SONS, 78. 6d. cloth; 108. half calf. Price 6d., post free. DEPUTY-CHAIRMAN.-The Right Hon. Henry Cecil Balker, PUBLIC RIGHTS in NAVIGABLE RIVERS. HALLILAY'S HANDBOOK FOR ARTICLED CLERKS Fifth Edition, price 4s., cloth. ALLILAY'S ARTICLED CLERKS' HANDBOOK, containing a Course of Study for the Preliminary, Intermediate, Final, and Honours Examina tions of Articled Clerks, and the Books and Statutes to be "Should be read by all persons anxious to be fully in. Studied for each Examination; also the Law relating Forms; being a complete Guide to formed on both sides, and to form an impartial opinion." thereto, and aful Examination and his Admission "The very able and interesting opinion of Mr. P. Edward Dove.'-Law Times.. C. H. Cook. in The Field, May 21, 1887. London: HORACE Cox, 10, Wellington-street, W.C. MA ARITIME LAW REPORTS (New Series). NOTE!! Vols. 1 to 8, O. S., containing Reports of Cases HORACE Cox, "Law Times" Office, 10, Wellington-street, the Candidate's 1881. NINTH EDITION. Price 68. 6d., post free. the Bastardy Law, and Amendment Acts 1872, 1873, and STEVENS & SONS LIMITED, LARGEST DEALERS IN SECOND-HAND LAW REPORTS AND TEXT-BOOKS. LAW LIBRARIES PURCHASED. LICENSED VALUERS FOR PROBATE, PARTNERSHIP, &c. Private Acts of Parliament from an early date. Telegraphic Address-" RHODRONS, LONDON." EXPORTERS, STEVENS AND HAYNES, LAW PUBLISHERS, BOOKSELLERS AND BELL YARD, TEMPLE BAR, LONDON. Libraries Purchased or Valued. REEVES AND TURNER, 119 & 120, CHANCERY LANE, LONDON. LAW BOOKSELLERS & PUBLISHERS. Now ready, Fifth Edition, royal 8vo., cloth, £1 10s. THRING'S JOINT-STOCK COMPANIES LAW.-The Law and Practice of Joint-Stock and other Companies, including the Companies Acts 1862 to 1886, with Notes, Orders, and Rules in Chancery, a Collection of Precedents in Memoranda and Articles of Association, and other Forms required in making and administering a company. Also the Partnership Law Amendment Act, the Life Assurance Companies Acts, and other Acts relating to Companies. By Lord THRING, K.C.B., formerly the Parliamentary Counsel. Fifth Edition. By J. M. RENDELL, Esq., Barrister-at-Law. 1889. The highest authority on the subject.-Times. Libraries Valued or Purchased. A Large Stock of Secondhand Law Reports and Text Books always on Sale. 100, CHANCERY LANE & CAREY STREET. WILDY & SONS, LAW BOOKSELLERS & EXPORTERS, LINCOLN'S INN ARCHWAY, LONDON, W.C. LAW LIBRARIES (LARGE OR SMALL) PURCHASED FOR CASH. Valuations made on moderate terms. The OLDEST SECONDHAND DEALERS in the TRADE. Text Books, Reports, Old and Curious Legal Treatises, Trials, &c. (Catalogues Gratis.) OLD CONVEYANCING BOOKS WANTED. W. H. KELLY, Law Bookseller & Publisher, Having large Colonial Orders, is open to purchase the following: Crabb's Conveyancing, 2 vols., 1859, 10s. Davidson's Conveyancing, 1860-69, 8 vols., £1; also Vols. I., 1860, and II., Part 1, 1864, 3s. each; another Edition, 1873-81, 8 vols, £2 10s. and Vol. II., Part 1, 1877, 7s. 6d. Davidson's Concise Prece dents, 1877 and 1879, each 2s. 6d. Key and Elphinstone's Conveyancing, 2 vols., 1878, 12s. 6d. Prideaux's Conveyancing, 2 vols., 1876, 4s.; 1879, 6s.; 1881, 128. LAW BOOKS of all descriptions PURCHASED OF EXCHANGED. Address, LINCOLN'S-INN-GATE, CAREY-ST., W.C. Telegrams-" LAWGIVER, LONDON." STEVENS & SONS LD., 119 & 120, Chancery-lane. WM. CLOWES AND SONS LIMITED, SWEET & MAXWELL LD., 3, Chancery-lane. MA Parliament on the subject; AGNA CHARTA VIOLATED in the repression of a plaintiff from the exercise of his LAW PUBLISHERS AND BOOKSELLERS, 27, FLEET STREET, LONDON, E.C. (Six doors east of Inner Temple-lane.) Now ready, crown 8vo., cloth, 78. 