on-those-who-have-a- thousand-times-wrung-the-fibres of-a-mother's - heart-and-setat - nought - her - tears-of-anguish, - trampled - under - foot all-the-sanctities - of- home,and-slept-sound,-and- laughed,and - sung - and - drunk,- spite of-the- haunting - spectacle-ofthe comprehensive - ruin - they bave - spread - around - them. That He This Then the frog out-of-this-world- and - disappears - so that we do - not see - even - his shadow - till plop!-be-is-among-us-againwhen-we-least - expect - him. Does know where-be-goes- to? cares what-the-frog- does? know on. · you - have - gone - further See what a morsel - you have missed-with-your-wonderings-about- nothing. don't know how-to-explain- it. can judge for yourself what is just what-I-was-afraid-of. contented himself with talking over what he had-done-andwhere-be-had- been. is always the way with you foolish fellows who think you can-fathom - and - investigate everything. told how-he-had- lingered-bythe-edge-of-the-pond-in-thevain-hope- of- his - approach ;how - he had - hopped - about in-the-grass;- how - he had peeped-among-the-bulrushes. |