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occur at various depths, but in the cases already noted, between the limits of 10 feet and 90 feet. A large proportion, however, of the instances on record, have been found at about 30 feet in depth, immediately beneath the yellow clays that constitute the last of the drift series in this region.

Through all portions of the peat above mentioned, sand and pebbles are scattered. The pebbles are mostly of small size, seldom larger than a pea, but occasionally three or four inches in diameter. They agree in general character with the gravel of the country.

At the lower extremity of the peat bed, the formation thins out and the bottom layers are found above the water, resting upon a surface of gravel that slopes downward at an angle of about 30 degrees. All the limestone pebbles which the peat overlies at this point, appear to have been "burned." They are white and soft, as much so as they would have been if they had been converted into hydrates of lime by the ordinary processes. Analysis, however, shows them to be in the state of carbonates.

In the inclined strata, heavy beds of ochreous gravel occur. The ochre is easily separated from the gravel by washing and furnishes a marketable paint of fair quality. The nature and arrangement of the materials of these inclined beds indicate that they were brought from the eastward by a torrent-like stream and deposited over a precipitous bank.

It was

In pockets of the gravel and also in the clay that immediately covers the peat, small quantities of vivianite, "blue earth," or phosphate of iron, are found. From one of the largest accumulations of this substance, a tusk or tooth was taken. described as resembling a hog's tusk, except that it was much larger. It may also be added that two mastodon tusks, each measuring eight feet in length, were taken in the spring of 1870, from the northern part of the same drift bed to which the peat belongs and at about the same level.

The reference of the phosphoric acid of the vivianite to vertebrate bones will, therefore, hardly be questioned.

From the above named facts, we seem warranted in concluding that the coniferous wood in question grew in the region where we find it buried. The amount of the wood renders this probable and the nature of the remains forbids any other supposition. In this connection, it is only needful to recall the facts, that cedar berries in notable quantity, and that branching twigs, the veriest spray of the cedar, sometimes still covered with bark, are well preserved in the peat.

We learn furthermore that the date, at which this vegetation grew, was in the closing or Champlain epoch of the Drift period, for it is underlain by stratified drift deposits. A subsidence of the continent below its present level had already occurred, dur

ing which these underlying beds were formed, but there would seem to have been a restoration of this southern border of the drift-swept region at least, to dry land once more, and this restoration must have continued through a period of considerable length. It was followed by another movement of depression, during which the highest of the yellow clays, the latest formation of the drift, were deposited. There seem materials in this line of facts for a more orderly division of the later formed deposits of the post-tertiary than has heretofore been recognized.

We also learn that mammalian life was associated with this intercalated period of vegetable growth. The mammoth and the mastodon subsisted on the coniferous wood which is represented so largely here. The series of changes in level already referred to, must have exterminated these earlier representatives of elephantine life, but we find the same species returning to their old dwelling places when the waters of the drift seas had finally abated.


ART. IX. On the Theoretical Temperature of the Sun; under the Hypothesis of a Gaseous Mass maintaining its Volume by its Internal Heat, and depending on the Laws of Gases as known to Terrestrial Experiment; by J. HOMER LANE, Washington, D. C.

[Read before the National Academy of Sciences at the session of April 13-16, 1869.]

MANY years have passed since the suggestion was thrown out by Helmholtz, and afterwards by others, that the present volume of the sun is maintained by his internal heat, and may become less in time. Upon this hypothesis it was proposed to account for the renewal of the heat radiated from the sun, by means of the mechanical power of the sun's mass descending toward his center. Calculations made by Prof. Pierce, and I believe by others, have shown that this provides a supply of heat far greater than it is possible to attribute to the meteoric theory of Prof. Wm. Thomson, which, I understand, has been abandoned by Prof. Thomson himself as not reconcilable with astronomical facts. Some years ago the question occurred to me in connection with this theory of Helmholtz whether the entire mass of the sun might not be a mixture of transparent gases, and whether Herschel's clouds might not arise from the precipitation of some of these gases, say carbon, near the surface, with their revaporization when fallen or carried into the hotter subjacent layers of atmosphere beneath; the circulation necessary for the play of this Espian theory being of course maintained by the constant disturbance of equilibrium due to the loss of