6d. statutory right to reply on the evidence. The duly verified THE LAW of ARBITRATION: Being Report of the hearing of the case "Kelly v. Mann, &c.," before Mr. Justice Chitty, with Preface and Notes by the Rev. JAMES KELLY, M.A., Incumbent of St. George's, Liverpool. "The discretion of a judge is the law of tyrants."-Lord Camden. Price 2s. 6d. London: J. KENSIT, Paternoster-row. ΚΑ Private, General, Expenses Ledgers, Cash Journal, and Book of Instructions of Kain's Solicitors' Book-keeping; will accept £5.-ARTHUR POWDRILL, Luton, Beds. ROLLER SKATING. the Arbitration Act 1889. With Notes of Statutes. Rules of Court, Forms and Cases, and an Index. By W. OUTRAM CREWE, Solicitor, &c., with Honours, H. T. 1866. **A Catalogue of Law Books sent on application. London: Wи. CLOWES & SONS LIMITED, 27, Fleet-street, E.C. Published Monthly. THE If you wish to be proficient in Roller Skating, get the Third COUNTY COURTS CHRONICLE Edition (Revised 1889) (price 78. 6d., by post 78. 10d.) of exhaustive Article on Roller Skating. By H. C. VANDERVELL and T. MAXWELL WITHAM, Members of the London Skating Club. There are thousands of Skaters who attain a small amount of skill in Figure Skating, and there stop, because they neither know what to do or how to do it. A reference to this, the acknowledged Text Book of Figure Skating, will solve any difficulty that may have stopped progress for years. The Revised Edition includes and describes all the New Combined Figures, with the new Nomenclature, which has been authorised by the Skating Club. HORACE Cox, 346, Strand, W.C. Now ready, price 3s. 6d., by post 38. 9d THE ARCHER'S REGISTER for 1889-90. THEdited by F. T. FOLLETT. Archery Correspondent of The Field. The New Volume contains, in addition to the usual Reports of Public and Private Archery Meetings in 1889, a Review of the Season, and a Portrait of Mr. Butt, the Hon. Secretary for many years of the Royal Toxophilite Society. There are also various Original Papers Relating to Archery together with Statistical Tables of last year's Archery, and Memoirs of the Rev. John Bramhal, and other Archers who died in 1889. London: HORACE Cox, "The Field" Office, 346, Strand, W.C. Now ready, price 2s. 6d., by post 2s. 10d., the Third Volume of HE GOLFING ANNUAL for 1889-90. THEGOLAND SCONT DUNCA. consists of Two Parts. Part One, consisting of Original Articles, Poetry, and Illustrated with Portraits of Willie Park, jun., and Mr. J. E. Laidlay: also plans of Guildford, Redhill, and Reigate, and Minehead Links. The Second Part-The Golfing Directory-is the feature of the ANNUAL, and is the most complete and accurate one ever published. In it every green in the kingdom, and many of those abroad, are more or less fully described, and the full particulars (date of formation, office-bearers, prize winners, &c.), of over two hundred and thirty clubs will be given. London: HORACE Cox, "The Field " Office, 346, Strand, W Reduction in Price of Day's British and Irish Fishes. In 2 vols., imperial 8vo., cloth, price 3 guineas. Published originally at 5 guineas. ГНЕ FISHES of GREAT BRITAIN and TIRELAND. BY FRANCIS DAY, F.L.S., F.Z.S., &c., formerly Inspector-General of the Fishes of India. This treatise includes a description of every fish found in the seas and rivers of Great Britain and Ireland, with a figure of each drawn from nature. In addition to the fullest scientific details it contains a more complete account of the