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Transylvania, or in Britain; and to this, rather than to Trinitarianism, or to Unitarianism, it ought to be imputed." 2d edit. p. 146.

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from the pestilential brood of heretical and rebellious fanatics, who called themselves Independents, or from the mad adherents of Thomas Venuer, or from the high-church mobs of Sacheverel and Birming ham, notwithstanding, from that part of the preceding quotation which we have printed in Italic characters, he appears to be "agreed with them on the article of baptism.”

We proceed to make a few extracts relative to the closing scenes of the life of this excellent man,

"The year 1564, when he entered on his eternal felicity, occasioned a deep and

Mr. Mackenzie entertains his readers with the old fable of the DESCENT of the present Baptists from the Anabaptists of Munster; which is just as true as that the present Independents are DESCENDED from the fanatics under Thomas Venner. He, however, politely adds, "While it is impossible to contemplate the conduct of these fanatics without feeling the glow of indignation, it is important to guard against a disposition to transfer our disgust to those who are dis-lasting grief to Geneva. On the second tinguished by the same denomination in the present day. Justice, however, requires us to CONFESS, that they are as far removed from every thing offensive in the conduct of the fanatics of Munster, asthey are agreed with them on the article of baptism. It would indeed be equally just to reproach the present Americans, on the ground of the charac ter and circumstances of their remote ancestors."

of February he delivered his last sermon, and, on the same day, his last theologi, cal lecture. His asthma depriving him of the use of his voice, he abstained from all the functions of his charge. He was indeed sometimes carried to the congre gation, but seldom spoke.

"In a letter which he wrote to the physicians of Montpellier, he gave an account of the maladies, which his vari ous labours of body and of mind had We can scarcely refrain from brought upon him. For, besides being laughing out aloud at these self-im- of a dry and feeble temperament, and portant and self-complacent airs. strongly inclined to consumption, he slept very unsoundly.. During ten years Surely Mr. Mackenzie forgets, that at least he ate no dinner, taking no nou as great odium has been attached rishment until supper-time. He was subto the term Independent, as was ject to a head-ache, the only remedy for ever attached to that of Anabaptist; which was fasting; on account of which and that in the Indices Hæretici of he remained sometimes thirty-six hours the last two centuries, the Indepen-without eating. He was also frequently dents are described as a pestilential brood of heretical and rebellious fanatics. So great was “the odium of sedition and anarchy charged on this sect, that the true and genuine Independents renounced this title, and called themselves Congregational Brethren, and their religious assemblies Congregational Churches."* We are obliged to Mr. Mackenzie for feeling the importance of guarding against a disposition to transfer his disgust to the modern Baptists; but we should have been still more obliged to him if he had not felt the necessity of it. For our parts, we feel no necessity of being upon our guard against a disposition to transfer our disgust to Mr. Mackenzie from the followers of Wat Tyler and Jack Cade, or

* Rees's edition of Chambers's Cy clop. Art. Independents,

attacked by the hemorrhoids, which were brought on partly by his efforts in preaching, and partly by the excessive use of aloes; and five years before his death he was seized with a spitting of blood. He was no sooner cured of the quartan ague than he was attacked by the gout: he was afterwards afflicted with the cholic,

and a few months before his death with the stone. The physicians exhausted their art upon him, and no man ever observed their instructions with more regularity. But as to what relates to the labours of the mind, he had so little respect to his health, that the most violent head

aches never prevented his appearance in the pulpit in his turn.

"Afflicted, however, as he was, by so many maladies, he was never known to tian, or even of a man of constancy and pronounce word unworthy of a Chriscourage. In his greatest agonies, lifting his eyes to heaven, he was accustomed only to repeat the words, How long, Lord?' When in health, he frequently

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"On the 10th of March, being dressed, and seated before the table at which he was accustomed to write, he was visited by Beza, and other friends. Upon seeing them, he leaned his head upon one of his hands, apparently meditating, and addressed them in a low voice, but with a cheerful and open countenance; saying, I return you my thanks, my very dear brethren, for all the care you take of me.. I hope you will soon be relieved from it, and that in a fortnight I shall assist in your assembly for the last time; for I think that after that time, the Lord will remove me from this world, and raise me to his paradise.'"

We could gladly have transcribed many other particulars; but our room will not permit; we pass on, therefore, to the account of his death.