heat by radiation from the precipitated clouds. Prof. Espy's theory of storms I first became acquainted with more than twenty years ago from lectures delivered by himself, and, original as I suppose it to be, and well supported as it is in the phenomena of terrestrial meteorology, I have long thought that Prof. Espy's labors deserve a more general recognition than they have received abroad. It is not surprising, therefore, in a time when the constitution of the sun was exciting so much discussion, that the above suggestions should have occurred to myself before I became aware of the very similar, and in the main identical, views of Prof. Faye, put forth in the Comptes Rendus. I sought to determine how far such a supposed constitution of the sun could be made to connect with the laws of the gases as known to us in terrestrial experiments at common temperatures. Some calculations based upon conjectures of the highest temperature and least density thought supposable at the sun's photosphere led me to the conclusion that it was extremely difficult, if not impossible, to make out the connection in a credible manner. Nevertheless, I mentioned my ideas to Prof. Henry, Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, when he immediately referred me to a number of the Comptes Rendus, then recently received, containing Faye's exposition of his theory. Of course nothing is further from my purpose than to make any kind of claim to any thing in that publication. After becoming acquainted with his labors I still regarded the theory as seriously lacking, in its physical or mechanical aspect, the direct support of confirmatory observations, and even as being subject to grave difficulty in that direction. In this attitude I allowed the subject to rest until my friend Dr. Craig, in charge of the Chemical Laboratory of the Surgeon General's office, without any knowledge of Faye's memoir, or of my own suggestions previously made to Prof. Henry and another scientific friend, fell upon the same ideas of the sun's constitution, availing himself, precisely as I had done, of Espy's theory of storms. Dr. Craig's ideas were communicated to a company of scientific gentlemen early last spring, and soon after, Prof. Newcomb, of the U. S. Naval Observatory, entered into a general survey of the nebular hypothesis. These communications of Dr. Craig and Prof. Newcomb led me to enter into a renewed examination of the mechanical embarrassment under which I had believed the theory to labor. Not any longer relying on my first rough estimate based on assumed high temperatures at the photosphere, the question was now inverted. Assuming the gaseous constitution, and assuming the laws expressed in Poisson's formulæ, known to govern the constitution of gases at common temperatures and densities, what shall we find to be the temperatures and densities corresponding to the observed volume of the sun supposing

it were composed of some known gas such as hydrogen, or supposing it to be composed of such a mixture of gases as would be represented by common air. Pure hydrogen will, of course, give us the lowest temperature of all known substances, under the general hypothesis.

The question was resolved, and the results were communicated in graphical and numerical form in May or June last to two or three scientific friends, but their publication has been delayed by an unavoidable absence of several months from home.

Premising that the unit of density shall correspond to a unit of mass in the cube of the unit of length, the unit of force to the force of terrestrial gravity in the unit of mass, and the unit of pressure or elasticity in the gas to the unit of force on a surface equal to the square of the unit of length:

Let r=1

the distance of an element of the sun's mass from the sun's center,

t=the temperature of the element,

at its atmospheric subtangent, referred to the force of gravity at the earth's surface, or height of the column of homogeneous gas, whose terrestrial gravitating force would equal its elasticity,

g=its density, or mass of its unit volume,

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force of terrestrial gravity in its unit volume, got its elasticity, or elastic force per unit surface,

M r2

m R2

R=the earth's radius,

M=the earth's mass,

m=the mass of the part of the sun's body contained in the concentric sphere whose radius is r,

ot the subtangent of the gas under its actual gravitat

ing force in the sun.

The condition of equilibrium between the gravitating force of a thin horizontal layer of gas whose thickness is dr, and the difference of elastic force between its lower and upper surfaces, is expressed by the equation,

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Under the hypothesis that the law of Mariotte and the law of Poisson prevail throughout the whole mass, and that this mass is in convective equilibrium, we have

σ = a constant,
t=4 ok−1 *

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t representing the value of t in the part of the mass where the density is a unit.

The theoretical difficulties which, if the supply of solar heat

* k represents the ratio of the specific heat of a gas under constant pressure to its specific heat under constant volume.

is to be kept up by the potential due to the mutual approach of the parts of the sun's mass consequent on the loss of heat by radiation, come in when we suppose a material departure from these laws of Mariotte and of Poisson at the extreme temperatures and pressures in the sun's body, or how far such difficulties intervene, will be considered further on.

By means of the constant value of σ, and the value of t given in (1), the above differential equation is transformed into

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ko Mto





0 r2

in which g, is the value of 9 at the sun's center.

We have also

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In equations (6) and (7) it is plain that upon the value of k alone depends: first the form of the curve that expresses the

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value of for each value of x; secondly, the value of the

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upper limit of a corresponding to £=0; and thirdly, the cor

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responding value of . These limiting, or terminal, values of x and, cannot be found except by calculating the curve, for equations (6) and (7) seem incapable of being reduced to a complete general integral. But when these values have been found for any proposed value of k, they may be introduced once for all into equations (4) and (5), from which the values of 201 of a ti, are at once deduced.


I have made these calculations for two different assumed values of k, viz., k=14, which is near the experimental value

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