habits, food, breeding, localities, migrations and general life history of British fish than any work previously published. The modes of capture, whether by nets or lines, baits employed, and the uses for food, are given in detail, and the local names and varieties of each species are described. The volumes may be regarded as equally valuable to the fishermen, anglers, and the naturalists. AND Gazette of Bankruptcy. Price, with Reports, 1s. 6d. : without Reports, 1s. Annual Subscription, with Reports, 18s.; without Reports, 128. The COUNTY COURTS CHRONICLE contains a Summary of the Month, Leading Articles, Parliamentary Intelligence, Notes of New Decisions in the Superior Courts, Decisions in the County Courts (revised by the Judges), a List of the Sittings of the County Courts for the current and following month; Lists of Receiving Orders, First Meetings, Adjudications, &c.; and other Information with regard to County Court and Bankruptcy matters. The REPORTS contain all the cases of importance tried in the Superior Courts on appeal from the County Courts, and in Bankruptcy. HORACE COX, 10, Wellington-street, Strand, London, W.C. THE FIELD, THE SWEET & MAXWELL LIMITED. 3, CHANCERY LANE, LONDON. TO BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, EXECUTORS, and OTHERS. LAW LIBRARIES (LARGE OR SMALL) PURCHASED FOR CASH. BOOKS WANTED. ACTON, P.C., vols. 1 and 2, part 1. BLIGH, H. of L., 11 vols. DENISON, Cro. Cases, 2 vols. DOW AND CLARK, H. of L., 2 vols. Country Gentleman's Newspaper, THE FOR Mr. Horace Cox begs to announce that he has purchased COX'S the Copyright of this valuable Standard Work, and has greatly reduced the price, in order to render it more easily available to Students of Natural History, Fishermen, and Angling Clubs. This work contains nearly Two Hundred Plates, and many Woodcuts. HORACE COX,"Field Office," 846, Strand, W.C. Now ready, Part 11, of Vol. XVI., including Index and Apply to the Publisher HORACE COX, 10, Wellington street, Strand, W.O. T. BATEMAN NAPIER, LL.D., Lond., First Class Law Honours London University, 1881; Incor. porated Law Society's First Prizeman, Trinity Term 1876; Scott Scholar, 1876; Conveyancing Gold Medallist 1876; Inner Temple Equity Scholar, Hilary Term 1881; Senior Student in Jurisprudence and Roman Law at the Inns of Court Examination, Hilary Term 1888; First Prizeman at Professors' Lectures on Roman Law, &c., Hilary Term 1882; Honours at Bar Call Examination, Trinity Term 1882; Joint Editor of "The Jurist," &c., and RICHARD M. STEPHENSON, LL.B., Lond., Honours in Common Law and Equity, Final LL.B. London University; Honours in Jurisprudence and Roman Law, Intermediate LL.B.. Solicitor Final, &c., Examinations: Holder of Inner Temple Equity Scholarship; Joint Editor of "The Jurist," &c. The GUIDE commences with a Chapter on the Prospects at the Bar, and the advantages of being called, and contains a Sketch of the ordinary legal career of a Bar Student. Special practical advice is given on such matters as reading in Chambers, and also on all the different matters connected with the Examinations; advice as to the best books to be read, &c. The book also contains full particulars as to the Fees, &c., payable at the different Inns, and a few considerations as to the selection of an Inn, &c. I. Prospects of the Bar, and Advantages of being called IV. Considerations prior to Admission. VI. Reading in Counsel's Chambers. IX. The Studentships, Scholarships, and Prizes at the London: HORACE Cox, "Law Times" Office, 10, Welling. ton-street, Strand, W.C. |