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I may mention here that my friend Dr. Craig, in an unpublished paper, following the hint thrown out by Frankland, is disposed to favor the idea that the sun's radiation may be the radiation of hot gases instead of clouds. At present I shall offer no opinion on that point one way or the other, but will only state it as my impression that if the theory of precipitated clouds, as above presented, is the true one, something quite unlike our present experimental knowledge, or at least much beyond it, is needed to make it intelligible.

The first hypothesis which offers itself in an attempt to make the theory rational is suggested by one point in Clausius' theory of the constitution of the gases, already alluded to. In forming his theory Clausius found that the known specific heats of the gases are all much too great for free simple atoms impinging on one another, and he therefore introduced the hypothesis of compound molecules, each compound molecule being a system of atoms oscillating among each other under forces of mutual attraction. Now if this were accepted as the actual constitution of the gases it is of course easy enough to conceive that in the fierce collisions of these compound molecules with each other at the temperatures supposed to exist in the sun's body, their component atoms might be torn asunder, and might thenceforth move as free simple molecules. In this case, still retaining the hypothesis of Clausius' theory, that the average length of the path described by each between collisions is large compared with the diameter of the sphere of effective attraction or repulsion of atom for atom, the value of k would reach its maximum of 13. Experiment has not shown us any gas in this condition, and for the present it is hypothetical. Even in hydrogen the value of k does not materially, if any, exceed the value of 14 which it has in air. But if it were found that the hydrogen molecule is compound, and that in the body of the sun the heat splits this molecule into two equal simple atoms, and in fact that all the matter in the sun's body is split into simple free atoms equally as small, then, while the value of k would be 14, the value of a would be about 1600 feet. If with these values we repeat the calculation of the density of the layer of 54000° Fah. we find its specific gravity to be 0.000363 of that of water, or 4.35 times that of hydrogen gas at common temperature and pressure and in its known condition, or 87 times that which the hydrogen in the hypothetic condition would have if it retained that condition at common temperature and pressure. We find also that the mechanical equivalent of all the heat that a cubic foot of the layer would give out in cooling down, under pressure, to zero, would be no less than 13,500,000 foot pounds. Instead, therefore, of a layer ten miles thick, it would now require only a thickness of 38 feet

to give out, in cooling down to zero, twice the heat emitted by the sun in one minute. It will be seen, (equations (17) and (19)), that this thickness, retaining the constant value k=13, would diminish with the 2 power of the masses of the atoms into which the sun's body is hypothetically resolved (the reciprocal of the value of o), and I leave each to form his own impression how far this view leads towards verisimilitude.

It is important to add that the depth of the layer of 54000° Fah. below the theoretic upper limit of atmosphere, when calculated with value k=14, 0=800 feet, comes out only 1107 miles, and with the values k=1 and o=1600 feet only 1581 miles. This calculation of the depth, unlike the other results above, may be said to be independent of the question of the constitution of the sun's interior mass. It is alike difficult, on any plausible hypothesis, to reconcile a temperature no higher than 54000° Fah. with any perceptible atmosphere extending many thousand miles above, and yet no less an authority than Prof. Peirce has assigned a hundred thousand miles as the height of the solar atmosphere above the photosphere, at the same time, however, pointing out the enormous temperature which, under convective equilibrium, this would imply at the level of the photosphere. But all are not yet agreed that the appearances seen at such distances from the sun are proof of the existence of a true atmosphere there. It will be seen that the numbers I give above were obtained from a first hypothesis of an atmospheric limit 20,000 miles above the photosphere, but for the purpose of this paper it is of no consequence to repeat the calculation from a different limit.

It is, I believe, recognized on theoretical grounds that in an atmosphere containing a mixture of gases of unequal density the lighter gases might be expected to diffuse in greater proportion into the higher parts of the atmosphere and the heavier gases into the lower parts. But perhaps the supposed circulation which the emission of heat maintains within the photosphere must renew mixture at a rate sufficient to mask the rate which theory would assign for diffusion. I have not attempted a theoretic comparison between these two tendences. It will suffice here to repeat that the above numerical results, so far as they may be thought to give countenance to the theory in its mechanical aspect, require that the entire inner mass of the sun shall have, at a mean, (in the supposed state of dissociation), the very small atomic weight specified. We may notice in this connection the uniform proportion of oxygen and nitrogen gases in our atmosphere at the height of four miles or more at which the analysis has been made. Without having gone into a critical examination of the question, I suppose that at that height the proportion of oxygen which the theory of diffusive equili

brium would assign is notably diminished, and that it would be found that the circulation of the air is sufficiently active to mask the theoretic rate of diffusion.