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To admit all the persons who wished to express their regret at the prospect of losing him, the door of his chamber must have been open night and day. But as he spoke with difficulty, be requested

that his friends would be contented to pray to God for him, and spare themselves the trouble of visiting him. On being visited by his intimate and highly valued friend Beza, he informed him, that he made it a matter of conscience not to divert him in the smallest degree from the duties of his charge, so much had he the interests of the church and the glory of God at heart. In this state he continued, until the 19th of May, exhibiting a perfect resignation, and comforting his friends. And as on this day they were accustomed to partake of a meal together, in token of their intimate friendship, he was anxious that they should sup in the hall of his house: and being carried thither from his chamber, he made use of these words on entering: I am come to see you, my brethren, and to seat myself at table with you for the Jast time. He then offered up the usual prayer, ate a little, and discoursed in a manner worthy of his piety, and of his zeal and when his weakness obliged him to retire to his chamber, looking at the company, with a smile, This wall,' said he, will not prevent my being united with you in spirit.'

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"What he had predicted, happened; for until this day, however weak, he had

never failed to rise, and to be placed before his table. But after this night he remained confined to his bed, so thin and exhausted, that breath only remained, though his face was not much altered.

"On the day of bis death, which was the 24th of May, he appeared to speak with less difficulty, and more strength. But it was the last effort of nature. About eight o'clock in the evening, the signs of death appeared evidently in his face: he continued speaking, however, with great propriety, until his last breath. when he appeared rather to fall asleep than die."

His works, published at Geneva, comprehended twelve volumes in folio; which the edition of Amster dam, 1667, has reduced to nine.

He was held in the highest veneration by the foreign reformed churches, and not less so by the most celebrated divines of the church of England. Witness the exalted testimonies given of him by Bishop Andrews, Bishop Bilson, Mr. Hooker, Bishop Morton, Bishop by Dr. John Edwards for this purStilling fleet, and many others, cited pose, in his Veritas redux.

Dr. Hoyle, who wrote under the patronage of Archbishop Usher, says of Calvin, "What shall I speak of his indefatigable industry, almost beyond the power of nature, which, paralleled with our loitering, will, I fear, exceed all credit? It may be the truest object of admiration, how one lean, worn, spent, and wearied body could hold out. He read every week of the year through three divinity lectures; every other week, over and above, he preached every day: So that (as Erasmus said of

Chrysostom) I know not whether more to admire his constancy, or theirs that heard him. Some have reckoned his yearly lectures to be 186,

and his yearly sermons 286. Every Thurday he sat in the presbytery. Every Friday, when the ministers met to confer upon difficult texts, he made as good as a lecture. Besides all this, there was scarce a day that exercised him not in answering, either by word of mouth, or writing, the doubts and questions of different churches and pastors; so that he might say with Paul, 'The care of all the churches licth upon me.' Not a year passed wherein,

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That is, "Since the time of Christ, if we omit the writings of the apostles, no age has produced a book equal to it."*

Mr. Bruce deserves well of every friend to youth; for while he is anxious to improve and amuse, it is his carnest endeavour to implant the great principles of the Christian religion.

This edition has been enlarged and improved. As future editions may be called for, we take the liberty of turning the attention of the worthy compiler, to what we judge defects in this excellent work.

In many instances, the authorities for the anecdote are given either diWe hope our readers will pardon rectly or indirectly. In our opinion, the length of this article: but, in the work from which the incident our opinion, the eminence of the was borrowed, or the authority from person whose life is here recorded which it was derived, should, in all required it. We shall close the cases have been distinctly and promiwhole with saying, that the late Mr.nently given. No weight of characFuller of Kettering, preferred Cal-ter, on the part of the compiler, can vin's Commentaries on the Scrip- supply this deficiency, in a collectures to all others.

Bruce's Juvenile Anecdotes. Second

Edition. Price 4s. 6d.

