In and upon the Feasts of, &c. by even and equal Portions; the first Payment thereof to begin and to be made in and upon the first of the Taid Feasts which shall next happen after the Deceases of them the faid T. C. and S. his Wife. And if it shall happen the said Annuity or yearly Rent-charge, or any Part thereof, to be behind and unpaid, in part or in all, by the Space of ten Days next after either of the said FeaftDays or Times of Payment thereof, in which the same should, or of Right ought to be paid as aforesaid; that then and so often, and from Time to Time from thenceforth, it shall and may be lawful to and for the faid R. H. &c. and every of them, their and every of their Heirs and Af figns, into the said Messuage, Tenements, Lands, Hereditaments and Premisses above-mentioned, or into any Part thereof, to enter and distrain, and the Distress and Distresses to lead, drive, carry away and impound, and in Pound to detain, until they and every of them of the said Annuity and yearly Rent-charge, and of the Arrearages thereof, and of every Part thereof, if any hall happen to be, shall be fully fatisfied, contented and paid. And the said T. C. for himself, his Heirs and Assigns, and for every of them, doth covenant and grant to and with the faid R. H. &c. their Heirs and Afsigns, and to and with every of them by these Presents, That the said Messuage, &c. and every Part and Parcel thereof, with the Appurtenances, shall and may from Time to Time, and at all Times, from and after the Decease of the Survivor of them the faid T. C. and S. his Wife, for ever thenceafter be liable, overt and sufficient to and for the Distress and Distresses of the said R. H. &c. their Heirs and Afsigns, to and for the fatisfying of the faid Annuity or yearly Rent-charge above-mentioned, according to the Purport of these Presents. And that the Heirs and Assigns of the said T. С. and every of them shall and will yearly and every Year from and immediately after the Decease of the Survivor of them the faid T. C. and S. his Wife for ever thence after well and truly pay or cause to be paid to the said R. H. &c. their Heirs and Assigns, the said Annuity or Rent Charge above-mentioned at the Days and Times of Payment thereof aforesaid for that Purpose above expressed, according to the true Intent and Meaning of these Presents. Provided always, and it › is hereby covenanted, granted, concluded and agreed upon, by and between the said Parties to these Presents, their Heirs and Affigns; That the faid Annuity or yearly Rent-charge from and after the Deceases of them the said T. C. and S. his Wife, yearly for ever thenceafter, shall be paid by the said R. H. &c. their Heirs and Afsigns, to fuch and fo many poor People as shall from Time to Time be inhabiting in, &c. aforefaid, and which shall want Relief and Maintenance, and shall be chargeable to the said Parish of, &c. in and upon the Feasts of, &c. or within twelve Days next after either of the said Feafts in such Manner as the said R. H. &c. or the greater Number of them shall think fit. Provided moreover, and it is further covenanted, granted, concluded and agreed by and between the faid Parties to these Presents, their Heirs and Assigns, that the two Survivors of them the faid R. H. &c. shall and will within three Months next after the Deceases of the two first of them the said R. H. &c. grant and assign over the said Annuity or yearly Rent-Charge, with Power of Distresses therefore as aforesaid, to four others of the the chiefeft and ablest Persons of the Parish of, c. their Heirs and Affigns; and after the Deceases of any two of them, then the two faid surviving Persons hall and will grant and assign over the faid Annuity or yearly Rent-charge, with Distresses therefore as aforesaid to four others, to the chiefest and ablest Persons that shall be inhabiting in, &c. aforefaid: And fo from Time to Time, for ever hereafter, the like Grants and AG signments shall be made of the faid Annuity or yearly Rent-charge and Distresses therefore as aforesaid; to the End and Purpose that the faid Annuity or yearly Rent-charge may be the better disposed for the Purposes aforesaid. In Witness, &c. A Grant and Confirmation of an Advowson. TH His Indenture made, &c. Between W. S. of, &c. of the one Part, and J. W. of, &c. of the other Part; Witnesseth, That the faid W. S. for and in Confideration of, &c. to him in Hand paid by the faid J. W. the Receipt whereof he doth hereby confess and acknowledge; and for divers others good Causes and Confiderations him thereunto moving, bath granted, bargained and fold, aliened, remised, released and confirmed, and by these Presents doth grant, &c. unto the faid J. W. All that the Advowson, Nomination, Presentation and Right of Patronage of the Parish Church of, &c. with all and singular its Rights, Members and Appurtenances: And also the Reversion and Reversions, &c. of the faid Advowson, Nomination, Presentation and Right of Patronage of the faid Church; and also all the Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Claim and Demand whatsoever of him the said W. S. of, in and to the the faid Advowson and Premisses, and also all Deeds &c. together with true Copies of all other Deeds &c. To have and to hold all and fingular the faid Advowson and Premifles, and every Part thereof, unto the faid J. W. his Heirs and Af figns, to the only proper Ufe and Behoof of the faid F. W his Heirs and Afsigns for ever... And the laid W. S. for him and his Heirs all and fingular the faid Advowson and Premisses, and every Part thereof against him and his Heirs, and againft all and every other Perfon and Perfons whatsoever unto the faid J. W. his Heirs and Afsigns, shall and will warrant and for ever defend by these Presents. And the faid W. S.& for himself, his Heirs and Affigns, doth covenant and grant to and with the said J. W, his Heirs and Affigns, that he the faid W. S. now is the true, rightful and lawful Owner of the said Advowson and Premisses, and every Part thereof. And also, that he the faid W. S. now is rightfully and lawfully seized of the said Advowson and Premiffes, and every Part thereof, as of Fee without any Manner of Condition, Mortgage, or any other Limitation, of any Manner of Ufe or Ufes, to alter, change, charge or determine the fame, and without any Reversion or Remainder thereof, or of any Fart thereof, being in our Sovereign Lady the Queen's Majesty, her Heirs or Succeffors. And also, That he the faid W. S. hath good Right, full Power, and lawful Authority in his own Right, to grant and convey the said Advowson and Premifses, with the Appurtenances, unto the faid J. W. his Heirs and Assigns, for ever, according to the true Intent and Meaning of these Presents. And also, That the faid J. W. his Heirs and Affigas, shall and may from Time to Time, and at all Times hereafter, peaceably and quietly have, i hold, hold, occupy, possess and enjoy the faid Advowfon and Premisses above-mentioned, and every Part and Parcel thereof, with the Appurtenances, without the Let, Trouble, Hinderance, Moleftation, Interruption and Denial of him the faid W. S. his Heirs or Assigns, or of any other Person or Persons whatsoever. And that freed and difcharged, &c. And further, That he the said W. S. and his Heirs, and all and every other Person and Persons, and his and their Heirs, any Thing having or claiming in the said Advowson and Premisses, or any Part thereof, shall and will from Time to Time, and at all Times hereafter, upon the reasonable Request, and at the Costs and Charges of the said J. W. his Heirs and Affigns, make, do and execute, or cause or procure to be made, &c. All and every such further and other lawful and reasonable Grants, Acts and Assurances in the Law whatsoever, for the further, better and more perfect granting and affuring of the said Advowson, and all and fingular other the Premisses above-mentioned, with the Appurtenances, unto the said J. W. his Heirs and Afsigns, to the only proper Ufe and Behoof of the faid J. W. his Heirs and Assigns for ever, according to the true Intent and Meaning of these Presents, as by the faid J. W. his Heirs or Assigns, or his or their Council Learned in the Law mall be reasonably devised or advised and required. In Witness, &c. |