The second hypothesis which might offer itself in an attempt to make the theory rational, but which a very little reflection is, I think, sufficient to set aside, is that which would modify Clausius' theory of the gases by assuming that in the sun's body the average length of the excursion made by each molecule between two consecutive collisions, becomes very short compared with the radius of the sphere of repulsion of molecule for molecule, and with the average distance of their centers at nearest approach. This way of harmonizing the actual volume of the sun with such a temperature as 54000° Fah. in the photosphere, and with the smallest density which we can credit in the photosphere, would involve the consequence that the existing density of almost the entire mass of the sun is very nearly uniform and at its maximum possible, or at all events that any further sensible amount of collapse must be productive of but a very small amount, comparatively, of renewed supplies of heat, for the obvious reason that this hyphothesis carries with it almost the entire neutralization of the force of gravity by the forces of molecular repulsion. In like manner it involves the consequence that in any such small contraction of the photosphere as can have taken place within the history of total eclipses, it is but a very small fraction of the sun's mass, near its surface, that can have taken part in the collapse to any thing like a proportionate extent. Hence it also extremely restricts the period during which we could suppose the sun to have existed under anything like its present visible magnitude in the past, consistently with the production in the way supposed of the supplies of heat it has been sending Another thing involved in this second hypothesis is the fact which Prof. Peirce has pointed out to the Academy, viz.: that the existing molecular repulsion in the sun's body would immensely exceed such as would be indicated by the modulus of elasticity of any form of matter known to us.


In conclusion, I do not mean to say that there is any invinci ble logical exclusion of any law of the action of gases different from what is specified or alluded to above. I only mean that, so far as I can see, any theory of heat which is based simply and solely upon molecular attraction and repulsion dependent on molecular distance alone, cannot in its application to the sun, escape from the conditions indicated in this paper. It is certainly not absurd to imagine heat to be an agent of some kind so constituted that it cannot be thus represented by the sole conditions of motion and of molecular attraction and repulsion, but yet so constituted that in its effects upon matter it follows

the conditions of mechanical equivalency as defined by Joule. In fact, such exceptional cases as the expansion of water in freezing seem to favor such a view, though the range of that phenomenon is very limited. One way of forming a mechanical representation of such a constitution would be by associating molecular motion with the mechanical powers, either with or without molecular attraction or repulsion; the manner in which the imagined mechanical power (or link) attaches itself to the molecules which it connects-so as to make their motion determine their mutual approach or recession or change of relative direction-being dependent on the existing motions and other conditions in such a way as to produce the observed phenomena. The possibility of such a mechanical representation is sufficient to show that such a supposed constitution is not logically excluded, but to accept such a mechanical representation as a physical fact is quite another matter, and, as it seems to me, a very difficult one. Of course this difficulty does not present itself when we suppose that heat is not motion.

ART. X.-On the mode of observing the coming Transits of Venus; by SIMON NEWCOMB.*

Transits of Venus over the disk of the sun have more than any other celestial phenomena occupied the attention and called forth the energies of the astronomical world. In the last century they furnished the only means known of learning the distance of the sun with an approach to accuracy, and were therefore looked for with an interest corresponding to the importance of this element. Although other methods of arriving at this knowledge with about equal accuracy are now known, the rarity of the phenomenon in question insures for it an amount of attention which no other system of observation can command As the rival method, that of observations of Mars at favorable times, requires, equally with this, the general coöperation of astronomers, the power of securing this coöperation does in itself give the transits of Venus an advantage they would not otherwise possess.

Although the next transit does not occur for four years, the preliminary arrangements for its observation are already being made by the governments and scientific organizations of Europe. It is not likely that our government will be backward in furnishing the means to enable its astronomers to take part in this work. The principal dangers are, I apprehened, those of setting out with insufficient preparation, with unmatured plans

* Read before the National Academy of Sciences, April 13, 1870.

of observation, and without a good system of coöperation among the several parties. For this reason I beg leave to call the attention of the Academy to a discussion of the measures by which we may hope for an accurate result.

In planning determinations of the solar parallax from the transits of Venus, it has until lately been the custom to depend entirely upon observations of the internal contact of the limbs of the sun and planet, as proposed by Halley. It is a little remarkable that while astronomical observations in general have attained a degree of accuracy wholly unthought of in the time of Halley, this particular observation has never been made with a precision at all approaching that which Halley believed that he himself had actually attained. In his paper he states that he was sure of the time of the internal contact of Mercury and and the sun within a second.* The latest observations of a transit of Mercury, made in November, 1868, are, as we shall presently see, uncertain by several seconds. It is also well known that the observations of the last transit of Venus, that of June, 1769, failed to fix the solar parallax with the certainty which was looked for, the result of the standard discussion being now known to be erroneous by one-thirtieth of its entire


The discrepancies which have always been found in the class of observations referred to, when the results of different observers have been compared, have been generally attributed to the effect of irradiation. The phenomenon of irradiation presents itself in this form: When we view a bright body, projected upon a dark ground, the apparent contour of the bright body projects beyond its actual contour. It may be generalized as follows:-A lucid point, however viewed, presents itself to the sense, not as a mathematical point, but as a disc of appreciable extent, and, usually, of irregular outline. But, for our present purposes the form of the disc may be considered circular. Its outline is necessarily quite indefinite, and its magnitude increases with the brilliancy of the point. A bright body, being composed of an infinity of lucid points, its apparent enlargement is an evident result of this law.

The following diagrams show the effect of this law upon the time of internal contact of a planet with the disk of the sun. The planet being supposed to approach the solar disk, figure 1 shows the geometrical form of a portion of the apparent surface of the sun, or the phenomenon as it would be if there were no irradiation immediately before the moment of internal contact. Figure 2 shows the corresponding appearance immediately after the contact. To indicate the effect of irradiation, or to show the phenomenon as it will actually appear on the theory of irra

* Philosophical Transactions, No. 348, p. 454.

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