ALL the anecdotes in the little Book to which we here call the attention of our readers, are strictly true, and are either taken from respectable publications, or supplied from unquestionable authorities: Mr. Bruce only claims the praise of selecting and arranging the materials. The advantages of such a compilation are very evident. Youth are. furnished with a number of striking incidents of various kinds, written with studied brevity, and placed in a simple and perspicuous order. The intrinsic worth of the stories themselves is very great. In so various an assemblage, all cannot be thought to have equal claims on the approbation and taste of youth; but we can say, that, after a careful perusal of the book, we found nothing unworthy of a Christian minister to publish, or of a Christian parent to recommend to his children. Some of them are truly affecting, and are calculated to excite the attention, to purify the heart, to illuminate the mind, and to expand the best feelings of juvenile readers.

A good translation of this work, by Mr. Allen, of Hackney, has been reviewed in this Magazine.

tion of materials so multifarious,

Another defect in this valuable work relates to the composition of the whole. Every incident should have been reported, if practicable, in the very style and words of the writers from whom it is taken. This would have introduced an incredible variety into a compilation, which, in its present form, bears the impression of the same plastic hand throughout. The author might have taken a few liberties with his ori

ginal authorities, when grammar or perspicuity required it; but much would have been gained by leaving many of his incidents in their first garb, and with their natural tongue.

Another fault we take the freedom of stating is, the manner in which the author brings forward his own reflections, directions, and warnings. They are, perhaps, on the whole, too numerous, and not always expressed with the greatest brevity; and, (which is a circumstance the most unpleasant to us,) they cannot be always separated with facility from the Anecdotes themselves. In some instances, we found it difficult to decide whether Mr. Bruce, or some other person, was the speaker.

On the whole, we consider this little work as doing much honour to the talents, piety, and zeal of the author, and as admirably calculated for the perusal of youth.

Missionary Retrospect and Foreign Intelligence.


Extracts from a Letter of Mr. Sutton, to

a Friend in England. Serampore, April 6, 1818.

OUR voyage hither was, on the whole, pretty favourable; we had not much rough weather, though we experienced several severe squalls. The last week but one, before we landed, was by far the most tedious and dangerous. We were, for a whole week, driving about on the sands, at the head of the Bay of Bengal, and knew not where we were. That we were near some land was evident; for the water was very muddy, (a thing we had not seen before, since we left our native country,) and we could sometimes find the bottom at seven fathoms. Our hearts at times sunk within us; we feared that, perhaps, at last, a watery grave would be our portion; but in the midst of all, we found our consolation in God; we stayed ourselves up on him who holds the winds in his fists, and measures the waters in the hollow of his hand. Oh, what a solace is religion in the hour of distress! How does it hush to silence the ruffled feelings of the breast, when all around is confusion and dismay! At last, by the good hand of our God, we were led into our right track, and arrived at Calcutta on the morning of the 20th ult. No poor bird, which has broken from its cage, could rejoice and flutter its wings with greater pleasure, when it found itself free in open space, than I did, to find myself once more on terra firma, after three-andtwenty weeks' confinement within a number of planks. On our landing, we first went to Dr. Carey's, in Lall Bazaar, but he was at Serampore; from thence to the younger brethren's house, where we remained till Tuesday the 24th. I am pleased to say, that the cause of God is going on here, and the missionaries are doing much good. Eustace Carey and Yates are preaching very frequently among the natives, in Calcutta; and at Serampore all is bustle and business. I sat down at the ordinance here last evening, when there were upwards of fifty who partook of it, more than thirty of whom were natives. I have had much


conversation with the brethren, respect ing my future station, and I suppose it will be at Cuttack, in Orissa; in expectation of which, I have begun to learn that language. This is a new station; we had a station at Balasore, in Orissa, but Mr. Peters, who resided there, is returned to Calcutta. It will, no doubt, be an arduous post; but a missionary ought to find an arduous post every where. I would not wish to be in any other land but India, though my ideas of its opulence and civilization were greatly over-rated. The darkness is great, Sa tan is triumphing, and there must be strong and united exertions to pull down his strong holds. You can form no cor rect idea of the wretchedness of the inhabitants of this vast continent, without seeing them. Mr. Adam is going off very soon to Surat. Wherever we are situated, it will be the constant desire of our minds, to be at as little expense to the Society as possible; for when the money is collected for the cause of God, he who wantonly spends one shilling of it, in an extravagant manner, is highly criminal, I hope you are all going on comfortably, and that vital religion flourishes in your souls. Without spirituality of mind, what are we fit for in the church of God!

Extracts.-From Mr. Phillips to a Friend in England.

Samarang,* January 2, 1818,

I AM now at Samarang, where I arriv ed on the 9th of November. I spent nine months at Batavia, in learning the Malay language, and set sail on October 2, for Samarang, and after a tedious passage arrived in safety with my family.

I have begun to preach in Malay, in my own house, and have also English worship on Sunday mornings. I have begun the Javanese, and this will furnish employment for some years. Mr. Bruckner informs me that he has a collection of 25,000 words, and that in every new book he reads, he meets with a great number of new ones. I pant to preach

to the Musselmen in Javanese. I long to establish schools for the youth, since it

* A populous town on the eastern part of the island of Java.-ED.

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must be by the dissemination of knowledge among the rising generation, that the almost unlimited power of the Musselmen priests must be destroyed. The work is great and arduous; outward circumstances appear forbidding; but an unshaken confidence in the power of divine grace forbids me to despair. Though, fast bound by the prejudices of superstition, and in the fetters of delusion, the Javanese appear to furnish little ground to hope for their conversion, it is not our province to be dismayed, for "the zeal of the Lord of Hosts shall perform it." Wherever I have been, I have found the natives entirely under the control of their priests and teachers, so that they have not dared to read a tract unless they had first shown it to them, and received their opinion on its contents. These teachers are for the most part very ignorant; their knowledge, in many instances, extending little farther than the ability to read the Koran in the Arabic character, without understanding the meaning of twenty words in it. There is a numerous class of persons who have performed the pilgrimage to Mecca. These men are held in great respect, and live upon the credulity of the people. I asked one of them, what good he had obtained by so long and painful a journey? he replied, that God had commanded it, and he hoped to obtain salvation by it. I endeavoured to convince him that his hope was false, and that a work of that nature could not reconcile God to a sinner. He agreed to every thing I said; still I could not forbear lamenting, that his ideas of the character of God were so incorrect, as to lead him to hope for safety in him as a merciful Being, without once thinking of his justice. Men are ruined in their eternal interests by ignorance of God!

We are all now tolerably well; death | has carried off scores of Europeans of late, but a merciful Providence has preserved us. I am now writing at the table at which Mr. Trowt often sat, when lingering under the dreadful dysentery which carried him off. O that I may follow him in his zeal and devotedness to the cause of God!


Extract of a Letter, dated April 2, 1818, from Mr. W. H. Angus, residing with Mons. Mauniers, Pasteur Reformé.

Hoog-straat, Rotterdam. ANONG other good, men here is a

minister, who is a Dutch Baptist, or Mennonite, and has the character of being a pious and learned man. It is greatly his wish to promote an acquaintance with the English Baptists: for which purpose he would, be glad to open a correspondence with any intelligent person in London, or elsewhere, of that denomination, to interchange communications on the state of religion, &c. This co-operation might extensively promote objects of a public nature for the spread of truth. His name is Mr. Mascaart; and he being a respectable man, and desirous of doing good, I have thought of making an effort through him to recommend the Baptist Mission, and some other benevolent objects, to the churches in the Mennonite_connexion, (which, through Holland, I learn, are both opulent and numerous, particularly in Friesland,) and also to the German Baptists. I wish you, therefore, to forward some copies of Fuller's Abridg ment of the Baptist Mission, Ivimey's History of the Baptists, and any other publications you deem suitable to the design of making this object fully known. Mr. Mascaart informs me, that he has had for some time in MS. a General His tory of the Baptists, in his own writing, but has not yet had an opportunity of printing it. He further states, that most of the literary journals throughout Holland are conducted by ministers of the Mennonite persuasion.



On the death of the late Primate, whe was also Bishop of Constance, the Baron Von Wessenberg, his General Vicar, in the diocese of Constance, was nominated to succeed him. The Pope refused to confirm the nomination; but the Grand Duke of Baden, his Sovereign, maintains him in his situation, in defiance of the Pope's authority; and io so doing he is supported by all the sovereigns of Germany. The Grand Duke of Baden contends, that as Sovereign, he is entitled to nominate to the vacant diocese, and that such nomination ought to be held good, till it be ascertained by competent judges, in partibus, that an improper per son has been chosen. In this case, after the most rigorous inquiry, he has found the Baron Von Wessenberg's qualifica tions of the highest kind, and his conduct to have always been most exemplary; he contends, therefore, that the

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